############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2018 Sawyer Bergeron, Parker Berberian, and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.db import models from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied, ValidationError from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from django.contrib.postgres.fields import JSONField from django.http import HttpResponseNotFound from django.urls import reverse from django.utils import timezone import json import uuid import yaml from booking.models import Booking from resource_inventory.models import ( Lab, ResourceProfile, Image, Opsys, Interface, ResourceOPNFVConfig, RemoteInfo, OPNFVConfig, ConfigState, ResourceQuery, ResourceConfiguration, CloudInitFile ) from resource_inventory.idf_templater import IDFTemplater from resource_inventory.pdf_templater import PDFTemplater from account.models import Downtime, UserProfile from dashboard.utils import AbstractModelQuery class JobStatus: """ A poor man's enum for a job's status. A job is NEW if it has not been started or recognized by the Lab A job is CURRENT if it has been started by the lab but it is not yet completed a job is DONE if all the tasks are complete and the booking is ready to use """ NEW = 0 CURRENT = 100 DONE = 200 ERROR = 300 class LabManagerTracker: @classmethod def get(cls, lab_name, token): """ Get a LabManager. Takes in a lab name (from a url path) returns a lab manager instance for that lab, if it exists Also checks that the given API token is correct """ try: lab = Lab.objects.get(name=lab_name) except Exception: raise PermissionDenied("Lab not found") if lab.api_token == token: return LabManager(lab) raise PermissionDenied("Lab not authorized") class LabManager: """ Handles all lab REST calls. handles jobs, inventory, status, etc may need to create helper classes """ def __init__(self, lab): self.lab = lab def get_opsyss(self): return Opsys.objects.filter(from_lab=self.lab) def get_images(self): return Image.objects.filter(from_lab=self.lab) def get_image(self, image_id): return Image.objects.filter(from_lab=self.lab, lab_id=image_id) def get_opsys(self, opsys_id): return Opsys.objects.filter(from_lab=self.lab, lab_id=opsys_id) def get_downtime(self): return Downtime.objects.filter(start__lt=timezone.now(), end__gt=timezone.now(), lab=self.lab) def get_downtime_json(self): downtime = self.get_downtime().first() # should only be one item in queryset if downtime: return { "is_down": True, "start": downtime.start, "end": downtime.end, "description": downtime.description } return {"is_down": False} def create_downtime(self, form): """ Create a downtime event. Takes in a dictionary that describes the model. { "start": utc timestamp "end": utc timestamp "description": human text (optional) } For timestamp structure, https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/ref/forms/fields/#datetimefield """ Downtime.objects.create( start=form.cleaned_data['start'], end=form.cleaned_data['end'], description=form.cleaned_data['description'], lab=self.lab ) return self.get_downtime_json() def update_host_remote_info(self, data, res_id): resource = ResourceQuery.filter(labid=res_id, lab=self.lab) if len(resource) != 1: return HttpResponseNotFound("Could not find single host with id " + str(res_id)) resource = resource[0] info = {} try: info['address'] = data['address'] info['mac_address'] = data['mac_address'] info['password'] = data['password'] info['user'] = data['user'] info['type'] = data['type'] info['versions'] = json.dumps(data['versions']) except Exception as e: return {"error": "invalid arguement: " + str(e)} remote_info = resource.remote_management if "default" in remote_info.mac_address: remote_info = RemoteInfo() remote_info.address = info['address'] remote_info.mac_address = info['mac_address'] remote_info.password = info['password'] remote_info.user = info['user'] remote_info.type = info['type'] remote_info.versions = info['versions'] remote_info.save() resource.remote_management = remote_info resource.save() booking = Booking.objects.get(resource=resource.bundle) self.update_xdf(booking) return {"status": "success"} def update_xdf(self, booking): booking.pdf = PDFTemplater.makePDF(booking) booking.idf = IDFTemplater().makeIDF(booking) booking.save() def get_pdf(self, booking_id): booking = get_object_or_404(Booking, pk=booking_id, lab=self.lab) return booking.pdf def get_idf(self, booking_id): booking = get_object_or_404(Booking, pk=booking_id, lab=self.lab) return booking.idf def get_profile(self): prof = {} prof['name'] = self.lab.name prof['contact'] = { "phone": self.lab.contact_phone, "email": self.lab.contact_email } prof['host_count'] = [{ "type": profile.name, "count": len(profile.get_resources(lab=self.lab))} for profile in ResourceProfile.objects.filter(labs=self.lab)] return prof def format_user(self, userprofile): return { "id": userprofile.user.id, "username": userprofile.user.username, "email": userprofile.email_addr, "first_name": userprofile.user.first_name, "last_name": userprofile.user.last_name, "company": userprofile.company } def get_users(self): userlist = [self.format_user(profile) for profile in UserProfile.objects.select_related("user").all()] return json.dumps({"users": userlist}) def get_user(self, user_id): user = User.objects.get(pk=user_id) profile = get_object_or_404(UserProfile, user=user) return json.dumps(self.format_user(profile)) def get_inventory(self): inventory = {} resources = ResourceQuery.filter(lab=self.lab) images = Image.objects.filter(from_lab=self.lab) profiles = ResourceProfile.objects.filter(labs=self.lab) inventory['resources'] = self.serialize_resources(resources) inventory['images'] = self.serialize_images(images) inventory['host_types'] = self.serialize_host_profiles(profiles) return inventory def get_host(self, hostname): resource = ResourceQuery.filter(labid=hostname, lab=self.lab) if len(resource) != 1: return HttpResponseNotFound("Could not find single host with id " + str(hostname)) resource = resource[0] return { "booked": resource.booked, "working": resource.working, "type": resource.profile.name } def update_host(self, hostname, data): resource = ResourceQuery.filter(labid=hostname, lab=self.lab) if len(resource) != 1: return HttpResponseNotFound("Could not find single host with id " + str(hostname)) resource = resource[0] if "working" in data: working = data['working'] == "true" resource.working = working resource.save() return self.get_host(hostname) def get_status(self): return {"status": self.lab.status} def set_status(self, payload): {} def get_current_jobs(self): jobs = Job.objects.filter(booking__lab=self.lab) return self.serialize_jobs(jobs, status=JobStatus.CURRENT) def get_new_jobs(self): jobs = Job.objects.filter(booking__lab=self.lab) return self.serialize_jobs(jobs, status=JobStatus.NEW) def get_done_jobs(self): jobs = Job.objects.filter(booking__lab=self.lab) return self.serialize_jobs(jobs, status=JobStatus.DONE) def get_analytics_job(self): """ Get analytics job with status new """ jobs = Job.objects.filter( booking__lab=self.lab, job_type='DATA' ) return self.serialize_jobs(jobs, status=JobStatus.NEW) def get_job(self, jobid): return Job.objects.get(pk=jobid).to_dict() def update_job(self, jobid, data): {} def serialize_jobs(self, jobs, status=JobStatus.NEW): job_ser = [] for job in jobs: jsonized_job = job.get_delta(status) if len(jsonized_job['payload']) < 1: continue job_ser.append(jsonized_job) return job_ser def serialize_resources(self, resources): # TODO: rewrite for Resource model host_ser = [] for res in resources: r = { 'interfaces': [], 'hostname': res.name, 'host_type': res.profile.name } for iface in res.get_interfaces(): r['interfaces'].append({ 'mac': iface.mac_address, 'busaddr': iface.bus_address, 'name': iface.name, 'switchport': {"switch_name": iface.switch_name, "port_name": iface.port_name} }) return host_ser def serialize_images(self, images): images_ser = [] for image in images: images_ser.append( { "name": image.name, "lab_id": image.lab_id, "dashboard_id": image.id } ) return images_ser def serialize_resource_profiles(self, profiles): profile_ser = [] for profile in profiles: p = {} p['cpu'] = { "cores": profile.cpuprofile.first().cores, "arch": profile.cpuprofile.first().architecture, "cpus": profile.cpuprofile.first().cpus, } p['disks'] = [] for disk in profile.storageprofile.all(): d = { "size": disk.size, "type": disk.media_type, "name": disk.name } p['disks'].append(d) p['description'] = profile.description p['interfaces'] = [] for iface in profile.interfaceprofile.all(): p['interfaces'].append( { "speed": iface.speed, "name": iface.name } ) p['ram'] = {"amount": profile.ramprofile.first().amount} p['name'] = profile.name profile_ser.append(p) return profile_ser class GeneratedCloudConfig(models.Model): resource_id = models.CharField(max_length=200) booking = models.ForeignKey(Booking, on_delete=models.CASCADE) rconfig = models.ForeignKey(ResourceConfiguration, on_delete=models.CASCADE) text = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) def _normalize_username(self, username: str) -> str: # TODO: make usernames posix compliant return username def _get_ssh_string(self, username: str) -> str: user = User.objects.get(username=username) uprofile = user.userprofile ssh_file = uprofile.ssh_public_key escaped_file = ssh_file.open().read().decode(encoding="UTF-8").replace("\n", " ") return escaped_file def _serialize_users(self): """ returns the dictionary to be placed behind the `users` field of the toplevel c-i dict """ # conserves distro default user user_array = ["default"] users = list(self.booking.collaborators.all()) users.append(self.booking.owner) for collaborator in users: userdict = {} # TODO: validate if usernames are valid as linux usernames (and provide an override potentially) userdict['name'] = self._normalize_username(collaborator.username) userdict['groups'] = "sudo" userdict['sudo'] = "ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" userdict['ssh_authorized_keys'] = [self._get_ssh_string(collaborator.username)] user_array.append(userdict) #user_array.append({ # "name": "opnfv", # "passwd": "$6$k54L.vim1cLaEc4$5AyUIrufGlbtVBzuCWOlA1yV6QdD7Gr2MzwIs/WhuYR9ebSfh3Qlb7djkqzjwjxpnSAonK1YOabPP6NxUDccu.", # "ssh_redirect_user": True, # "sudo": "ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL", # "groups": "sudo", # }) return user_array # TODO: make this configurable def _serialize_sysinfo(self): defuser = {} defuser['name'] = 'opnfv' defuser['plain_text_passwd'] = 'OPNFV_HOST' defuser['home'] = '/home/opnfv' defuser['shell'] = '/bin/bash' defuser['lock_passwd'] = True defuser['gecos'] = 'Lab Manager User' defuser['groups'] = 'sudo' return { 'default_user': defuser } # TODO: make this configurable def _serialize_runcmds(self): cmdlist = [ ] # have hosts run dhcp on boot cmdlist.append(['sudo', 'dhclient', '-r']) cmdlist.append(['sudo', 'dhclient']) return cmdlist def _serialize_netconf_v1(self): interfaces = {} # map from iface_name => dhcp_config #vlans = {} # map from vlan_id => dhcp_config config_arr = [] for interface in self._resource().interfaces.all(): interface_name = interface.profile.name interface_mac = interface.mac_address iface_dict_entry = { "type": "physical", "name": interface_name, "mac_address": interface_mac, } for vlan in interface.config.all(): if vlan.tagged: vlan_dict_entry = {'type': 'vlan'} vlan_dict_entry['name'] = str(interface_name) + "." + str(vlan.vlan_id) vlan_dict_entry['vlan_link'] = str(interface_name) vlan_dict_entry['vlan_id'] = int(vlan.vlan_id) vlan_dict_entry['mac_address'] = str(interface_mac) if vlan.public: vlan_dict_entry["subnets"] = [ { "type": "dhcp" } ] config_arr.append(vlan_dict_entry) if (not vlan.tagged) and vlan.public: iface_dict_entry["subnets"] = [ { "type": "dhcp" } ] #vlan_dict_entry['mtu'] = # TODO, determine override MTU if needed config_arr.append(iface_dict_entry) ns_dict = { 'type': 'nameserver', 'address': ['', ''] } config_arr.append(ns_dict) full_dict = {'version': 1, 'config': config_arr} return full_dict @classmethod def get(cls, booking_id: int, resource_lab_id: str, file_id: int): return GeneratedCloudConfig.objects.get(resource_id=resource_lab_id, booking__id=booking_id, file_id=file_id) def _resource(self): return ResourceQuery.get(labid=self.resource_id, lab=self.booking.lab) def _get_facts(self): resource = self._resource() hostname = self.rconfig.name iface_configs = for_config.interface_configs.all() def _to_dict(self): main_dict = {} main_dict['users'] = self._serialize_users() main_dict['network'] = self._serialize_netconf_v1() main_dict['hostname'] = self.rconfig.name # add first startup commands main_dict['runcmd'] = self._serialize_runcmds() # configure distro default user main_dict['system_info'] = self._serialize_sysinfo() return main_dict def serialize(self) -> str: return yaml.dump(self._to_dict()) class APILog(models.Model): user = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.PROTECT) call_time = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) method = models.CharField(null=True, max_length=6) endpoint = models.CharField(null=True, max_length=300) ip_addr = models.GenericIPAddressField(protocol="both", null=True, unpack_ipv4=False) body = JSONField(null=True) def __str__(self): return "Call to {} at {} by {}".format( self.endpoint, self.call_time, self.user.username ) class AutomationAPIManager: @staticmethod def serialize_booking(booking): sbook = {} sbook['id'] = booking.pk sbook['owner'] = booking.owner.username sbook['collaborators'] = [user.username for user in booking.collaborators.all()] sbook['start'] = booking.start