############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2018 Parker Berberian, Sawyer Bergeron, and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## import json from django.db.models import Q from datetime import timedelta from django.utils import timezone from django.form import ValidationException from account.models import Lab from resource_inventory.models import ( ResourceTemplate, Installer, Image, OPNFVRole, OPNFVConfig, HostOPNFVConfig, ) from resource_inventory.resource_manager import ResourceManager from resource_inventory.pdf_templater import PDFTemplater from notifier.manager import NotificationHandler from booking.models import Booking from dashboard.exceptions import BookingLengthException from api.models import JobFactory def parse_resource_field(resource_json): """ Parse the json from the frontend. returns a reference to the selected Lab and ResourceTemplate objects """ lab, template = (None, None) lab_dict = resource_json['lab'] for lab_info in lab_dict.values(): if lab_info['selected']: lab = Lab.objects.get(lab_user__id=lab_info['id']) resource_dict = resource_json['resource'] for resource_info in resource_dict.values(): if resource_info['selected']: template = ResourceTemplate.objects.get(pk=resource_info['id']) if lab is None: raise ValidationException("No lab was selected") if template is None: raise ValidationException("No Host was selected") return lab, template def update_template(template, image, lab, hostname): """ Update and copy a resource template to the user's profile. TODO: How, why, should we? """ pass def generate_opnfvconfig(scenario, installer, template): return OPNFVConfig.objects.create( scenario=scenario, installer=installer, template=template ) def generate_hostopnfv(hostconfig, opnfvconfig): role = None try: role = OPNFVRole.objects.get(name="Jumphost") except Exception: role = OPNFVRole.objects.create( name="Jumphost", description="Single server jumphost role" ) return HostOPNFVConfig.objects.create( role=role, host_config=hostconfig, opnfv_config=opnfvconfig ) def generate_resource_bundle(template): resource_manager = ResourceManager.getInstance() resource_bundle = resource_manager.convertResourceBundle(template) return resource_bundle def check_invariants(request, **kwargs): # TODO: This should really happen in the BookingForm validation methods installer = kwargs['installer'] image = kwargs['image'] scenario = kwargs['scenario'] lab = kwargs['lab'] host_profile = kwargs['host_profile'] length = kwargs['length'] # check that image os is compatible with installer if installer in image.os.sup_installers.all(): # if installer not here, we can omit that and not check for scenario if not scenario: raise ValidationException("An OPNFV Installer needs a scenario to be chosen to work properly") if scenario not in installer.sup_scenarios.all(): raise ValidationException("The chosen installer does not support the chosen scenario") if image.from_lab != lab: raise ValidationException("The chosen image is not available at the chosen hosting lab") if image.host_type != host_profile: raise ValidationException("The chosen image is not available for the chosen host type") if not image.public and image.owner != request.user: raise ValidationException("You are not the owner of the chosen private image") if length < 1 or length > 21: raise BookingLengthException("Booking must be between 1 and 21 days long") def create_from_form(form, request): """ Create a Booking from the user's form. Large, nasty method to create a booking or return a useful error based on the form from the frontend """ resource_field = form.cleaned_data['filter_field'] purpose_field = form.cleaned_data['purpose'] project_field = form.cleaned_data['project'] users_field = form.cleaned_data['users'] hostname = form.cleaned_data['hostname'] length = form.cleaned_data['length'] image = form.cleaned_data['image'] scenario = form.cleaned_data['scenario'] installer = form.cleaned_data['installer'] lab, resource_template = parse_resource_field(resource_field) data = form.cleaned_data data['lab'] = lab data['resource_template'] = resource_template check_invariants(request, **data) # check booking privileges # TODO: use the canonical booking_allowed method because now template might have multiple # machines if Booking.objects.filter(owner=request.user, end__gt=timezone.now()).count() >= 3 and not request.user.userprofile.booking_privledge: raise PermissionError("You do not have permission to have more than 3 bookings at a time.") ResourceManager.getInstance().templateIsReservable(resource_template) hconf = update_template(resource_template, image, lab, hostname) # if no installer provided, just create blank host opnfv_config = None if installer: opnfv_config = generate_opnfvconfig(scenario, installer, resource_template) generate_hostopnfv(hconf, opnfv_config) # generate resource bundle resource_bundle = generate_resource_bundle(resource_template) # generate booking booking = Booking.objects.create( purpose=purpose_field, project=project_field, lab=lab, owner=request.user, start=timezone.now(), end=timezone.now() + timedelta(days=int(length)), resource=resource_bundle, opnfv_config=opnfv_config ) booking.pdf = PDFTemplater.makePDF(booking) for collaborator in users_field: # list of UserProfiles booking.collaborators.add(collaborator.user) booking.save() # generate job JobFactory.makeCompleteJob(booking) NotificationHandler.notify_new_booking(booking) return booking def drop_filter(user): """ Return a dictionary that contains filters. Only certain installlers are supported on certain images, etc so the image filter indexed at [imageid][installerid] is truthy if that installer is supported on that image """ installer_filter = {} for image in Image.objects.all(): installer_filter[image.id] = {} for installer in image.os.sup_installers.all(): installer_filter[image.id][installer.id] = 1 scenario_filter = {} for installer in Installer.objects.all(): scenario_filter[installer.id] = {} for scenario in installer.sup_scenarios.all(): scenario_filter[installer.id][scenario.id] = 1 images = Image.objects.filter(Q(public=True) | Q(owner=user)) image_filter = {} for image in images: image_filter[image.id] = { 'lab': 'lab_' + str(image.from_lab.lab_user.id), 'host_profile': 'host_' + str(image.host_type.id), 'name': image.name } return {'installer_filter': json.dumps(installer_filter), 'scenario_filter': json.dumps(scenario_filter), 'image_filter': json.dumps(image_filter)}