/************************************************************** Form adapted from lzhuf.c written by Haruyasu Yoshizaki 11/20/1988 some minor changes 4/6/1989 comments translated by Haruhiko Okumura 4/7/1989 minor beautifications and adjustments for compiling under Linux by Markus Gutschke <gutschk@math.uni-muenster.de> 1997-01-27 Modifications to allow use as a filter by Ken Yap <ken_yap@users.sourceforge.net>. 1997-07-01 Small mod to cope with running on big-endian machines by Jim Hague <jim.hague@acm.org) 1998-02-06 Make compression statistics report shorter by Ken Yap <ken_yap@users.sourceforge.net>. 2001-04-25 Replaced algorithm with nrv2b from ucl the compression library from upx. That code is: Copyright (C) 1996-2002 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer And is distributed under the terms of the GPL. The conversion was performed by Eric Biederman <ebiederman@lnxi.com>. 20 August 2002 **************************************************************/ #define UCLPACK_COMPAT 0 #define NDEBUG 1 #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <errno.h> #ifdef __FreeBSD__ #include <inttypes.h> #else #include <stdint.h> #endif #include <limits.h> #include <assert.h> #if UCLPACK_COMPAT #include <netinet/in.h> #endif #ifndef VERBOSE #define Fprintf(x) #define wterr 0 #else #define Fprintf(x) fprintf x #endif #ifndef MAIN extern #endif FILE *infile, *outfile; #if defined(ENCODE) || defined(DECODE) #ifndef ENDIAN #define ENDIAN 0 #endif #ifndef BITSIZE #define BITSIZE 32 #endif static __inline__ void Error(char *message) { Fprintf((stderr, "\n%s\n", message)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* These will be a complete waste of time on a lo-endian */ /* system, but it only gets done once so WTF. */ static unsigned long __attribute__ (( unused )) i86ul_to_host(unsigned long ul) { unsigned long res = 0; int i; union { unsigned char c[4]; unsigned long ul; } u; u.ul = ul; for (i = 3; i >= 0; i--) res = (res << 8) + u.c[i]; return res; } static unsigned long host_to_i86ul(unsigned long ul) { int i; union { unsigned char c[4]; unsigned long ul; } u; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { u.c[i] = ul & 0xff; ul >>= 8; } return u.ul; } #endif #if UCLPACK_COMPAT /* magic file header for compressed files */ static const unsigned char magic[8] = { 0x00, 0xe9, 0x55, 0x43, 0x4c, 0xff, 0x01, 0x1a }; #endif #ifdef ENCODE /********** NRV2B_99 compression **********/ /* Note by limiting the ring buffer I have limited the maximum * offset to 64K. Since etherboot rarely gets that big it * is not a problem and it gives me a firm guarantee * that I will never get a 3 byte string match that is encodes * to more than 9/8 it's original size. * That guaranteee is important to for the inplace decompressor. * There are better ways to do this if a larger offset and buffer * would give better compression. */ #define N (65536ul) /* size of ring buffer */ #define THRESHOLD 1 /* lower limit for match length */ #define F 2048 /* upper limit for match length */ #define M2_MAX_OFFSET 0xd00 /* note: to use default values pass -1, i.e. initialize * this struct by a memset(x,0xff,sizeof(x)) */ struct ucl_compress_config { int bb_endian; int bb_size; unsigned int max_offset; unsigned int max_match; int s_level; int h_level; int p_level; int c_flags; unsigned int m_size; }; struct ucl_compress { int init; unsigned int look; /* bytes in lookahead buffer */ unsigned int m_len; unsigned int m_off; unsigned int last_m_len; unsigned int last_m_off; const unsigned