        <div id="message_content_wrapper">
            {% if owner %}
            <h3>Your booking is about to expire</h3>
            <p>Your booking will expire within 48 hours ({{booking.end}}).</p>
            {% else %}
            <h3>A booking that you collaborate on is about to expire</h3>
            <p>The booking owned by {{booking.owner.username}} that you work on is about to expire</p>
            {% endif %}
            <p>Please take the time to backup all data or extend the booking if needed.</p>
            <p>Booking information:</p>
                <li>owner: {{booking.owner.username}}</li>
                <li>id: {{booking.id}}</li>
                <li>lab: {{booking.resource.template.lab.lab_user.username}}</li>
                <li>resource: {{booking.resource.template.name}}</li>
                <li>start: {{booking.start}}</li>
                <li>end: {{booking.end}}</li>
                <li>purpose: {{booking.purpose}}</li>
                        {% for user in booking.collaborators.all %}
                        {% empty %}
                        <li>No collaborators</li>
                        {% endfor %}

            <p>You can find more detailed information <a href=/booking/detail/{{booking.id}}/>Here</a></p>