We use a special directory structure here that allows you to define
your own set of templates than inherit from a common base.

To create your own templates:

Create your new directory as a sibling of base/
    `mkdir my_templates`

Now you can override any template file in base/ by creating a file of the same name in my_templates.

For example, to replace base/booking/booking_table.html,
you would create my_templates/booking/booking_table.html. Your template will be loaded instead of the original.

You can also inherit from the base templates. For example, if you
wanted to add to base/dashboard/landing.html, you can create
a template at my_templates/dashboard/landing.html and add this line to
the top of the file:
    {% extends base/dashboard/landing.html %}

This way you can add in new {% block %} tags to the parents and define only
the new content you need without affecting the default behavior.

When your template directory is ready, you must add it to your config.env