char *bp; const unsigned char *ip; const unsigned char *in; const unsigned char *in_end; unsigned char *out; uint64_t bb_b; unsigned bb_k; unsigned bb_c_endian; unsigned bb_c_s; unsigned bb_c_s8; unsigned char *bb_p; unsigned char *bb_op; struct ucl_compress_config conf; unsigned int *result; unsigned int textsize; /* text size counter */ unsigned int codesize; /* code size counter */ unsigned int printcount; /* counter for reporting progress every 1K bytes */ /* some stats */ unsigned long lit_bytes; unsigned long match_bytes; unsigned long rep_bytes; unsigned long lazy; }; #define getbyte(c) ((c).ip < (c).in_end ? *((c).ip)++ : (-1)) #define UCL_E_OK 0 #define UCL_E_INVALID_ARGUMENT 1 #define UCL_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY 2 #define UCL_E_ERROR 3 /*********************************************************************** // ************************************************************************/ #define SWD_HSIZE 16384 #define SWD_MAX_CHAIN 2048 #undef SWD_BEST_OFF #define HEAD3(b,p) \ (((0x9f5f*(((((uint32_t)b[p]<<5)^b[p+1])<<5)^b[p+2]))>>5) & (SWD_HSIZE-1)) #define HEAD2(b,p) (b[p] ^ ((unsigned)b[p+1]<<8)) #define NIL2 UINT_MAX struct ucl_swd { /* public - "built-in" */ unsigned int n; unsigned int f; unsigned int threshold; /* public - configuration */ unsigned int max_chain; unsigned int nice_length; int use_best_off; unsigned int lazy_insert; /* public - output */ unsigned int m_len; unsigned int m_off; unsigned int look; int b_char; #if defined(SWD_BEST_OFF) unsigned int best_off[ SWD_BEST_OFF ]; #endif /* semi public */ struct ucl_compress *c; unsigned int m_pos; #if defined(SWD_BEST_OFF) unsigned int best_pos[ SWD_BEST_OFF ]; #endif /* private */ const uint8_t *dict; const uint8_t *dict_end; unsigned int dict_len; /* private */ unsigned int ip; /* input pointer (lookahead) */ unsigned int bp; /* buffer pointer */ unsigned int rp; /* remove pointer */ unsigned int b_size; unsigned char *b_wrap; unsigned int node_count; unsigned int first_rp; unsigned char b [ N + F + F ]; unsigned int head3 [ SWD_HSIZE ]; unsigned int succ3 [ N + F ]; unsigned int best3 [ N + F ]; unsigned int llen3 [ SWD_HSIZE ]; unsigned int head2 [ 65536U ]; }; #define s_head3(s,key) s->head3[key] #if !defined( NDEBUG) static void assert_match(const struct ucl_swd * swd, unsigned int m_len, unsigned int m_off ) { const struct ucl_compress *c = swd->c; unsigned int d_off; assert(m_len >= 2); if (m_off <= (unsigned int) (c->bp - c->in)) { assert(c->bp - m_off + m_len < c->ip); assert(memcmp(c->bp, c->bp - m_off, m_len) == 0); } else { assert(swd->dict != NULL); d_off = m_off - (unsigned int) (c->bp - c->in); assert(d_off <= swd->dict_len); if (m_len > d_off) { assert(memcmp(c->bp, swd->dict_end - d_off, d_off) == 0); assert(c->in + m_len - d_off < c->ip); assert(memcmp(c->bp + d_off, c->in, m_len - d_off) == 0); } else { assert(memcmp(c->bp, swd->dict_end - d_off, m_len) == 0); } } } #else # define assert_match(a,b,c) ((void)0) #endif /*********************************************************************** // ************************************************************************/ static void swd_initdict(struct ucl_swd *s, const uint8_t *dict, unsigned int dict_len) { s->dict = s->dict_end = NULL; s->dict_len = 0; if (!dict || dict_len <= 0) return; if (dict_len > s->n) { dict += dict_len - s->n; dict_len = s->n; } s->dict = dict; s->dict_len = dict_len; s->dict_end = dict + dict_len; memcpy(s->b,dict,dict_len); s->ip = dict_len; } static void swd_insertdict(struct