#!/usr/bin/env tclsh # Copyright (c) 2014, Ixia # Copyright (c) 2015, Intel Corporation # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # This file is a modified version of a script generated by Ixia # IxNetwork. lappend auto_path [list $lib_path] ################################################################### ########################## Configuration ########################## ################################################################### # verify that the IXIA chassis spec is given set reqVars [list "machine" "port" "user" "chassis" "card" "port1" "port2" "output_dir" "bidir"] set rfc2544test "" foreach var $reqVars { set var_ns [namespace which -variable "$var"] if { [string compare $var_ns ""] == 0 } { errorMsg "The '$var' variable is undefined. Did you set it?" return -1 } } # machine configuration set ::IxNserver $machine set ::IxNport $port set ::biDirect $bidir # change to windows path format and append directory set output_dir [string map {"/" "\\"} $output_dir] set output_dir "$output_dir\\rfctests" puts "Output directory is $output_dir" proc startRfc2544Test { testSpec trafficSpec } { # Start RFC2544 quicktest. # Configure global variables. See documentation on 'global' for more # information on why this is necessary # https://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.5/tutorial/Tcl13.html global rfc2544test global sg_rfc2544throughput global sg_rfc2544back2back # flow spec set rfc2544TestType [dict get $testSpec rfc2544TestType] set binary [dict get $testSpec binary] set duration [dict get $testSpec duration] if {$binary} { set numTrials [dict get $testSpec trials] set frameRate 100 set tolerance [dict get $testSpec lossrate] set loadType binary } else { set numTrials 1 set frameRate [dict get $testSpec framerate] set tolerance 0.0 set loadType custom } set learningFrames True set L2CountValue 1 set L2Increment False set L3ValueType singleValue set L3CountValue 1 set L4ValueType singleValue set L4CountValue 1 if {$learningFrames} { set learningFrequency oncePerTest set fastPathEnable True } else { set learningFrequency never set fastPathEnable False } set multipleStreams [dict get $testSpec multipleStreams] set streamType [dict get $testSpec streamType] if {($multipleStreams < 0)} { set multipleStreams 0 } elseif {($multipleStreams > 65535)} { set multipleStreams 65535 } if {$multipleStreams} { if {($streamType == "L2")} { set L2CountValue $multipleStreams set L2Increment True } elseif {($streamType == "L3")} { set L3ValueType increment set L3CountValue $multipleStreams } else { set L4ValueType increment set L4CountValue $multipleStreams } } set fastConvergence True set convergenceDuration [expr $duration/10] # traffic spec # extract nested dictionaries set trafficSpec_l2 [dict get $trafficSpec l2] set trafficSpec_l3 [dict get $trafficSpec l3] set trafficSpec_l4 [dict get $trafficSpec l4] set trafficSpec_vlan [dict get $trafficSpec vlan] set frameSize [dict get $trafficSpec_l2 framesize] set srcMac [dict get $trafficSpec_l2 srcmac] set dstMac [dict get $trafficSpec_l2 dstmac] set srcPort [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 srcport] set dstPort [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 dstport] set proto [dict get $trafficSpec_l3 proto] set srcIp [dict get $trafficSpec_l3 srcip] set dstIp [dict get $trafficSpec_l3 dstip] if {$frameSize < 68 } { if {$rfc2544TestType == "back2back"} { puts "WARNING: Packet size too small, packet size will be \
 * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
 * License.  See the file "COPYING" in the main directory of this archive
 * for more details.

#define cpu_has_tlb 1
#define cpu_has_4kex		1
#define cpu_has_3k_cache	0
#define cpu_has_4k_cache	1
#define cpu_has_tx39_cache	0
#define cpu_has_fpu		0
#define cpu_has_32fpr	0
#define cpu_has_counter		0
#define cpu_has_watch		1
#define cpu_has_divec		1
#define cpu_has_vce		0
#define cpu_has_cache_cdex_p	0
#define cpu_has_cache_cdex_s	0
#define cpu_has_prefetch	1
#define cpu_has_mcheck 1
#define cpu_has_ejtag 1
#define cpu_has_llsc		1
#define cpu_has_mips16 0
#define cpu_has_mdmx 0
#define cpu_has_mips3d 0
#define cpu_has_smartmips 0
#define kernel_uses_llsc	1
#define cpu_has_vtag_icache	1
#define cpu_has_dc_aliases	0
#define cpu_has_ic_fills_f_dc	0
#define cpu_has_pindexed_dcache 0
#define cpu_has_mips32r1	1
#define cpu_has_mips32r2	0
#define cpu_has_mips64r1	0
#define cpu_has_mips64r2	0
#define cpu_has_dsp		0
#define cpu_has_dsp2		0
#define cpu_has_mipsmt		0
#define cpu_has_userlocal	0
#define cpu_has_nofpuex 0
#define cpu_has_64bits		0
#define cpu_has_64bit_zero_reg 0
#define cpu_has_inclusive_pcaches 0

#define cpu_dcache_line_size()	32
#define cpu_icache_line_size()	32

bled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/mplsTp \ -apsChannelType {00 02 } \ -bfdCcChannelType {00 07 } \ -delayManagementChannelType {00 05 } \ -enableHighPerformanceMode True \ -enabled False \ -faultManagementChannelType {00 58 } \ -lossMeasurementChannelType {00 04 } \ -onDemandCvChannelType {00 09 } \ -pwStatusChannelType {00 0B } \ -y1731ChannelType {7F FA } ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ospf \ -enableDrOrBdr False \ -enabled False \ -floodLinkStateUpdatesPerInterval 0 \ -rateControlInterval 0 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ospfV3 \ -enabled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/pimsm \ -bsmFramePerInterval 0 \ -crpFramePerInterval 0 \ -dataMdtFramePerInterval 0 \ -denyGrePimIpPrefix {} \ -enableDiscardJoinPruneProcessing False \ -enableRateControl False \ -enabled False \ -helloMsgsPerInterval 0 \ -interval 0 \ -joinPruneMessagesPerInterval 0 \ -registerMessagesPerInterval 0 \ -registerStopMessagesPerInterval 0 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ping \ -enabled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/rip \ -enabled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ripng \ -enabled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/rsvp \ -enableControlLspInitiationRate False \ -enableShowTimeValue False \ -enableVpnLabelExchangeOverLsp True \ -enabled False \ -maxLspInitiationsPerSec 400 \ -useTransportLabelsForMplsOam False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/stp \ -enabled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/rateControlParameters \ -maxRequestsPerBurst 1 \ -maxRequestsPerSec 250 \ -minRetryInterval 10 \ -retryCount 3 \ -sendInBursts False \ -sendRequestsAsFastAsPossible False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/capture \ -controlCaptureTrigger {} \ -controlCaptureFilter {} \ -hardwareEnabled False \ -softwareEnabled False \ -displayFiltersDataCapture {} \ -displayFiltersControlCapture {} \ -controlBufferSize 30 \ -controlBufferBehaviour bufferLiveNonCircular ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocolStack/options \ -routerSolicitationDelay 1 \ -routerSolicitationInterval 4 \ -routerSolicitations 3 \ -retransTime 1000 \ -dadTransmits 1 \ -dadEnabled True \ -ipv4RetransTime 3000 \ -ipv4McastSolicit 4 sg_commit set sg_vport [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_vport] 0] set ixNetSG_ref(2) $sg_vport set ixNetSG_Stack(1) $sg_vport # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:1/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:1 # set sg_uds $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:1 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_uds \ -destinationAddressSelector anyAddr \ -customFrameSizeTo 0 \ -customFrameSizeFrom 0 \ -error errAnyFrame \ -patternSelector anyPattern \ -sourceAddressSelector anyAddr \ -isEnabled True \ -frameSizeType any sg_commit set sg_uds [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_uds] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:1/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:2 # set sg_uds $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:2 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_uds \ -destinationAddressSelector anyAddr \ -customFrameSizeTo 0 \ -customFrameSizeFrom 0 \ -error errAnyFrame \ -patternSelector anyPattern \ -sourceAddressSelector anyAddr \ -isEnabled True \ -frameSizeType any sg_commit set sg_uds [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_uds] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:1/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:3 # set sg_uds $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:3 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_uds \ -destinationAddressSelector anyAddr \ -customFrameSizeTo 0 \ -customFrameSizeFrom 0 \ -error errAnyFrame \ -patternSelector anyPattern \ -sourceAddressSelector anyAddr \ -isEnabled True \ -frameSizeType any sg_commit set sg_uds [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_uds] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:1/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:4 # set sg_uds $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:4 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_uds \ -destinationAddressSelector anyAddr \ -customFrameSizeTo 0 \ -customFrameSizeFrom 0 \ -error errAnyFrame \ -patternSelector anyPattern \ -sourceAddressSelector anyAddr \ -isEnabled True \ -frameSizeType any sg_commit set sg_uds [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_uds] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:1/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:5 # set sg_uds $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:5 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_uds \ -destinationAddressSelector anyAddr \ -customFrameSizeTo 0 \ -customFrameSizeFrom 0 \ -error errAnyFrame \ -patternSelector anyPattern \ -sourceAddressSelector anyAddr \ -isEnabled True \ -frameSizeType any sg_commit set sg_uds [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_uds] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:1/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:6 # set sg_uds $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:6 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_uds \ -destinationAddressSelector anyAddr \ -customFrameSizeTo 0 \ -customFrameSizeFrom 0 \ -error errAnyFrame \ -patternSelector anyPattern \ -sourceAddressSelector anyAddr \ -isEnabled True \ -frameSizeType any sg_commit set sg_uds [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_uds] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:1/protocols/static/lan:1 # set sg_lan [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/protocols/static lan] ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_lan \ -atmEncapsulation ::ixNet::OBJ-null \ -count $L2CountValue \ -countPerVc 1 \ -enableIncrementMac $L2Increment \ -enableIncrementVlan False \ -enableSiteId False \ -enableVlan False \ -enabled True \ -frEncapsulation ::ixNet::OBJ-null \ -incrementPerVcVlanMode noIncrement \ -incrementVlanMode noIncrement \ -mac $srcMac \ -macRangeMode normal \ -numberOfVcs 1 \ -siteId 0 \ -skipVlanIdZero True \ -tpid {0x8100} \ -trafficGroupId ::ixNet::OBJ-null \ -vlanCount 1 \ -vlanId {1} \ -vlanPriority {0} sg_commit set sg_lan [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_lan] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:2 # set sg_vport [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(0) vport] ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport \ -transmitIgnoreLinkStatus False \ -txGapControlMode averageMode \ -type tenGigLan \ -connectedTo ::ixNet::OBJ-null \ -txMode interleaved \ -isPullOnly False \ -rxMode captureAndMeasure \ -name {10GE LAN - 002} ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config \ -currentType tenGigLan ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config/tenGigLan \ -ppm 0 \ -flowControlDirectedAddress "01 80 C2 00 00 01" \ -enablePPM False \ -autoInstrumentation endOfFrame \ -transmitClocking internal \ -txIgnoreRxLinkFaults False \ -loopback False \ -enableLASIMonitoring False \ -enabledFlowControl False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config/tenGigLan/oam \ -tlvType {00} \ -linkEvents False \ -enabled False \ -vendorSpecificInformation {00 00 00 00} \ -macAddress "00:00:00:00:00:00" \ -loopback False \ -idleTimer 5 \ -tlvValue {00} \ -enableTlvOption False \ -maxOAMPDUSize 64 \ -organizationUniqueIdentifier {000000} ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config/tenGigLan/fcoe \ -supportDataCenterMode False \ -priorityGroupSize priorityGroupSize-8 \ -pfcPauseDelay 1 \ -pfcPriorityGroups {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7} \ -flowControlType ieee802.1Qbb \ -enablePFCPauseDelay False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config/fortyGigLan \ -ppm 0 \ -flowControlDirectedAddress "01 80 C2 00 00 01" \ -enablePPM False \ -autoInstrumentation endOfFrame \ -transmitClocking internal \ -txIgnoreRxLinkFaults False \ -loopback False \ -enableLASIMonitoring False \ -enabledFlowControl False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config/fortyGigLan/fcoe \ -supportDataCenterMode False \ -priorityGroupSize priorityGroupSize-8 \ -pfcPauseDelay 1 \ -pfcPriorityGroups {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7} \ -flowControlType ieee802.1Qbb \ -enablePFCPauseDelay False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config/OAM \ -tlvType {00} \ -linkEvents False \ -enabled False \ -vendorSpecificInformation {00 00 00 00} \ -macAddress "00:00:00:00:00:00" \ -loopback False \ -idleTimer 5 \ -tlvValue {00} \ -enableTlvOption False \ -maxOAMPDUSize 64 \ -organizationUniqueIdentifier {000000} ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config/rxFilters/filterPalette \ -sourceAddress1Mask {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -destinationAddress1Mask {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -sourceAddress2 {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -pattern2OffsetType fromStartOfFrame \ -pattern2Offset 20 \ -pattern1Mask {00} \ -sourceAddress2Mask {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -destinationAddress2 {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -destinationAddress1 {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -sourceAddress1 {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -pattern1 {00} \ -destinationAddress2Mask {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -pattern2Mask {00} \ -pattern1Offset 20 \ -pattern2 {00} \ -pattern1OffsetType fromStartOfFrame ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/arp \ -enabled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/bfd \ -enabled False \ -intervalValue 0 \ -packetsPerInterval 0 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/bgp \ -autoFillUpDutIp False \ -disableReceivedUpdateValidation False \ -enableAdVplsPrefixLengthInBits False \ -enableExternalActiveConnect True \ -enableInternalActiveConnect True \ -enableVpnLabelExchangeOverLsp True \ -enabled False \ -externalRetries 0 \ -externalRetryDelay 120 \ -internalRetries 0 \ -internalRetryDelay 120 \ -mldpP2mpFecType 6 \ -triggerVplsPwInitiation False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/cfm \ -enableOptionalLmFunctionality False \ -enableOptionalTlvValidation True \ -enabled False \ -receiveCcm True \ -sendCcm True \ -suppressErrorsOnAis True ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/eigrp \ -enabled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/elmi \ -enabled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/igmp \ -enabled False \ -numberOfGroups 0 \ -numberOfQueries 0 \ -queryTimePeriod 0 \ -sendLeaveOnStop True \ -statsEnabled False \ -timePeriod 0 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/isis \ -allL1RbridgesMac "01:80:c2:00:00:40" \ -emulationType isisL3Routing \ -enabled False \ -helloMulticastMac "01:80:c2:00:00:41" \ -lspMgroupPdusPerInterval 0 \ -nlpId 192 \ -rateControlInterval 0 \ -sendP2PHellosToUnicastMac True \ -spbAllL1BridgesMac "09:00:2b:00:00:05" \ -spbHelloMulticastMac "09:00:2b:00:00:05" \ -spbNlpId 192 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/lacp \ -enablePreservePartnerInfo False \ -enabled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ldp \ -enableDiscardSelfAdvFecs False \ -enableHelloJitter True \ -enableVpnLabelExchangeOverLsp True \ -enabled False \ -helloHoldTime 15 \ -helloInterval 5 \ -keepAliveHoldTime 30 \ -keepAliveInterval 10 \ -p2mpCapabilityParam 1288 \ -p2mpFecType 6 \ -targetedHelloInterval 15 \ -targetedHoldTime 45 \ -useTransportLabelsForMplsOam False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/linkOam \ -enabled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/lisp \ -burstIntervalInMs 0 \ -enabled False \ -ipv4MapRegisterPacketsPerBurst 0 \ -ipv4MapRequestPacketsPerBurst 0 \ -ipv4SmrPacketsPerBurst 0 \ -ipv6MapRegisterPacketsPerBurst 0 \ -ipv6MapRequestPacketsPerBurst 0 \ -ipv6SmrPacketsPerBurst 0 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/mld \ -enableDoneOnStop True \ -enabled False \ -mldv2Report type143 \ -numberOfGroups 0 \ -numberOfQueries 0 \ -queryTimePeriod 0 \ -timePeriod 0 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/mplsOam \ -enabled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/mplsTp \ -apsChannelType {00 02 } \ -bfdCcChannelType {00 07 } \ -delayManagementChannelType {00 05 } \ -enableHighPerformanceMode True \ -enabled False \ -faultManagementChannelType {00 58 } \ -lossMeasurementChannelType {00 04 } \ -onDemandCvChannelType {00 09 } \ -pwStatusChannelType {00 0B } \ -y1731ChannelType {7F FA } ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ospf \ -enableDrOrBdr False \ -enabled False \ -floodLinkStateUpdatesPerInterval 0 \ -rateControlInterval 0 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ospfV3 \ -enabled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/pimsm \ -bsmFramePerInterval 0 \ -crpFramePerInterval 0 \ -dataMdtFramePerInterval 0 \ -denyGrePimIpPrefix {} \ -enableDiscardJoinPruneProcessing False \ -enableRateControl False \ -enabled False \ -helloMsgsPerInterval 0 \ -interval 0 \ -joinPruneMessagesPerInterval 0 \ -registerMessagesPerInterval 0 \ -registerStopMessagesPerInterval 0 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ping \ -enabled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/rip \ -enabled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ripng \ -enabled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/rsvp \ -enableControlLspInitiationRate False \ -enableShowTimeValue False \ -enableVpnLabelExchangeOverLsp True \ -enabled False \ -maxLspInitiationsPerSec 400 \ -useTransportLabelsForMplsOam False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/stp \ -enabled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/rateControlParameters \ -maxRequestsPerBurst 1 \ -maxRequestsPerSec 250 \ -minRetryInterval 10 \ -retryCount 3 \ -sendInBursts False \ -sendRequestsAsFastAsPossible False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/capture \ -controlCaptureTrigger {} \ -controlCaptureFilter {} \ -hardwareEnabled False \ -softwareEnabled False \ -displayFiltersDataCapture {} \ -displayFiltersControlCapture {} \ -controlBufferSize 30 \ -controlBufferBehaviour bufferLiveNonCircular ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocolStack/options \ -routerSolicitationDelay 1 \ -routerSolicitationInterval 4 \ -routerSolicitations 3 \ -retransTime 1000 \ -dadTransmits 1 \ -dadEnabled True \ -ipv4RetransTime 3000 \ -ipv4McastSolicit 4 sg_commit set sg_vport [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_vport] 0] set ixNetSG_ref(10) $sg_vport set ixNetSG_Stack(1) $sg_vport # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:2/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:1 # set sg_uds $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:1 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_uds \ -destinationAddressSelector anyAddr \ -customFrameSizeTo 0 \ -customFrameSizeFrom 0 \ -error errAnyFrame \ -patternSelector anyPattern \ -sourceAddressSelector anyAddr \ -isEnabled True \ -frameSizeType any sg_commit set sg_uds [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_uds] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:2/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:2 # set sg_uds $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:2 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_uds \ -destinationAddressSelector anyAddr \ -customFrameSizeTo 0 \ -customFrameSizeFrom 0 \ -error errAnyFrame \ -patternSelector anyPattern \ -sourceAddressSelector anyAddr \ -isEnabled True \ -frameSizeType any sg_commit set sg_uds [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_uds] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:2/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:3 # set sg_uds $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:3 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_uds \ -destinationAddressSelector anyAddr \ -customFrameSizeTo 0 \ -customFrameSizeFrom 0 \ -error errAnyFrame \ -patternSelector anyPattern \ -sourceAddressSelector anyAddr \ -isEnabled True \ -frameSizeType any sg_commit set sg_uds [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_uds] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:2/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:4 # set sg_uds $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:4 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_uds \ -destinationAddressSelector anyAddr \ -customFrameSizeTo 0 \ -customFrameSizeFrom 0 \ -error errAnyFrame \ -patternSelector anyPattern \ -sourceAddressSelector anyAddr \ -isEnabled True \ -frameSizeType any sg_commit set sg_uds [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_uds] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:2/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:5 # set sg_uds $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:5 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_uds \ -destinationAddressSelector anyAddr \ -customFrameSizeTo 0 \ -customFrameSizeFrom 0 \ -error errAnyFrame \ -patternSelector anyPattern \ -sourceAddressSelector anyAddr \ -isEnabled True \ -frameSizeType any sg_commit set sg_uds [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_uds] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:2/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:6 # set sg_uds $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:6 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_uds \ -destinationAddressSelector anyAddr \ -customFrameSizeTo 0 \ -customFrameSizeFrom 0 \ -error errAnyFrame \ -patternSelector anyPattern \ -sourceAddressSelector anyAddr \ -isEnabled True \ -frameSizeType any sg_commit set sg_uds [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_uds] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:2/protocols/static/lan:1 # set sg_lan [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/protocols/static lan] ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_lan \ -atmEncapsulation ::ixNet::OBJ-null \ -count $L2CountValue \ -countPerVc 1 \ -enableIncrementMac $L2Increment \ -enableIncrementVlan False \ -enableSiteId False \ -enableVlan False \ -enabled True \ -frEncapsulation ::ixNet::OBJ-null \ -incrementPerVcVlanMode noIncrement \ -incrementVlanMode noIncrement \ -mac $dstMac \ -macRangeMode normal \ -numberOfVcs 1 \ -siteId 0 \ -skipVlanIdZero True \ -tpid {0x8100} \ -trafficGroupId ::ixNet::OBJ-null \ -vlanCount 1 \ -vlanId {1} \ -vlanPriority {0} sg_commit set sg_lan [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_lan] 0] ### ### /availableHardware area ### # # configuring the object that corresponds to /availableHardware/chassis" # set sg_chassis [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(0)/availableHardware chassis] ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_chassis \ -masterChassis {} \ -sequenceId 1 \ -cableLength 0 \ -hostname $::chassis sg_commit set sg_chassis [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_chassis] 0] set ixNetSG_Stack(1) $sg_chassis # # configuring the object that corresponds to /availableHardware/chassis/card # set sg_card $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/card:$::card ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_card \ -aggregationMode normal sg_commit set sg_card [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_card] 0] set ixNetSG_ref(19) $sg_card set ixNetSG_Stack(2) $sg_card # # configuring the object that corresponds to /availableHardware/chassis/card/aggregation:1 # set sg_aggregation $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/aggregation:1 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_aggregation \ -mode normal sg_commit set sg_aggregation [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_aggregation] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /availableHardware/chassis/card/aggregation:2 # set sg_aggregation $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/aggregation:2 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_aggregation \ -mode normal sg_commit set sg_aggregation [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_aggregation] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /availableHardware/chassis/card/aggregation:3 # set sg_aggregation $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/aggregation:3 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_aggregation \ -mode normal sg_commit set sg_aggregation [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_aggregation] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /availableHardware/chassis/card/aggregation:4 # set sg_aggregation $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/aggregation:4 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_aggregation \ -mode normal sg_commit set sg_aggregation [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_aggregation] 0] ixNet setMultiAttrs $ixNetSG_ref(2) \ -connectedTo $ixNetSG_ref(19)/port:$::port1 sg_commit ixNet setMultiAttrs $ixNetSG_ref(10) \ -connectedTo $ixNetSG_ref(19)/port:$::port2 sg_commit sg_commit ### ### /impairment area ### # # configuring the object that corresponds to /impairment/profile:3 # set sg_profile [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(0)/impairment profile] ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_profile \ -enabled False \ -name {Impairment Profile 1} \ -links {} \ -allLinks True \ -priority 1 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_profile/checksums \ -dropRxL2FcsErrors False \ -correctTxL2FcsErrors False \ -alwaysCorrectWhenModifying True \ -correctTxChecksumOverIp False \ -correctTxIpv4Checksum False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_profile/rxRateLimit \ -enabled False \ -value 8 \ -units {kKilobitsPerSecond} ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_profile/drop \ -enabled True \ -clusterSize 1 \ -percentRate 0 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_profile/reorder \ -enabled False \ -clusterSize 1 \ -percentRate 0 \ -skipCount 1 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_profile/duplicate \ -enabled False \ -clusterSize 1 \ -percentRate 0 \ -duplicateCount 1 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_profile/bitError \ -enabled False \ -logRate 3 \ -skipEndOctets 0 \ -skipStartOctets 0 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_profile/delay \ -enabled True \ -value 300 \ -units {kMicroseconds} ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_profile/delayVariation \ -uniformSpread 0 \ -enabled False \ -units {kMicroseconds} \ -distribution {kUniform} \ -exponentialMeanArrival 0 \ -gaussianStandardDeviation 0 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_profile/customDelayVariation \ -enabled False \ -name {} sg_commit set sg_profile [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_profile] 0] set ixNetSG_Stack(1) $sg_profile # # configuring the object that corresponds to /impairment/profile:3/fixedClassifier:1 # set sg_fixedClassifier [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(1) fixedClassifier] sg_commit set sg_fixedClassifier [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_fixedClassifier] 0] ### ### /traffic area ### # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1 # set sg_trafficItem [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(0)/traffic trafficItem] ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_trafficItem \ -transportRsvpTePreference one \ -trafficItemType l2L3 \ -biDirectional $::biDirect \ -mergeDestinations True \ -hostsPerNetwork 1 \ -transmitMode interleaved \ -ordinalNo 0 \ -trafficType {ethernetVlan} \ -interAsLdpPreference two \ -allowSelfDestined False \ -enabled True \ -maxNumberOfVpnLabelStack 2 \ -interAsBgpPreference one \ -suspend False \ -transportLdpPreference two \ -egressEnabled False \ -enableDynamicMplsLabelValues False \ -routeMesh oneToOne \ -name {Traffic Item 1} \ -srcDestMesh oneToOne sg_commit set sg_trafficItem [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_trafficItem] 0] set ixNetSG_ref(26) $sg_trafficItem set ixNetSG_Stack(1) $sg_trafficItem # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/endpointSet:1 # set sg_endpointSet [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(1) endpointSet] ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_endpointSet \ -destinations [list $ixNetSG_ref(10)/protocols] \ -destinationFilter {} \ -sourceFilter {} \ -trafficGroups {} \ -sources [list $ixNetSG_ref(2)/protocols] \ -name {EndpointSet-1} sg_commit set sg_endpointSet [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_endpointSet] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1 # set sg_configElement $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/configElement:1 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_configElement \ -crc goodCrc \ -preambleCustomSize 8 \ -enableDisparityError False \ -preambleFrameSizeMode auto \ -destinationMacMode manual ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_configElement/frameSize \ -weightedPairs {} \ -fixedSize 64 \ -incrementFrom 64 \ -randomMin 64 \ -randomMax 1518 \ -quadGaussian {} \ -type fixed \ -presetDistribution cisco \ -incrementStep 1 \ -incrementTo 1518 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_configElement/frameRate \ -bitRateUnitsType bitsPerSec \ -rate 10 \ -enforceMinimumInterPacketGap 0 \ -type percentLineRate \ -interPacketGapUnitsType nanoseconds ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_configElement/framePayload \ -type incrementByte \ -customRepeat True \ -customPattern {} ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_configElement/frameRateDistribution \ -streamDistribution applyRateToAll \ -portDistribution applyRateToAll ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_configElement/transmissionControl \ -frameCount 1 \ -minGapBytes 12 \ -interStreamGap 0 \ -interBurstGap 0 \ -interBurstGapUnits nanoseconds \ -type continuous \ -duration 1 \ -repeatBurst 1 \ -enableInterStreamGap False \ -startDelayUnits bytes \ -iterationCount 1 \ -burstPacketCount 1 \ -enableInterBurstGap False \ -startDelay 0 sg_commit set sg_configElement [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_configElement] 0] set ixNetSG_Stack(2) $sg_configElement # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ethernet-1" # set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/stack:"ethernet-1" sg_commit set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0] set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ethernet-1"/field:"ethernet.header.destinationAddress-1" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ethernet.header.destinationAddress-1" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue $dstMac \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{00:00:00:00:00:00}} \ -stepValue {00:00:00:00:00:01} \ -fixedBits {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -fieldValue $dstMac \ -auto False \ -randomMask {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue $dstMac \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ethernet-1"/field:"ethernet.header.sourceAddress-2" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ethernet.header.sourceAddress-2" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{00:00:00:00:00:00}} \ -stepValue {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -fixedBits {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -fieldValue {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ethernet-1"/field:"ethernet.header.etherType-3" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ethernet.header.etherType-3" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {800} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0xFFFF}} \ -stepValue {0xFFFF} \ -fixedBits {0xFFFF} \ -fieldValue {800} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {0xFFFF} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0xFFFF} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ethernet-1"/field:"ethernet.header.pfcQueue-4" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ethernet.header.pfcQueue-4" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2" # set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/stack:"ipv4-2" sg_commit set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0] set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.version-1" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.version-1" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {4} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{4}} \ -stepValue {4} \ -fixedBits {4} \ -fieldValue {4} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {4} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {4} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.headerLength-2" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.headerLength-2" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {5} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {5} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.raw-3" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.raw-3" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.precedence-4" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.precedence-4" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {000 Routine} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice True \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.delay-5" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.delay-5" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {Normal} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice True \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.throughput-6" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.throughput-6" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {Normal} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice True \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.reliability-7" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.reliability-7" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {Normal} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice True \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.monetary-8" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.monetary-8" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {Normal} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice True \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.unused-9" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.unused-9" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice True \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.defaultPHB.defaultPHB-10" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.defaultPHB.defaultPHB-10" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.defaultPHB.unused-11" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.defaultPHB.unused-11" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.classSelectorPHB.classSelectorPHB-12" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.classSelectorPHB.classSelectorPHB-12" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {8} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{8}} \ -stepValue {8} \ -fixedBits {8} \ -fieldValue {Precedence 1} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {8} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {8} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.classSelectorPHB.unused-13" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.classSelectorPHB.unused-13" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.assuredForwardingPHB.assuredForwardingPHB-14" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.assuredForwardingPHB.assuredForwardingPHB-14" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {10} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{10}} \ -stepValue {10} \ -fixedBits {10} \ -fieldValue {Class 1, Low drop precedence} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {10} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {10} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.assuredForwardingPHB.unused-15" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.assuredForwardingPHB.unused-15" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.expeditedForwardingPHB.expeditedForwardingPHB-16" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.expeditedForwardingPHB.expeditedForwardingPHB-16" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {46} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{46}} \ -stepValue {46} \ -fixedBits {46} \ -fieldValue {46} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {46} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {46} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.expeditedForwardingPHB.unused-17" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.expeditedForwardingPHB.unused-17" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.totalLength-18" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.totalLength-18" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {46} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{20}} \ -stepValue {20} \ -fixedBits {20} \ -fieldValue {46} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {20} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {20} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.identification-19" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.identification-19" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.flags.reserved-20" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.flags.reserved-20" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.flags.fragment-21" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.flags.fragment-21" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {May fragment} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.flags.lastFragment-22" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.flags.lastFragment-22" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {Last fragment} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.fragmentOffset-23" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.fragmentOffset-23" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.ttl-24" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.ttl-24" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {64} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{64}} \ -stepValue {64} \ -fixedBits {64} \ -fieldValue {64} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {64} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {64} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.protocol-25" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.protocol-25" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {17} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{61}} \ -stepValue {61} \ -fixedBits {61} \ -fieldValue {UDP} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {61} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {61} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.checksum-26" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.checksum-26" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.srcIp-27" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.srcIp-27" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue $srcIp \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{}} \ -stepValue {} \ -fixedBits {} \ -fieldValue $srcIp \ -auto False \ -randomMask {} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.dstIp-28" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.dstIp-28" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue $dstIp \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{}} \ -stepValue {} \ -fixedBits {} \ -fieldValue $dstIp \ -auto False \ -randomMask {} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType $L3ValueType \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue $dstIp \ -countValue $L3CountValue sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.nop-29" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.nop-29" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {1} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{1}} \ -stepValue {1} \ -fixedBits {1} \ -fieldValue {1} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {1} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice True \ -startValue {1} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.type-30" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.type-30" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {130} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{130}} \ -stepValue {130} \ -fixedBits {130} \ -fieldValue {130} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {130} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {130} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.length-31" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.length-31" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {11} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{11}} \ -stepValue {11} \ -fixedBits {11} \ -fieldValue {11} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {11} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {11} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.security-32" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.security-32" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {Unclassified} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.compartments-33" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.compartments-33" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.handling-34" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.handling-34" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.tcc-35" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.tcc-35" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.lsrr.type-36" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.lsrr.type-36" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {131} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{131}} \ -stepValue {131} \ -fixedBits {131} \ -fieldValue {131} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {131} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {131} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.lsrr.length-37" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.lsrr.length-37" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {8} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{8}} \ -stepValue {8} \ -fixedBits {8} \ -fieldValue {8} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {8} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {8} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.pointer-38" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.pointer-38" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {4} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{4}} \ -stepValue {4} \ -fixedBits {4} \ -fieldValue {4} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {4} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {4} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.routeData-39" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.routeData-39" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.ssrr.type-40" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.ssrr.type-40" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {137} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{137}} \ -stepValue {137} \ -fixedBits {137} \ -fieldValue {137} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {137} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {137} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.ssrr.length-41" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.ssrr.length-41" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {8} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{8}} \ -stepValue {8} \ -fixedBits {8} \ -fieldValue {8} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {8} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {8} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.recordRoute.type-42" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.recordRoute.type-42" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {7} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{7}} \ -stepValue {7} \ -fixedBits {7} \ -fieldValue {7} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {7} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {7} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.recordRoute.length-43" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.recordRoute.length-43" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {8} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{8}} \ -stepValue {8} \ -fixedBits {8} \ -fieldValue {8} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {8} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {8} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.streamId.type-44" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.streamId.type-44" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {136} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{136}} \ -stepValue {136} \ -fixedBits {136} \ -fieldValue {136} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {136} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {136} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.streamId.length-45" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.streamId.length-45" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {4} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{4}} \ -stepValue {4} \ -fixedBits {4} \ -fieldValue {4} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {4} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {4} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.streamId.id-46" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.streamId.id-46" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.type-47" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.type-47" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {68} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{68}} \ -stepValue {68} \ -fixedBits {68} \ -fieldValue {68} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {68} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {68} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.length-48" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.length-48" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {12} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{12}} \ -stepValue {12} \ -fixedBits {12} \ -fieldValue {12} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {12} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {12} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.pointer-49" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.pointer-49" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {5} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{5}} \ -stepValue {5} \ -fixedBits {5} \ -fieldValue {5} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {5} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {5} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.overflow-50" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.overflow-50" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.flags-51" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.flags-51" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {Timestamps only, in consecutive 32-bit words} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.pair.address-52" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.pair.address-52" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.pair.timestamp-53" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.pair.timestamp-53" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.last-54" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.last-54" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.routerAlert.type-55" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.routerAlert.type-55" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {94} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0x94}} \ -stepValue {0x94} \ -fixedBits {0x94} \ -fieldValue {94} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0x94} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0x94} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.routerAlert.length-56" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.routerAlert.length-56" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {4} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0x04}} \ -stepValue {0x04} \ -fixedBits {0x04} \ -fieldValue {4} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0x04} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0x04} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.routerAlert.value-57" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.routerAlert.value-57" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {Router shall examine packet} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.pad-58" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.pad-58" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"udp-3" # set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/stack:"udp-3" sg_commit set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0] set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"udp-3"/field:"udp.header.srcPort-1" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"udp.header.srcPort-1" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {63} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{63}} \ -stepValue {63} \ -fixedBits {63} \ -fieldValue {Default} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {63} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {63} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"udp-3"/field:"udp.header.dstPort-2" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"udp.header.dstPort-2" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {63} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{63}} \ -stepValue {1} \ -fixedBits {63} \ -fieldValue {Default} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {63} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType $L4ValueType \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue $L4CountValue sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"udp-3"/field:"udp.header.length-3" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"udp.header.length-3" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {26} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{8}} \ -stepValue {8} \ -fixedBits {8} \ -fieldValue {26} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {8} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {8} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"udp-3"/field:"udp.header.checksum-4" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"udp.header.checksum-4" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"fcs-4" # set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/stack:"fcs-4" sg_commit set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0] set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"fcs-4"/field:"ethernet.fcs-1" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ethernet.fcs-1" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/transmissionDistribution # set sg_transmissionDistribution $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/transmissionDistribution ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_transmissionDistribution \ -distributions {} sg_commit set sg_transmissionDistribution [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_transmissionDistribution] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1 # set sg_highLevelStream $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/highLevelStream:1 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_highLevelStream \ -destinationMacMode manual \ -crc goodCrc \ -txPortId $ixNetSG_ref(2) \ -preambleFrameSizeMode auto \ -rxPortIds [list $ixNetSG_ref(10)] \ -suspend False \ -preambleCustomSize 8 \ -name {Traffic Item 1-EndpointSet-1 - Flow Group 0001} ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_highLevelStream/frameSize \ -weightedPairs {} \ -fixedSize 64 \ -incrementFrom 64 \ -randomMin 64 \ -randomMax 1518 \ -quadGaussian {} \ -type fixed \ -presetDistribution cisco \ -incrementStep 1 \ -incrementTo 1518 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_highLevelStream/frameRate \ -bitRateUnitsType bitsPerSec \ -rate 10 \ -enforceMinimumInterPacketGap 0 \ -type percentLineRate \ -interPacketGapUnitsType nanoseconds ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_highLevelStream/framePayload \ -type incrementByte \ -customRepeat True \ -customPattern {} ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_highLevelStream/transmissionControl \ -frameCount 1 \ -minGapBytes 12 \ -interStreamGap 0 \ -interBurstGap 0 \ -interBurstGapUnits nanoseconds \ -type continuous \ -duration 1 \ -repeatBurst 1 \ -enableInterStreamGap False \ -startDelayUnits bytes \ -iterationCount 1 \ -burstPacketCount 1 \ -enableInterBurstGap False \ -startDelay 0 sg_commit set sg_highLevelStream [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_highLevelStream] 0] set ixNetSG_Stack(2) $sg_highLevelStream # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ethernet-1" # set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/stack:"ethernet-1" sg_commit set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0] set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ethernet-1"/field:"ethernet.header.destinationAddress-1" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ethernet.header.destinationAddress-1" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue $dstMac \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{00:00:00:00:00:00}} \ -stepValue {00:00:00:00:00:01} \ -fixedBits {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -fieldValue $dstMac \ -auto False \ -randomMask {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue $dstMac \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ethernet-1"/field:"ethernet.header.sourceAddress-2" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ethernet.header.sourceAddress-2" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {00:00:00:00:00:01} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{00:00:00:00:00:00}} \ -stepValue {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -fixedBits {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -fieldValue {00:00:00:00:00:01} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ethernet-1"/field:"ethernet.header.etherType-3" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ethernet.header.etherType-3" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {800} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0xFFFF}} \ -stepValue {0xFFFF} \ -fixedBits {0xFFFF} \ -fieldValue {800} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {0xFFFF} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0xFFFF} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ethernet-1"/field:"ethernet.header.pfcQueue-4" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ethernet.header.pfcQueue-4" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2" # set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/stack:"ipv4-2" sg_commit set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0] set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.version-1" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.version-1" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {4} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{4}} \ -stepValue {4} \ -fixedBits {4} \ -fieldValue {4} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {4} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {4} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.headerLength-2" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.headerLength-2" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {5} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {5} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.raw-3" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.raw-3" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.precedence-4" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.precedence-4" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {000 Routine} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice True \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.delay-5" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.delay-5" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {Normal} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice True \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.throughput-6" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.throughput-6" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {Normal} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice True \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.reliability-7" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.reliability-7" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {Normal} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice True \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.monetary-8" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.monetary-8" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {Normal} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice True \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.unused-9" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.unused-9" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice True \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.defaultPHB.defaultPHB-10" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.defaultPHB.defaultPHB-10" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.defaultPHB.unused-11" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.defaultPHB.unused-11" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.classSelectorPHB.classSelectorPHB-12" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.classSelectorPHB.classSelectorPHB-12" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {8} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{8}} \ -stepValue {8} \ -fixedBits {8} \ -fieldValue {Precedence 1} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {8} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {8} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.classSelectorPHB.unused-13" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.classSelectorPHB.unused-13" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.assuredForwardingPHB.assuredForwardingPHB-14" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.assuredForwardingPHB.assuredForwardingPHB-14" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {10} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{10}} \ -stepValue {10} \ -fixedBits {10} \ -fieldValue {Class 1, Low drop precedence} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {10} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {10} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.assuredForwardingPHB.unused-15" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.assuredForwardingPHB.unused-15" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.expeditedForwardingPHB.expeditedForwardingPHB-16" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.expeditedForwardingPHB.expeditedForwardingPHB-16" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {46} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{46}} \ -stepValue {46} \ -fixedBits {46} \ -fieldValue {46} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {46} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {46} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.expeditedForwardingPHB.unused-17" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.expeditedForwardingPHB.unused-17" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.totalLength-18" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.totalLength-18" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {46} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{20}} \ -stepValue {20} \ -fixedBits {20} \ -fieldValue {46} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {20} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {20} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.identification-19" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.identification-19" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.flags.reserved-20" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.flags.reserved-20" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.flags.fragment-21" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.flags.fragment-21" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {May fragment} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.flags.lastFragment-22" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.flags.lastFragment-22" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {Last fragment} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.fragmentOffset-23" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.fragmentOffset-23" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.ttl-24" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.ttl-24" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {64} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{64}} \ -stepValue {64} \ -fixedBits {64} \ -fieldValue {64} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {64} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {64} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.protocol-25" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.protocol-25" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {17} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{61}} \ -stepValue {61} \ -fixedBits {61} \ -fieldValue {UDP} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {61} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {61} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.checksum-26" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.checksum-26" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.srcIp-27" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.srcIp-27" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue $srcIp \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{}} \ -stepValue {} \ -fixedBits {} \ -fieldValue {} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.dstIp-28" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.dstIp-28" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue $dstIp \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{}} \ -stepValue {} \ -fixedBits {} \ -fieldValue $dstIp \ -auto False \ -randomMask {} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType $L3ValueType \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue $dstIp \ -countValue $L3CountValue sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.nop-29" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.nop-29" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {1} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{1}} \ -stepValue {1} \ -fixedBits {1} \ -fieldValue {1} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {1} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice True \ -startValue {1} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.type-30" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.type-30" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {130} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{130}} \ -stepValue {130} \ -fixedBits {130} \ -fieldValue {130} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {130} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {130} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.length-31" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.length-31" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {11} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{11}} \ -stepValue {11} \ -fixedBits {11} \ -fieldValue {11} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {11} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {11} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.security-32" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.security-32" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {Unclassified} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.compartments-33" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.compartments-33" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.handling-34" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.handling-34" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.tcc-35" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.tcc-35" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.lsrr.type-36" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.lsrr.type-36" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {131} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{131}} \ -stepValue {131} \ -fixedBits {131} \ -fieldValue {131} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {131} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {131} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.lsrr.length-37" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.lsrr.length-37" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {8} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{8}} \ -stepValue {8} \ -fixedBits {8} \ -fieldValue {8} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {8} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {8} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.pointer-38" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.pointer-38" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {4} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{4}} \ -stepValue {4} \ -fixedBits {4} \ -fieldValue {4} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {4} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {4} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.routeData-39" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.routeData-39" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.ssrr.type-40" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.ssrr.type-40" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {137} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{137}} \ -stepValue {137} \ -fixedBits {137} \ -fieldValue {137} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {137} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {137} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.ssrr.length-41" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.ssrr.length-41" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {8} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{8}} \ -stepValue {8} \ -fixedBits {8} \ -fieldValue {8} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {8} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {8} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.recordRoute.type-42" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.recordRoute.type-42" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {7} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{7}} \ -stepValue {7} \ -fixedBits {7} \ -fieldValue {7} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {7} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {7} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.recordRoute.length-43" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.recordRoute.length-43" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {8} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{8}} \ -stepValue {8} \ -fixedBits {8} \ -fieldValue {8} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {8} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {8} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.streamId.type-44" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.streamId.type-44" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {136} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{136}} \ -stepValue {136} \ -fixedBits {136} \ -fieldValue {136} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {136} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {136} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.streamId.length-45" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.streamId.length-45" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {4} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{4}} \ -stepValue {4} \ -fixedBits {4} \ -fieldValue {4} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {4} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {4} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.streamId.id-46" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.streamId.id-46" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.type-47" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.type-47" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {68} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{68}} \ -stepValue {68} \ -fixedBits {68} \ -fieldValue {68} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {68} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {68} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.length-48" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.length-48" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {12} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{12}} \ -stepValue {12} \ -fixedBits {12} \ -fieldValue {12} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {12} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {12} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.pointer-49" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.pointer-49" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {5} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{5}} \ -stepValue {5} \ -fixedBits {5} \ -fieldValue {5} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {5} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {5} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.overflow-50" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.overflow-50" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.flags-51" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.flags-51" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {Timestamps only, in consecutive 32-bit words} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.pair.address-52" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.pair.address-52" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.pair.timestamp-53" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.pair.timestamp-53" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.last-54" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.last-54" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.routerAlert.type-55" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.routerAlert.type-55" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {94} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0x94}} \ -stepValue {0x94} \ -fixedBits {0x94} \ -fieldValue {94} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0x94} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0x94} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.routerAlert.length-56" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.routerAlert.length-56" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {4} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0x04}} \ -stepValue {0x04} \ -fixedBits {0x04} \ -fieldValue {4} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0x04} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0x04} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.routerAlert.value-57" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.routerAlert.value-57" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {Router shall examine packet} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.pad-58" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.pad-58" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"udp-3" # set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/stack:"udp-3" sg_commit set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0] set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"udp-3"/field:"udp.header.srcPort-1" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"udp.header.srcPort-1" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {63} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{63}} \ -stepValue {63} \ -fixedBits {63} \ -fieldValue {Default} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {63} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {63} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"udp-3"/field:"udp.header.dstPort-2" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"udp.header.dstPort-2" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {63} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{63}} \ -stepValue {1} \ -fixedBits {63} \ -fieldValue {Default} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {63} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType $L4ValueType \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue $L4CountValue sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"udp-3"/field:"udp.header.length-3" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"udp.header.length-3" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {26} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{8}} \ -stepValue {8} \ -fixedBits {8} \ -fieldValue {26} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {8} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {8} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"udp-3"/field:"udp.header.checksum-4" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"udp.header.checksum-4" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"fcs-4" # set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/stack:"fcs-4" sg_commit set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0] set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"fcs-4"/field:"ethernet.fcs-1" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ethernet.fcs-1" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/transmissionDistribution # set sg_transmissionDistribution $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/transmissionDistribution ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_transmissionDistribution \ -distributions {} sg_commit set sg_transmissionDistribution [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_transmissionDistribution] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking # set sg_tracking $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/tracking ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_tracking \ -offset 0 \ -oneToOneMesh False \ -trackBy {} \ -values {} \ -fieldWidth thirtyTwoBits \ -protocolOffset {Root.0} ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_tracking/egress \ -offset {Outer VLAN Priority (3 bits)} \ -enabled False \ -customOffsetBits 0 \ -encapsulation {Ethernet} \ -customWidthBits 0 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_tracking/latencyBin \ -enabled False \ -binLimits {1 1.42 2 2.82 4 5.66 8 11.32} \ -numberOfBins 8 sg_commit set sg_tracking [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_tracking] 0] set ixNetSG_Stack(2) $sg_tracking # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ethernet-1" # set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ethernet-1" sg_commit set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0] set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ethernet-1"/field:"ethernet.header.destinationAddress-1" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ethernet.header.destinationAddress-1" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{00:00:00:00:00:00}} \ -stepValue {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -fixedBits {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -fieldValue {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -trackingEnabled True \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ethernet-1"/field:"ethernet.header.sourceAddress-2" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ethernet.header.sourceAddress-2" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{00:00:00:00:00:00}} \ -stepValue {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -fixedBits {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -fieldValue {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ethernet-1"/field:"ethernet.header.etherType-3" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ethernet.header.etherType-3" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {800} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0xFFFF}} \ -stepValue {0xFFFF} \ -fixedBits {0xFFFF} \ -fieldValue {800} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {0xFFFF} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0xFFFF} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ethernet-1"/field:"ethernet.header.pfcQueue-4" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ethernet.header.pfcQueue-4" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2" # set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2" sg_commit set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0] set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.version-1" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.version-1" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {4} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{4}} \ -stepValue {4} \ -fixedBits {4} \ -fieldValue {4} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {4} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {4} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.headerLength-2" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.headerLength-2" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {5} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {5} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.raw-3" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.raw-3" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.precedence-4" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.precedence-4" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {000 Routine} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice True \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.delay-5" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.delay-5" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {Normal} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice True \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.throughput-6" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.throughput-6" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {Normal} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice True \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.reliability-7" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.reliability-7" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {Normal} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice True \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.monetary-8" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.monetary-8" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {Normal} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice True \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.unused-9" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.unused-9" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice True \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.defaultPHB.defaultPHB-10" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.defaultPHB.defaultPHB-10" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.defaultPHB.unused-11" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.defaultPHB.unused-11" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.classSelectorPHB.classSelectorPHB-12" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.classSelectorPHB.classSelectorPHB-12" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {8} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{8}} \ -stepValue {8} \ -fixedBits {8} \ -fieldValue {Precedence 1} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {8} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {8} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.classSelectorPHB.unused-13" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.classSelectorPHB.unused-13" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.assuredForwardingPHB.assuredForwardingPHB-14" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.assuredForwardingPHB.assuredForwardingPHB-14" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {10} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{10}} \ -stepValue {10} \ -fixedBits {10} \ -fieldValue {Class 1, Low drop precedence} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {10} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {10} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.assuredForwardingPHB.unused-15" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.assuredForwardingPHB.unused-15" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.expeditedForwardingPHB.expeditedForwardingPHB-16" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.expeditedForwardingPHB.expeditedForwardingPHB-16" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {46} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{46}} \ -stepValue {46} \ -fixedBits {46} \ -fieldValue {46} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {46} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {46} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.expeditedForwardingPHB.unused-17" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.expeditedForwardingPHB.unused-17" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.totalLength-18" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.totalLength-18" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {92} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{20}} \ -stepValue {20} \ -fixedBits {20} \ -fieldValue {92} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {20} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {20} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.identification-19" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.identification-19" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.flags.reserved-20" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.flags.reserved-20" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.flags.fragment-21" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.flags.fragment-21" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {May fragment} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.flags.lastFragment-22" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.flags.lastFragment-22" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {Last fragment} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.fragmentOffset-23" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.fragmentOffset-23" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.ttl-24" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.ttl-24" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {64} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{64}} \ -stepValue {64} \ -fixedBits {64} \ -fieldValue {64} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {64} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {64} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.protocol-25" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.protocol-25" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {17} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{61}} \ -stepValue {61} \ -fixedBits {61} \ -fieldValue {UDP} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {61} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {61} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.checksum-26" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.checksum-26" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.srcIp-27" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.srcIp-27" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{}} \ -stepValue {} \ -fixedBits {} \ -fieldValue {} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.dstIp-28" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.dstIp-28" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{}} \ -stepValue {} \ -fixedBits {} \ -fieldValue {} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.nop-29" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.nop-29" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {1} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{1}} \ -stepValue {1} \ -fixedBits {1} \ -fieldValue {1} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {1} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice True \ -startValue {1} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.type-30" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.type-30" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {130} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{130}} \ -stepValue {130} \ -fixedBits {130} \ -fieldValue {130} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {130} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {130} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.length-31" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.length-31" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {11} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{11}} \ -stepValue {11} \ -fixedBits {11} \ -fieldValue {11} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {11} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {11} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.security-32" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.security-32" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {Unclassified} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.compartments-33" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.compartments-33" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.handling-34" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.handling-34" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.tcc-35" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.tcc-35" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.lsrr.type-36" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.lsrr.type-36" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {131} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{131}} \ -stepValue {131} \ -fixedBits {131} \ -fieldValue {131} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {131} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {131} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.lsrr.length-37" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.lsrr.length-37" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {8} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{8}} \ -stepValue {8} \ -fixedBits {8} \ -fieldValue {8} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {8} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {8} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.pointer-38" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.pointer-38" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {4} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{4}} \ -stepValue {4} \ -fixedBits {4} \ -fieldValue {4} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {4} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {4} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.routeData-39" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.routeData-39" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.ssrr.type-40" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.ssrr.type-40" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {137} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{137}} \ -stepValue {137} \ -fixedBits {137} \ -fieldValue {137} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {137} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {137} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.ssrr.length-41" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.ssrr.length-41" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {8} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{8}} \ -stepValue {8} \ -fixedBits {8} \ -fieldValue {8} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {8} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {8} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.recordRoute.type-42" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.recordRoute.type-42" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {7} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{7}} \ -stepValue {7} \ -fixedBits {7} \ -fieldValue {7} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {7} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {7} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.recordRoute.length-43" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.recordRoute.length-43" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {8} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{8}} \ -stepValue {8} \ -fixedBits {8} \ -fieldValue {8} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {8} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {8} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.streamId.type-44" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.streamId.type-44" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {136} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{136}} \ -stepValue {136} \ -fixedBits {136} \ -fieldValue {136} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {136} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {136} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.streamId.length-45" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.streamId.length-45" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {4} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{4}} \ -stepValue {4} \ -fixedBits {4} \ -fieldValue {4} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {4} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {4} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.streamId.id-46" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.streamId.id-46" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.type-47" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.type-47" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {68} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{68}} \ -stepValue {68} \ -fixedBits {68} \ -fieldValue {68} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {68} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {68} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.length-48" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.length-48" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {12} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{12}} \ -stepValue {12} \ -fixedBits {12} \ -fieldValue {12} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {12} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {12} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.pointer-49" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.pointer-49" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {5} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{5}} \ -stepValue {5} \ -fixedBits {5} \ -fieldValue {5} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {5} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {5} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.overflow-50" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.overflow-50" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.flags-51" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.flags-51" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {Timestamps only, in consecutive 32-bit words} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.pair.address-52" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.pair.address-52" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.pair.timestamp-53" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.pair.timestamp-53" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.last-54" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.last-54" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.routerAlert.type-55" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.routerAlert.type-55" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {94} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0x94}} \ -stepValue {0x94} \ -fixedBits {0x94} \ -fieldValue {94} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0x94} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0x94} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.routerAlert.length-56" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.routerAlert.length-56" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {4} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0x04}} \ -stepValue {0x04} \ -fixedBits {0x04} \ -fieldValue {4} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0x04} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0x04} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.routerAlert.value-57" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.routerAlert.value-57" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {Router shall examine packet} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.pad-58" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.pad-58" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"udp-3" # set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"udp-3" sg_commit set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0] set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"udp-3"/field:"udp.header.srcPort-1" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"udp.header.srcPort-1" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {63} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{63}} \ -stepValue {63} \ -fixedBits {63} \ -fieldValue {Default} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {63} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {63} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"udp-3"/field:"udp.header.dstPort-2" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"udp.header.dstPort-2" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {63} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{63}} \ -stepValue {63} \ -fixedBits {63} \ -fieldValue {Default} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {63} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {63} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"udp-3"/field:"udp.header.length-3" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"udp.header.length-3" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {72} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{8}} \ -stepValue {8} \ -fixedBits {8} \ -fieldValue {72} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {8} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {8} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"udp-3"/field:"udp.header.checksum-4" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"udp.header.checksum-4" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"fcs-4" # set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"fcs-4" sg_commit set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0] set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking/egress/fieldOffset/stack:"fcs-4"/field:"ethernet.fcs-1" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ethernet.fcs-1" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1 # set sg_egressTracking [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(1) egressTracking] ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_egressTracking \ -offset {Outer VLAN Priority (3 bits)} \ -customOffsetBits 0 \ -encapsulation {Ethernet} \ -customWidthBits 0 sg_commit set sg_egressTracking [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_egressTracking] 0] set ixNetSG_Stack(2) $sg_egressTracking # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ethernet-1" # set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/fieldOffset/stack:"ethernet-1" sg_commit set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0] set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ethernet-1"/field:"ethernet.header.destinationAddress-1" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ethernet.header.destinationAddress-1" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{00:00:00:00:00:00}} \ -stepValue {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -fixedBits {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -fieldValue {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -trackingEnabled True \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ethernet-1"/field:"ethernet.header.sourceAddress-2" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ethernet.header.sourceAddress-2" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{00:00:00:00:00:00}} \ -stepValue {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -fixedBits {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -fieldValue {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {00:00:00:00:00:00} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ethernet-1"/field:"ethernet.header.etherType-3" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ethernet.header.etherType-3" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {800} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0xFFFF}} \ -stepValue {0xFFFF} \ -fixedBits {0xFFFF} \ -fieldValue {800} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {0xFFFF} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0xFFFF} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ethernet-1"/field:"ethernet.header.pfcQueue-4" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ethernet.header.pfcQueue-4" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2" # set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2" sg_commit set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0] set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.version-1" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.version-1" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {4} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{4}} \ -stepValue {4} \ -fixedBits {4} \ -fieldValue {4} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {4} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {4} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.headerLength-2" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.headerLength-2" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {5} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {5} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.raw-3" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.raw-3" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.precedence-4" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.precedence-4" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {000 Routine} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice True \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.delay-5" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.delay-5" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {Normal} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice True \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.throughput-6" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.throughput-6" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {Normal} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice True \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.reliability-7" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.reliability-7" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {Normal} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice True \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.monetary-8" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.monetary-8" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {Normal} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice True \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.unused-9" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.unused-9" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice True \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.defaultPHB.defaultPHB-10" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.defaultPHB.defaultPHB-10" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.defaultPHB.unused-11" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.defaultPHB.unused-11" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.classSelectorPHB.classSelectorPHB-12" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.classSelectorPHB.classSelectorPHB-12" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {8} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{8}} \ -stepValue {8} \ -fixedBits {8} \ -fieldValue {Precedence 1} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {8} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {8} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.classSelectorPHB.unused-13" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.classSelectorPHB.unused-13" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.assuredForwardingPHB.assuredForwardingPHB-14" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.assuredForwardingPHB.assuredForwardingPHB-14" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {10} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{10}} \ -stepValue {10} \ -fixedBits {10} \ -fieldValue {Class 1, Low drop precedence} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {10} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {10} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.assuredForwardingPHB.unused-15" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.assuredForwardingPHB.unused-15" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.expeditedForwardingPHB.expeditedForwardingPHB-16" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.expeditedForwardingPHB.expeditedForwardingPHB-16" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {46} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{46}} \ -stepValue {46} \ -fixedBits {46} \ -fieldValue {46} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {46} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {46} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.expeditedForwardingPHB.unused-17" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.ds.phb.expeditedForwardingPHB.unused-17" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.totalLength-18" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.totalLength-18" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {92} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{20}} \ -stepValue {20} \ -fixedBits {20} \ -fieldValue {92} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {20} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {20} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.identification-19" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.identification-19" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.flags.reserved-20" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.flags.reserved-20" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.flags.fragment-21" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.flags.fragment-21" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {May fragment} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.flags.lastFragment-22" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.flags.lastFragment-22" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {Last fragment} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.fragmentOffset-23" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.fragmentOffset-23" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.ttl-24" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.ttl-24" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {64} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{64}} \ -stepValue {64} \ -fixedBits {64} \ -fieldValue {64} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {64} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {64} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.protocol-25" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.protocol-25" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {17} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{61}} \ -stepValue {61} \ -fixedBits {61} \ -fieldValue {UDP} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {61} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {61} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.checksum-26" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.checksum-26" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.srcIp-27" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.srcIp-27" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{}} \ -stepValue {} \ -fixedBits {} \ -fieldValue {} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.dstIp-28" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.dstIp-28" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{}} \ -stepValue {} \ -fixedBits {} \ -fieldValue {} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.nop-29" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.nop-29" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {1} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{1}} \ -stepValue {1} \ -fixedBits {1} \ -fieldValue {1} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {1} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice True \ -startValue {1} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.type-30" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.type-30" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {130} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{130}} \ -stepValue {130} \ -fixedBits {130} \ -fieldValue {130} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {130} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {130} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.length-31" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.length-31" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {11} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{11}} \ -stepValue {11} \ -fixedBits {11} \ -fieldValue {11} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {11} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {11} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.security-32" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.security-32" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {Unclassified} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.compartments-33" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.compartments-33" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.handling-34" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.handling-34" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.tcc-35" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.security.tcc-35" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.lsrr.type-36" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.lsrr.type-36" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {131} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{131}} \ -stepValue {131} \ -fixedBits {131} \ -fieldValue {131} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {131} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {131} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.lsrr.length-37" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.lsrr.length-37" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {8} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{8}} \ -stepValue {8} \ -fixedBits {8} \ -fieldValue {8} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {8} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {8} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.pointer-38" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.pointer-38" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {4} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{4}} \ -stepValue {4} \ -fixedBits {4} \ -fieldValue {4} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {4} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {4} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.routeData-39" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.routeData-39" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.ssrr.type-40" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.ssrr.type-40" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {137} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{137}} \ -stepValue {137} \ -fixedBits {137} \ -fieldValue {137} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {137} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {137} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.ssrr.length-41" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.ssrr.length-41" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {8} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{8}} \ -stepValue {8} \ -fixedBits {8} \ -fieldValue {8} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {8} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {8} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.recordRoute.type-42" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.recordRoute.type-42" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {7} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{7}} \ -stepValue {7} \ -fixedBits {7} \ -fieldValue {7} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {7} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {7} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.recordRoute.length-43" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.recordRoute.length-43" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {8} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{8}} \ -stepValue {8} \ -fixedBits {8} \ -fieldValue {8} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {8} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {8} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.streamId.type-44" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.streamId.type-44" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {136} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{136}} \ -stepValue {136} \ -fixedBits {136} \ -fieldValue {136} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {136} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {136} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.streamId.length-45" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.streamId.length-45" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {4} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{4}} \ -stepValue {4} \ -fixedBits {4} \ -fieldValue {4} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {4} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {4} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.streamId.id-46" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.streamId.id-46" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.type-47" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.type-47" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {68} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{68}} \ -stepValue {68} \ -fixedBits {68} \ -fieldValue {68} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {68} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {68} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.length-48" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.length-48" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {12} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{12}} \ -stepValue {12} \ -fixedBits {12} \ -fieldValue {12} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {12} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {12} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.pointer-49" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.pointer-49" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {5} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{5}} \ -stepValue {5} \ -fixedBits {5} \ -fieldValue {5} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {5} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {5} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.overflow-50" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.overflow-50" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.flags-51" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.flags-51" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {Timestamps only, in consecutive 32-bit words} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.pair.address-52" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.pair.address-52" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.pair.timestamp-53" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.timestamp.pair.timestamp-53" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.last-54" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.last-54" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.routerAlert.type-55" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.routerAlert.type-55" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {94} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0x94}} \ -stepValue {0x94} \ -fixedBits {0x94} \ -fieldValue {94} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0x94} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0x94} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.routerAlert.length-56" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.routerAlert.length-56" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {4} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0x04}} \ -stepValue {0x04} \ -fixedBits {0x04} \ -fieldValue {4} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0x04} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0x04} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.routerAlert.value-57" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.nextOption.option.routerAlert.value-57" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {Router shall examine packet} \ -auto False \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.pad-58" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.pad-58" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled False \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"udp-3" # set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/fieldOffset/stack:"udp-3" sg_commit set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0] set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"udp-3"/field:"udp.header.srcPort-1" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"udp.header.srcPort-1" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {63} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{63}} \ -stepValue {63} \ -fixedBits {63} \ -fieldValue {Default} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {63} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {63} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"udp-3"/field:"udp.header.dstPort-2" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"udp.header.dstPort-2" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {63} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{63}} \ -stepValue {63} \ -fixedBits {63} \ -fieldValue {Default} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {63} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {63} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"udp-3"/field:"udp.header.length-3" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"udp.header.length-3" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {72} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{8}} \ -stepValue {8} \ -fixedBits {8} \ -fieldValue {72} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {8} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {8} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"udp-3"/field:"udp.header.checksum-4" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"udp.header.checksum-4" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"fcs-4" # set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/fieldOffset/stack:"fcs-4" sg_commit set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0] set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/egressTracking:1/fieldOffset/stack:"fcs-4"/field:"ethernet.fcs-1" # set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ethernet.fcs-1" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \ -singleValue {0} \ -seed {1} \ -optionalEnabled True \ -fullMesh False \ -valueList {{0}} \ -stepValue {0} \ -fixedBits {0} \ -fieldValue {0} \ -auto True \ -randomMask {0} \ -trackingEnabled False \ -valueType singleValue \ -activeFieldChoice False \ -startValue {0} \ -countValue {1} sg_commit set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/dynamicUpdate # set sg_dynamicUpdate $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/dynamicUpdate ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_dynamicUpdate \ -enabledSessionAwareTrafficFields {} \ -enabledDynamicUpdateFields {} sg_commit set sg_dynamicUpdate [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_dynamicUpdate] 0] ### ### /quickTest area ### # # configuring the object that corresponds to /quickTest/rfc2544throughput:1 # if {$rfc2544TestType == "throughput"} { set sg_rfc2544throughput [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(0)/quickTest rfc2544throughput] ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_rfc2544throughput \ -name {QuickTest1} \ -mode existingMode \ -inputParameters {{}} ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_rfc2544throughput/testConfig \ -protocolItem {} \ -enableMinFrameSize True \ -framesize $frameSize \ -reportTputRateUnit mbps \ -duration $duration \ -numtrials $numTrials \ -trafficType constantLoading \ -burstSize 1 \ -framesPerBurstGap 1 \ -tolerance 0 \ -frameLossUnit {0} \ -staggeredStart False \ -framesizeList $frameSize \ -frameSizeMode custom \ -rateSelect percentMaxRate \ -percentMaxRate 100 \ -resolution 0.01 \ -forceRegenerate False \ -reportSequenceError False \ -ipv4rate 50 \ -ipv6rate 50 \ -loadRateList $frameRate \ -fixedLoadUnit percentMaxRate \ -loadRateValue 80 \ -incrementLoadUnit percentMaxRate \ -initialIncrementLoadRate 10 \ -stepIncrementLoadRate 10 \ -maxIncrementLoadRate 100 \ -randomLoadUnit percentMaxRate \ -minRandomLoadRate 10 \ -maxRandomLoadRate 80 \ -countRandomLoadRate 1 \ -minFpsRate 1000 \ -minKbpsRate 64 \ -txDelay 2 \ -delayAfterTransmit 2 \ -minRandomFrameSize 64 \ -maxRandomFrameSize 1518 \ -countRandomFrameSize 1 \ -minIncrementFrameSize 64 \ -stepIncrementFrameSize 64 \ -maxIncrementFrameSize 1518 \ -calculateLatency True \ -latencyType storeForward \ -calculateJitter False \ -enableDataIntegrity False \ -enableBackoffIteration False \ -enableSaturationIteration False \ -enableStopTestOnHighLoss False \ -enableBackoffUseAs% False \ -backoffIteration 1 \ -saturationIteration 1 \ -stopTestOnHighLoss 0 \ -loadType $loadType \ -stepLoadUnit percentMaxRate \ -customLoadUnit percentMaxRate \ -comboLoadUnit percentMaxRate \ -binaryLoadUnit percentMaxRate \ -initialBinaryLoadRate 100 \ -minBinaryLoadRate 1 \ -maxBinaryLoadRate 100 \ -binaryResolution 1 \ -binaryBackoff 50 \ -binaryTolerance $tolerance \ -binaryFrameLossUnit % \ -comboFrameLossUnit % \ -stepFrameLossUnit % \ -initialStepLoadRate 10 \ -maxStepLoadRate 100 \ -stepStepLoadRate 10 \ -stepTolerance 0 \ -initialComboLoadRate 10 \ -maxComboLoadRate 100 \ -minComboLoadRate 10 \ -stepComboLoadRate 10 \ -comboResolution 1 \ -comboBackoff 50 \ -comboTolerance 0 \ -binarySearchType linear \ -unchangedValueList {0} \ -enableFastConvergence $fastConvergence \ -fastConvergenceDuration $convergenceDuration \ -fastConvergenceThreshold 10 \ -framesizeFixedValue $frameSize \ -gap 3 \ -unchangedInitial False \ -generateTrackingOptionAggregationFiles False \ -enableExtraIterations False \ -extraIterationOffsets {10, -10} \ -usePercentOffsets False \ -imixDistribution weight \ -imixAdd {0} \ -imixDelete {0} \ -imixData {{{{64}{{TOS S:0 S:0 S:0 S:0 S:0} S:0}{1 40}}{{128}{{TOS S:0 S:0 S:0 S:0 S:0} S:0}{1 30}}{{256}{{TOS S:0 S:0 S:0 S:0 S:0} S:0}{1 30}}}} \ -imixEnabled False \ -imixTemplates none \ -framesizeImixList $frameSize \ -imixTrafficType {UNCHNAGED} \ -mapType {oneToOne} \ -supportedTrafficTypes {mac,ipv4,ipv6,ipmix} ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_rfc2544throughput/learnFrames \ -learnFrequency $learningFrequency \ -learnNumFrames 10 \ -learnRate 100 \ -learnWaitTime 1000 \ -learnFrameSize $frameSize \ -fastPathLearnFrameSize $frameSize \ -learnWaitTimeBeforeTransmit 0 \ -learnSendMacOnly False \ -learnSendRouterSolicitation False \ -fastPathEnable $fastPathEnable \ -fastPathRate 100 \ -fastPathNumFrames 10 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_rfc2544throughput/passCriteria \ -passCriteriaLoadRateMode average \ -passCriteriaLoadRateValue 100 \ -passCriteriaLoadRateScale mbps \ -enablePassFail False \ -enableRatePassFail False \ -enableLatencyPassFail False \ -enableStandardDeviationPassFail False \ -latencyThresholdValue 10 \ -latencyThresholdScale us \ -latencyThresholdMode average \ -latencyVariationThresholdValue 0 \ -latencyVariationThresholdScale us \ -latencyVarThresholdMode average \ -enableSequenceErrorsPassFail False \ -seqErrorsThresholdValue 0 \ -seqErrorsThresholdMode average \ -enableDataIntegrityPassFail False \ -dataErrorThresholdValue 0 \ -dataErrorThresholdMode average sg_commit set sg_rfc2544throughput [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_rfc2544throughput] 0] set ixNetSG_Stack(1) $sg_rfc2544throughput # # configuring the object that corresponds to /quickTest/rfc2544throughput:1/protocols # set sg_protocols $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/protocols ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_protocols \ -protocolState default \ -waitAfterStart 120 \ -waitAfterStop 30 sg_commit set sg_protocols [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_protocols] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /quickTest/rfc2544throughput:1/trafficSelection:1 # set sg_trafficSelection [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(1) trafficSelection] ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_trafficSelection \ -id $ixNetSG_ref(26) \ -includeMode inTest \ -itemType trafficItem sg_commit set sg_trafficSelection [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_trafficSelection] 0] ixNet commit } elseif {$rfc2544TestType == "back2back"} { # # configuring the object that corresponds to /quickTest/rfc2544back2back:2 # set sg_rfc2544back2back [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(0)/quickTest rfc2544back2back] ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_rfc2544back2back \ -name {B2B} \ -mode existingMode \ -inputParameters {{}} ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_rfc2544back2back/testConfig \ -protocolItem {} \ -framesize $frameSize \ -reportTputRateUnit mbps \ -rfc2544ImixDataQoS False \ -detailedResultsEnabled True \ -rfc2889ordering noOrdering \ -floodedFramesEnabled False \ -duration $duration \ -numtrials $numTrials \ -trafficType constantLoading \ -burstSize 1 \ -framesPerBurstGap 1 \ -tolerance 0 \ -frameLossUnit {0} \ -staggeredStart False \ -framesizeList $frameSize \ -frameSizeMode custom \ -rateSelect percentMaxRate \ -percentMaxRate 100 \ -resolution 0.01 \ -forceRegenerate False \ -reportSequenceError False \ -ipv4rate 50 \ -ipv6rate 50 \ -loadRateList $frameRate \ -minFpsRate 1000 \ -minKbpsRate 64 \ -txDelay 2 \ -delayAfterTransmit 2 \ -minRandomFrameSize 64 \ -maxRandomFrameSize 1518 \ -countRandomFrameSize 1 \ -minIncrementFrameSize 64 \ -stepIncrementFrameSize 64 \ -maxIncrementFrameSize 1518 \ -calculateLatency False \ -calibrateLatency False \ -latencyType cutThrough \ -calculateJitter False \ -enableDataIntegrity False \ -loadType $loadType \ -binaryFrameLossUnit % \ -loadUnit percentMaxRate \ -customLoadUnit percentMaxRate \ -randomLoadUnit percentMaxRate \ -incrementLoadUnit percentMaxRate \ -binaryResolution 1000 \ -binaryBackoff 50 \ -binaryTolerance $tolerance \ -initialIncrementLoadRate 100 \ -stepIncrementLoadRate 10 \ -maxIncrementLoadRate 100 \ -minRandomLoadRate 10 \ -maxRandomLoadRate 80 \ -countRandomLoadRate 1 \ -numFrames {100000} \ -loadRate 100 \ -enableMinFrameSize True \ -gap 3 \ -generateTrackingOptionAggregationFiles False \ -sendFullyMeshed False \ -imixDistribution weight \ -imixAdd {0} \ -imixDelete {0} \ -imixData {{{{64}{{TOS S:0 S:0 S:0 S:0 S:0} S:0}{1 40}}{{128}{{TOS S:0 S:0 S:0 S:0 S:0} S:0}{1 30}}{{256}{{TOS S:0 S:0 S:0 S:0 S:0} S:0}{1 30}}}} \ -imixEnabled False \ -imixTemplates none \ -framesizeImixList $frameSize \ -imixTrafficType {UNCHNAGED} \ -ipRatioMode fixed \ -ipv4RatioList {10,25,50,75,90} \ -ipv6RatioList {90,75,50,25,10} \ -minIncrementIpv4Ratio {10} \ -stepIncrementIpv4Ratio {10} \ -maxIncrementIpv4Ratio {90} \ -minIncrementIpv6Ratio {90} \ -stepIncrementIpv6Ratio {-10} \ -maxIncrementIpv6Ratio {10} \ -minRandomIpv4Ratio {10} \ -maxRandomIpv4Ratio {90} \ -minRandomIpv6Ratio {90} \ -maxRandomIpv6Ratio {10} \ -countRandomIpRatio 1 \ -mapType {oneToOne|manyToMany|fullMesh} \ -supportedTrafficTypes {mac,ipv4,ipv6,ipmix} ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_rfc2544back2back/learnFrames \ -learnFrequency $learningFrequency \ -learnNumFrames 10 \ -learnRate 100 \ -learnWaitTime 1000 \ -learnFrameSize 64 \ -fastPathLearnFrameSize 64 \ -learnWaitTimeBeforeTransmit 0 \ -learnSendMacOnly False \ -learnSendRouterSolicitation False \ -fastPathEnable $fastPathEnable \ -fastPathRate 100 \ -fastPathNumFrames 10 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_rfc2544back2back/passCriteria \ -passCriteriaLoadRateMode average \ -passCriteriaLoadRateValue 100 \ -passCriteriaLoadRateScale mbps \ -enablePassFail False \ -enableRatePassFail False \ -enableLatencyPassFail False \ -enableStandardDeviationPassFail False \ -latencyThresholdValue 10 \ -latencyThresholdScale us \ -latencyThresholdMode average \ -latencyVariationThresholdValue 0 \ -latencyVariationThresholdScale us \ -latencyVarThresholdMode average \ -enableSequenceErrorsPassFail False \ -seqErrorsThresholdValue 0 \ -seqErrorsThresholdMode average \ -enableDataIntegrityPassFail False \ -dataErrorThresholdValue 0 \ -dataErrorThresholdMode average \ -enableFrameCountPassFail False \ -passCriteriaFrameCountValue 100 \ -passCriteriaFrameCountMode average sg_commit set sg_rfc2544back2back [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_rfc2544back2back] 0] set ixNetSG_Stack(1) $sg_rfc2544back2back # # configuring the object that corresponds to /quickTest/rfc2544back2back:2/protocols # set sg_protocols $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/protocols ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_protocols \ -protocolState default \ -waitAfterStart 120 \ -waitAfterStop 30 sg_commit set sg_protocols [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_protocols] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /quickTest/rfc2544back2back:2/trafficSelection:1 # set sg_trafficSelection [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(1) trafficSelection] ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_trafficSelection \ -id $ixNetSG_ref(26) \ -includeMode inTest \ -itemType trafficItem sg_commit set sg_trafficSelection [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_trafficSelection] 0] ixNet commit } # # getting and applying the RFC2544 test # set root [ixNet getRoot] set qt [ixNet getList $root quickTest] if {$rfc2544TestType == "throughput"} { set rfc2544test [ixNet getList $qt rfc2544throughput] } elseif {$rfc2544TestType == "back2back"} { set rfc2544test [ixNet getList $qt rfc2544back2back] } ixNet exec apply $rfc2544test after 5000 # # starting the RFC2544 Throughput test # puts "Starting test..." ixNet exec start $rfc2544test } proc waitForRfc2544Test { } { # Wait for- and return results of- RFC2544 quicktest. global rfc2544test puts "Waiting for test to complete..." set result [ixNet exec waitForTest $rfc2544test] puts "Finished Test" return "$result" }