{% if owner %}

Your Booking Has Expired.

Your booking has ended and the machines have been cleaned up.

Thank you for working on {{booking.lab.project}}, and feel free to book more machines if you need them.

{% else %}

A Booking That You Collaborated on Has Expired.

The booking owned by {{booking.owner.username}} that you worked on has ended.

Thank you for contributing to {{booking.lab.project}}.

{% endif %}
{% for user in booking.collaborators.all %} {% empty %} {% endfor %}
Booking Information:
Owner: {{booking.owner.username}}
id: {{booking.id}}
lab: {{booking.resource.template.lab.lab_user.username}}
resource: {{booking.resource.template.name}}
start: {{booking.start}}
end: {{booking.end}}
purpose: {{booking.purpose}}
collaborator{% booking.collaborators.all.count|pluralize:"s" %}:
No collaborators