sbook['end'] = booking.end sbook['lab'] = AutomationAPIManager.serialize_lab(booking.lab) sbook['purpose'] = booking.purpose sbook['resourceBundle'] = AutomationAPIManager.serialize_bundle(booking.resource) return sbook @staticmethod def serialize_lab(lab): slab = {} slab['id'] = lab.pk slab['name'] = lab.name return slab @staticmethod def serialize_bundle(bundle): sbundle = {} sbundle['id'] = bundle.pk sbundle['resources'] = [ AutomationAPIManager.serialize_server(server) for server in bundle.get_resources()] return sbundle @staticmethod def serialize_server(server): sserver = {} sserver['id'] = server.pk sserver['name'] = server.name return sserver @staticmethod def serialize_resource_profile(profile): sprofile = {} sprofile['id'] = profile.pk sprofile['name'] = profile.name return sprofile @staticmethod def serialize_template(rec_temp_and_count): template = rec_temp_and_count[0] count = rec_temp_and_count[1] stemplate = {} stemplate['id'] = template.pk stemplate['name'] = template.name stemplate['count_available'] = count stemplate['resourceProfiles'] = [ AutomationAPIManager.serialize_resource_profile(config.profile) for config in template.getConfigs() ] return stemplate @staticmethod def serialize_image(image): simage = {} simage['id'] = image.pk simage['name'] = image.name return simage @staticmethod def serialize_userprofile(up): sup = {} sup['id'] = up.pk sup['username'] = up.user.username return sup class Job(models.Model): """ A Job to be performed by the Lab. The API uses Jobs and Tasks to communicate actions that need to be taken to the Lab that is hosting a booking. A booking from a user has an associated Job which tells the lab how to configure the hardware, networking, etc to fulfill the booking for the user. This is the class that is serialized and put into the api """ JOB_TYPES = ( ('BOOK', 'Booking'), ('DATA', 'Analytics') ) booking = models.OneToOneField(Booking, on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True) status = models.IntegerField(default=JobStatus.NEW) complete = models.BooleanField(default=False) job_type = models.CharField( max_length=4, choices=JOB_TYPES, default='BOOK' ) def to_dict(self): d = {} for relation in self.get_tasklist(): if relation.job_key not in d: d[relation.job_key] = {} d[relation.job_key][relation.task_id] = relation.config.to_dict() return {"id": self.id, "payload": d} def get_tasklist(self, status="all"): if status != "all": return JobTaskQuery.filter(job=self, status=status) return JobTaskQuery.filter(job=self) def is_fulfilled(self): """ If a job has been completed by the lab. This method should return true if all of the job's tasks are done, and false otherwise """ my_tasks = self.get_tasklist() for task in my_tasks: if task.status != JobStatus.DONE: return False return True def get_delta(self, status): d = {} for relation in self.get_tasklist(status=status): if relation.job_key not in d: d[relation.job_key] = {} d[relation.job_key][relation.task_id] = relation.config.get_delta() return {"id": self.id, "payload": d} def to_json(self): return json.dumps(self.to_dict()) class TaskConfig(models.Model): state = models.IntegerField(default=ConfigState.NEW) keys = set() # TODO: This needs to be an instance variable, not a class variable delta_keys_list = models.CharField(max_length=200, default="[]") @property def delta_keys(self): return list(set(json.loads(self.delta_keys_list))) @delta_keys.setter def delta_keys(self, keylist): self.delta_keys_list = json.dumps(keylist) def to_dict(self): raise NotImplementedError def get_delta(self): raise NotImplementedError def format_delta(self, config, token): delta = {k: config[k] for k in self.delta_keys} delta['lab_token'] = token return delta def to_json(self): return json.dumps(self.to_dict()) def clear_delta(self): self.delta_keys = [] def set(self, *args): dkeys = self.delta_keys for arg in args: if arg in self.keys: dkeys.append(arg) self.delta_keys = dkeys class BridgeConfig(models.Model): """Displays mapping between jumphost interfaces and bridges.""" interfaces = models.ManyToManyField(Interface) opnfv_config = models.ForeignKey(OPNFVConfig, on_delete=models.CASCADE) def to_dict(self): d = {} hid = ResourceQuery.get(interface__pk=self.interfaces.first().pk).labid d[hid] = {} for interface in self.interfaces.all(): d[hid][interface.mac_address] = [] for vlan in interface.config.all(): network_role = self.opnfv_model.networks().filter(network=vlan.network) bridge = IDFTemplater.bridge_names[network_role.name] br_config = { "vlan_id": vlan.vlan_id, "tagged": vlan.tagged, "bridge": bridge } d[hid][interface.mac_address].append(br_config) return d def to_json(self): return json.dumps(self.to_dict()) class ActiveUsersConfig(models.Model): """ Task for getting active VPN users StackStorm needs no information to run this job so this task is very bare, but neccessary to fit job creation convention. """ def clear_delta(self): self.delta = '{}' def get_delta(self): return json.loads(self.to_json()) def to_json(self): return json.dumps(self.to_dict()) def to_dict(self): return {} class OpnfvApiConfig(models.Model): installer = models.CharField(max_length=200) scenario = models.CharField(max_length=300) roles = models.ManyToManyField(ResourceOPNFVConfig) # pdf and idf are url endpoints, not the actual file pdf = models.CharField(max_length=100) idf = models.CharField(max_length=100) bridge_config = models.OneToOneField(BridgeConfig, on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True) delta = models.TextField() opnfv_config = models.ForeignKey(OPNFVConfig, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL) def to_dict(self): d = {} if not self.opnfv_config: return d if self.installer: d['installer'] = self.installer if self.scenario: d['scenario'] = self.scenario if self.pdf: d['pdf'] = self.pdf if self.idf: d['idf'] = self.idf if self.bridge_config: d['bridged_interfaces'] = self.bridge_config.to_dict() hosts = self.roles.all() if hosts.exists(): d['roles'] = [] for host in hosts: d['roles'].append({ host.labid: self.opnfv_config.host_opnfv_config.get( host_config__pk=host.config.pk ).role.name }) return d def to_json(self): return json.dumps(self.to_dict()) def set_installer(self, installer): self.installer = installer d = json.loads(self.delta) d['installer'] = installer self.delta = json.dumps(d) def set_scenario(self, scenario): self.scenario = scenario d = json.loads(self.delta) d['scenario'] = scenario self.delta = json.dumps(d) def set_xdf(self, booking, update_delta=True): kwargs = {'lab_name': booking.lab.name, 'booking_id': booking.id} self.pdf = reverse('get-pdf', kwargs=kwargs) self.idf = reverse('get-idf', kwargs=kwargs) if update_delta: d = json.loads(self.delta) d['pdf'] = self.pdf d['idf'] = self.idf self.delta = json.dumps(d) def add_role(self, host): self.roles.add(host) d = json.loads(self.delta) if 'role' not in d: d['role'] = [] d['roles'].append({host.labid: host.config.opnfvRole.name}) self.delta = json.dumps(d) def clear_delta(self): self.delta = '{}' def get_delta(self): return json.loads(self.to_json()) class AccessConfig(TaskConfig): access_type = models.CharField(max_length=50) user = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE) revoke = models.BooleanField(default=False) context = models.TextField(default="") delta = models.TextField(default="{}") def to_dict(self): d = {} d['access_type'] = self.access_type d['user'] = self.user.id d['revoke'] = self.revoke try: d['context'] = json.loads(self.context) except Exception: pass return d def get_delta(self): d = json.loads(self.to_json()) d["lab_token"] = self.accessrelation.lab_token return d def to_json(self): return json.dumps(self.to_dict()) def clear_delta(self): d = {} d["lab_token"] = self.accessrelation.lab_token self.delta = json.dumps(d) def set_access_type(self, access_type): self.access_type = access_type d = json.loads(self.delta) d['access_type'] = access_type self.delta = json.dumps(d) def set_user(self, user): self.user = user d = json.loads(self.delta) d['user'] = self.user.id self.delta = json.dumps(d) def set_revoke(self, revoke): self.revoke = revoke d = json.loads(self.delta) d['revoke'] = revoke self.delta = json.dumps(d) def set_context(self, context): self.context = json.dumps(context) d = json.loads(self.delta) d['context'] = context self.delta = json.dumps(d) class SoftwareConfig(TaskConfig): """Handles software installations, such as OPNFV or ONAP.""" opnfv = models.ForeignKey(OpnfvApiConfig, on_delete=models.CASCADE) def to_dict(self): d = {} if self.opnfv: d['opnfv'] = self.opnfv.to_dict() d["lab_token"] = self.softwarerelation.lab_token self.delta = json.dumps(d) return d def get_delta(self): d = {} d['opnfv'] = self.opnfv.get_delta() d['lab_token'] = self.softwarerelation.lab_token return d def clear_delta(self): self.opnfv.clear_delta() def to_json(self): return json.dumps(self.to_dict()) class HardwareConfig(TaskConfig): """Describes the desired configuration of the hardware.""" image = models.CharField(max_length=100, default="defimage") power = models.CharField(max_length=100, default="off") hostname = models.CharField(max_length=100, default="hostname") ipmi_create = models.BooleanField(default=False) delta = models.TextField() keys = set(["id", "image", "power", "hostname", "ipmi_create"]) def to_dict(self): return self.get_delta() def get_delta(self): # TODO: grab the GeneratedCloudConfig urls from self.hosthardwarerelation.get_resource() return self.format_delta( self.hosthardwarerelation.get_resource().get_configuration(self.state), self.hosthardwarerelation.lab_token) class NetworkConfig(TaskConfig): """Handles network configuration.""" interfaces = models.ManyToManyField(Interface) delta = models.TextField() def to_dict(self): d = {} hid = self.hostnetworkrelation.resource_id d[hid] = {} for interface in self.interfaces.all(): d[hid][interface.mac_address] = [] if self.state != ConfigState.CLEAN: for vlan in interface.config.all(): # TODO: should this come from the interface? # e.g. will different interfaces for different resources need different configs? d[hid][interface.mac_address].append({"vlan_id": vlan.vlan_id, "tagged": vlan.tagged}) return d def to_json(self): return json.dumps(self.to_dict()) def get_delta(self): d = json.loads(self.to_json()) d['lab_token'] = self.hostnetworkrelation.lab_token return d def clear_delta(self): self.delta = json.dumps(self.to_dict()) self.save() def add_interface(self, interface): self.interfaces.add(interface) d = json.loads(self.delta) hid = self.hostnetworkrelation.resource_id if hid not in d: d[hid] = {} d[hid][interface.mac_address] = [] for vlan in interface.config.all(): d[hid][interface.mac_address].append({"vlan_id": vlan.vlan_id, "tagged": vlan.tagged}) self.delta = json.dumps(d) class SnapshotConfig(TaskConfig): resource_id = models.CharField(max_length=200, default="default_id") image = models.CharField(max_length=200,null=True) # cobbler ID dashboard_id = models.IntegerField() delta = models.TextField(default="{}") def to_dict(self): d = {} if self.host: d['host'] = self.host.labid if self.image: d['image'] = self.image d['dashboard_id'] = self.dashboard_id return d def to_json(self): return json.dumps(self.to_dict()) def get_delta(self): d = json.loads(self.to_json()) return d def clear_delta(self): self.delta = json.dumps(self.to_dict()) self.save() def set_host(self, host): self.host = host d = json.loads(self.delta) d['host'] = host.labid self.delta = json.dumps(d) def set_image(self, image): self.image = image d = json.loads(self.delta) d['image'] = self.image self.delta = json.dumps(d) def clear_image(self): self.image = None d = json.loads(self.delta) d.pop("image", None) self.delta = json.dumps(d) def set_dashboard_id(self, dash): self.dashboard_id = dash d = json.loads(self.delta) d['dashboard_id'] = self.dashboard_id self.delta = json.dumps(d) def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(ResourceQuery.filter(labid=self.resource_id)) != 1: raise ValidationError("resource_id " + str(self.resource_id) + " does not refer to a single resource") super().save(*args, **kwargs) def get_task(task_id): for taskclass in [AccessRelation, SoftwareRelation, HostHardwareRelation, HostNetworkRelation, SnapshotRelation]: try: ret = taskclass.objects.get(task_id=task_id) return ret except taskclass.DoesNotExist: pass from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist raise ObjectDoesNotExist("Could not find matching TaskRelation instance") def get_task_uuid(): return str(uuid.uuid4()) class TaskRelation(models.Model): """ Relates a Job to a TaskConfig. superclass that relates a Job to tasks anc maintains information like status and messages from the lab """ status = models.IntegerField(default=JobStatus.NEW) job = models.ForeignKey(Job, on_delete=models.CASCADE) config = models.OneToOneField(TaskConfig, on_delete=models.CASCADE) task_id = models.CharField(default=get_task_uuid, max_length=37) lab_token = models.CharField(default="null", max_length=50) message = models.TextField(default="") job_key = None def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): self.config.delete() return super(self.__class__, self).delete(*args, **kwargs) def type_str(self): return "Generic Task" class Meta: abstract = True class AccessRelation(TaskRelation): config = models.OneToOneField(AccessConfig, on_delete=models.CASCADE) job_key = "access" def type_str(self): return "Access Task" def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): self.config.delete() return super(self.