/** * book-a-pod.js */ const steps = { SELECT_TEMPLATE: 0, CLOUD_INIT: 1, BOOKING_DETAILS: 2, ADD_COLLABS: 3, BOOKING_SUMMARY: 4 } class BookingWorkflow extends Workflow { constructor(savedBookingBlob) { super(["select_template", "cloud_init", "booking_details" ,"add_collabs", "booking_summary"]) // if (savedBookingBlob) { // this.resume_workflow() // } this.bookingBlob = new BookingBlob({}); this.userTemplates = null; } async startWorkflow() { this.userTemplates = await LibLaaSAPI.getTemplatesForUser() // List GUI.displayTemplates(this.userTemplates); GUI.modifyCollabWidget(); this.setEventListeners(); document.getElementById(this.sections[0]).scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth'}); } setEventListeners() { const ci_textarea = document.getElementById('ci-textarea'); ci_textarea.value = "" ci_textarea.addEventListener('focusin', this.onFocusInCIFile); ci_textarea.addEventListener('focusout', this.onFocusOutCIFile); const input_purpose = document.getElementById('input_purpose'); input_purpose.value = "" input_purpose.addEventListener('focusin', this.onFocusInPurpose); input_purpose.addEventListener('focusout', this.onFocusOutPurpose) const input_project = document.getElementById('input_project'); input_project.value = "" input_project.addEventListener('focusin', this.onFocusInProject); input_project.addEventListener('focusout', this.onFocusOutProject); const input_length = document.getElementById('input_length'); input_length.value = 1; } getTemplateBlobFromId(templateId) { for (const t of this.userTemplates) { if (t.id == templateId) return t } return null } onclickSelectTemplate(templateCard, templateId) { this.step = steps.SELECT_TEMPLATE const oldHighlight = document.querySelector("#default_templates_list .selected_node") if (oldHighlight) { GUI.unhighlightCard(oldHighlight) } GUI.highlightCard(templateCard); this.bookingBlob.template_id = templateId; GUI.refreshSummaryHosts(this.getTemplateBlobFromId(templateId)); } isValidCIFile(ci_file) { // todo return true; } isValidProject(project) { let passed = true let message = "success" if (project == "") { passed = false; message = "Project field cannot be empty." return[passed, message] } if (!(project.match(/^[a-z0-9~@#$^*()_+=[\]{}|,.?': -]+$/i))) { passed = false; message = "Project field contains invalid characters" return[passed, message] } return [passed, message] } isValidPurpose(purpose) { let passed = true let message = "success" if (purpose == "") { passed = false; message = "Purpose field cannot be empty." return[passed, message] } if (!(purpose.match(/^[a-z0-9~@#$^*()_+=[\]{}|,.?': -]+$/i))) { passed = false; message = "Purpose field contains invalid characters" return[passed, message] } return [passed, message] } // Ci FIle onFocusOutCIFile() { const ci_textarea = document.getElementById('ci-textarea'); if (workflow.isValidCIFile(ci_textarea.value)) { workflow.bookingBlob.global_cifile = ci_textarea.value; } else { GUI.highlightError(ci_textarea); } } onFocusInCIFile() { this.step = steps.CLOUD_INIT const ci_textarea = document.getElementById('ci-textarea') GUI.unhighlightError(ci_textarea) } // Purpose onFocusOutPurpose() { const input = document.getElementById('input_purpose'); const valid = workflow.isValidPurpose(input.value); if (valid[0]) { workflow.bookingBlob.metadata.purpose = input.value; GUI.refreshSummaryDetails(workflow.bookingBlob.metadata) } else { GUI.showDetailsError(valid[1]) GUI.highlightError(input); } } onFocusInPurpose() { this.step = steps.BOOKING_DETAILS const input = document.getElementById('input_purpose'); GUI.hideDetailsError() GUI.unhighlightError(input) } // Project onFocusOutProject() { const input = document.getElementById('input_project'); const valid = workflow.isValidProject(input.value); if (valid[0]) { workflow.bookingBlob.metadata.project = input.value; GUI.refreshSummaryDetails(workflow.bookingBlob.metadata) } else { GUI.showDetailsError(valid[1]) GUI.highlightError(input); } } onFocusInProject() { this.step = steps.BOOKING_DETAILS const input = document.getElementById('input_project'); GUI.hideDetailsError() GUI.unhighlightError(input) } onchangeDays() { this.step = steps.BOOKING_DETAILS const counter = document.getElementById("booking_details_day_counter") const input = document.getElementById('input_length') workflow.bookingBlob.metadata.length = input.value GUI.refreshSummaryDetails(workflow.bookingBlob.metadata) counter.innerText = "Days: " + input.value } add_collaborator(username) { this.step = steps.ADD_COLLABS; for (const c of this.bookingBlob.allowed_users) { if (c == username) { return; } } this.bookingBlob.allowed_users.push(username) GUI.refreshSummaryCollabs(this.bookingBlob.allowed_users) } remove_collaborator(username) { // Removes collab from collaborators list and updates summary this.step = steps.ADD_COLLABS const temp = []; for (const c of this.bookingBlob.allowed_users) { if (c != username) { temp.push(c); } } this.bookingBlob.allowed_users = temp; GUI.refreshSummaryCollabs(this.bookingBlob.allowed_users) } isCompleteBookingInfo() { let passed = true let message = "success" let section = steps.BOOKING_SUMMARY const blob = this.bookingBlob; const meta = blob.metadata; if (blob.template_id == null) { passed = false; message = "Please select a template." section = steps.SELECT_TEMPLATE return [passed, message, section] } if (meta.purpose == null || meta.project == null || meta.length == 0) { passed = false message = "Please finish adding booking details." section = steps.BOOKING_DETAILS return [passed, message, section] } return[passed, message, section]; } // onclickCancel() { // if (confirm("Are you sure you wish to discard this booking?")) { // location.reload(); // } // } /** Async / await is more infectious than I thought, so all functions that rely on an API call will need to be async */ async onclickConfirm() { const complete = this.isCompleteBookingInfo(); if (!complete[0]) { showError(complete[1]); this.step = complete[2] document.getElementById(this.sections[complete[2]]).scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth'}); return } const response = await LibLaaSAPI.makeBooking(this.bookingBlob); if (response.bookingId) { showError("The booking has been successfully created.") window.location.href = "../../"; } else { if (response.status == 406) { showError("One or more collaborators is missing SSH keys or has not configured their IPA account.") } else { showError("The booking could not be created at this time.") } } // if (confirm("Are you sure you would like to create this booking?")) { // } } } /** View class that displays cards and generates HTML * Functions as a namespace, does not hold state */ class GUI { static highlightCard(card) { card.classList.add('selected_node'); } static unhighlightCard(card) { card.classList.remove('selected_node'); } static highlightError(element) { element.classList.add('invalid_field'); } static unhighlightError(element) { element.classList.remove("invalid_field"); } /** Takes a list of templateBlobs and creates a selectable card for each of them */ static displayTemplates(templates) { const templates_list = document.getElementById("default_templates_list"); for (const t of templates) { const newCard = this.makeTemplateCard(t); templates_list.appendChild(newCard); } } static makeTemplateCard(templateBlob) { const col = document.createElement('div'); col.classList.add('col-3', 'my-1'); col.innerHTML= `

` + templateBlob.pod_name + `

` + templateBlob.pod_desc +`

` return col; } /** Removes default styling applied by django */ static modifyCollabWidget() { document.getElementsByTagName('label')[0].setAttribute('hidden', ''); document.getElementById('addable_limit').setAttribute('hidden', ''); document.getElementById('added_number').setAttribute('hidden', ''); const user_field = document.getElementById('user_field'); user_field.classList.add('border-top-0'); document.querySelector('.form-group').classList.add('mb-0'); const added_list = document.getElementById('added_list'); added_list.remove(); document.getElementById('search_select_outer').appendChild(added_list); } static showDetailsError(message) { document.getElementById("booking_details_error").innerText = message; } static hideDetailsError() { document.getElementById("booking_details_error").innerText = ''; } static refreshSummaryDetails(bookingMetaData) { const ul = document.getElementById("booking_summary_booking_details") ul.innerHTML = ''; if (bookingMetaData.project) { const project_li = document.createElement('li'); project_li.innerText = 'Project: ' + bookingMetaData.project; ul.appendChild(project_li); } if (bookingMetaData.purpose) { const project_li = document.createElement('li'); project_li.innerText = 'Purpose: ' + bookingMetaData.purpose; ul.appendChild(project_li); } if (bookingMetaData.length) { const project_li = document.createElement('li'); project_li.innerText = 'Length: ' + bookingMetaData.length + ' days'; ul.appendChild(project_li); } } static refreshSummaryCollabs(collaborators) { const collabs_ul = document.getElementById('booking_summary_collaborators'); collabs_ul.innerHTML = ''; for (const u of collaborators) { const collabs_li = document.createElement('li'); collabs_li.innerText = u collabs_ul.appendChild(collabs_li); } } static refreshSummaryHosts(templateBlob) { const hosts_ul = document.getElementById('booking_summary_hosts'); hosts_ul.innerHTML = ''; for (const h of templateBlob.host_list) { const hosts_li = document.createElement('li'); hosts_li.innerText = h.hostname; hosts_ul.appendChild(hosts_li); } } } // Search widget for django forms (taken from dashboard.js and slightly modified) class SearchableSelectMultipleWidget { constructor(format_vars, field_dataset, field_initial) { this.format_vars = format_vars; this.items = field_dataset; this.initial = field_initial; this.expanded_name_trie = {"isComplete": false}; this.small_name_trie = {"isComplete": false}; this.string_trie = {"isComplete": false}; this.added_items = new Set(); for( let e of ["show_from_noentry", "show_x_results", "results_scrollable", "selectable_limit", "placeholder"] ) { this[e] = format_vars[e]; } this.search_field_init(); if( this.show_from_noentry ) { this.search(""); } } disable() { const textfield = document.getElementById("user_field"); const drop = document.getElementById("drop_results"); textfield.disabled = "True"; drop.style.display = "none"; const btns = document.getElementsByClassName("btn-remove"); for( const btn of btns ) { btn.classList.add("disabled"); btn.onclick = ""; } } search_field_init() { this.build_all_tries(this.items); for( const elem of this.initial ) { this.select_item(elem); } if(this.initial.length == 1) { this.search(this.items[this.initial[0]]["small_name"]); document.getElementById("user_field").value = this.items[this.initial[0]]["small_name"]; } } build_all_tries(dict) { for( const key in dict ) { this.add_item(dict[key]); } } add_item(item) { const id = item['id']; this.add_to_tree(item['expanded_name'], id, this.expanded_name_trie); this.add_to_tree(item['small_name'], id, this.small_name_trie); this.add_to_tree(item['string'], id, this.string_trie); } add_to_tree(str, id, trie) { let inner_trie = trie; while( str ) { if( !inner_trie[str.charAt(0)] ) { var new_trie = {}; inner_trie[str.charAt(0)] = new_trie; } else { var new_trie = inner_trie[str.charAt(0)]; } if( str.length == 1 ) { new_trie.isComplete = true; if( !new_trie.ids ) { new_trie.ids = []; } new_trie.ids.push(id); } inner_trie = new_trie; str = str.substring(1); } } search(input) { if( input.length == 0 && !this.show_from_noentry){ this.dropdown([]); return; } else if( input.length == 0 && this.show_from_noentry) { this.dropdown(this.items); //show all items } else { const trees = [] const tr1 = this.getSubtree(input, this.expanded_name_trie); trees.push(tr1); const tr2 = this.getSubtree(input, this.small_name_trie); trees.push(tr2); const tr3 = this.getSubtree(input, this.string_trie); trees.push(tr3); const results = this.collate(trees); this.dropdown(results); } } getSubtree(input, given_trie) { /* recursive function to return the trie accessed at input */ if( input.length == 0 ){ return given_trie; } else{ const substr = input.substring(0, input.length - 1); const last_char = input.charAt(input.length-1); const subtrie = this.getSubtree(substr, given_trie); if( !subtrie ) //substr not in the trie { return {}; } const indexed_trie = subtrie[last_char]; return indexed_trie; } } serialize(trie) { /* takes in a trie and returns a list of its item id's */ let itemIDs = []; if ( !trie ) { return itemIDs; //empty, base case } for( const key in trie ) { if(key.length > 