/* * ipr.h -- driver for IBM Power Linux RAID adapters * * Written By: Brian King <brking@us.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation * * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 IBM Corporation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * Alan Cox <alan@lxorguk.ukuu.org.uk> - Removed several careless u32/dma_addr_t errors * that broke 64bit platforms. */ #ifndef _IPR_H #define _IPR_H #include <asm/unaligned.h> #include <linux/types.h> #include <linux/completion.h> #include <linux/libata.h> #include <linux/list.h> #include <linux/kref.h> #include <linux/blk-iopoll.h> #include <scsi/scsi.h> #include <scsi/scsi_cmnd.h> /* * Literals */ #define IPR_DRIVER_VERSION "2.6.1" #define IPR_DRIVER_DATE "(March 12, 2015)" /* * IPR_MAX_CMD_PER_LUN: This defines the maximum number of outstanding * ops per device for devices not running tagged command queuing. * This can be adjusted at runtime through sysfs device attributes. */ #define IPR_MAX_CMD_PER_LUN 6 #define IPR_MAX_CMD_PER_ATA_LUN 1 /* * IPR_NUM_BASE_CMD_BLKS: This defines the maximum number of * ops the mid-layer can send to the adapter. */ #define IPR_NUM_BASE_CMD_BLKS (ioa_cfg->max_cmds) #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_IBM_OBSIDIAN_E 0x0339 #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_IBM_CROC_FPGA_E2 0x033D #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_IBM_CROCODILE 0x034A #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_2780 0x0264 #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_5702 0x0266 #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_5703 0x0278 #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_572E 0x028D #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_573E 0x02D3 #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_573D 0x02D4 #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_571A 0x02C0 #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_571B 0x02BE #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_571E 0x02BF #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_571F 0x02D5 #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_572A 0x02C1 #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_572B 0x02C2 #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_572F 0x02C3 #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_574E 0x030A #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_575B 0x030D #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_575C 0x0338 #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_57B3 0x033A #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_57B7 0x0360 #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_57B8 0x02C2 #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_57B4 0x033B #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_57B2 0x035F #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_57C0 0x0352 #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_57C3 0x0353 #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_57C4 0x0354 #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_57C6 0x0357 #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_57CC 0x035C #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_57B5 0x033C #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_57CE 0x035E #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_57B1 0x0355 #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_574D 0x0356 #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_57C8 0x035D #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_57D5 0x03FB #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_57D6 0x03FC #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_57D7 0x03FF #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_57D8 0x03FE #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_57D9 0x046D #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_57DA 0x04CA #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_57EB 0x0474 #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_57EC 0x0475 #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_57ED 0x0499 #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_57EE 0x049A #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_57EF 0x049B #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_57F0 0x049C #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_2CCA 0x04C7 #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_2CD2 0x04C8 #define IPR_SUBS_DEV_ID_2CCD 0x04C9 #define IPR_NAME "ipr" /* * Return codes */ #define IPR_RC_JOB_CONTINUE 1 #define IPR_RC_JOB_RETURN 2 /* * IOASCs */ #define IPR_IOASC_NR_INIT_CMD_REQUIRED 0x02040200 #de<style>.highlight .hll { background-color: #ffffcc } .highlight .c { color: #888888 } /* Comment */ .highlight .err { color: #a61717; background-color: #e3d2d2 } /* Error */ .highlight .k { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword */ .highlight .ch { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Hashbang */ .highlight .cm { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Multiline */ .highlight .cp { color: #cc0000; font-weight: bold } /* Comment.Preproc */ .highlight .cpf { color: #888888 } /* Comment.PreprocFile */ .highlight .c1 { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Single */ .highlight .cs { color: #cc0000; font-weight: bold; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Comment.Special */ .highlight .gd { color: #000000; background-color: #ffdddd } /* Generic.Deleted */ .highlight .ge { font-style: italic } /* Generic.Emph */ .highlight .gr { color: #aa0000 } /* Generic.Error */ .highlight .gh { color: #333333 } /* Generic.Heading */ .highlight .gi { color: #000000; background-color: #ddffdd } /* Generic.Inserted */ .highlight .go { color: #888888 } /* Generic.Output */ .highlight .gp { color: #555555 } /* Generic.Prompt */ .highlight .gs { font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Strong */ .highlight .gu { color: #666666 } /* Generic.Subheading */ .highlight .gt { color: #aa0000 } /* Generic.Traceback */ .highlight .kc { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Constant */ .highlight .kd { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Declaration */ .highlight .kn { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Namespace */ .highlight .kp { color: #008800 } /* Keyword.Pseudo */ .highlight .kr { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Reserved */ .highlight .kt { color: #888888; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Type */ .highlight .m { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number */ .highlight .s { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String */ .highlight .na { color: #336699 } /* Name.Attribute */ .highlight .nb { color: #003388 } /* Name.Builtin */ .highlight .nc { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Class */ .highlight .no { color: #003366; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Constant */ .highlight .nd { color: #555555 } /* Name.Decorator */ .highlight .ne { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Exception */ .highlight .nf { color: #0066bb; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Function */ .highlight .nl { color: #336699; font-style: italic } /* Name.Label */ .highlight .nn { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Namespace */ .highlight .py { color: #336699; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Property */ .highlight .nt { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Tag */ .highlight .nv { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable */ .highlight .ow { color: #008800 } /* Operator.Word */ .highlight .w { color: #bbbbbb } /* Text.Whitespace */ .highlight .mb { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Bin */ .highlight .mf { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Float */ .highlight .mh { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Hex */ .highlight .mi { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer */ .highlight .mo { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Oct */ .highlight .sa { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Affix */ .highlight .sb { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Backtick */ .highlight .sc { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Char */ .highlight .dl { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Delimiter */ .highlight .sd { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Doc */ .highlight .s2 { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Double */ .highlight .se { color: #0044dd; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Escape */ .highlight .sh { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */ .highlight .si { color: #3333bb; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Interpol */ .highlight .sx { color: #22bb22; background-color: #f0fff0 } /* Literal.String.Other */ .highlight .sr { color: #008800; background-color: #fff0ff } /* Literal.String.Regex */ .highlight .s1 { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Single */ .highlight .ss { color: #aa6600; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Symbol */ .highlight .bp { color: #003388 } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */ .highlight .fm { color: #0066bb; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Function.Magic */ .highlight .vc { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Class */ .highlight .vg { color: #dd7700 } /* Name.Variable.Global */ .highlight .vi { color: #3333bb } /* Name.Variable.Instance */ .highlight .vm { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Magic */ .highlight .il { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */</style><div class="highlight"><pre><span></span>1 </pre></div> </code></pre></td></tr></table> </div> <!-- class=content --> <div id="lfcollabprojects-footer"> <div class="gray-diagonal"> <div class="footer-inner"> <p> © 2015 <a href="https://opnfv.org/">Open Platform for NFV Project, Inc</a>., a Linux Foundation Collaborative Project. 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u8 bus; u8 target; u8 lun; #define IPR_GET_PHYS_LOC(res_addr) \ (((res_addr).bus << 16) | ((res_addr).target << 8) | (res_addr).lun) }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_std_inq_vpids { u8 vendor_id[IPR_VENDOR_ID_LEN]; u8 product_id[IPR_PROD_ID_LEN]; }__attribute__((packed)); struct ipr_vpd { struct ipr_std_inq_vpids vpids; u8 sn[IPR_SERIAL_NUM_LEN]; }__attribute__((packed)); struct ipr_ext_vpd { struct ipr_vpd vpd; __be32 wwid[2]; }__attribute__((packed)); struct ipr_ext_vpd64 { struct ipr_vpd vpd; __be32 wwid[4]; }__attribute__((packed)); struct ipr_std_inq_data { u8 peri_qual_dev_type; #define IPR_STD_INQ_PERI_QUAL(peri) ((peri) >> 5) #define IPR_STD_INQ_PERI_DEV_TYPE(peri) ((peri) & 0x1F) u8 removeable_medium_rsvd; #define IPR_STD_INQ_REMOVEABLE_MEDIUM 0x80 #define IPR_IS_DASD_DEVICE(std_inq) \ ((IPR_STD_INQ_PERI_DEV_TYPE((std_inq).peri_qual_dev_type) == TYPE_DISK) && \ !(((std_inq).removeable_medium_rsvd) & IPR_STD_INQ_REMOVEABLE_MEDIUM)) #define IPR_IS_SES_DEVICE(std_inq) \ (IPR_STD_INQ_PERI_DEV_TYPE((std_inq).peri_qual_dev_type) == TYPE_ENCLOSURE) u8 version; u8 aen_naca_fmt; u8 additional_len; u8 sccs_rsvd; u8 bq_enc_multi; u8 sync_cmdq_flags; struct ipr_std_inq_vpids vpids; u8 ros_rsvd_ram_rsvd[4]; u8 serial_num[IPR_SERIAL_NUM_LEN]; }__attribute__ ((packed)); #define IPR_RES_TYPE_AF_DASD 0x00 #define IPR_RES_TYPE_GENERIC_SCSI 0x01 #define IPR_RES_TYPE_VOLUME_SET 0x02 #define IPR_RES_TYPE_REMOTE_AF_DASD 0x03 #define IPR_RES_TYPE_GENERIC_ATA 0x04 #define IPR_RES_TYPE_ARRAY 0x05 #define IPR_RES_TYPE_IOAFP 0xff struct ipr_config_table_entry { u8 proto; #define IPR_PROTO_SATA 0x02 #define IPR_PROTO_SATA_ATAPI 0x03 #define IPR_PROTO_SAS_STP 0x06 #define IPR_PROTO_SAS_STP_ATAPI 0x07 u8 array_id; u8 flags; #define IPR_IS_IOA_RESOURCE 0x80 u8 rsvd_subtype; #define IPR_QUEUEING_MODEL(res) ((((res)->flags) & 0x70) >> 4) #define IPR_QUEUE_FROZEN_MODEL 0 #define IPR_QUEUE_NACA_MODEL 1 struct ipr_res_addr res_addr; __be32 res_handle; __be32 lun_wwn[2]; struct ipr_std_inq_data std_inq_data; }__attribute__ ((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_config_table_entry64 { u8 res_type; u8 proto; u8 vset_num; u8 array_id; __be16 flags; __be16 res_flags; #define IPR_QUEUEING_MODEL64(res) ((((res)->res_flags) & 