// Standard VGA driver code // // Copyright (C) 2009 Kevin O'Connor <kevin@koconnor.net> // Copyright (C) 2001-2008 the LGPL VGABios developers Team // // This file may be distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPLv3 license. #include "biosvar.h" // GET_GLOBAL #include "farptr.h" // SET_FARVAR #include "stdvga.h" // stdvga_setup #include "string.h" // memset_far #include "vgabios.h" // struct vgamode_s #include "x86.h" // outb /**************************************************************** * Attribute control ****************************************************************/ void stdvga_set_border_color(u8 color) { u8 v1 = color & 0x0f; if (v1 & 0x08) v1 += 0x08; stdvga_attr_write(0x00, v1); int i; for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) stdvga_attr_mask(i, 0x10, color & 0x10); } void stdvga_set_overscan_border_color(u8 color) { stdvga_attr_write(0x11, color); } u8 stdvga_get_overscan_border_color(void) { return stdvga_attr_read(0x11); } void stdvga_set_palette(u8 palid) { int i; for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) stdvga_attr_mask(i, 0x01, palid & 0x01); } void stdvga_set_all_palette_reg(u16 seg, u8 *data_far) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 0x10; i++) { stdvga_attr_write(i, GET_FARVAR(seg, *data_far)); data_far++; } stdvga_attr_write(0x11, GET_FARVAR(seg, *data_far)); } void stdvga_get_all_palette_reg(u16 seg, u8 *data_far) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 0x10; i++) { SET_FARVAR(seg, *data_far, stdvga_attr_read(i)); data_far++; } SET_FARVAR(seg, *data_far, stdvga_attr_read(0x11)); } void stdvga_toggle_intensity(u8 flag) { stdvga_attr_mask(0x10, 0x08, (flag & 0x01) << 3); } void stdvga_select_video_dac_color_page(u8 flag, u8 data) { if (!(flag & 0x01)) { // select paging mode stdvga_attr_mask(0x10, 0x80, data << 7); return; } // select page u8 val = stdvga_attr_read(0x10); if (!(val & 0x80)) data <<= 2; data &= 0x0f; stdvga_attr_write(0x14, data); } void stdvga_read_video_dac_state(u8 *pmode, u8 *curpage) { u8 val1 = stdvga_attr_read(0x10) >> 7; u8 val2 = stdvga_attr_read(0x14) & 0x0f; if (!(val1 & 0x01)) val2 >>= 2; *pmode = val1; *curpage = val2; } /**************************************************************** * DAC control ****************************************************************/ void stdvga_perform_gray_scale_summing(u16 start, u16 count) { stdvga_attrindex_write(0x00); int i; for (i = start; i < start+count; i++) { u8 rgb[3]; stdvga_dac_read(GET_SEG(SS), rgb, i, 1); // intensity = ( 0.3 * Red ) + ( 0.59 * Green ) + ( 0.11 * Blue ) u16 intensity = ((77 * rgb[0] + 151 * rgb[1] + 28 * rgb[2]) + 0x80) >> 8; if (intensity > 0x3f) intensity = 0x3f; rgb[0] = rgb[1] = rgb[2] = intensity; stdvga_dac_write(GET_SEG(SS), rgb, i, 1); } stdvga_attrindex_write(0x20); } /**************************************************************** * Memory control ****************************************************************/ void stdvga_set_text_block_specifier(u8 spec) { stdvga_sequ_write(0x03, spec); } // Enable reads and writes to the given "plane" when in planar4 mode. void stdvga_planar4_plane(int plane) { if (plane < 0) { // Return to default mode (read plane0, write all planes) stdvga_sequ_write(0x02, 0x0f); stdvga_grdc_write(0x04, 0); } else { stdvga_sequ_write(0x02, 1<<plane); stdvga_grdc_write(0x04, plane); } } /**************************************************************** * Font loading ****************************************************************/ static void get_font_access(void) { stdvga_sequ_write(0x00, 0x01); stdvga_sequ_write(0x02, 0x04); stdvga_sequ_write(0x04, 0x07); stdvga_sequ_write(0x00, 0x03); stdvga_grdc_write(0x04, 0x02); stdvga_grdc_write(0x05, 0x00); stdvga_grdc_write(0x06, 0x04); } static void release_font_access(void) { stdvga_sequ_write(0x00, 0x01); stdvga_sequ_write(0x02, 0x03); stdvga_sequ_write(0x04, 0x03); stdvga_sequ_write(0x00, 0x03); u16 v = (stdvga_misc_read() & 0x01) ? 