#!/usr/bin/env python # # jose.lausuch@ericsson.com # valentin.boucher@orange.com # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # import os import os.path import subprocess import sys # ---------------------------------------------------------- # # OPENSTACK UTILS # # ----------------------------------------------------------- # ********************************************* # CREDENTIALS # ********************************************* def check_credentials(): """ Check if the OpenStack credentials (openrc) are sourced """ env_vars = ['OS_AUTH_URL', 'OS_USERNAME', 'OS_PASSWORD', 'OS_TENANT_NAME'] return all(map(lambda v: v in os.environ and os.environ[v], env_vars)) def get_credentials(service): """Returns a creds dictionary filled with the following keys: * username * password/api_key (depending on the service) * tenant_name/project_id (depending on the service) * auth_url :param service: a string indicating the name of the service requesting the credentials. """ creds = {} # Unfortunately, each of the OpenStack client will request slightly # different entries in their credentials dict. if service.lower() in ("nova", "cinder"): password = "api_key" tenant = "project_id" else: password = "password" tenant = "tenant_name" # The most common way to pass these info to the script is to do it through # environment variables. creds.update({ "username": os.environ.get('OS_USERNAME', "admin"), password: os.environ.get("OS_PASSWORD", 'admin'), "auth_url": os.environ.get("OS_AUTH_URL", ""), tenant: os.environ.get("OS_TENANT_NAME", "admin"), }) cacert = os.environ.get("OS_CACERT") if cacert is not None: # each openstack client uses differnt kwargs for this creds.update({"cacert": cacert, "ca_cert": cacert, "https_ca_cert": cacert, "https_cacert": cacert, "ca_file": cacert}) creds.update({"insecure": "True", "https_insecure": "True"}) if not os.path.isfile(cacert): print ("WARNING: The 'OS_CACERT' environment variable is " + "set to %s but the file does not exist." % cacert) return creds def source_credentials(rc_file): pipe = subprocess.Popen(". %s; env" % rc_file, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) output = pipe.communicate()[0] env = dict((line.split("=", 1) for line in output.splitlines())) os.environ.update(env) return env # ********************************************* # NOVA # ********************************************* def get_instances(nova_client): try: instances = nova_client.servers.list(search_opts={'all_tenants': 1}) return instances except Exception, e: print "Error [get_instances(nova_client)]:", e return None def get_instance_status(nova_client, instance): try: instance = nova_client.servers.get(instance.id) return instance.status except: # print ("Error [get_instance_status(nova_client, '%s')]:" % # str(instance)), e return None def get_instance_by_name(nova_client, instance_name): try: instance = nova_client.servers.find(name=instance_name) return instance except Exception, e: print ("Error [get_instance_by_name(nova_client, '%s')]:" % instance_name), e return None def get_flavor_id(nova_client, flavor_name): flavors = nova_client.flavors.list(detailed=True) id = '' for f in flavors: if f.name == flavor_name: id = f.id break return id def get_flavor_id_by_ram_range(nova_client, min_ram, max_ram): flavors = nova_client.flavors.list(detailed=True) id = '' for f in flavors: if min_ram <= f.ram and f.ram <= max_ram: id = f.id break return id def get_floating_ips(nova_client): try: floating_ips = nova_client.floating_ips.list() return floating_ips except Exception, e: print "Error [get_floating_ips(nova_client)]:", e return None def create_flavor(nova_client, flavor_name, ram, disk, vcpus): try: flavor = nova_client.flavors.create(flavor_name, ram, vcpus, disk) except Exception, e: print ("Error [create_flavor(nova_client, '%s', '%s', '%s', " "'%s')]:" % (flavor_name, ram, disk, vcpus)), e return None return flavor.id def create_floating_ip(neutron_client): extnet_id = get_external_net_id(neutron_client) props = {'floating_network_id': extnet_id} try: ip_json = neutron_client.create_floatingip({'floatingip': props}) fip_addr = ip_json['floatingip']['floating_ip_address'] fip_id = ip_json['floatingip']['id'] except Exception, e: print "Error [create_floating_ip(neutron_client)]:", e return None return {'fip_addr': fip_addr, 