0x7000) >> 12) __be32 res_handle; u8 dev_id_type; u8 reserved[3]; __be64 dev_id; __be64 lun; __be64 lun_wwn[2]; #define IPR_MAX_RES_PATH_LENGTH 48 __be64 res_path; struct ipr_std_inq_data std_inq_data; u8 reserved2[4]; __be64 reserved3[2]; u8 reserved4[8]; }__attribute__ ((packed, aligned (8))); struct ipr_config_table_hdr { u8 num_entries; u8 flags; #define IPR_UCODE_DOWNLOAD_REQ 0x10 __be16 reserved; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_config_table_hdr64 { __be16 num_entries; __be16 reserved; u8 flags; u8 reserved2[11]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_config_table { struct ipr_config_table_hdr hdr; struct ipr_config_table_entry dev[0]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_config_table64 { struct ipr_config_table_hdr64 hdr64; struct ipr_config_table_entry64 dev[0]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (8))); struct ipr_config_table_entry_wrapper { union { struct ipr_config_table_entry *cfgte; struct ipr_config_table_entry64 *cfgte64; } u; }; struct ipr_hostrcb_cfg_ch_not { union { struct ipr_config_table_entry cfgte; struct ipr_config_table_entry64 cfgte64; } u; u8 reserved[936]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_supported_device { __be16 data_length; u8 reserved; u8 num_records; struct ipr_std_inq_vpids vpids; u8 reserved2[16]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_hrr_queue { struct ipr_ioa_cfg *ioa_cfg; __be32 *host_rrq; dma_addr_t host_rrq_dma; #define IPR_HRRQ_REQ_RESP_HANDLE_MASK 0xfffffffc #define IPR_HRRQ_RESP_BIT_SET 0x00000002 #define IPR_HRRQ_TOGGLE_BIT 0x00000001 #define IPR_HRRQ_REQ_RESP_HANDLE_SHIFT 2 #define IPR_ID_HRRQ_SELE_ENABLE 0x02 volatile __be32 *hrrq_start; volatile __be32 *hrrq_end; volatile __be32 *hrrq_curr; struct list_head hrrq_free_q; struct list_head hrrq_pending_q; spinlock_t _lock; spinlock_t *lock; volatile u32 toggle_bit; u32 size; u32 min_cmd_id; u32 max_cmd_id; u8 allow_interrupts:1; u8 ioa_is_dead:1; u8 allow_cmds:1; u8 removing_ioa:1; struct blk_iopoll iopoll; }; /* Command packet structure */ struct ipr_cmd_pkt { u8 reserved; /* Reserved by IOA */ u8 hrrq_id; u8 request_type; #define IPR_RQTYPE_SCSICDB 0x00 #define IPR_RQTYPE_IOACMD 0x01 #define IPR_RQTYPE_HCAM 0x02 #define IPR_RQTYPE_ATA_PASSTHRU 0x04 #define IPR_RQTYPE_PIPE 0x05 u8 reserved2; u8 flags_hi; #define IPR_FLAGS_HI_WRITE_NOT_READ 0x80 #define IPR_FLAGS_HI_NO_ULEN_CHK 0x20 #define IPR_FLAGS_HI_SYNC_OVERRIDE 0x10 #define IPR_FLAGS_HI_SYNC_COMPLETE 0x08 #define IPR_FLAGS_HI_NO_LINK_DESC 0x04 u8 flags_lo; #define IPR_FLAGS_LO_ALIGNED_BFR 0x20 #define IPR_FLAGS_LO_DELAY_AFTER_RST 0x10 #define IPR_FLAGS_LO_UNTAGGED_TASK 0x00 #define IPR_FLAGS_LO_SIMPLE_TASK 0x02 #define IPR_FLAGS_LO_ORDERED_TASK 0x04 #define IPR_FLAGS_LO_HEAD_OF_Q_TASK 0x06 #define IPR_FLAGS_LO_ACA_TASK 0x08 u8 cdb[16]; __be16 timeout; }__attribute__ ((packed, aligned(4))); struct ipr_ioarcb_ata_regs { /* 22 bytes */ u8 flags; #define IPR_ATA_FLAG_PACKET_CMD 0x80 #define IPR_ATA_FLAG_XFER_TYPE_DMA 0x40 #define IPR_ATA_FLAG_STATUS_ON_GOOD_COMPLETION 0x20 u8 reserved[3]; __be16 data; u8 feature; u8 nsect; u8 lbal; u8 lbam; u8 lbah; u8 device; u8 command; u8 reserved2[3]; u8 hob_feature; u8 hob_nsect; u8 hob_lbal; u8 hob_lbam; u8 hob_lbah; u8 ctl; }__attribute__ ((packed, aligned(2))); struct ipr_ioadl_desc { __be32 flags_and_data_len; #define IPR_IOADL_FLAGS_MASK 0xff000000 #define IPR_IOADL_GET_FLAGS(x) (be32_to_cpu(x) & IPR_IOADL_FLAGS_MASK) #define IPR_IOADL_DATA_LEN_MASK 0x00ffffff #define IPR_IOADL_GET_DATA_LEN(x) (be32_to_cpu(x) & IPR_IOADL_DATA_LEN_MASK) #define IPR_IOADL_FLAGS_READ 0x48000000 #define IPR_IOADL_FLAGS_READ_LAST 0x49000000 #define IPR_IOADL_FLAGS_WRITE 0x68000000 #define IPR_IOADL_FLAGS_WRITE_LAST 0x69000000 #define IPR_IOADL_FLAGS_LAST 0x01000000 __be32 address; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (8))); struct ipr_ioadl64_desc { __be32 flags; __be32 data_len; __be64 address; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (16))); struct ipr_ata64_ioadl { struct ipr_ioarcb_ata_regs regs; u16 reserved[5]; struct ipr_ioadl64_desc ioadl64[IPR_NUM_IOADL_ENTRIES]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (16))); struct ipr_ioarcb_add_data { union { struct ipr_ioarcb_ata_regs regs; struct ipr_ioadl_desc ioadl[5]; __be32 add_cmd_parms[10]; } u; }__attribute__ ((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_ioarcb_sis64_add_addr_ecb { __be64 ioasa_host_pci_addr; __be64 data_ioadl_addr; __be64 reserved; __be32 ext_control_buf[4]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (8))); /* IOA Request Control Block 128 bytes */ struct ipr_ioarcb { union { __be32 ioarcb_host_pci_addr; __be64 ioarcb_host_pci_addr64; } a; __be32 res_handle; __be32 host_response_handle; __be32 reserved1; __be32 reserved2; __be32 reserved3; __be32 data_transfer_length; __be32 read_data_transfer_length; __be32 write_ioadl_addr; __be32 ioadl_len; __be32 read_ioadl_addr; __be32 read_ioadl_len; __be32 ioasa_host_pci_addr; __be16 ioasa_len; __be16 reserved4; struct ipr_cmd_pkt cmd_pkt; __be16 add_cmd_parms_offset; __be16 add_cmd_parms_len; union { struct ipr_ioarcb_add_data add_data; struct ipr_ioarcb_sis64_add_addr_ecb sis64_addr_data; } u; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_ioasa_vset { __be32 failing_lba_hi; __be32 failing_lba_lo; __be32 reserved; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_ioasa_af_dasd { __be32 failing_lba; __be32 reserved[2]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_ioasa_gpdd { u8 end_state; u8 bus_phase; __be16 reserved; __be32 ioa_data[2]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_ioasa_gata { u8 error; u8 nsect; /* Interrupt reason */ u8 lbal; u8 lbam; u8 lbah; u8 device; u8 status; u8 alt_status; /* ATA CTL */ u8 hob_nsect; u8 hob_lbal; u8 hob_lbam; u8 hob_lbah; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_auto_sense { __be16 auto_sense_len; __be16 ioa_data_len; __be32 data[SCSI_SENSE_BUFFERSIZE/sizeof(__be32)]; }; struct ipr_ioasa_hdr { __be32 ioasc; #define IPR_IOASC_SENSE_KEY(ioasc) ((ioasc) >> 24) #define IPR_IOASC_SENSE_CODE(ioasc) (((ioasc) & 0x00ff0000) >> 16) #define