############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2018 Parker Berberian, Sawyer Bergeron, and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## import json import uuid import re from django.db.models import Q from datetime import timedelta from django.utils import timezone from account.models import Lab from resource_inventory.models import ( Installer, Image, GenericResourceBundle, ConfigBundle, Host, HostProfile, HostConfiguration, GenericResource, GenericHost, GenericInterface, OPNFVRole, OPNFVConfig, Network, NetworkConnection, NetworkRole, HostOPNFVConfig, ) from resource_inventory.resource_manager import ResourceManager from resource_inventory.pdf_templater import PDFTemplater from notifier.manager import NotificationHandler from booking.models import Booking from dashboard.exceptions import ( InvalidHostnameException, ResourceAvailabilityException, ModelValidationException, BookingLengthException ) from api.models import JobFactory # model validity exceptions class IncompatibleInstallerForOS(Exception): pass class IncompatibleScenarioForInstaller(Exception): pass class IncompatibleImageForHost(Exception): pass class ImageOwnershipInvalid(Exception): pass class ImageNotAvailableAtLab(Exception): pass class LabDNE(Exception): pass class HostProfileDNE(Exception): pass class HostNotAvailable(Exception): pass class NoLabSelectedError(Exception): pass class OPNFVRoleDNE(Exception): pass class NoRemainingPublicNetwork(Exception): pass class BookingPermissionException(Exception): pass def parse_host_field(host_field_contents): host_json = json.loads(host_field_contents) lab_dict = host_json['labs'][0] lab_id = list(lab_dict.keys())[0] lab_user_id = int(lab_id.split("_")[-1]) lab = Lab.objects.get(lab_user__id=lab_user_id) host_dict = host_json['hosts'][0] profile_id = list(host_dict.keys())[0] profile_id = int(profile_id.split("_")[-1]) profile = HostProfile.objects.get(id=profile_id) # check validity of field data before trying to apply to models if len(host_json['labs']) != 1: raise NoLabSelectedError("No lab was selected") if not lab: raise LabDNE("Lab with provided ID does not exist") if not profile: raise HostProfileDNE("Host type with provided ID does not exist") return lab, profile def check_available_matching_host(lab, hostprofile): available_host_types = ResourceManager.getInstance().getAvailableHostTypes(lab) if hostprofile not in available_host_types: # TODO: handle deleting generic resource in this instance along with grb raise HostNotAvailable('Requested host type is not available. Please try again later. Host availability can be viewed in the "Hosts" tab to the left.') hostset = Host.objects.filter(lab=lab, profile=hostprofile).filter(booked=False).filter(working=True) if not hostset.exists(): raise HostNotAvailable("Couldn't find any matching unbooked hosts") return True def generate_grb(owner, lab, common_id): grbundle = GenericResourceBundle(owner=owner) grbundle.lab = lab grbundle.name = "grbundle for quick booking with uid " + common_id grbundle.description = "grbundle created for quick-deploy booking" grbundle.save() return grbundle def generate_gresource(bundle, hostname): if not re.match(r"(?=^.{1,253}$)(^([A-Za-z0-9-_]{1,62}\.)*[A-Za-z0-9-_]{1,63})$", hostname): raise InvalidHostnameException("Hostname must comply to RFC 952 and all extensions to it until this point") gresource = GenericResource(bundle=bundle, name=hostname) gresource.save() return gresource def generate_ghost(generic_resource, host_profile): ghost = GenericHost() ghost.resource = generic_resource ghost.profile = host_profile ghost.save() return ghost def generate_config_bundle(owner, common_id, grbundle): cbundle = ConfigBundle() cbundle.owner = owner cbundle.name = "configbundle for quick booking with uid " + common_id cbundle.description = "configbundle created for quick-deploy booking" cbundle.bundle = grbundle cbundle.save() return cbundle def generate_opnfvconfig(scenario, installer, config_bundle): opnfvconfig = OPNFVConfig() opnfvconfig.scenario = scenario opnfvconfig.installer = installer opnfvconfig.bundle = config_bundle opnfvconfig.save() return opnfvconfig def generate_hostconfig(generic_host, image, config_bundle): hconf = HostConfiguration() hconf.host = generic_host hconf.image = image hconf.bundle = config_bundle hconf.is_head_node = True hconf.save() return hconf def generate_hostopnfv(hostconfig, opnfvconfig): config = HostOPNFVConfig() role = None try: role = OPNFVRole.objects.get(name="Jumphost") except Exception: role = OPNFVRole.objects.create( name="Jumphost", description="Single server jumphost role" ) config.role = role config.host_config = hostconfig config.opnfv_config = opnfvconfig config.save() return config def generate_resource_bundle(generic_resource_bundle, config_bundle): # warning: requires cleanup try: resource_manager = ResourceManager.getInstance() resource_bundle = resource_manager.convertResourceBundle(generic_resource_bundle, config=config_bundle) return resource_bundle except ResourceAvailabilityException: