############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2016 Max Breitenfeldt and others. # Copyright (c) 2018 Parker Berberian, Sawyer Bergeron, and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## import json import math import os import traceback import sys from datetime import timedelta from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.shortcuts import redirect, get_object_or_404 from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator from django.utils import timezone from django.views import View from django.http import HttpResponseNotFound from django.http.response import JsonResponse, HttpResponse import requests from api.utils import ipa_query_user, ipa_set_ssh, ipa_set_company from rest_framework.authtoken.models import Token from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist from django.db.models import Q from django.contrib.auth.models import User from api.forms import DowntimeForm from account.models import UserProfile, Lab from booking.models import Booking from api.models import LabManagerTracker,AutomationAPIManager, APILog from api.utils import get_booking_prereqs_validator import yaml import uuid from deepmerge import Merger """ API views. All functions return a Json blob Most functions that deal with info from a specific lab (tasks, host info) requires the Lab auth token. for example, curl -H auth-token:mylabsauthtoken url Most functions let you GET or POST to the same endpoint, and the correct thing will happen """ liblaas_base_url = os.environ.get('LIBLAAS_BASE_URL') @method_decorator(login_required, name='dispatch') class GenerateTokenView(View): def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): user = self.request.user token, created = Token.objects.get_or_create(user=user) if not created: token.delete() Token.objects.create(user=user) return redirect('account:settings') def lab_status(request, lab_name=""): lab_token = request.META.get('HTTP_AUTH_TOKEN') lab_manager = LabManagerTracker.get(lab_name, lab_token) if request.method == "POST": return JsonResponse(lab_manager.set_status(request.POST), safe=False) return JsonResponse(lab_manager.get_status(), safe=False) def lab_users(request, lab_name=""): lab_token = request.META.get('HTTP_AUTH_TOKEN') lab_manager = LabManagerTracker.get(lab_name, lab_token) return HttpResponse(lab_manager.get_users(), content_type="text/plain") def lab_user(request, lab_name="", user_id=-1): lab_token = request.META.get('HTTP_AUTH_TOKEN') lab_manager = LabManagerTracker.get(lab_name, lab_token) return HttpResponse(lab_manager.get_user(user_id), content_type="text/plain") def lab_profile(request, lab_name=""): lab_token = request.META.get('HTTP_AUTH_TOKEN') lab_manager = LabManagerTracker.get(lab_name, lab_token) return JsonResponse(lab_manager.get_profile(), safe=False) def lab_downtime(request, lab_name=""): lab_token = request.META.get('HTTP_AUTH_TOKEN') lab_manager = LabManagerTracker.get(lab_name, lab_token) if request.method == "GET": return JsonResponse(lab_manager.get_downtime_json()) if request.method == "POST": return post_lab_downtime(request, lab_manager) if request.method == "DELETE": return delete_lab_downtime(lab_manager) return HttpResponse(status=405) def post_lab_downtime(request, lab_manager): current_downtime = lab_manager.get_downtime() if current_downtime.exists(): return JsonResponse({"error": "Lab is already in downtime"}, status=422) form = DowntimeForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): return JsonResponse(lab_manager.create_downtime(form)) else: return JsonResponse(form.errors.get_json_data(), status=400) def delete_lab_downtime(lab_manager): current_downtime = lab_manager.get_downtime() if current_downtime.exists(): dt = current_downtime.first() dt.end = timezone.now() dt.save() return JsonResponse(lab_manager.get_downtime_json(), safe=False) else: return JsonResponse({"error": "Lab is not in downtime"}, status=422) def auth_and_log(request, endpoint): """ Function to authenticate an API user and log info in the API log model. This is to keep record of all calls to the dashboard """ user_token = request.META.get('HTTP_AUTH_TOKEN') response = None if user_token is None: return HttpResponse('Unauthorized', status=401) try: token = Token.objects.get(key=user_token) except Token.DoesNotExist: token = None # Added logic to detect malformed token if len(str(user_token)) != 40: response = HttpResponse('Malformed Token', status=401) else: response = HttpResponse('Unauthorized', status=401) x_forwarded_for = request.META.