IPR_IOASC_SENSE_QUAL(ioasc) (((ioasc) & 0x0000ff00) >> 8) #define IPR_IOASC_SENSE_STATUS(ioasc) ((ioasc) & 0x000000ff) __be16 ret_stat_len; /* Length of the returned IOASA */ __be16 avail_stat_len; /* Total Length of status available. */ __be32 residual_data_len; /* number of bytes in the host data */ /* buffers that were not used by the IOARCB command. */ __be32 ilid; #define IPR_NO_ILID 0 #define IPR_DRIVER_ILID 0xffffffff __be32 fd_ioasc; __be32 fd_phys_locator; __be32 fd_res_handle; __be32 ioasc_specific; /* status code specific field */ #define IPR_ADDITIONAL_STATUS_FMT 0x80000000 #define IPR_AUTOSENSE_VALID 0x40000000 #define IPR_ATA_DEVICE_WAS_RESET 0x20000000 #define IPR_IOASC_SPECIFIC_MASK 0x00ffffff #define IPR_FIELD_POINTER_VALID (0x80000000 >> 8) #define IPR_FIELD_POINTER_MASK 0x0000ffff }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_ioasa { struct ipr_ioasa_hdr hdr; union { struct ipr_ioasa_vset vset; struct ipr_ioasa_af_dasd dasd; struct ipr_ioasa_gpdd gpdd; struct ipr_ioasa_gata gata; } u; struct ipr_auto_sense auto_sense; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_ioasa64 { struct ipr_ioasa_hdr hdr; u8 fd_res_path[8]; union { struct ipr_ioasa_vset vset; struct ipr_ioasa_af_dasd dasd; struct ipr_ioasa_gpdd gpdd; struct ipr_ioasa_gata gata; } u; struct ipr_auto_sense auto_sense; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_mode_parm_hdr { u8 length; u8 medium_type; u8 device_spec_parms; u8 block_desc_len; }__attribute__((packed)); struct ipr_mode_pages { struct ipr_mode_parm_hdr hdr; u8 data[255 - sizeof(struct ipr_mode_parm_hdr)]; }__attribute__((packed)); struct ipr_mode_page_hdr { u8 ps_page_code; #define IPR_MODE_PAGE_PS 0x80 #define IPR_GET_MODE_PAGE_CODE(hdr) ((hdr)->ps_page_code & 0x3F) u8 page_length; }__attribute__ ((packed)); struct ipr_dev_bus_entry { struct ipr_res_addr res_addr; u8 flags; #define IPR_SCSI_ATTR_ENABLE_QAS 0x80 #define IPR_SCSI_ATTR_DISABLE_QAS 0x40 #define IPR_SCSI_ATTR_QAS_MASK 0xC0 #define IPR_SCSI_ATTR_ENABLE_TM 0x20 #define IPR_SCSI_ATTR_NO_TERM_PWR 0x10 #define IPR_SCSI_ATTR_TM_SUPPORTED 0x08 #define IPR_SCSI_ATTR_LVD_TO_SE_NOT_ALLOWED 0x04 u8 scsi_id; u8 bus_width; u8 extended_reset_delay; #define IPR_EXTENDED_RESET_DELAY 7 __be32 max_xfer_rate; u8 spinup_delay; u8 reserved3; __be16 reserved4; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_mode_page28 { struct ipr_mode_page_hdr hdr; u8 num_entries; u8 entry_length; struct ipr_dev_bus_entry bus[0]; }__attribute__((packed)); struct ipr_mode_page24 { struct ipr_mode_page_hdr hdr; u8 flags; #define IPR_ENABLE_DUAL_IOA_AF 0x80 }__attribute__((packed)); struct ipr_ioa_vpd { struct ipr_std_inq_data std_inq_data; u8 ascii_part_num[12]; u8 reserved[40]; u8 ascii_plant_code[4]; }__attribute__((packed)); struct ipr_inquiry_page3 { u8 peri_qual_dev_type; u8 page_code; u8 reserved1; u8 page_length; u8 ascii_len; u8 reserved2[3]; u8 load_id[4]; u8 major_release; u8 card_type; u8 minor_release[2]; u8 ptf_number[4]; u8 patch_number[4]; }__attribute__((packed)); struct ipr_inquiry_cap { u8 peri_qual_dev_type; u8 page_code; u8 reserved1; u8 page_length; u8 ascii_len; u8 reserved2; u8 sis_version[2]; u8 cap; #define IPR_CAP_DUAL_IOA_RAID 0x80 u8 reserved3[15]; }__attribute__((packed)); #define IPR_INQUIRY_PAGE0_ENTRIES 20 struct ipr_inquiry_page0 { u8 peri_qual_dev_type; u8 page_code; u8 reserved1; u8 len; u8 page[IPR_INQUIRY_PAGE0_ENTRIES]; }__attribute__((packed)); struct ipr_hostrcb_device_data_entry { struct ipr_vpd vpd; struct ipr_res_addr dev_res_addr; struct ipr_vpd new_vpd; struct ipr_vpd ioa_last_with_dev_vpd; struct ipr_vpd cfc_last_with_dev_vpd; __be32 ioa_data[5]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_hostrcb_device_data_entry_enhanced { struct ipr_ext_vpd vpd; u8 ccin[4]; struct ipr_res_addr dev_res_addr; struct ipr_ext_vpd new_vpd; u8 new_ccin[4]; struct ipr_ext_vpd ioa_last_with_dev_vpd; struct ipr_ext_vpd cfc_last_with_dev_vpd; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_hostrcb64_device_data_entry_enhanced { struct ipr_ext_vpd vpd; u8 ccin[4]; u8 res_path[8]; struct ipr_ext_vpd new_vpd; u8 new_ccin[4]; struct ipr_ext_vpd ioa_last_with_dev_vpd; struct ipr_ext_vpd cfc_last_with_dev_vpd; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_hostrcb_array_data_entry { struct ipr_vpd vpd; struct ipr_res_addr expected_dev_res_addr; struct ipr_res_addr dev_res_addr; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_hostrcb64_array_data_entry { struct ipr_ext_vpd vpd; u8 ccin[4]; u8 expected_res_path[8]; u8 res_path[8]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_hostrcb_array_data_entry_enhanced { struct ipr_ext_vpd vpd; u8 ccin[4]; struct ipr_res_addr expected_dev_res_addr; struct ipr_res_addr dev_res_addr; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_hostrcb_type_ff_error { __be32 ioa_data[758]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_hostrcb_type_01_error { __be32 seek_counter; __be32 read_counter; u8 sense_data[32]; __be32 ioa_data[236]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_hostrcb_type_21_error { __be32 wwn[4]; u8 res_path[8]; u8 primary_problem_desc[32]; u8 second_problem_desc[32]; __be32 sense_data[8]; __be32 cdb[4]; __be32 residual_trans_length; __be32 length_of_error; __be32 ioa_data[236]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_hostrcb_type_02_error { struct ipr_vpd ioa_vpd; struct ipr_vpd cfc_vpd; struct ipr_vpd ioa_last_attached_to_cfc_vpd; struct ipr_vpd cfc_last_attached_to_ioa_vpd; __be32 ioa_data[3]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_hostrcb_type_12_error { struct ipr_ext_vpd ioa_vpd; struct ipr_ext_vpd cfc_vpd; struct ipr_ext_vpd ioa_last_attached_to_cfc_vpd; struct ipr_ext_vpd cfc_last_attached_to_ioa_vpd; __be32 ioa_data[3]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_hostrcb_type_03_error { struct ipr_vpd ioa_vpd; struct ipr_vpd cfc_vpd; __be32 errors_detected; __be32 errors_logged; u8 ioa_data[12]; struct ipr_hostrcb_device_data_entry dev[3]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_hostrcb_type_13_error { struct ipr_ext_vpd ioa_vpd; struct ipr_ext_vpd cfc_vpd; __be32 errors_detected; __be32 errors_logged; struct