DASHBOARD_URL= # SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production! DEBUG=True # TEST should be True if you want to run some tests in your local dev environment TEST=False # These configure the postgres container and # tell django how to access the database # You shouldn't really need to change these, unless # You want a specific user / pass on the DB # The POSTGRES_ vars and DB_ vars should be kept in sync, eg # POSTGRES_DB == DB_NAME # POSTGRES_USER == DB_USER # POSTGRES_PASSWORD == DB_PASS POSTGRES_DB=sample_name POSTGRES_USER=sample_user POSTGRES_PASSWORD=sample_pass DB_NAME=sample_name DB_USER=sample_user DB_PASS=sample_pass DB_SERVICE=postgres DB_PORT=5432 # tells the dashboard to expect host forwarding from proxy (if using LFID, needs to be True) EXPECT_HOST_FORWARDING=False # string indicating what authorization to deploy with AUTH_SETTING=choose_auth # LFID or OAUTH # SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret! SECRET_KEY=http://www.miniwebtool.com/django-secret-key-generator/ OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY=sample_key OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET=sample_secret # LFID OIDC_CLIENT_ID=sample_id OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET=sample_secret OIDC_AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT=https://linuxfoundation-test.auth0.com/authorize OIDC_TOKEN_ENDPOINT=https://linuxfoundation-test.auth0.com/oauth/token OIDC_USER_ENDPOINT=https://linuxfoundation-test.auth0.com/userinfo CLAIMS_ENDPOINT=https://sso.linuxfoundation.org/claims/ OIDC_RP_SIGN_ALGO=RS256 OIDC_OP_JWKS_ENDPOINT=https://sso.linuxfoundation.org/.well-known/jwks.json # Rabbitmq DEFAULT_USER=opnfv DEFAULT_PASS=opnfvopnfv # Jenkins Build Server JENKINS_URL=https://build.opnfv.org/ci # Email Settings EMAIL_HOST= EMAIL_PORT= EMAIL_HOST_USER= EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD= DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL=webmaster@localhost TEMPLATE_OVERRIDE_DIR=laas