0x0e : 0x0a; stdvga_grdc_write(0x06, v); stdvga_grdc_write(0x04, 0x00); stdvga_grdc_write(0x05, 0x10); } void stdvga_load_font(u16 seg, void *src_far, u16 count , u16 start, u8 destflags, u8 fontsize) { get_font_access(); u16 blockaddr = ((destflags & 0x03) << 14) + ((destflags & 0x04) << 11); void *dest_far = (void*)(blockaddr + start*32); u16 i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) memcpy_far(SEG_GRAPH, dest_far + i*32 , seg, src_far + i*fontsize, fontsize); release_font_access(); } /**************************************************************** * CRTC registers ****************************************************************/ u16 stdvga_get_crtc(void) { if (stdvga_misc_read() & 1) return VGAREG_VGA_CRTC_ADDRESS; return VGAREG_MDA_CRTC_ADDRESS; } // Ratio between system visible framebuffer ram and the actual videoram used. int stdvga_vram_ratio(struct vgamode_s *vmode_g) { switch (GET_GLOBAL(vmode_g->memmodel)) { case MM_TEXT: return 2; case MM_CGA: return 4 / GET_GLOBAL(vmode_g->depth); case MM_PLANAR: return 4; default: return 1; } } void stdvga_set_cursor_shape(u16 cursor_type) { u16 crtc_addr = stdvga_get_crtc(); stdvga_crtc_write(crtc_addr, 0x0a, cursor_type >> 8); stdvga_crtc_write(crtc_addr, 0x0b, cursor_type); } void stdvga_set_cursor_pos(int address) { u16 crtc_addr = stdvga_get_crtc(); address /= 2; // Assume we're in text mode. stdvga_crtc_write(crtc_addr, 0x0e, address >> 8); stdvga_crtc_write(crtc_addr, 0x0f, address); } void stdvga_set_scan_lines(u8 lines) { stdvga_crtc_mask(stdvga_get_crtc(), 0x09, 0x1f, lines - 1); } // Get vertical display end u16 stdvga_get_vde(void) { u16 crtc_addr = stdvga_get_crtc(); u16 vde = stdvga_crtc_read(crtc_addr, 0x12); u8 ovl = stdvga_crtc_read(crtc_addr, 0x07); vde += (((ovl & 0x02) << 7) + ((ovl & 0x40) << 3) + 1); return vde; } int stdvga_get_window(struct vgamode_s *vmode_g, int window) { return -1; } int stdvga_set_window(struct vgamode_s *vmode_g, int window, int val) { return -1; } int stdvga_get_linelength(struct vgamode_s *vmode_g) { u8 val = stdvga_crtc_read(stdvga_get_crtc(), 0x13); return val * 8 / stdvga_vram_ratio(vmode_g); } int stdvga_set_linelength(struct vgamode_s *vmode_g, int val) { val = DIV_ROUND_UP(val * stdvga_vram_ratio(vmode_g), 8); stdvga_crtc_write(stdvga_get_crtc(), 0x13, val); return 0; } int stdvga_get_displaystart(struct vgamode_s *vmode_g) { u16 crtc_addr = stdvga_get_crtc(); int addr = (stdvga_crtc_read(crtc_addr, 0x0c) << 8 | stdvga_crtc_read(crtc_addr, 0x0d)); return addr * 4 / stdvga_vram_ratio(vmode_g); } int stdvga_set_displaystart(struct vgamode_s *vmode_g, int val) { u16 crtc_addr = stdvga_get_crtc(); val = val * stdvga_vram_ratio(vmode_g) / 4; stdvga_crtc_write(crtc_addr, 0x0c, val >> 8); stdvga_crtc_write(crtc_addr, 0x0d, val); return 0; } int stdvga_get_dacformat(struct vgamode_s *vmode_g) { return -1; } int stdvga_set_dacformat(struct vgamode_s *vmode_g, int val) { return -1; } /**************************************************************** * Save/Restore state ****************************************************************/ struct saveVideoHardware { u8 sequ_index; u8 crtc_index; u8 grdc_index; u8 actl_index; u8 feature; u8 sequ_regs[4]; u8 sequ0; u8 crtc_regs[25]; u8 actl_regs[20]; u8 grdc_regs[9]; u16 crtc_addr; u8 plane_latch[4]; } PACKED; static void stdvga_save_hw_state(u16 