ipr_hostrcb_device_data_entry_enhanced dev[3]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_hostrcb_type_23_error { struct ipr_ext_vpd ioa_vpd; struct ipr_ext_vpd cfc_vpd; __be32 errors_detected; __be32 errors_logged; struct ipr_hostrcb64_device_data_entry_enhanced dev[3]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_hostrcb_type_04_error { struct ipr_vpd ioa_vpd; struct ipr_vpd cfc_vpd; u8 ioa_data[12]; struct ipr_hostrcb_array_data_entry array_member[10]; __be32 exposed_mode_adn; __be32 array_id; struct ipr_vpd incomp_dev_vpd; __be32 ioa_data2; struct ipr_hostrcb_array_data_entry array_member2[8]; struct ipr_res_addr last_func_vset_res_addr; u8 vset_serial_num[IPR_SERIAL_NUM_LEN]; u8 protection_level[8]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_hostrcb_type_14_error { struct ipr_ext_vpd ioa_vpd; struct ipr_ext_vpd cfc_vpd; __be32 exposed_mode_adn; __be32 array_id; struct ipr_res_addr last_func_vset_res_addr; u8 vset_serial_num[IPR_SERIAL_NUM_LEN]; u8 protection_level[8]; __be32 num_entries; struct ipr_hostrcb_array_data_entry_enhanced array_member[18]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_hostrcb_type_24_error { struct ipr_ext_vpd ioa_vpd; struct ipr_ext_vpd cfc_vpd; u8 reserved[2]; u8 exposed_mode_adn; #define IPR_INVALID_ARRAY_DEV_NUM 0xff u8 array_id; u8 last_res_path[8]; u8 protection_level[8]; struct ipr_ext_vpd64 array_vpd; u8 description[16]; u8 reserved2[3]; u8 num_entries; struct ipr_hostrcb64_array_data_entry array_member[32]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_hostrcb_type_07_error { u8 failure_reason[64]; struct ipr_vpd vpd; u32 data[222]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_hostrcb_type_17_error { u8 failure_reason[64]; struct ipr_ext_vpd vpd; u32 data[476]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_hostrcb_config_element { u8 type_status; #define IPR_PATH_CFG_TYPE_MASK 0xF0 #define IPR_PATH_CFG_NOT_EXIST 0x00 #define IPR_PATH_CFG_IOA_PORT 0x10 #define IPR_PATH_CFG_EXP_PORT 0x20 #define IPR_PATH_CFG_DEVICE_PORT 0x30 #define IPR_PATH_CFG_DEVICE_LUN 0x40 #define IPR_PATH_CFG_STATUS_MASK 0x0F #define IPR_PATH_CFG_NO_PROB 0x00 #define IPR_PATH_CFG_DEGRADED 0x01 #define IPR_PATH_CFG_FAILED 0x02 #define IPR_PATH_CFG_SUSPECT 0x03 #define IPR_PATH_NOT_DETECTED 0x04 #define IPR_PATH_INCORRECT_CONN 0x05 u8 cascaded_expander; u8 phy; u8 link_rate; #define IPR_PHY_LINK_RATE_MASK 0x0F __be32 wwid[2]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_hostrcb64_config_element { __be16 length; u8 descriptor_id; #define IPR_DESCRIPTOR_MASK 0xC0 #define IPR_DESCRIPTOR_SIS64 0x00 u8 reserved; u8 type_status; u8 reserved2[2]; u8 link_rate; u8 res_path[8]; __be32 wwid[2]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (8))); struct ipr_hostrcb_fabric_desc { __be16 length; u8 ioa_port; u8 cascaded_expander; u8 phy; u8 path_state; #define IPR_PATH_ACTIVE_MASK 0xC0 #define IPR_PATH_NO_INFO 0x00 #define IPR_PATH_ACTIVE 0x40 #define IPR_PATH_NOT_ACTIVE 0x80 #define IPR_PATH_STATE_MASK 0x0F #define IPR_PATH_STATE_NO_INFO 0x00 #define IPR_PATH_HEALTHY 0x01 #define IPR_PATH_DEGRADED 0x02 #define IPR_PATH_FAILED 0x03 __be16 num_entries; struct ipr_hostrcb_config_element elem[1]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_hostrcb64_fabric_desc { __be16 length; u8 descriptor_id; u8 reserved[2]; u8 path_state; u8 reserved2[2]; u8 res_path[8]; u8 reserved3[6]; __be16 num_entries; struct ipr_hostrcb64_config_element elem[1]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (8))); #define for_each_hrrq(hrrq, ioa_cfg) \ for (hrrq = (ioa_cfg)->hrrq; \ hrrq < ((ioa_cfg)->hrrq + (ioa_cfg)->hrrq_num); hrrq++) #define for_each_fabric_cfg(fabric, cfg) \ for (cfg = (fabric)->elem; \ cfg < ((fabric)->elem + be16_to_cpu((fabric)->num_entries)); \ cfg++) struct ipr_hostrcb_type_20_error { u8 failure_reason[64]; u8 reserved[3]; u8 num_entries; struct ipr_hostrcb_fabric_desc desc[1]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_hostrcb_type_30_error { u8 failure_reason[64]; u8 reserved[3]; u8 num_entries; struct ipr_hostrcb64_fabric_desc desc[1]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_hostrcb_error { __be32 fd_ioasc; struct ipr_res_addr fd_res_addr; __be32 fd_res_handle; __be32 prc; union { struct ipr_hostrcb_type_ff_error type_ff_error; struct ipr_hostrcb_type_01_error type_01_error; struct ipr_hostrcb_type_02_error type_02_error; struct ipr_hostrcb_type_03_error type_03_error; struct ipr_hostrcb_type_04_error type_04_error; struct ipr_hostrcb_type_07_error type_07_error; struct ipr_hostrcb_type_12_error type_12_error; struct ipr_hostrcb_type_13_error type_13_error; struct ipr_hostrcb_type_14_error type_14_error; struct ipr_hostrcb_type_17_error type_17_error; struct ipr_hostrcb_type_20_error type_20_error; } u; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_hostrcb64_error { __be32 fd_ioasc; __be32 ioa_fw_level; __be32 fd_res_handle; __be32 prc; __be64 fd_dev_id; __be64 fd_lun; u8 fd_res_path[8]; __be64 time_stamp; u8 reserved[16]; union { struct ipr_hostrcb_type_ff_error type_ff_error; struct ipr_hostrcb_type_12_error type_12_error; struct ipr_hostrcb_type_17_error type_17_error; struct ipr_hostrcb_type_21_error type_21_error; struct ipr_hostrcb_type_23_error type_23_error; struct ipr_hostrcb_type_24_error type_24_error; struct ipr_hostrcb_type_30_error type_30_error; } u; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (8))); struct ipr_hostrcb_raw { __be32 data[sizeof(struct ipr_hostrcb_error)/sizeof(__be32)]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_hcam { u8 op_code; #define IPR_HOST_RCB_OP_CODE_CONFIG_CHANGE 0xE1 #define IPR_HOST_RCB_OP_CODE_LOG_DATA 0xE2 u8 notify_type; #define IPR_HOST_RCB_NOTIF_TYPE_EXISTING_CHANGED 0x00 #define IPR_HOST_RCB_NOTIF_TYPE_NEW_ENTRY 0x01 #define IPR_HOST_RCB_NOTIF_TYPE_REM_ENTRY 0x02 #define IPR_HOST_RCB_NOTIF_TYPE_ERROR_LOG_ENTRY 0x10 #define IPR_HOST_RCB_NOTIF_TYPE_INFORMATION_ENTRY 0x11 u8 notifications_lost; #define IPR_HOST_RCB_NO_NOTIFICATIONS_LOST 0 #define IPR_HOST_RCB_NOTIFICATIONS_LOST 0x80 u8 flags; #define IPR_HOSTRCB_INTERNAL_OPER 0x80 #define IPR_HOSTRCB_ERR_RESP_SENT 0x40 u8 overlay_id; #define