'fip_id': fip_id} def add_floating_ip(nova_client, server_id, floatingip_id): try: nova_client.servers.add_floating_ip(server_id, floatingip_id) return True except Exception, e: print ("Error [add_floating_ip(nova_client, '%s', '%s')]:" % (server_id, floatingip_id)), e return False def delete_instance(nova_client, instance_id): try: nova_client.servers.force_delete(instance_id) return True except Exception, e: print "Error [delete_instance(nova_client, '%s')]:" % instance_id, e return False def delete_floating_ip(nova_client, floatingip_id): try: nova_client.floating_ips.delete(floatingip_id) return True except Exception, e: print ("Error [delete_floating_ip(nova_client, '%s')]:" % floatingip_id), e return False # ********************************************* # NEUTRON # ********************************************* def get_network_list(neutron_client): network_list = neutron_client.list_networks()['networks'] if len(network_list) == 0: return None else: return network_list def get_router_list(neutron_client): router_list = neutron_client.list_routers()['routers'] if len(router_list) == 0: return None else: return router_list def get_port_list(neutron_client): port_list = neutron_client.list_ports()['ports'] if len(port_list) == 0: return None else: return port_list def get_network_id(neutron_client, network_name): networks = neutron_client.list_networks()['networks'] id = '' for n in networks: if n['name'] == network_name: id = n['id'] break return id def get_subnet_id(neutron_client, subnet_name): subnets = neutron_client.list_subnets()['subnets'] id = '' for s in subnets: if s['name'] == subnet_name: id = s['id'] break return id def get_router_id(neutron_client, router_name): routers = neutron_client.list_routers()['routers'] id = '' for r in routers: if r['name'] == router_name: id = r['id'] break return id def get_private_net(neutron_client): # Checks if there is an existing shared private network networks = neutron_client.list_networks()['networks'] if len(networks) == 0: return None for net in networks: if (net['router:external'] is False) and (net['shared'] is True): return net return None def get_external_net(neutron_client): for network in neutron_client.list_networks()['networks']: if network['router:external']: return network['name'] return False def get_external_net_id(neutron_client): for network in neutron_client.list_networks()['networks']: if network['router:external']: return network['id'] return False def check_neutron_net(neutron_client, net_name): for network in neutron_client.list_networks()['networks']: if network['name'] == net_name: for subnet in network['subnets']: return True return False def create_neutron_net(neutron_client, name): json_body = {'network': {'name': name, 'admin_state_up': True}} try: network = neutron_client.create_network(body=json_body) network_dict = network['network'] return network_dict['id'] except Exception, e: print "Error [create_neutron_net(neutron_client, '%s')]:" % name, e return False def create_neutron_subnet(neutron_client, name, cidr, net_id): json_body = {'subnets': [{'name': name, 'cidr': cidr, 'ip_version': 4, 'network_id': net_id}]} try: subnet = neutron_client.create_subnet(body=json_body) return subnet['subnets'][0]['id'] except Exception, e: print ("Error [create_neutron_subnet(neutron_client, '%s', '%s', " "'%s')]:" % (name, cidr, net_id)), e return False def create_neutron_router(neutron_client, name): json_body = {'router': {'name': name, 'admin_state_up': True}} try: router = neutron_client.create_router(json_body) return router['router']['id'] except Exception, e: print "Error [create_neutron_router(neutron_client, '%s')]:" % name, e return False def create_neutron_port(neutron_client, name, network_id, ip): json_body = {'port': { 'admin_state_up': True, 'name': name, 'network_id': network_id, 'fixed_ips': [{"ip_address": ip}] }} try: port = neutron_client.create_port(body=json_body) return port['port']['id'] except Exception, e: print ("Error [create_neutron_port(neutron_client, '%s', '%s', " "'%s')]:" % (name, network_id, ip)), e return False def update_neutron_net(neutron_client, network_id, shared=False): json_body = {'network': {'shared': shared}} try: neutron_client.update_network(network_id, body=json_body) return True except Exception, e: print ("Error [update_neutron_net(neutron_client, '%s', '%s')]:" % (network_id, str(shared))), e return False def update_neutron_port(neutron_client, port_id, device_owner): json_body = {'port': { 'device_owner': device_owner, }} try: port = neutron_client.update_port(port=port_id, body=json_body) return port['port']['id'] except Exception, e: print ("Error [update_neutron_port(neutron_client, '%s', '%s')]:" % (port_id, device_owner)), e return False def add_interface_router(neutron_client, router_id, subnet_id): json_body = {"subnet_id": subnet_id} try: neutron_client.add_interface_router(router=router_id, body=json_body) return True except Exception, e: print ("Error [add_interface_router(neutron_client, '%s', '%s')]:" % (router_id, subnet_id)), e return False def add_gateway_router(neutron_client, router_id): ext_net_id = get_external_net_id(neutron_client) router_dict = {'network_id': ext_net_id} try: neutron_client.add_gateway_router(router_id, router_dict) return True except Exception, e: print ("Error [add_gateway_router(neutron_client, '%s')]:" % router_id), e return False def delete_neutron_net(neutron_client, network_id): try: neutron_client.delete_network(network_id) return True except Exception, e: print ("Error [delete_neutron_net(neutron_client, '%s')]:" % network_id), e return False def delete_neutron_subnet(neutron_client, subnet_id): try: neutron_client.delete_subnet(subnet_id) return True except Exception, e: print ("Error [delete_neutron_subnet(neutron_client, '%s')]:" % subnet_id), e return False def delete_neutron_router(neutron_client, router_id): try: neutron_client.delete_router(router=router_id) return True except Exception, e: print ("Error [delete_neutron_router(neutron_client, '%s')]:" % router_id), e return False def delete_neutron_port(neutron_client, port_id): try: neutron_client.delete_port(port_id) return True except Exception, e: print "Error [delete_neutron_port(neutron_client, '%s')]:" % port_id, e return False def remove_interface_router(neutron_client, router_id, subnet_id): json_body = {"subnet_id": subnet_id} try: neutron_client.remove_interface_router(router=router_id, body=json_body) return True except Exception, e: print ("Error [remove_interface_router(neutron_client, '%s', '%s')]:" % (router_id, subnet_id)), e return False def remove_gateway_router(neutron_client, router_id): try: neutron_client.remove_gateway_router(router_id) return True except Exception, e: print ("Error [remove_gateway_router(neutron_client, '%s')]:" % router_id), e return False def create_network_full(logger, neutron_client, net_name, subnet_name, router_name, cidr): # Check if the network already exists network_id = get_network_id(neutron_client, net_name) subnet_id = get_subnet_id(neutron_client, subnet_name) router_id = get_router_id(neutron_client, router_name) if network_id != '' and subnet_id != '' and router_id != '': logger.info("A network with name '%s' already exists..." % net_name) else: neutron_client.format = 'json' logger.info('Creating neutron network %s...' % net_name) network_id = create_neutron_net(neutron_client, net_name) if not network_id: return False logger.debug("Network '%s' created successfully" % network_id) logger.debug('Creating Subnet....') subnet_id = create_neutron_subnet(neutron_client, subnet_name, cidr, network_id) if not subnet_id: return False logger.debug("Subnet '%s' created successfully" % subnet_id) logger.debug('Creating Router...') router_id = create_neutron_router(neutron_client, router_name) if not router_id: return False logger.debug("Router '%s' created successfully" % router_id) logger.debug('Adding router to subnet...') if not add_interface_router(neutron_client, router_id, subnet_id): return False logger.debug("Interface added successfully.") logger.debug('Adding gateway to router...') if not add_gateway_router(neutron_client, router_id): return False logger.debug("Gateway added successfully.") network_dic = {'net_id': network_id, 'subnet_id': subnet_id, 'router_id': router_id} return network_dic # ********************************************* # SEC GROUPS # ********************************************* def get_security_groups(neutron_client): try: security_groups = neutron_client.list_security_groups()[ 'security_groups'] return security_groups except Exception, e: print "Error [get_security_groups(neutron_client)]:", e return