ucl_swd *s, unsigned int node, unsigned int len) { unsigned int key; s->node_count = s->n - len; s->first_rp = node; while (len-- > 0) { key = HEAD3(s->b,node); s->succ3[node] = s_head3(s,key); s->head3[key] = (unsigned int)(node); s->best3[node] = (unsigned int)(s->f + 1); s->llen3[key]++; assert(s->llen3[key] <= s->n); key = HEAD2(s->b,node); s->head2[key] = (unsigned int)(node); node++; } } /*********************************************************************** // ************************************************************************/ static int swd_init(struct ucl_swd *s, const uint8_t *dict, unsigned int dict_len) { unsigned int i = 0; if (s->n == 0) s->n = N; if (s->f == 0) s->f = F; s->threshold = THRESHOLD; if (s->n > N || s->f > F) return UCL_E_INVALID_ARGUMENT; /* defaults */ s->max_chain = SWD_MAX_CHAIN; s->nice_length = s->f; s->use_best_off = 0; s->lazy_insert = 0; s->b_size = s->n + s->f; if (s->b_size + s->f >= UINT_MAX) return UCL_E_ERROR; s->b_wrap = s->b + s->b_size; s->node_count = s->n; memset(s->llen3, 0, sizeof(s->llen3[0]) * SWD_HSIZE); for (i = 0; i < 65536U; i++) s->head2[i] = NIL2; s->ip = 0; swd_initdict(s,dict,dict_len); s->bp = s->ip; s->first_rp = s->ip; assert(s->ip + s->f <= s->b_size); s->look = (unsigned int) (s->c->in_end - s->c->ip); if (s->look > 0) { if (s->look > s->f) s->look = s->f; memcpy(&s->b[s->ip],s->c->ip,s->look); s->c->ip += s->look; s->ip += s->look; } if (s->ip == s->b_size) s->ip = 0; if (s->look >= 2 && s->dict_len > 0) swd_insertdict(s,0,s->dict_len); s->rp = s->first_rp; if (s->rp >= s->node_count) s->rp -= s->node_count; else s->rp += s->b_size - s->node_count; /* unused i */ /* unused c */ return UCL_E_OK; } static void swd_exit(struct ucl_swd *s) { /* unused s */ ( void ) s; } #define swd_pos2off(s,pos) \ (s->bp > (pos) ? s->bp - (pos) : s->b_size - ((pos) - s->bp)) /*********************************************************************** // ************************************************************************/ static __inline__ void swd_getbyte(struct ucl_swd *s) { int c; if ((c = getbyte(*(s->c))) < 0) { if (s->look > 0) --s->look; } else { s->b[s->ip] = (uint8_t)(c); if (s->ip < s->f) s->b_wrap[s->ip] = (uint8_t)(c); } if (++s->ip == s->b_size) s->ip = 0; if (++s->bp == s->b_size) s->bp = 0; if (++s->rp == s->b_size) s->rp = 0; } /*********************************************************************** // remove node from lists ************************************************************************/ static __inline__ void swd_remove_node(struct ucl_swd *s, unsigned int node) { if (s->node_count == 0) { unsigned int key; #ifdef UCL_DEBUG if (s->first_rp != UINT_MAX) { if (node != s->first_rp) printf("Remove %5d: %5d %5d %5d %5d %6d %6d\n", node, s->rp, s->ip, s->bp, s->first_rp, s->ip - node, s->ip - s->bp); assert(node == s->first_rp); s->first_rp = UINT_MAX; } #endif key = HEAD3(s->b,node); assert(s->llen3[key] > 0); --s->llen3[key]; key = HEAD2(s->b,node); assert(s->head2[key] != NIL2); if ((unsigned int) s->head2[key] == node) s->head2[key] = NIL2; } else --s->node_count; } /*********************************************************************** // ************************************************************************/ static void swd_accept(struct ucl_swd *s, unsigned int n) { assert(n <= s->look); if (n > 0) do { unsigned int key; swd_remove_node(s,s->rp); /* add bp into HEAD3 */ key = HEAD3(s->b,s->bp); s->succ3[s->bp] = s_head3(s,key); s->head3[key] = (unsigned int)(s->bp); s->best3[s->bp] = (unsigned