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR') if x_forwarded_for: ip = x_forwarded_for.split(',')[0] else: ip = request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR') body = None if request.method in ['POST', 'PUT']: try: body = json.loads(request.body.decode('utf-8')), except Exception: response = HttpResponse('Invalid Request Body', status=400) APILog.objects.create( user=token.user, call_time=timezone.now(), method=request.method, endpoint=endpoint, body=body, ip_addr=ip ) if response: return response else: return token """ Booking API Views """ def user_bookings(request): # token = auth_and_log(request, 'booking') # if isinstance(token, HttpResponse): # return token # bookings = Booking.objects.filter(owner=token.user, end__gte=timezone.now()) # output = [AutomationAPIManager.serialize_booking(booking) # for booking in bookings] # return JsonResponse(output, safe=False) # todo - LL Integration return HttpResponse(status=404) @csrf_exempt def specific_booking(request, booking_id=""): # token = auth_and_log(request, 'booking/{}'.format(booking_id)) # if isinstance(token, HttpResponse): # return token # booking = get_object_or_404(Booking, pk=booking_id, owner=token.user) # if request.method == "GET": # sbooking = AutomationAPIManager.serialize_booking(booking) # return JsonResponse(sbooking, safe=False) # if request.method == "DELETE": # if booking.end < timezone.now(): # return HttpResponse("Booking already over", status=400) # booking.end = timezone.now() # booking.save() # return HttpResponse("Booking successfully cancelled") # todo - LL Integration return HttpResponse(status=404) @csrf_exempt def extend_booking(request, booking_id="", days=""): token = auth_and_log(request, 'booking/{}/extendBooking/{}'.format(booking_id, days)) if isinstance(token, HttpResponse): return token booking = get_object_or_404(Booking, pk=booking_id, owner=token.user) if booking.end < timezone.now(): return HttpResponse("This booking is already over, cannot extend") if days > 30: return HttpResponse("Cannot extend a booking longer than 30 days") if booking.ext_count == 0: return HttpResponse("Booking has already been extended 2 times, cannot extend again") booking.end += timedelta(days=days) booking.ext_count -= 1 booking.save() return HttpResponse("Booking successfully extended") @csrf_exempt def make_booking(request): print("received call to make_booking") data = json.loads(request.body) print("incoming data is ", data) # todo - test this ipa_users = [] ipa_users.append(UserProfile.objects.get(user=request.user).ipa_username) # add owner's ipa username to list of allowed users to be sent to liblaas for user in data["allowed_users"]: collab_profile = UserProfile.objects.get(user=User.objects.get(username=user)) prereq_validator = get_booking_prereqs_validator(collab_profile) if prereq_validator["result"] == -1: # All good ipa_users.append(collab_profile.ipa_username) else: message = "There is an issue with one of your chosen collaborators." if prereq_validator["result"] == 0: # No IPA username message = str(collab_profile) + " has not linked their IPA account yet. Please ask them to log into the LaaS dashboard, or remove them from the booking to continue." elif prereq_validator["result"] == 1: # No Company message = str(collab_profile) + " has not set their company yet. Please ask them to log into the LaaS dashboard, go to the settings page and add it. Otherwise, remove them from the booking to continue." elif prereq_validator["result"] == 2: # No SSH message = str(collab_profile) + " has not added an SSH public key yet. Please ask them to log into the LaaS dashboard, go to the settings page and add it. Otherwise, remove them from the booking to continue." return JsonResponse( data={"message": message, "error": True}, status=200, safe=False ) bookingBlob = { "template_id": data["template_id"], "allowed_users": ipa_users, "global_cifile": data["global_cifile"], "metadata": { "booking_id": None, # fill in after creating django object "owner": UserProfile.objects.get(user=request.user).ipa_username, "lab": "UNH_IOL", "purpose": data["metadata"]["purpose"], "project": data["metadata"]["project"], "length": int(data["metadata"]["length"]) }, "origin": "anuket" if os.environ.get("TEMPLATE_OVERRIDE_DIR") == 'laas' else "lfedge" } print("allowed users are ", bookingBlob["allowed_users"]) try: booking = Booking.objects.create( purpose=bookingBlob["metadata"]["purpose"], project=bookingBlob["metadata"]['project'], lab=Lab.objects.get(name='UNH_IOL'), owner=request.user, start=timezone.now(), end=timezone.now() + timedelta(days=int(bookingBlob["metadata"]['length'])), ) print("successfully created booking object with id ", booking.id) # Now add collabs for c in list(data["allowed_users"]): booking.collaborators.add(User.objects.get(username=c)) print("successfully added collabs") # Now create it in liblaas bookingBlob["metadata"]["booking_id"] = str(booking.id) liblaas_endpoint = liblaas_base_url + 'booking/create' liblaas_response = requests.post(liblaas_endpoint, data=json.dumps(bookingBlob), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) print("response from liblaas is", vars(liblaas_response)) if liblaas_response.status_code != 200: print("received non success from liblaas, deleting booking from dashboard") booking.delete() return JsonResponse( data={}, status=500, safe=False ) aggregateId = json.loads(liblaas_response.content) print("successfully created aggregate in liblaas") # Now