None def get_security_group_id(neutron_client, sg_name): security_groups = get_security_groups(neutron_client) id = '' for sg in security_groups: if sg['name'] == sg_name: id = sg['id'] break return id def create_security_group(neutron_client, sg_name, sg_description): json_body = {'security_group': {'name': sg_name, 'description': sg_description}} try: secgroup = neutron_client.create_security_group(json_body) return secgroup['security_group'] except Exception, e: print ("Error [create_security_group(neutron_client, '%s', '%s')]:" % (sg_name, sg_description)), e return False def create_secgroup_rule(neutron_client, sg_id, direction, protocol, port_range_min=None, port_range_max=None): if port_range_min is None and port_range_max is None: json_body = {'security_group_rule': {'direction': direction, 'security_group_id': sg_id, 'protocol': protocol}} elif port_range_min is not None and port_range_max is not None: json_body = {'security_group_rule': {'direction': direction, 'security_group_id': sg_id, 'port_range_min': port_range_min, 'port_range_max': port_range_max, 'protocol': protocol}} else: print ("Error [create_secgroup_rule(neutron_client, '%s', '%s', " "'%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')]:" % (neutron_client, sg_id, direction, port_range_min, port_range_max, protocol), " Invalid values for port_range_min, port_range_max") return False try: neutron_client.create_security_group_rule(json_body) return True except Exception, e: print ("Error [create_secgroup_rule(neutron_client, '%s', '%s', " "'%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')]:" % (neutron_client, sg_id, direction, port_range_min, port_range_max, protocol)), e return False def add_secgroup_to_instance(nova_client, instance_id, secgroup_id): try: nova_client.servers.add_security_group(instance_id, secgroup_id) return True except Exception, e: print ("Error [add_secgroup_to_instance(nova_client, '%s', '%s')]: " % (instance_id, secgroup_id)), e return False def update_sg_quota(neutron_client, tenant_id, sg_quota, sg_rule_quota): json_body = {"quota": { "security_group": sg_quota, "security_group_rule": sg_rule_quota }} try: neutron_client.update_quota(tenant_id=tenant_id, body=json_body) return True except Exception, e: print ("Error [update_sg_quota(neutron_client, '%s', '%s', " "'%s')]:" % (tenant_id, sg_quota, sg_rule_quota)), e return False def delete_security_group(neutron_client, secgroup_id): try: neutron_client.delete_security_group(secgroup_id) return True except Exception, e: print ("Error [delete_security_group(neutron_client, '%s')]:" % secgroup_id), e return False # ********************************************* # GLANCE # ********************************************* def get_images(nova_client): try: images = nova_client.images.list() return images except Exception, e: print "Error [get_images]:", e return None def get_image_id(glance_client, image_name): images = glance_client.images.list() id = '' for i in images: if i.name == image_name: id = i.id break return id def create_glance_image(glance_client, image_name, file_path, public=True): if not os.path.isfile(file_path): print "Error: file " + file_path + " does not exist." return False try: with open(file_path) as fimage: image = glance_client.images.create(name=image_name, is_public=public, disk_format="qcow2", container_format="bare", data=fimage) return image.id except Exception, e: print ("Error [create_glance_image(glance_client, '%s', '%s', " "'%s')]:" % (image_name, file_path, str(public))), e return False def delete_glance_image(nova_client, image_id): try: nova_client.images.delete(image_id) return True except Exception, e: print ("Error [delete_glance_image(nova_client, '%s')]:" % image_id), e return False # ********************************************* # CINDER # ********************************************* def get_volumes(cinder_client): try: volumes = cinder_client.volumes.list(search_opts={'all_tenants': 1}) return volumes except Exception, e: print "Error [get_volumes(cinder_client)]:", e return None def list_volume_types(cinder_client, public=True, private=True): try: volume_types = cinder_client.volume_types.list() if not public: volume_types = [vt for vt in volume_t
CONFIG_RCU_TRACE debugfs Files and Formats

The rcutree and rcutiny implementations of RCU provide debugfs trace