int)(s->f + 1); s->llen3[key]++; assert(s->llen3[key] <= s->n); /* add bp into HEAD2 */ key = HEAD2(s->b,s->bp); s->head2[key] = (unsigned int)(s->bp); swd_getbyte(s); } while (--n > 0); } /*********************************************************************** // ************************************************************************/ static void swd_search(struct ucl_swd *s, unsigned int node, unsigned int cnt) { const unsigned char *p1; const unsigned char *p2; const unsigned char *px; unsigned int m_len = s->m_len; const unsigned char * b = s->b; const unsigned char * bp = s->b + s->bp; const unsigned char * bx = s->b + s->bp + s->look; unsigned char scan_end1; assert(s->m_len > 0); scan_end1 = bp[m_len - 1]; for ( ; cnt-- > 0; node = s->succ3[node]) { p1 = bp; p2 = b + node; px = bx; assert(m_len < s->look); if ( p2[m_len - 1] == scan_end1 && p2[m_len] == p1[m_len] && p2[0] == p1[0] && p2[1] == p1[1]) { unsigned int i; assert(memcmp(bp,&b[node],3) == 0); p1 += 2; p2 += 2; do {} while (++p1 < px && *p1 == *++p2); i = p1 - bp; #ifdef UCL_DEBUG if (memcmp(bp,&b[node],i) != 0) printf("%5ld %5ld %02x%02x %02x%02x\n", (long)s->bp, (long) node, bp[0], bp[1], b[node], b[node+1]); #endif assert(memcmp(bp,&b[node],i) == 0); #if defined(SWD_BEST_OFF) if (i < SWD_BEST_OFF) { if (s->best_pos[i] == 0) s->best_pos[i] = node + 1; } #endif if (i > m_len) { s->m_len = m_len = i; s->m_pos = node; if (m_len == s->look) return; if (m_len >= s->nice_length) return; if (m_len > (unsigned int) s->best3[node]) return; scan_end1 = bp[m_len - 1]; } } } } static int swd_search2(struct ucl_swd *s) { unsigned int key; assert(s->look >= 2); assert(s->m_len > 0); key = s->head2[ HEAD2(s->b,s->bp) ]; if (key == NIL2) return 0; #ifdef UCL_DEBUG if (memcmp(&s->b[s->bp],&s->b[key],2) != 0) printf("%5ld %5ld %02x%02x %02x%02x\n", (long)s->bp, (long)key, s->b[s->bp], s->b[s->bp+1], s->b[key], s->b[key+1]); #endif assert(memcmp(&s->b[s->bp],&s->b[key],2) == 0); #if defined(SWD_BEST_OFF) if (s->best_pos[2] == 0) s->best_pos[2] = key + 1; #endif if (s->m_len < 2) { s->m_len = 2; s->m_pos = key; } return 1; } /*********************************************************************** // ************************************************************************/ static void swd_findbest(struct ucl_swd *s) { unsigned int key; unsigned int cnt, node; unsigned int len; assert(s->m_len > 0); /* get current head, add bp into HEAD3 */ key = HEAD3(s->b,s->bp); node = s->succ3[s->bp] = s_head3(s,key); cnt = s->llen3[key]++; assert(s->llen3[key] <= s->n + s->f); if (cnt > s->max_chain && s->max_chain > 0) cnt = s->max_chain; s->head3[key] = (unsigned int)(s->bp); s->b_char = s->b[s->bp]; len = s->m_len; if (s->m_len >= s->look) { if (s->look == 0) s->b_char = -1; s->m_off = 0; s->best3[s->bp] = (unsigned int)(s->f + 1); } else { if (swd_search2(s)) if (s->look >= 3) swd_search(s,node,cnt); if (s->m_len > len) s->m_off = swd_pos2off(s,s->m_pos); s->best3[s->bp] = (unsigned int)(s->m_len); #if defined(SWD_BEST_OFF) if (s->use_best_off) { int i; for (i = 2; i < SWD_BEST_OFF; i++) if (s->best_pos[i] > 0) s->best_off[i] = swd_pos2off(s,s->best_pos[i]-1); else s->best_off[i] = 0; } #endif } swd_remove_node(s,s->rp); /* add bp into HEAD2 */ key = HEAD2(s->b,s->bp); s->head2[key] = (unsigned int)(s->bp); } /*********************************************************************** // ************************************************************************/ static int init_match ( struct ucl_compress *c, struct ucl_swd *s, const uint8_t *dict, unsigned int dict_len, uint32_t flags ) { int r; assert(!c->init); c->init = 1; s->c = c; c->last_m_len = c->last_m_off = 0; c->textsize = c->codesize = c->printcount = 0; c->lit_bytes = c->match_bytes = c->rep_bytes = 0; c->lazy = 0; r = swd_init(s,dict,dict_len); if (r != UCL_E_OK) { swd_exit(s); return r; } s->use_best_off = (flags & 1) ? 