IPR_HOST_RCB_OVERLAY_ID_1 0x01 #define IPR_HOST_RCB_OVERLAY_ID_2 0x02 #define IPR_HOST_RCB_OVERLAY_ID_3 0x03 #define IPR_HOST_RCB_OVERLAY_ID_4 0x04 #define IPR_HOST_RCB_OVERLAY_ID_6 0x06 #define IPR_HOST_RCB_OVERLAY_ID_7 0x07 #define IPR_HOST_RCB_OVERLAY_ID_12 0x12 #define IPR_HOST_RCB_OVERLAY_ID_13 0x13 #define IPR_HOST_RCB_OVERLAY_ID_14 0x14 #define IPR_HOST_RCB_OVERLAY_ID_16 0x16 #define IPR_HOST_RCB_OVERLAY_ID_17 0x17 #define IPR_HOST_RCB_OVERLAY_ID_20 0x20 #define IPR_HOST_RCB_OVERLAY_ID_21 0x21 #define IPR_HOST_RCB_OVERLAY_ID_23 0x23 #define IPR_HOST_RCB_OVERLAY_ID_24 0x24 #define IPR_HOST_RCB_OVERLAY_ID_26 0x26 #define IPR_HOST_RCB_OVERLAY_ID_30 0x30 #define IPR_HOST_RCB_OVERLAY_ID_DEFAULT 0xFF u8 reserved1[3]; __be32 ilid; __be32 time_since_last_ioa_reset; __be32 reserved2; __be32 length; union { struct ipr_hostrcb_error error; struct ipr_hostrcb64_error error64; struct ipr_hostrcb_cfg_ch_not ccn; struct ipr_hostrcb_raw raw; } u; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_hostrcb { struct ipr_hcam hcam; dma_addr_t hostrcb_dma; struct list_head queue; struct ipr_ioa_cfg *ioa_cfg; char rp_buffer[IPR_MAX_RES_PATH_LENGTH]; }; /* IPR smart dump table structures */ struct ipr_sdt_entry { __be32 start_token; __be32 end_token; u8 reserved[4]; u8 flags; #define IPR_SDT_ENDIAN 0x80 #define IPR_SDT_VALID_ENTRY 0x20 u8 resv; __be16 priority; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_sdt_header { __be32 state; __be32 num_entries; __be32 num_entries_used; __be32 dump_size; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_sdt { struct ipr_sdt_header hdr; struct ipr_sdt_entry entry[IPR_FMT3_NUM_SDT_ENTRIES]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_uc_sdt { struct ipr_sdt_header hdr; struct ipr_sdt_entry entry[1]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); /* * Driver types */ struct ipr_bus_attributes { u8 bus; u8 qas_enabled; u8 bus_width; u8 reserved; u32 max_xfer_rate; }; struct ipr_sata_port { struct ipr_ioa_cfg *ioa_cfg; struct ata_port *ap; struct ipr_resource_entry *res; struct ipr_ioasa_gata ioasa; }; struct ipr_resource_entry { u8 needs_sync_complete:1; u8 in_erp:1; u8 add_to_ml:1; u8 del_from_ml:1; u8 resetting_device:1; u8 reset_occurred:1; u8 raw_mode:1; u32 bus; /* AKA channel */ u32 target; /* AKA id */ u32 lun; #define IPR_ARRAY_VIRTUAL_BUS 0x1 #define IPR_VSET_VIRTUAL_BUS 0x2 #define IPR_IOAFP_VIRTUAL_BUS 0x3 #define IPR_GET_RES_PHYS_LOC(res) \ (((res)->bus << 24) | ((res)->target << 8) | (res)->lun) u8 ata_class; u8 flags; __be16 res_flags; u8 type; u8 qmodel; struct ipr_std_inq_data std_inq_data; __be32 res_handle; __be64 dev_id; __be64 lun_wwn; struct scsi_lun dev_lun; u8 res_path[8]; struct ipr_ioa_cfg *ioa_cfg; struct scsi_device *sdev; struct ipr_sata_port *sata_port; struct list_head queue; }; /* struct ipr_resource_entry */ struct ipr_resource_hdr { u16 num_entries; u16 reserved; }; struct ipr_misc_cbs { struct ipr_ioa_vpd ioa_vpd; struct ipr_inquiry_page0 page0_data; struct ipr_inquiry_page3 page3_data; struct ipr_inquiry_cap cap; struct ipr_mode_pages mode_pages; struct ipr_supported_device supp_dev; }; struct ipr_interrupt_offsets { unsigned long set_interrupt_mask_reg; unsigned long clr_interrupt_mask_reg; unsigned long clr_interrupt_mask_reg32; unsigned long sense_interrupt_mask_reg; unsigned long sense_interrupt_mask_reg32; unsigned long clr_interrupt_reg; unsigned long clr_interrupt_reg32; unsigned long sense_interrupt_reg; unsigned long sense_interrupt_reg32; unsigned long ioarrin_reg; unsigned long sense_uproc_interrupt_reg; unsigned long sense_uproc_interrupt_reg32; unsigned long set_uproc_interrupt_reg; unsigned long set_uproc_interrupt_reg32; unsigned long clr_uproc_interrupt_reg; unsigned long clr_uproc_interrupt_reg32; unsigned long init_feedback_reg; unsigned long dump_addr_reg; unsigned long dump_data_reg; #define IPR_ENDIAN_SWAP_KEY 0x00080800 unsigned long endian_swap_reg; }; struct ipr_interrupts { void __iomem *set_interrupt_mask_reg; void __iomem *clr_interrupt_mask_reg; void __iomem *clr_interrupt_mask_reg32; void __iomem *sense_interrupt_mask_reg; void __iomem *sense_interrupt_mask_reg32; void __iomem *clr_interrupt_reg; void __iomem *clr_interrupt_reg32; void __iomem *sense_interrupt_reg; void __iomem *sense_interrupt_reg32; void __iomem *ioarrin_reg; void __iomem *sense_uproc_interrupt_reg; void __iomem *sense_uproc_interrupt_reg32; void __iomem *set_uproc_interrupt_reg; void __iomem *set_uproc_interrupt_reg32; void __iomem *clr_uproc_interrupt_reg; void __iomem *clr_uproc_interrupt_reg32; void __iomem *init_feedback_reg; void __iomem *dump_addr_reg; void __iomem *dump_data_reg; void __iomem *endian_swap_reg; }; struct ipr_chip_cfg_t { u32 mailbox; u16 max_cmds; u8 cache_line_size; u8 clear_isr; u32 iopoll_weight; struct ipr_interrupt_offsets regs; }; struct ipr_chip_t { u16 vendor; u16 device; u16 intr_type; #define IPR_USE_LSI 0x00 #define IPR_USE_MSI 0x01 #define IPR_USE_MSIX 0x02 u16 sis_type; #define IPR_SIS32 0x00 #define IPR_SIS64 0x01 u16 bist_method; #define IPR_PCI_CFG 0x00 #define IPR_MMIO 0x01 const struct ipr_chip_cfg_t *cfg; }; enum ipr_shutdown_type { IPR_SHUTDOWN_NORMAL = 0x00, IPR_SHUTDOWN_PREPARE_FOR_NORMAL = 0x40, IPR_SHUTDOWN_ABBREV = 0x80, IPR_SHUTDOWN_NONE = 0x100, IPR_SHUTDOWN_QUIESCE = 0x101, }; struct ipr_trace_entry { u32 time; u8 op_code; u8 ata_op_code; u8 type; #define IPR_TRACE_START 0x00 #define IPR_TRACE_FINISH 0xff u8 cmd_index; __be32 res_handle; union { u32 ioasc; u32 add_data; u32 res_addr; } u; }; struct ipr_sglist { u32 order; u32 num_sg; u32 num_dma_sg; u32 buffer_len; struct scatterlist scatterlist[1]; }; enum ipr_sdt_state { INACTIVE, WAIT_FOR_DUMP, GET_DUMP, READ_DUMP, ABORT_DUMP, DUMP_OBTAINED }; /* Per-controller data */ struct ipr_ioa_cfg { char eye_catcher[8]; #define IPR_EYECATCHER "iprcfg" struct list_head queue; u8 in_reset_reload:1; u8 in_ioa_bringdown:1; u8 ioa_unit_checked:1; u8 dump_taken:1; u8 scan_done:1; u8 needs_hard_reset:1; u8 dual_raid:1; u8 needs_warm_reset:1; u8 msi_received:1; u8 sis64:1; u8 dump_timeout:1; u8 cfg_locked:1; u8 clear_isr:1; u8 probe_done:1; u8 revid; /* * Bitmaps for SIS64 generated target values */ unsigned long target_ids[BITS_TO_LONGS(IPR_MAX_SIS64_DEVS)]; unsigned long array_ids[BITS_TO_LONGS(IPR_MAX_SIS64_DEVS)]; unsigned long vset_ids[BITS_TO_LONGS(IPR_MAX_SIS64_DEVS)]; u16 type; /* CCIN of the card */ u8 log_level; #define IPR_MAX_LOG_LEVEL 4 #define IPR_DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL 2 #define IPR_NUM_TRACE_INDEX_BITS 8 #define IPR_NUM_TRACE_ENTRIES (1 << IPR_NUM_TRACE_INDEX_BITS) #define IPR_TRACE_INDEX_MASK (IPR_NUM_TRACE_ENTRIES - 1) #define IPR_TRACE_SIZE (sizeof(struct ipr_trace_entry) * IPR_NUM_TRACE_ENTRIES) char trace_start[8]; #define IPR_TRACE_START_LABEL "trace" struct ipr_trace_entry *trace; atomic_t trace_index; char cfg_table_start[8]; #define IPR_CFG_TBL_START "cfg" union { struct ipr_config_table *cfg_table; struct ipr_config_table64 *cfg_table64; } u; dma_addr_t cfg_table_dma; u32 cfg_table_size; u32 max_devs_supported; char resource_table_label[8]; #define IPR_RES_TABLE_LABEL "res_tbl" struct ipr_resource_entry *res_entries; struct list_head free_res_q; struct list_head used_res_q; char ipr_hcam_label[8]; #define IPR_HCAM_LABEL "hcams" struct ipr_hostrcb *hostrcb[IPR_NUM_HCAMS]; dma_addr_t hostrcb_dma[IPR_NUM_HCAMS]; struct list_head hostrcb_free_q; struct list_head hostrcb_pending_q; struct ipr_hrr_queue hrrq[IPR_MAX_HRRQ_NUM]; u32 hrrq_num; atomic_t hrrq_index; u16 identify_hrrq_index; struct ipr_bus_attributes bus_attr[IPR_MAX_NUM_BUSES]; unsigned int transop_timeout; const struct ipr_chip_cfg_t *chip_cfg; const struct ipr_chip_t *ipr_chip; void __iomem *hdw_dma_regs; /* iomapped PCI memory space */ unsigned long hdw_dma_regs_pci; /* raw PCI memory space */ void __iomem *ioa_mailbox; struct ipr_interrupts regs; u16 saved_pcix_cmd_reg; u16 reset_retries; u32 errors_logged; u32 doorbell; struct Scsi_Host *host; struct pci_dev *pdev; struct ipr_sglist *ucode_sglist; u8 saved_mode_page_len; struct work_struct work_q; struct workqueue_struct *reset_work_q; wait_queue_head_t reset_wait_q; wait_queue_head_t msi_wait_q; wait_queue_head_t eeh_wait_q; struct ipr_dump *dump; enum ipr_sdt_state sdt_state; struct ipr_misc_cbs *vpd_cbs; dma_addr_t vpd_cbs_dma; struct dma_pool *ipr_cmd_pool; struct ipr_cmnd *reset_cmd; int (*reset) (struct ipr_cmnd *); struct ata_host ata_host; char ipr_cmd_label[8]; #define IPR_CMD_LABEL "ipr_cmd" u32 max_cmds; struct ipr_cmnd **ipr_cmnd_list; dma_addr_t *ipr_cmnd_list_dma; u16 intr_flag; unsigned int nvectors; struct { unsigned short vec; char desc[22]; } vectors_info[IPR_MAX_MSIX_VECTORS]; u32 iopoll_weight; }; /* struct ipr_ioa_cfg */ struct ipr_cmnd { struct ipr_ioarcb ioarcb; union { struct ipr_ioadl_desc ioadl[IPR_NUM_IOADL_ENTRIES]; struct ipr_ioadl64_desc ioadl64[IPR_NUM_IOADL_ENTRIES]; struct ipr_ata64_ioadl ata_ioadl; } i; union { struct ipr_ioasa ioasa; struct ipr_ioasa64 ioasa64; } s; struct list_head queue; struct scsi_cmnd *scsi_cmd; struct ata_queued_cmd *qc; struct completion completion; struct timer_list timer; struct work_struct work; void (*fast_done) (struct ipr_cmnd *); void (*done) (struct ipr_cmnd *); int (*job_step) (struct ipr_cmnd *); int (*job_step_failed) (struct ipr_cmnd *); u16 cmd_index; u8 sense_buffer[SCSI_SENSE_BUFFERSIZE]; dma_addr_t sense_buffer_dma; unsigned short dma_use_sg; dma_addr_t dma_addr; struct ipr_cmnd *sibling; union { enum ipr_shutdown_type shutdown_type; struct ipr_hostrcb *hostrcb; unsigned long time_left; unsigned long scratch; struct ipr_resource_entry *res; struct scsi_device *sdev; } u; struct completion *eh_comp; struct ipr_hrr_queue *hrrq; struct ipr_ioa_cfg *ioa_cfg; }; struct ipr_ses_table_entry { char product_id[17]; char compare_product_id_byte[17]; u32 max_bus_speed_limit; /* MB/sec limit for this backplane */ }; struct ipr_dump_header { u32 eye_catcher; #define IPR_DUMP_EYE_CATCHER 0xC5D4E3F2 u32 len; u32 num_entries; u32 first_entry_offset; u32 status; #define IPR_DUMP_STATUS_SUCCESS 0 #define IPR_DUMP_STATUS_QUAL_SUCCESS 2 #define IPR_DUMP_STATUS_FAILED 0xffffffff u32 os; #define IPR_DUMP_OS_LINUX 0x4C4E5558 u32 driver_name; #define IPR_DUMP_DRIVER_NAME 0x49505232 }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_dump_entry_header { u32 eye_catcher; #define IPR_DUMP_EYE_CATCHER 0xC5D4E3F2 u32 len; u32 num_elems; u32 offset; u32 data_type; #define IPR_DUMP_DATA_TYPE_ASCII 0x41534349 #define IPR_DUMP_DATA_TYPE_BINARY 0x42494E41 u32 id; #define IPR_DUMP_IOA_DUMP_ID 0x494F4131 #define IPR_DUMP_LOCATION_ID 0x4C4F4341 #define IPR_DUMP_TRACE_ID 0x54524143 #define IPR_DUMP_DRIVER_VERSION_ID 0x44525652 #define IPR_DUMP_DRIVER_TYPE_ID 0x54595045 #define IPR_DUMP_IOA_CTRL_BLK 0x494F4342 #define IPR_DUMP_PEND_OPS 0x414F5053 u32 status; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_dump_location_entry { struct ipr_dump_entry_header hdr; u8 location[20]; }__attribute__((packed)); struct ipr_dump_trace_entry { struct ipr_dump_entry_header hdr; u32 trace[IPR_TRACE_SIZE / sizeof(u32)]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_dump_version_entry { struct ipr_dump_entry_header hdr; u8 version[sizeof(IPR_DRIVER_VERSION)]; }; struct ipr_dump_ioa_type_entry { struct ipr_dump_entry_header hdr; u32 type; u32 fw_version; }; struct ipr_driver_dump { struct ipr_dump_header hdr; struct ipr_dump_version_entry version_entry; struct ipr_dump_location_entry location_entry; struct ipr_dump_ioa_type_entry ioa_type_entry; struct ipr_dump_trace_entry trace_entry; }__attribute__((packed)); struct ipr_ioa_dump { struct ipr_dump_entry_header hdr; struct ipr_sdt sdt; __be32 **ioa_data; u32 reserved; u32 next_page_index; u32 page_offset; u32 format; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_dump { struct kref kref; struct ipr_ioa_cfg *ioa_cfg; struct ipr_driver_dump driver_dump; struct ipr_ioa_dump ioa_dump; }; struct ipr_error_table_t { u32 ioasc; int log_ioasa; int log_hcam; char *error; }; struct ipr_software_inq_lid_info { __be32 load_id; __be32 timestamp[3]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); struct ipr_ucode_image_header { __be32 header_length; __be32 lid_table_offset; u8 major_release; u8 card_type; u8 minor_release[2]; u8 reserved[20]; char eyecatcher[16]; __be32 num_lids; struct ipr_software_inq_lid_info