raise ResourceAvailabilityException("Requested resources not available") except ModelValidationException: raise ModelValidationException("Encountered error while saving grbundle") def check_invariants(request, **kwargs): installer = kwargs['installer'] image = kwargs['image'] scenario = kwargs['scenario'] lab = kwargs['lab'] host_profile = kwargs['host_profile'] length = kwargs['length'] # check that image os is compatible with installer if installer in image.os.sup_installers.all(): # if installer not here, we can omit that and not check for scenario if not scenario: raise IncompatibleScenarioForInstaller("An OPNFV Installer needs a scenario to be chosen to work properly") if scenario not in installer.sup_scenarios.all(): raise IncompatibleScenarioForInstaller("The chosen installer does not support the chosen scenario") if image.from_lab != lab: raise ImageNotAvailableAtLab("The chosen image is not available at the chosen hosting lab") if image.host_type != host_profile: raise IncompatibleImageForHost("The chosen image is not available for the chosen host type") if not image.public and image.owner != request.user: raise ImageOwnershipInvalid("You are not the owner of the chosen private image") if length < 1 or length > 21: raise BookingLengthException("Booking must be between 1 and 21 days long") def configure_networking(grb, config): # create network net = Network.objects.create(name="public", bundle=grb, is_public=True) # connect network to generic host grb.getHosts()[0].generic_interfaces.first().connections.add( NetworkConnection.objects.create(network=net, vlan_is_tagged=False) ) # asign network role role = NetworkRole.objects.create(name="public", network=net) opnfv_config = config.opnfv_config.first() if opnfv_config: opnfv_config.networks.add(role) def create_from_form(form, request): quick_booking_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) host_field = form.cleaned_data['filter_field'] purpose_field = form.cleaned_data['purpose'] project_field = form.cleaned_data['project'] users_field = form.cleaned_data['users'] hostname = form.cleaned_data['hostname'] length = form.cleaned_data['length'] image = form.cleaned_data['image'] scenario = form.cleaned_data['scenario'] installer = form.cleaned_data['installer'] lab, host_profile = parse_host_field(host_field) data = form.cleaned_data data['lab'] = lab data['host_profile'] = host_profile check_invariants(request, **data) # check booking privileges if Booking.objects.filter(owner=request.user, end__gt=timezone.now()).count() >= 3 and not request.user.userprofile.booking_privledge: raise BookingPermissionException("You do not have permission to have more than 3 bookings at a time.") check_available_matching_host(lab, host_profile) # requires cleanup if failure after this point grbundle = generate_grb(request.user, lab, quick_booking_id) gresource = generate_gresource(grbundle, hostname) ghost = generate_ghost(gresource, host_profile) cbundle = generate_config_bundle(request.user, quick_booking_id, grbundle) hconf = generate_hostconfig(ghost, image, cbundle) # if no installer provided, just create blank host opnfv_config = None if installer: opnfv_config = generate_opnfvconfig(scenario, installer, cbundle) generate_hostopnfv(hconf, opnfv_config) # construct generic interfaces for interface_profile in host_profile.interfaceprofile.all(): generic_interface = GenericInterface.objects.create(profile=interface_profile, host=ghost) generic_interface.save() configure_networking(grbundle, cbundle) # generate resource bundle resource_bundle = generate_resource_bundle(grbundle, cbundle) # generate booking booking = Booking.objects.create( purpose=purpose_field, project=project_field, lab=lab, owner=request.user, start=timezone.now(), end=timezone.now() + timedelta(days=int(length)), resource=resource_bundle, config_bundle=cbundle, opnfv_config=opnfv_config ) booking.pdf = PDFTemplater.makePDF(booking) for collaborator in users_field: # list of UserProfiles booking.collaborators.add(collaborator.user) booking.save() # generate job JobFactory.makeCompleteJob(booking) NotificationHandler.notify_new_booking(booking) return booking def drop_filter(user): installer_filter = {} for image in Image.objects.all(): installer_filter[image.id] = {} for installer in image.os.sup_installers.all(): installer_filter[image.id][installer.id] = 1 scenario_filter = {} for installer in Installer.objects.all(): scenario_filter[installer.id] = {} for scenario in installer.sup_scenarios.all(): scenario_filter[installer.id][scenario.id] = 1 images = Image.objects.filter(Q(public=True) | Q(owner=user)) image_filter = {} for image in images: image_filter[image.id] = {} image_filter[image.id]['lab'] = 'lab_' + str(image.from_lab.lab_user.id) image_filter[image.id]['host_profile'] = 'host_' + str(image.host_type.id) image_filter[image.id]['name'] = image.name return {'installer_filter': json.dumps(installer_filter), 'scenario_filter': json.dumps(scenario_filter), 'image_filter': json.dumps(image_filter)}