seg, struct saveVideoHardware *info) { u16 crtc_addr = stdvga_get_crtc(); SET_FARVAR(seg, info->sequ_index, inb(VGAREG_SEQU_ADDRESS)); SET_FARVAR(seg, info->crtc_index, inb(crtc_addr)); SET_FARVAR(seg, info->grdc_index, inb(VGAREG_GRDC_ADDRESS)); SET_FARVAR(seg, info->actl_index, stdvga_attrindex_read()); SET_FARVAR(seg, info->feature, inb(VGAREG_READ_FEATURE_CTL)); int i; for (i=0; i<4; i++) SET_FARVAR(seg, info->sequ_regs[i], stdvga_sequ_read(i+1)); SET_FARVAR(seg, info->sequ0, stdvga_sequ_read(0)); for (i=0; i<25; i++) SET_FARVAR(seg, info->crtc_regs[i], stdvga_crtc_read(crtc_addr, i)); for (i=0; i<20; i++) SET_FARVAR(seg, info->actl_regs[i], stdvga_attr_read(i)); for (i=0; i<9; i++) SET_FARVAR(seg, info->grdc_regs[i], stdvga_grdc_read(i)); SET_FARVAR(seg, info->crtc_addr, crtc_addr); /* XXX: read plane latches */ for (i=0; i<4; i++) SET_FARVAR(seg, info->plane_latch[i], 0); } static void stdvga_restore_hw_state(u16 seg, struct saveVideoHardware *info) { int i; for (i=0; i<4; i++) stdvga_sequ_write(i+1, GET_FARVAR(seg, info->sequ_regs[i])); stdvga_sequ_write(0x00, GET_FARVAR(seg, info->sequ0)); // Disable CRTC write protection u16 crtc_addr = GET_FARVAR(seg, info->crtc_addr); stdvga_crtc_write(crtc_addr, 0x11, 0x00); // Set CRTC regs for (i=0; i<25; i++) if (i != 0x11) stdvga_crtc_write(crtc_addr, i, GET_FARVAR(seg, info->crtc_regs[i])); // select crtc base address stdvga_misc_mask(0x01, crtc_addr == VGAREG_VGA_CRTC_ADDRESS ? 0x01 : 0x00); // enable write protection if needed stdvga_crtc_write(crtc_addr, 0x11, GET_FARVAR(seg, info->crtc_regs[0x11])); // Set Attribute Ctl for (i=0; i<20; i++) stdvga_attr_write(i, GET_FARVAR(seg, info->actl_regs[i])); stdvga_attrindex_write(GET_FARVAR(seg, info->actl_index)); for (i=0; i<9; i++) stdvga_grdc_write(i, GET_FARVAR(seg, info->grdc_regs[i])); outb(GET_FARVAR(seg, info->sequ_index), VGAREG_SEQU_ADDRESS); outb(GET_FARVAR(seg, info->crtc_index), crtc_addr); outb(GET_FARVAR(seg, info->grdc_index), VGAREG_GRDC_ADDRESS); outb(GET_FARVAR(seg, info->feature), crtc_addr - 0x4 + 0xa); } struct saveDACcolors { u8 rwmode; u8 peladdr; u8 pelmask; u8 dac[768]; u8 color_select; } PACKED; static void stdvga_save_dac_state(u16 seg, struct saveDACcolors *info) { /* XXX: check this */ SET_FARVAR(seg, info->rwmode, inb(VGAREG_DAC_STATE)); SET_FARVAR(seg, info->peladdr, inb(VGAREG_DAC_WRITE_ADDRESS)); SET_FARVAR(seg, info->pelmask, stdvga_pelmask_read()); stdvga_dac_read(seg, info->dac, 0, 256); SET_FARVAR(seg, info->color_select, 0); } static void stdvga_restore_dac_state(u16 seg, struct saveDACcolors *info) { stdvga_pelmask_write(GET_FARVAR(seg, info->pelmask)); stdvga_dac_write(seg, info->dac, 0, 256); outb(GET_FARVAR(seg, info->peladdr), VGAREG_DAC_WRITE_ADDRESS); } int stdvga_save_restore(int cmd, u16 seg, void *data) { void *pos = data; if (cmd & SR_HARDWARE) { if (cmd & SR_SAVE) stdvga_save_hw_state(seg, pos); if (cmd & SR_RESTORE) stdvga_restore_hw_state(seg, pos); pos += sizeof(struct saveVideoHardware); } pos += bda_save_restore(cmd, seg, pos); if (cmd & SR_DAC) { if (cmd & SR_SAVE) stdvga_save_dac_state(seg, pos); if (cmd & SR_RESTORE) stdvga_restore_dac_state(seg, pos); pos += sizeof(struct saveDACcolors); } return pos - data; } /**************************************************************** * Misc ****************************************************************/ void stdvga_enable_video_addressing(u8 disable) { u8 v = (disable & 1) ? 0x00 : 0x02; stdvga_misc_mask(0x02, v); } int stdvga_setup(void) { // switch to color mode and enable CPU access 480 lines stdvga_misc_write(0xc3); // more than 64k 3C4/04 stdvga_sequ_write(0x04, 0x02); return 0; }