/* * TI's Davinci platform specific USB wrapper functions. * * Copyright (c) 2008 Texas Instruments * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ * * Author: Thomas Abraham t-abraham@ti.com, Texas Instruments */ #ifndef __DAVINCI_USB_H__ #define __DAVINCI_USB_H__ #include <asm/arch/hardware.h> #include "musb_core.h" /* Base address of DAVINCI usb0 wrapper */ #define DAVINCI_USB0_BASE 0x01C64000 /* Base address of DAVINCI musb core */ #define MENTOR_USB0_BASE (DAVINCI_USB0_BASE+0x400) /* * Davinci platform USB wrapper register overlay. Note: Only the required * registers are included in this structure. It can be expanded as required. */ struct davinci_usb_regs { u32 version; u32 ctrlr; u32 reserved[0x20]; u32 intclrr; u32 intmskr; u32 intmsksetr; }; #define DAVINCI_USB_TX_ENDPTS_MASK 0x1f /* ep0 + 4 tx */ #define DAVINCI_USB_RX_ENDPTS_MASK 0x1e /* 4 rx */ #define DAVINCI_USB_USBINT_SHIFT 16 #define DAVINCI_USB_TXINT_SHIFT 0 #define DAVINCI_USB_RXINT_SHIFT 8 #define DAVINCI_INTR_DRVVBUS 0x0100 #define DAVINCI_USB_USBINT_MASK 0x01ff0000 /* 8 Mentor, DRVVBUS */ #define DAVINCI_USB_TXINT_MASK \ (DAVINCI_USB_TX_ENDPTS_MASK << DAVINCI_USB_TXINT_SHIFT) #define DAVINCI_USB_RXINT_MASK \ (DAVINCI_USB_RX_ENDPTS_MASK << DAVINCI_USB_RXINT_SHIFT) #define MGC_BUSCTL_OFFSET(_bEnd, _bOffset) \ (0x80 + (8*(_bEnd)) + (_bOffset)) /* Integrated highspeed/otg PHY */ #define USBPHY_CTL_PADDR (DAVINCI_SYSTEM_MODULE_BASE + 0x34) #define USBPHY_PHY24MHZ (1 << 13) #define USBPHY_PHYCLKGD (1 << 8) #define USBPHY_SESNDEN (1 << 7) /* v(sess_end) comparator */ #define USBPHY_VBDTCTEN (1 << 6) /* v(bus) comparator */ #define USBPHY_PHYPLLON (1 << 4) /* override pll suspend */ #define USBPHY_CLKO1SEL (1 << 3) #define USBPHY_OSCPDWN (1 << 2) #define USBPHY_PHYPDWN (1 << 0) /* Timeout for Davinci USB module */ #define DAVINCI_USB_TIMEOUT 0x3FFFFFF /* IO Expander I2C address and VBUS enable mask */ #define IOEXP_I2C_ADDR 0x3A #define IOEXP_VBUSEN_MASK 1 /* extern functions */ extern void lpsc_on(unsigned int id); extern int i2c_write(uchar chip, uint addr, int alen, uchar *buffer, int len); extern int i2c_read(uchar chip, uint addr, int alen, uchar *buffer, int len); extern void enable_vbus(void); #endif /* __DAVINCI_USB_H__ */