__class__, self).delete(*args, **kwargs) class SoftwareRelation(TaskRelation): config = models.OneToOneField(SoftwareConfig, on_delete=models.CASCADE) job_key = "software" def type_str(self): return "Software Configuration Task" def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): self.config.delete() return super(self.__class__, self).delete(*args, **kwargs) class HostHardwareRelation(TaskRelation): resource_id = models.CharField(max_length=200, default="default_id") config = models.OneToOneField(HardwareConfig, on_delete=models.CASCADE) job_key = "hardware" def type_str(self): return "Hardware Configuration Task" def get_delta(self): return self.config.to_dict() def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): self.config.delete() return super(self.__class__, self).delete(*args, **kwargs) def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(ResourceQuery.filter(labid=self.resource_id)) != 1: raise ValidationError("resource_id " + str(self.resource_id) + " does not refer to a single resource") super().save(*args, **kwargs) def get_resource(self): return ResourceQuery.get(labid=self.resource_id) class HostNetworkRelation(TaskRelation): resource_id = models.CharField(max_length=200, default="default_id") config = models.OneToOneField(NetworkConfig, on_delete=models.CASCADE) job_key = "network" def type_str(self): return "Network Configuration Task" def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): self.config.delete() return super(self.__class__, self).delete(*args, **kwargs) def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(ResourceQuery.filter(labid=self.resource_id)) != 1: raise ValidationError("resource_id " + str(self.resource_id) + " does not refer to a single resource") super().save(*args, **kwargs) def get_resource(self): return ResourceQuery.get(labid=self.resource_id) class SnapshotRelation(TaskRelation): snapshot = models.ForeignKey(Image, on_delete=models.CASCADE) config = models.OneToOneField(SnapshotConfig, on_delete=models.CASCADE) job_key = "snapshot" def type_str(self): return "Snapshot Task" def get_delta(self): return self.config.to_dict() def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): self.config.delete() return super(self.__class__, self).delete(*args, **kwargs) class ActiveUsersRelation(TaskRelation): config = models.OneToOneField(ActiveUsersConfig, on_delete=models.CASCADE) job_key = "active users task" def type_str(self): return "Active Users Task" class JobFactory(object): """This class creates all the API models (jobs, tasks, etc) needed to fulfill a booking.""" @classmethod def reimageHost(cls, new_image, booking, host): """Modify an existing job to reimage the given host.""" job = Job.objects.get(booking=booking) # make hardware task new hardware_relation = HostHardwareRelation.objects.get(resource_id=host, job=job) hardware_relation.config.image = new_image.lab_id hardware_relation.config.save() hardware_relation.status = JobStatus.NEW # re-apply networking after host is reset net_relation = HostNetworkRelation.objects.get(resource_id=host, job=job) net_relation.status = JobStatus.NEW # re-apply ssh access after host is reset for relation in AccessRelation.objects.filter(job=job, config__access_type="ssh"): relation.status = JobStatus.NEW relation.save() hardware_relation.save() net_relation.save() @classmethod def makeSnapshotTask(cls, image, booking, host): relation = SnapshotRelation() job = Job.objects.get(booking=booking) config = SnapshotConfig.objects.create(dashboard_id=image.id) relation.job = job relation.config = config relation.config.save() relation.config = relation.config relation.snapshot = image relation.save() config.clear_delta() config.set_host(host) config.save() @classmethod def makeActiveUsersTask(cls): """ Append active users task to analytics job """ config = ActiveUsersConfig() relation = ActiveUsersRelation() job = Job.objects.get(job_type='DATA') job.status = JobStatus.NEW relation.job = job relation.config = config relation.config.save() relation.config = relation.config relation.save() config.save() @classmethod def makeAnalyticsJob(cls, booking): """ Create the analytics job This will only run once since there will only be one analytics job. All analytics tasks get appended to analytics job. """ if len(Job.objects.filter(job_type='DATA')) > 0: raise Exception("Cannot have more than one analytics job") if booking.resource: raise Exception("Booking is not marker for analytics job, has resoure") job = Job() job.booking = booking job.job_type = 'DATA' job.save() cls.makeActiveUsersTask() @classmethod def makeCompleteJob(cls, booking): """Create everything that is needed to fulfill the given booking.""" resources = booking.resource.get_resources() job = None try: job = Job.objects.get(booking=booking) except Exception: job = Job.objects.create(status=JobStatus.NEW, booking=booking) cls.makeHardwareConfigs( resources=resources, job=job ) cls.makeNetworkConfigs( resources=resources, job=job ) cls.makeSoftware( booking=booking, job=job ) cls.makeGeneratedCloudConfigs( resources=resources, job=job ) all_users = list(booking.collaborators.all()) all_users.append(booking.owner) cls.makeAccessConfig( users=all_users, access_type="vpn", revoke=False, job=job ) for user in all_users: try: cls.makeAccessConfig( users=[user], access_type="ssh", revoke=False, job=job, context={ "key": user.userprofile.ssh_public_key.open().read().decode(encoding="UTF-8"), "hosts": [r.labid for r in resources] } ) except Exception: continue @classmethod def makeGeneratedCloudConfigs(cls, resources=[], job=Job()): for res in resources: cif = GeneratedCloudConfig.objects.create(resource_id=res.labid, booking=job.booking, rconfig=res.config) cif.save() cif = CloudInitFile.create(priority=0, text=cif.serialize()) cif.save() res.config.cloud_init_files.add(cif) res.config.save() @classmethod def makeHardwareConfigs(cls, resources=[], job=Job()): """ Create and save HardwareConfig. Helper function to create the tasks related to configuring the hardware """ for res in resources: hardware_config = None try: hardware_config = HardwareConfig.objects.get(relation__resource_id=res.labid) except Exception: hardware_config = HardwareConfig() relation = HostHardwareRelation() relation.resource_id = res.labid relation.job = job relation.config = hardware_config relation.config.save() relation.config = relation.config relation.save() hardware_config.set("id", "image", "hostname", "power", "ipmi_create") hardware_config.save() @classmethod def makeAccessConfig(cls, users, access_type, revoke=False, job=Job(), context=False): """ Create and save AccessConfig. Helper function to create the tasks related to configuring the VPN, SSH, etc access for users """ for user in users: relation = AccessRelation() relation.job = job config = AccessConfig() config.access_type = access_type config.user = user config.save() relation.config = config relation.save() config.clear_delta() if context: config.set_context(context) config.set_access_type(access_type) config.set_revoke(revoke) config.set_user(user) config.save() @classmethod def makeNetworkConfigs(cls, resources=[], job=Job()): """ Create and save NetworkConfig. Helper function to create the tasks related to configuring the networking """ for res in resources: network_config = None try: network_config = NetworkConfig.objects.get(relation__host=res) except Exception: network_config = NetworkConfig.objects.create() relation = HostNetworkRelation() relation.resource_id = res.labid relation.job = job network_config.save() relation.config = network_config relation.save() network_config.clear_delta() # TODO: use get_interfaces() on resource for interface in res.interfaces.all(): network_config.add_interface(interface) network_config.save() @classmethod def make_bridge_config(cls, booking): if len(booking.resource.get_resources()) < 2: return None try: jumphost_config = ResourceOPNFVConfig.objects.filter( role__name__iexact="jumphost" ) jumphost = ResourceQuery.filter( bundle=booking.resource, config=jumphost_config.resource_config )[0] except Exception: return None br_config = BridgeConfig.objects.create(opnfv_config=booking.opnfv_config) for iface in jumphost.interfaces.all(): br_config.interfaces.add(iface) return br_config @classmethod def makeSoftware(cls, booking=None, job=Job()): """ Create and save SoftwareConfig. Helper function to create the tasks related to configuring the desired software, e.g. an OPNFV deployment """ if not booking.opnfv_config: return None opnfv_api_config = OpnfvApiConfig.objects.create( opnfv_config=booking.opnfv_config, installer=booking.opnfv_config.installer.name, scenario=booking.opnfv_config.scenario.name, bridge_config=cls.make_bridge_config(booking) ) opnfv_api_config.set_xdf(booking, False) opnfv_api_config.save() for host in booking.resource.get_resources(): opnfv_api_config.roles.add(host) software_config = SoftwareConfig.objects.create(opnfv=opnfv_api_config) software_relation = SoftwareRelation.objects.create(job=job, config=software_config) return software_relation JOB_TASK_CLASSLIST = [ HostHardwareRelation, AccessRelation, HostNetworkRelation, SoftwareRelation, SnapshotRelation, ActiveUsersRelation ] class JobTaskQuery(AbstractModelQuery): model_list = JOB_TASK_CLASSLIST