Test API

Clean, Easy, Complete

OPNFV testing community

OPNFV Design Summit, 20/6/2016, Berlin

# Agenda * A test API: what for? * API overview * API evolution
# A test API: what for?
## Give a consistant view for * Test projects * Test cases * Test resources (Pods) * Test results
## Unify result display * From many projects * Many formats (log, html, json, ..) * Many locations (in VM, Jumphost, external DB,...)
## Help building * Dashboards * Automatic reporting
# API overview
## API in Brahmaputra * Tornado + MongoDB * Simple data models aggreed with the testing group * No unit tests * Wiki and rst documentation
## API in Brahmaputra ![testapi](https://wiki.opnfv.org/download/attachments/2926452/results_collection_structure.png?version=1&modificationDate=1459196347000&api=v2 "OPNFV API page")
## API in Brahmaputra ![testapi](../img/testapi0.png) https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/functest/Collection+Of+Test+Results
## Lessons learned in B. * Wiki documentation is painful * Result model too simple * version used instead of scenario * no version * no overall criteria (PASS/FAIL) * need unit tests for data model evolution
## Colorado refactoring * Done by Serena Feng (ZTE) * Update of the data model (based on lessons learned) * New swagger tornado framework for the doc * URL and Mongo collection renaming * Scripts to manage backup/restore/DB upd