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OPNFV_Yardstick_TC046 - Control Node Openstack Service High Availability - Keystone

This test case will verify the high availability of the user service provided by OpenStack (keystone) on control node. For more information see TC046

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#ifndef LINUX_B43_PHY_A_H_
#define LINUX_B43_PHY_A_H_

#include "phy_common.h"

/* OFDM (A) PHY Registers */
#define B43_PHY_VERSION_OFDM		B43_PHY_OFDM(0x00)	/* Versioning register for A-PHY */
#define B43_PHY_BBANDCFG		B43_PHY_OFDM(0x01)	/* Baseband config */
#define  B43_PHY_BBANDCFG_RXANT		0x180	/* RX Antenna selection */
#define B43_PHY_PWRDOWN			B43_PHY_OFDM(0x03)	/* Powerdown */
#define B43_PHY_CRSTHRES1_R1		B43_PHY_OFDM(0x06)	/* CRS Threshold 1 (phy.rev 1 only) */
#define B43_PHY_LNAHPFCTL		B43_PHY_OFDM(0x1C)	/* LNA/HPF control */
#define B43_PHY_LPFGAINCTL		B43_PHY_OFDM(0x20)	/* LPF Gain control */
#define B43_PHY_ADIVRELATED		B43_PHY_OFDM(0x27)	/* FIXME rename */
#define B43_PHY_CRS0			B43_PHY_OFDM(0x29)
#define  B43_PHY_CRS0_EN		0x4000
#define B43_PHY_PEAK_COUNT		B43_PHY_OFDM(0x30)
#define B43_PHY_ANTDWELL		B43_PHY_OFDM(0x2B)	/* Antenna dwell */
#define  B43_PHY_ANTDWELL_AUTODIV1	0x0100	/* Automatic RX diversity start antenna */
#define B43_PHY_ENCORE			B43_PHY_OFDM(0x49)	/* "Encore" (RangeMax / BroadRange) */
#define  B43_PHY_ENCORE_EN		0x0200	/* Encore enable */
#define B43_PHY_LMS			B43_PHY_OFDM(0x55)
#define B43_PHY_OFDM61			B43_PHY_OFDM(0x61)	/* FIXME rename */
#define  B43_PHY_OFDM61_10		0x0010	/* FIXME rename */
#define B43_PHY_IQBAL			B43_PHY_OFDM(0x69)	/* I/Q balance */
#define B43_PHY_BBTXDC_BIAS		B43_PHY_OFDM(0x6B)	/* Baseband TX DC bias */
#define B43_PHY_OTABLECTL		B43_PHY_OFDM(0x72)	/* OFDM table control (see below) */
#define  B43_PHY_OTABLEOFF		0x03FF	/* OFDM table offset (see below) */
#define  B43_PHY_OTABLENR		0xFC00	/* OFDM table number (see below) */
#define  B43_PHY_OTABLENR_SHIFT		10
#define B43_PHY_OTABLEI			B43_PHY_OFDM(0x73)	/* OFDM table data I */
#define B43_PHY_OTABLEQ			B43_PHY_OFDM(0x74)	/* OFDM table data Q */
#define B43_PHY_HPWR_TSSICTL		B43_PHY_OFDM(0x78)	/* Hardware power TSSI control */
#define B43_PHY_ADCCTL			B43_PHY_OFDM(0x7A)	/* ADC control */
#define B43_PHY_IDLE_TSSI		B43_PHY_OFDM(0x7B)
#define B43_PHY_A_TEMP_SENSE		B43_PHY_OFDM(0x7C)	/* A PHY temperature sense */
#define B43_PHY_NRSSITHRES		B43_PHY_OFDM(0x8A)	/* NRSSI threshold */
#define B43_PHY_ANTWRSETT		B43_PHY_OFDM(0x8C)	/* Antenna WR settle */
#define  B43_PHY_ANTWRSETT_ARXDIV	0x2000	/* Automatic RX diversity enabled */
#define B43_PHY_CLIPPWRDOWNT		B43_PHY_OFDM(0x93)	/* Clip powerdown threshold */
#define B43_PHY_OFDM9B			B43_PHY_OFDM(0x9B)	/* FIXME rename */
#define B43_PHY_N1P1GAIN		B43_PHY_OFDM(0xA0)
#define B43_PHY_P1P2GAIN		B43_PHY_OFDM(0xA1)
#define B43_PHY_N1N2GAIN		B43_PHY_OFDM(0xA2)
#define B43_PHY_CLIPTHRES		B43_PHY_OFDM(0xA3)
#define B43_PHY_CLIPN1P2THRES		B43_PHY_OFDM(0xA4)
#define B43_PHY_CCKSHIFTBITS_WA		B43_PHY_OFDM(0xA5)	/* CCK shiftbits workaround, FIXME rename */
#define B43_PHY_CCKSHIFTBITS		B43_PHY_OFDM(0xA7)	/* FIXME rename */
#define B43_PHY_DIVSRCHIDX		B43_PHY_OFDM(0xA8)	/* Divider search gain/index */
#define B43_PHY_CLIPP2THRES		B43_PHY_OFDM(0xA9)
#define B43_PHY_DIVP1P2GAIN		B43_PHY_OFDM(0xAB)
#define B43_PHY_DIVSRCHGAINBACK		B43_PHY_OFDM(0xAD)	/* Divider search gain back */
#define B43_PHY_DIVSRCHGAINCHNG		B43_PHY_OFDM(0xAE)	/* Divider search gain change */
#define B43_PHY_CRSTHRES1		B43_PHY_OFDM(0xC0)	/* CRS Threshold 1 (phy.rev >= 2 only) */
#define B43_PHY_CRSTHRES2		B43_PHY_OFDM(0xC1)	/* CRS Threshold 2 (phy.rev >= 2 only) */
#define B43_PHY_TSSIP_LTBASE		B43_PHY_OFDM(0x380)	/* TSSI power lookup table base */