1) { continue; } itemIDs = itemIDs.concat(this.serialize(trie[key])); } if ( trie.isComplete ) { itemIDs.push(...trie.ids); } return itemIDs; } collate(trees) { /* takes a list of tries returns a list of ids of objects that are available */ const results = []; for( const tree of trees ) { const available_IDs = this.serialize(tree); for( const itemID of available_IDs ) { results[itemID] = this.items[itemID]; } } return results; } generate_element_text(obj) { const content_strings = [obj.expanded_name, obj.small_name, obj.string].filter(x => Boolean(x)); const result = content_strings.shift(); if( result == null || content_strings.length < 1) { return result; } else { return result + " (" + content_strings.join(", ") + ")"; } } dropdown(ids) { /* takes in a mapping of ids to objects in items and displays them in the dropdown */ const drop = document.getElementById("drop_results"); while(drop.firstChild) { drop.removeChild(drop.firstChild); } for( const id in ids ) { const obj = this.items[id]; const result_text = this.generate_element_text(obj); const result_entry = document.createElement("a"); result_entry.href = "#"; result_entry.innerText = result_text; result_entry.title = result_text; result_entry.classList.add("list-group-item", "list-group-item-action", "overflow-ellipsis", "flex-shrink-0"); result_entry.onclick = function() { searchable_select_multiple_widget.select_item(obj.id); }; const tooltip = document.createElement("span"); const tooltiptext = document.createTextNode(result_text); tooltip.appendChild(tooltiptext); tooltip.classList.add("d-none"); result_entry.appendChild(tooltip); drop.appendChild(result_entry); } const scroll_restrictor = document.getElementById("scroll_restrictor"); if( !drop.firstChild ) { scroll_restrictor.style.visibility = 'hidden'; } else { scroll_restrictor.style.visibility = 'inherit'; } } select_item(item_id) { if( (this.selectable_limit > -1 && this.added_items.size < this.selectable_limit) || this.selectable_limit < 0 ) { this.added_items.add(item_id); } this.update_selected_list(); // clear search bar contents document.getElementById("user_field").value = ""; document.getElementById("user_field").focus(); this.search(""); const item = this.items[item_id]; const element_entry_text = this.generate_element_text(item); const username = item.small_name; workflow.add_collaborator(username, element_entry_text); } remove_item(item_id) { this.added_items.delete(item_id); // delete from set const item = this.items[item_id]; workflow.remove_collaborator(item.small_name); this.update_selected_list(); document.getElementById("user_field").focus(); } update_selected_list() { document.getElementById("added_number").innerText = this.added_items.size; const selector = document.getElementById('selector'); selector.value = JSON.stringify([...this.added_items]); const added_list = document.getElementById('added_list'); while(selector.firstChild) { selector.removeChild(selector.firstChild); } while(added_list.firstChild) { added_list.removeChild(added_list.firstChild); } const list_html = document.createElement("div"); list_html.classList.add("list-group"); for( const item_id of this.added_items ) { const times = document.createElement("li"); times.classList.add("fas", "fa-times"); const deleteButton = document.createElement("a"); deleteButton.href = "#"; deleteButton.innerHTML = "" deleteButton.setAttribute("onclick", `searchable_select_multiple_widget.remove_item(${item_id});`); deleteButton.classList.add("btn"); const deleteColumn = document.createElement("div"); deleteColumn.classList.add("col-auto"); deleteColumn.append(deleteButton); const item = this.items[item_id]; const element_entry_text = this.generate_element_text(item); const textColumn = document.createElement("div"); textColumn.classList.add("col", "overflow-ellipsis"); textColumn.innerText = element_entry_text; textColumn.title = element_entry_text; textColumn.id = `coldel-${item_id}`; // Needed for book a pod const itemRow = document.createElement("div"); itemRow.classList.add("list-group-item", "d-flex", "p-0", "align-items-center", "my-2", "border"); itemRow.append(textColumn, deleteColumn); list_html.append(itemRow); } added_list.innerHTML = list_html.innerHTML; } }