update the agg_id booking.aggregateId = aggregateId booking.save() print("sucessfully updated aggreagateId in booking object") return JsonResponse( data = {"bookingId": booking.id}, status=200, safe=False ) except Exception as error: print(error) return JsonResponse( data={}, status=500, safe=False ) """ Resource Inventory API Views """ # todo - LL Integration """ User API Views """ def all_users(request): token = auth_and_log(request, 'users') if token is None: return HttpResponse('Unauthorized', status=401) users = [AutomationAPIManager.serialize_userprofile(up) for up in UserProfile.objects.filter(public_user=True)] return JsonResponse(users, safe=False) """ Lab API Views """ def list_labs(request): lab_list = [] for lab in Lab.objects.all(): lab_info = { 'name': lab.name, 'username': lab.lab_user.username, 'status': lab.status, 'project': lab.project, 'description': lab.description, 'location': lab.location, 'info': lab.lab_info_link, 'email': lab.contact_email, 'phone': lab.contact_phone } lab_list.append(lab_info) return JsonResponse(lab_list, safe=False) """ Booking Details API Views """ def booking_details(request, booking_id=""): # token = auth_and_log(request, 'booking/{}/details'.format(booking_id)) # if isinstance(token, HttpResponse): # return token # booking = get_object_or_404(Booking, pk=booking_id, owner=token.user) # # overview # overview = { # 'username': GeneratedCloudConfig._normalize_username(None, str(token.user)), # 'purpose': booking.purpose, # 'project': booking.project, # 'start_time': booking.start, # 'end_time': booking.end, # 'pod_definitions': booking.resource.template, # 'lab': booking.lab # } # # deployment progress # task_list = [] # for task in booking.job.get_tasklist(): # task_info = { # 'name': str(task), # 'status': 'DONE', # 'lab_response': 'No response provided (yet)' # } # if task.status < 100: # task_info['status'] = 'PENDING' # elif task.status < 200: # task_info['status'] = 'IN PROGRESS' # if task.message: # if task.type_str == "Access Task" and request.user.id != task.config.user.id: # task_info['lab_response'] = '--secret--' # else: # task_info['lab_response'] = str(task.message) # task_list.append(task_info) # # pods # pod_list = [] # for host in booking.resource.get_resources(): # pod_info = { # 'hostname': host.config.name, # 'machine': host.name, # 'role': '', # 'is_headnode': host.config.is_head_node, # 'image': host.config.image, # 'ram': {'amount': str(host.profile.ramprofile.first().amount) + 'G', 'channels': host.profile.ramprofile.first().channels}, # 'cpu': {'arch': host.profile.cpuprofile.first().architecture, 'cores': host.profile.cpuprofile.first().cores, 'sockets': host.profile.cpuprofile.first().cpus}, # 'disk': {'size': str(host.profile.storageprofile.first().size) + 'GiB', 'type': host.profile.storageprofile.first().media_type, 'mount_point': host.profile.storageprofile.first().name}, # 'interfaces': [], # } # try: # pod_info['role'] = host.template.opnfvRole # except Exception: # pass # for intprof in host.profile.interfaceprofile.all(): # int_info = { # 'name': intprof.name, # 'speed': intprof.speed # } # pod_info['interfaces'].append(int_info) # pod_list.append(pod_info) # # diagnostic info # diagnostic_info = { # 'job_id': booking.job.id, # 'ci_files': '', # 'pods': [] # } # for host in booking.resource.get_resources(): # pod = { # 'host': host.name, # 'configs': [], # } # for ci_file in host.config.cloud_init_files.all(): # ci_info = { # 'id': ci_file.id, # 'text': ci_file.text # } # pod['configs'].append(ci_info) # diagnostic_info['pods'].append(pod) # details = { # 'overview': overview, # 'deployment_progress': task_list, # 'pods': pod_list, # 'diagnostic_info': diagnostic_info, # 'pdf': booking.pdf # } # return JsonResponse(str(details), safe=False) # todo - LL Integration return HttpResponse(status=404) """ Forwards a request to the LibLaaS API from a workflow """ def liblaas_request(request) -> JsonResponse: print("handing liblaas request... ", request.method) print(request.body) if request.method != 'POST': return JsonResponse({"error" : "405 Method not allowed"}) post_data = json.loads(request.body) print("post data is " + str(post_data)) http_method = post_data["method"] liblaas_endpoint = post_data["endpoint"] payload = post_data["workflow_data"] # Fill in actual username liblaas_endpoint = liblaas_endpoint.replace("[username]", UserProfile.objects.get(user=request.user).ipa_username) liblaas_endpoint = liblaas_base_url + liblaas_endpoint print("processed endpoint is ", liblaas_endpoint) if (http_method == "GET"): response = requests.get(liblaas_endpoint, data=json.dumps(payload)) elif (http_method == "POST"): response = requests.post(liblaas_endpoint, data=json.dumps(payload), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) elif (http_method == "DELETE"): response = requests.delete(liblaas_endpoint, data=json.dumps(payload)) elif (http_method == "PUT"): response = requests.put(liblaas_endpoint, data=json.dumps(payload)) else: return