1 : 0; return UCL_E_OK; } static int find_match ( struct ucl_compress *c, struct ucl_swd *s, unsigned int this_len, unsigned int skip ) { assert(c->init); if (skip > 0) { assert(this_len >= skip); swd_accept(s, this_len - skip); c->textsize += this_len - skip + 1; } else { assert(this_len <= 1); c->textsize += this_len - skip; } s->m_len = THRESHOLD; #ifdef SWD_BEST_OFF if (s->use_best_off) memset(s->best_pos,0,sizeof(s->best_pos)); #endif swd_findbest(s); c->m_len = s->m_len; c->m_off = s->m_off; swd_getbyte(s); if (s->b_char < 0) { c->look = 0; c->m_len = 0; swd_exit(s); } else { c->look = s->look + 1; } c->bp = c->ip - c->look; #if 0 /* brute force match search */ if (c->m_len > THRESHOLD && c->m_len + 1 <= c->look) { const uint8_t *ip = c->bp; const uint8_t *m = c->bp - c->m_off; const uint8_t *in = c->in; if (ip - in > N) in = ip - N; for (;;) { while (*in != *ip) in++; if (in == ip) break; if (in != m) if (memcmp(in,ip,c->m_len+1) == 0) printf("%p %p %p %5d\n",in,ip,m,c->m_len); in++; } } #endif return UCL_E_OK; } static int bbConfig(struct ucl_compress *c, int endian, int bitsize) { if (endian != -1) { if (endian != 0) return UCL_E_ERROR; c->bb_c_endian = endian; } if (bitsize != -1) { if (bitsize != 8 && bitsize != 16 && bitsize != 32 && bitsize != 64) return UCL_E_ERROR; c->bb_c_s = bitsize; c->bb_c_s8 = bitsize / 8; } c->bb_b = 0; c->bb_k = 0; c->bb_p = NULL; c->bb_op = NULL; return UCL_E_OK; } static void bbWriteBits(struct ucl_compress *c) { uint8_t *p = c->bb_p; uint64_t b = c->bb_b; p[0] = (uint8_t)(b >> 0); if (c->bb_c_s >= 16) { p[1] = (uint8_t)(b >> 8); if (c->bb_c_s >= 32) { p[2] = (uint8_t)(b >> 16); p[3] = (uint8_t)(b >> 24); if (c->bb_c_s == 64) { p[4] = (uint8_t)(b >> 32); p[5] = (uint8_t)(b >> 40); p[6] = (uint8_t)(b >> 48); p[7] = (uint8_t)(b >> 56); } } } } static void bbPutBit(struct ucl_compress *c, unsigned bit) { assert(bit == 0 || bit == 1); assert(c->bb_k <= c->bb_c_s); if (c->bb_k < c->bb_c_s) { if (c->bb_k == 0) { assert(c->bb_p == NULL); c->bb_p = c->bb_op; c->bb_op += c->bb_c_s8; } assert(c->bb_p != NULL); assert(c->bb_p + c->bb_c_s8 <= c->bb_op); c->bb_b = (c->bb_b << 1) + bit; c->bb_k++; } else { assert(c->bb_p != NULL); assert(c->bb_p + c->bb_c_s8 <= c->bb_op); bbWriteBits(c); c->bb_p = c->bb_op; c->bb_op += c->bb_c_s8; c->bb_b = bit; c->bb_k = 1; } } static void bbPutByte(struct ucl_compress *c, unsigned b) { /**printf("putbyte %p %p %x (%d)\n", op, bb_p, x, bb_k);*/ assert(c->bb_p == NULL || c->bb_p + c->bb_c_s8 <= c->bb_op); *c->bb_op++ = (uint8_t)(b); } static void bbFlushBits(struct ucl_compress *c, unsigned filler_bit) { if (c->bb_k > 0) { assert(c->bb_k <= c->bb_c_s); while (c->bb_k != c->bb_c_s) bbPutBit(c, filler_bit); bbWriteBits(c); c->bb_k = 0; } c->bb_p = NULL; } /*********************************************************************** // ************************************************************************/ static void code_prefix_ss11(struct ucl_compress *c, uint32_t i) { if (i >= 2) { uint32_t t = 4; i += 2; do { t <<= 1; } while (i >= t); t >>= 1; do { t >>= 1; bbPutBit(c, (i & t) ? 