{% extends "base.html" %} {% load staticfiles %} {% load bootstrap4 %} {% block extrahead %} {{block.super}} {% endblock %} {% block content %}


Purpose {{ booking.purpose }}
Project {{ booking.project }}
Start Time {{ booking.start }}
End Time {{ booking.end }}
Pod Definition {{ booking.resource.template }}
Pod Configuration {{ booking.config_bundle }}
Lab Deployed At {{ booking.lab }}


{% for host in booking.resource.get_resources %}


Hostname: {{host.name}}
Machine: {{host.name}}
Role: {{host.template.opnfvRole}}
Image: {{host.config.Image}}
RAM: {{host.profile.ramprofile.first.amount}}G, {{host.profile.ramprofile.first.channels}} channels
Arch: {{host.profile.cpuprofile.first.architecture}}
Cores: {{host.profile.cpuprofile.first.cores}}
Sockets: {{host.profile.cpuprofile.first.cpus}}
Size: {{host.profile.storageprofile.first.size}} GiB
Type: {{host.profile.storageprofile.first.media_type}}
Mount Point: {{host.profile.storageprofile.first.name}}
Interfaces: {% for intprof in host.profile.interfaceprofile.all %} {% endfor %}
Name: {{intprof.name}}
Speed: {{intprof.speed}}
{% endfor %}

Deployment Progress

These are the different tasks that have to be completed before your deployment is ready

{% for task in booking.job.get_tasklist %} {% endfor %}
Status Lab Response Type
{% if task.status < 100 %}
{% elif task.status < 200 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% if task.status < 100 %} PENDING {% elif task.status < 200 %} IN PROGRESS {% else %} DONE {% endif %} {% if task.message %} {% if task.type_str == "Access Task" and user_id != task.config.user.id %} Message from Lab:
{% else %} Message from Lab:
{{ task.message }}
{% endif %} {% else %} No response provided (yet) {% endif %}
{{ task.type_str }}


{% endblock content %}