JsonResponse( data={}, status=405, safe=False ) try: return JsonResponse( data=json.loads(response.content.decode('utf8')), status=200, safe=False ) except Exception as e: print("fail") print(e) return JsonResponse( data = {}, status=500, safe=False ) def liblaas_templates(request): liblaas_url = liblaas_base_url + "template/list/" + UserProfile.objects.get(user=request.user).ipa_username print("api call to " + liblaas_url) return requests.get(liblaas_url) def delete_template(request): endpoint = json.loads(request.body)["endpoint"] liblaas_url = liblaas_base_url + endpoint print("api call to ", liblaas_url) try: response = requests.delete(liblaas_url) return JsonResponse( data={}, status=response.status_code, safe=False ) except: return JsonResponse( data={}, status=500, safe=False ) def booking_status(request, booking_id): print("booking id is", booking_id) statuses = get_booking_status(Booking.objects.get(id=booking_id)) return HttpResponse(json.dumps(statuses)) def get_booking_status(bookingObject): liblaas_url = liblaas_base_url + "booking/" + bookingObject.aggregateId + "/status" print("Getting booking status at: ", liblaas_url) response = requests.get(liblaas_url) try: return json.loads(response.content) except: print("failed to get status") return [] def liblaas_end_booking(aggregateId): liblaas_url = liblaas_base_url + "booking/" + str(aggregateId) + "/end" print("Ending booking at ", liblaas_url) response = requests.delete(liblaas_url) try: return response except: print("failed to end booking") return HttpResponse(status=500) def ipa_create_account(request): # Called when no username was found # Only allow if user does not have a linked ipa account profile = UserProfile.objects.get(user=request.user) if (profile.ipa_username): return HttpResponse(status=401) post_data = request.POST user = { 'uid': str(request.user), 'givenname': post_data['first_name'], 'sn': post_data['last_name'], 'cn': post_data['first_name'] + " " + post_data['last_name'], 'mail': post_data['email'], 'ou': post_data['company'], 'random': True } try: response = requests.post(liblaas_base_url + "user/create", data=json.dumps(user), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) profile.ipa_username = user['uid'] print("Saving ipa username", profile.ipa_username) profile.save() return redirect("dashboard:index") except Exception as e: print(e) return redirect("dashboard:index") def ipa_confirm_account(request): # Called when username was found and email matches profile = UserProfile.objects.get(user=request.user) if (profile.ipa_username): return HttpResponse(status=401) profile.ipa_username = str(request.user) print("Saving ipa username", profile.ipa_username) profile.save() return redirect("dashboard:index") def ipa_conflict_account(request): # Called when username was found but emails do not match # Need to ask user to input alternate username # To verify username is not taken, call query_username and accept if returns None print("ipa conflict account") profile = UserProfile.objects.get(user=request.user) print("profile is", profile) if (profile.ipa_username): return HttpResponse(status=401) post_data = request.POST user = { 'uid': post_data['ipa_username'], 'givenname': post_data['first_name'], 'sn': post_data['last_name'], 'cn': post_data['first_name'] + " " + post_data['last_name'], 'mail': post_data['email'], 'ou': post_data['company'], 'random': True, } try: response = requests.post(liblaas_base_url + "user/create", data=json.dumps(user), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) profile.ipa_username = user['uid'] print("Saving ipa username", profile.ipa_username) profile.save() return redirect("dashboard:index") except Exception as e: print(e) return redirect("dashboard:index") def ipa_set_company_from_workflow(request): profile = UserProfile.objects.get(user=request.user) ipa_set_company(profile, request.POST["company"]) return redirect("workflow:book_a_pod") def ipa_add_ssh_from_workflow(request): profile = UserProfile.objects.get(user=request.user) key_as_list = [] key_as_list.append(request.POST["ssh_public_key"]) ipa_set_ssh(profile, key_as_list) return redirect("workflow:book_a_pod") def list_hosts(request): if request.method != "GET": return HttpResponse(status=405) dashboard = 'lfedge' if liblaas_base_url == 'lfedge' else 'anuket' liblaas_url = os.environ.get('LIBLAAS_BASE_URL') + "flavor/hosts/" + dashboard print("Listing hosts at ", liblaas_url) response = requests.get(liblaas_url) try: return JsonResponse( data = json.loads(response.content), status=200, safe=False ) except Exception as e: print("Failed to list hosts!", e) return JsonResponse( data = {}, status=500, safe=False ) def list_flavors(request): if (request.method) != "GET": return HttpResponse(status=405) response = requests.get(liblaas_base_url + "flavor") try: return JsonResponse( data = json.loads(response.content), status=200, safe=False ) except Exception as e: print("Failed to list flavors!", e) return JsonResponse( data = {}, status=500, safe=False )