lid[1]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned (4))); /* * Macros */ #define IPR_DBG_CMD(CMD) if (ipr_debug) { CMD; } #ifdef CONFIG_SCSI_IPR_TRACE #define ipr_create_trace_file(kobj, attr) sysfs_create_bin_file(kobj, attr) #define ipr_remove_trace_file(kobj, attr) sysfs_remove_bin_file(kobj, attr) #else #define ipr_create_trace_file(kobj, attr) 0 #define ipr_remove_trace_file(kobj, attr) do { } while(0) #endif #ifdef CONFIG_SCSI_IPR_DUMP #define ipr_create_dump_file(kobj, attr) sysfs_create_bin_file(kobj, attr) #define ipr_remove_dump_file(kobj, attr) sysfs_remove_bin_file(kobj, attr) #else #define ipr_create_dump_file(kobj, attr) 0 #define ipr_remove_dump_file(kobj, attr) do { } while(0) #endif /* * Error logging macros */ #define ipr_err(...) printk(KERN_ERR IPR_NAME ": "__VA_ARGS__) #define ipr_info(...) printk(KERN_INFO IPR_NAME ": "__VA_ARGS__) #define ipr_dbg(...) IPR_DBG_CMD(printk(KERN_INFO IPR_NAME ": "__VA_ARGS__)) #define ipr_res_printk(level, ioa_cfg, bus, target, lun, fmt, ...) \ printk(level IPR_NAME ": %d:%d:%d:%d: " fmt, (ioa_cfg)->host->host_no, \ bus, target, lun, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define ipr_res_err(ioa_cfg, res, fmt, ...) \ ipr_res_printk(KERN_ERR, ioa_cfg, (res)->bus, (res)->target, (res)->lun, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define ipr_ra_printk(level, ioa_cfg, ra, fmt, ...) \ printk(level IPR_NAME ": %d:%d:%d:%d: " fmt, (ioa_cfg)->host->host_no, \ (ra).bus, (ra).target, (ra).lun, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define ipr_ra_err(ioa_cfg, ra, fmt, ...) \ ipr_ra_printk(KERN_ERR, ioa_cfg, ra, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define ipr_phys_res_err(ioa_cfg, res, fmt, ...) \ { \ if ((res).bus >= IPR_MAX_NUM_BUSES) { \ ipr_err(fmt": unknown\n", ##__VA_ARGS__); \ } else { \ ipr_err(fmt": %d:%d:%d:%d\n", \ ##__VA_ARGS__, (ioa_cfg)->host->host_no, \ (res).bus, (res).target, (res).lun); \ } \ } #define ipr_hcam_err(hostrcb, fmt, ...) \ { \ if (ipr_is_device(hostrcb)) { \ if ((hostrcb)->ioa_cfg->sis64) { \ printk(KERN_ERR IPR_NAME ": %s: " fmt, \ ipr_format_res_path(hostrcb->ioa_cfg, \ hostrcb->hcam.u.error64.fd_res_path, \ hostrcb->rp_buffer, \ sizeof(hostrcb->rp_buffer)), \ __VA_ARGS__); \ } else { \ ipr_ra_err((hostrcb)->ioa_cfg, \ (hostrcb)->hcam.u.error.fd_res_addr, \ fmt, __VA_ARGS__); \ } \ } else { \ dev_err(&(hostrcb)->ioa_cfg->pdev->dev, fmt, __VA_ARGS__); \ } \ } #define ipr_trace ipr_dbg("%s: %s: Line: %d\n",\ __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__) #define ENTER IPR_DBG_CMD(printk(KERN_INFO IPR_NAME": Entering %s\n", __func__)) #define LEAVE IPR_DBG_CMD(printk(KERN_INFO IPR_NAME": Leaving %s\n", __func__)) #define ipr_err_separator \ ipr_err("----------------------------------------------------------\n") /* * Inlines */ /** * ipr_is_ioa_resource - Determine if a resource is the IOA * @res: resource entry struct * * Return value: * 1 if IOA / 0 if not IOA **/ static inline int ipr_is_ioa_resource(struct ipr_resource_entry *res) { return res->type == IPR_RES_TYPE_IOAFP; } /** * ipr_is_af_dasd_device - Determine if a resource is an AF DASD * @res: resource entry struct * * Return value: * 1 if AF DASD / 0 if not AF DASD **/ static inline int ipr_is_af_dasd_device(struct ipr_resource_entry *res) { return res->type == IPR_RES_TYPE_AF_DASD || res->type == IPR_RES_TYPE_REMOTE_AF_DASD; } /** * ipr_is_vset_device - Determine if a resource is a VSET * @res: resource entry struct * * Return value: * 1 if VSET / 0 if not VSET **/ static inline int ipr_is_vset_device(struct ipr_resource_entry *res) { return res->type == IPR_RES_TYPE_VOLUME_SET; } /** * ipr_is_gscsi - Determine if a resource is a generic scsi resource * @res: resource entry struct * * Return value: * 1 if GSCSI / 0 if not GSCSI **/ static inline int ipr_is_gscsi(struct ipr_resource_entry *res) { return res->type == IPR_RES_TYPE_GENERIC_SCSI; } /** * ipr_is_scsi_disk - Determine if a resource is a SCSI disk * @res: resource entry struct * * Return value: * 1 if SCSI disk / 0 if not SCSI disk **/ static inline int ipr_is_scsi_disk(struct ipr_resource_entry *res) { if (ipr_is_af_dasd_device(res) || (ipr_is_gscsi(res) && IPR_IS_DASD_DEVICE(res->std_inq_data))) return 1; else return 0; } /** * ipr_is_gata - Determine if a resource is a generic ATA resource * @res: resource entry struct * * Return value: * 1 if GATA / 0 if not GATA **/ static inline int ipr_is_gata(struct ipr_resource_entry *res) { return res->type == IPR_RES_TYPE_GENERIC_ATA; } /** * ipr_is_naca_model - Determine if a resource is using NACA queueing model * @res: resource entry struct * * Return value: * 1 if NACA queueing model / 0 if not NACA queueing model **/ static inline int ipr_is_naca_model(struct ipr_resource_entry *res) { if (ipr_is_gscsi(res) && res->qmodel == IPR_QUEUE_NACA_MODEL) return 1; return 0; } /** * ipr_is_device - Determine if the hostrcb structure is related to a device * @hostrcb: host resource control blocks struct * * Return value: * 1 if AF / 0 if not AF **/ static inline int ipr_is_device(struct ipr_hostrcb *hostrcb) { struct ipr_res_addr *res_addr; u8 *res_path; if (hostrcb->ioa_cfg->sis64) { res_path = &hostrcb->hcam.u.error64.fd_res_path[0]; if ((res_path[0] == 0x00 || res_path[0] == 0x80 || res_path[0] == 0x81) && res_path[2] != 0xFF) return 1; } else { res_addr = &hostrcb->hcam.u.error.fd_res_addr; if ((res_addr->bus < IPR_MAX_NUM_BUSES) && (res_addr->target < (IPR_MAX_NUM_TARGETS_PER_BUS - 1))) return 1; } return 0; } /** * ipr_sdt_is_fmt2 - Determine if a SDT address is in format 2 * @sdt_word: SDT address * * Return value: * 1 if format 2 / 0 if not **/ static inline int ipr_sdt_is_fmt2(u32 sdt_word) { u32 bar_sel = IPR_GET_FMT2_BAR_SEL(sdt_word); switch (bar_sel) { case IPR_SDT_FMT2_BAR0_SEL: case IPR_SDT_FMT2_BAR1_SEL: case IPR_SDT_FMT2_BAR2_SEL: case IPR_SDT_FMT2_BAR3_SEL: case IPR_SDT_FMT2_BAR4_SEL: case IPR_SDT_FMT2_BAR5_SEL: case IPR_SDT_FMT2_EXP_ROM_SEL: return 1; }; return 0; } #ifndef writeq static inline void writeq(u64 val, void __iomem *addr) { writel(((u32) (val >> 32)), addr); writel(((u32) (val)), (addr + 4)); } #endif #endif /* _IPR_H */