1 : 0); bbPutBit(c, 0); } while (t > 2); } bbPutBit(c, (unsigned)i & 1); bbPutBit(c, 1); } static void code_match(struct ucl_compress *c, unsigned int m_len, const unsigned int m_off) { while (m_len > c->conf.max_match) { code_match(c, c->conf.max_match - 3, m_off); m_len -= c->conf.max_match - 3; } c->match_bytes += m_len; if (m_len > c->result[3]) c->result[3] = m_len; if (m_off > c->result[1]) c->result[1] = m_off; bbPutBit(c, 0); if (m_off == c->last_m_off) { bbPutBit(c, 0); bbPutBit(c, 1); } else { code_prefix_ss11(c, 1 + ((m_off - 1) >> 8)); bbPutByte(c, (unsigned)m_off - 1); } m_len = m_len - 1 - (m_off > M2_MAX_OFFSET); if (m_len >= 4) { bbPutBit(c,0); bbPutBit(c,0); code_prefix_ss11(c, m_len - 4); } else { bbPutBit(c, m_len > 1); bbPutBit(c, (unsigned)m_len & 1); } c->last_m_off = m_off; } static void code_run(struct ucl_compress *c, const uint8_t *ii, unsigned int lit) { if (lit == 0) return; c->lit_bytes += lit; if (lit > c->result[5]) c->result[5] = lit; do { bbPutBit(c, 1); bbPutByte(c, *ii++); } while (--lit > 0); } /*********************************************************************** // ************************************************************************/ static int len_of_coded_match(struct ucl_compress *c, unsigned int m_len, unsigned int m_off) { int b; if (m_len < 2 || (m_len == 2 && (m_off > M2_MAX_OFFSET)) || m_off > c->conf.max_offset) return -1; assert(m_off > 0); m_len = m_len - 2 - (m_off > M2_MAX_OFFSET); if (m_off == c->last_m_off) b = 1 + 2; else { b = 1 + 10; m_off = (m_off - 1) >> 8; while (m_off > 0) { b += 2; m_off >>= 1; } } b += 2; if (m_len < 3) return b; m_len -= 3; do { b += 2; m_len >>= 1; } while (m_len > 0); return b; } int ucl_nrv2b_99_compress( const uint8_t *in, unsigned long in_len, uint8_t *out, unsigned long *out_len, unsigned int *result) { const uint8_t *ii; unsigned int lit; unsigned int m_len, m_off; struct ucl_compress c_buffer; struct ucl_compress * const c = &c_buffer; struct ucl_swd *swd; unsigned int result_buffer[16]; int r; /* max compression */ #define SC_TRY_LAZY 2 #define SC_GOOD_LENGTH F #define SC_MAX_LAZY F #define SC_NICE_LENGTH F #define SC_MAX_CHAIN 4096 #define SC_FLAGS 1 #define SC_MAX_OFFSET N memset(c, 0, sizeof(*c)); c->ip = c->in = in; c->in_end = in + in_len; c->out = out; c->result = result ? result : result_buffer; memset(c->result, 0, 16*sizeof(*c->result)); c->result[0] = c->result[2] = c->result[4] = UINT_MAX; result = NULL; memset(&c->conf, 0xff, sizeof(c->conf)); r = bbConfig(c, ENDIAN, BITSIZE); if (r == 0) r = bbConfig(c, c->conf.bb_endian, c->conf.bb_size); if (r != 0) return UCL_E_INVALID_ARGUMENT; c->bb_op = out; ii = c->ip; /* point to start of literal run */ lit = 0; swd = (struct ucl_swd *) malloc(sizeof(*swd)); if (!swd) return UCL_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; swd->f = F; swd->n = N; if (in_len >= 256 && in_len < swd->n) swd->n = in_len; if (swd->f < 8 || swd->n < 256) return UCL_E_INVALID_ARGUMENT; r = init_match(c,swd,NULL,0, SC_FLAGS); if (r != UCL_E_OK) { free(swd); return r; } if (SC_MAX_CHAIN > 0) swd->max_chain = SC_MAX_CHAIN; if (SC_NICE_LENGTH > 0) swd->nice_length = SC_NICE_LENGTH; if (c->conf.max_match < swd->nice_length) swd->nice_length = c->conf.max_match; c->last_m_off = 1; r = find_match(c,swd,0,0); if (r != UCL_E_OK) return r; while (c->look > 0) { unsigned int ahead; unsigned int max_ahead; int l1, l2; c->codesize = c->bb_op - out; m_len = c->m_len; m_off = c->m_off; assert(c->bp == c->ip - c->look); assert(c->bp >= in); if (lit == 0) ii = c->bp; assert(ii + lit == c->bp); assert(swd->b_char == *(c->bp)); if (m_len < 2 || (m_len == 2 && (m_off > M2_MAX_OFFSET)) || m_off > c->conf.max_offset) { /* a literal */ lit++; swd->max_chain = SC_MAX_CHAIN; r = find_match(c,swd,1,0); assert(r == 0); continue; } /* a match */ assert_match(swd,m_len,m_off); /* shall we try a lazy match ? */ ahead = 0; if (SC_TRY_LAZY <= 0 || m_len >= SC_MAX_LAZY || m_off == c->last_m_off) { /* no */ l1 = 0; max_ahead = 0; } else { /* yes, try a lazy match */ l1 = len_of_coded_match(c,m_len,m_off); assert(l1 > 0); max_ahead = SC_TRY_LAZY; if ((m_len - 1) < max_ahead) { max_ahead = m_len -1; } } while (ahead < max_ahead && c->look > m_len) { if (m_len >= SC_GOOD_LENGTH) swd->max_chain = SC_MAX_CHAIN >> 2; else swd->max_chain = SC_MAX_CHAIN; r = find_match(c,swd,1,0); ahead++; assert(r == 0); assert(c->look > 0); assert(ii + lit + ahead == c->bp); if (c->m_len < 2) continue; l2 = len_of_coded_match(c,c->m_len,c->m_off); if (l2 < 0) continue; if (l1 + (int)(ahead + c->m_len - m_len) * 5 > l2 + (int)(ahead) * 9) { c->lazy++; assert_match(swd,c->m_len,c->m_off); lit += ahead; assert(ii + lit == c->bp); goto lazy_match_done; } } assert(ii + lit + ahead == c->bp); /* 1 - code run */ code_run(c,ii,lit); lit = 0; /* 2 - code match */ code_match(c,m_len,m_off); swd->max_chain = SC_MAX_CHAIN; r = find_match(c,swd,m_len,1+ahead); assert(r == 0); lazy_match_done: ; } /* store final run */ code_run(c,ii,lit); /* EOF */ bbPutBit(c, 0); code_prefix_ss11(c, 0x1000000U); bbPutByte(c, 0xff); bbFlushBits(c, 0); assert(c->textsize == in_len); c->codesize = c->bb_op - out; *out_len = c->bb_op - out; #if 0 printf("%7ld %7ld -> %7ld %7ld %7ld %ld (max: %d %d %d)\n", (long) c->textsize, (long) in_len, (long) c->codesize, c->match_bytes, c->lit_bytes, c->lazy, c->result[1], c->result[3], c->result[5]); #endif assert(c->lit_bytes + c->match_bytes == in_len); swd_exit(swd); free(swd); return UCL_E_OK; } void Encode(void) /* compression */ { uint8_t *in, *out; unsigned long in_len, out_len; uint32_t tw; int r; fseek(infile, 0, SEEK_END); in_len = ftell(infile); #ifdef VERBOSE if ((signed long)in_len < 0) Fprintf((stderr, "Errno: %d", errno)); #endif #if UCLPACK_COMPAT { uint8_t byte; if (fwrite(magic, sizeof(magic), 1, outfile) != 1) Error("Can't write."); tw = htonl(0); /* flags */ if (fwrite(&tw, sizeof(tw), 1, outfile) != 1) Error("Can't write."); byte = 0x2b; /* method */ if (fwrite(&byte, sizeof(byte), 1, outfile) != 1) Error("Can't write."); byte = 10; /* level */ if (fwrite(&byte, sizeof(byte), 1, outfile) != 1) Error("Can't write."); tw = htonl(256*1024); /* block_size */ if (fwrite(&tw, sizeof(tw), 1, outfile) != 1) Error("Can't write."); tw = htonl(in_len); if (fwrite(&tw, sizeof(tw), 1, outfile) != 1) Error("Can't write."); /* output size of text */ } #else tw = host_to_i86ul(in_len); if (fwrite(&tw, sizeof(tw), 1, outfile) != 1) Error("Can't write."); /* output size of text */ #endif if (in_len == 0) return; rewind(infile); in = malloc(in_len); out_len = in_len + (in_len/8) + 256; out = malloc(out_len); if (!in || !out) { Error("Can't malloc"); } if (fread(in, in_len, 1, infile) != 1) { Error("Can't read"); } r = ucl_nrv2b_99_compress(in, in_len, out, &out_len, 0 ); if (r != UCL_E_OK) Error("Compression failure\n"); #if UCLPACK_COMPAT tw = htonl(out_len); if (fwrite(&tw, sizeof(tw), 1, outfile) != 1) Error("Can't write."); /* file size of text */ #endif if (fwrite(out, out_len, 1, outfile) != 1) { Error("Write error\n"); } #if UCLPACK_COMPAT tw = htonl(0); /* EOF marker */ if (fwrite(&tw, sizeof(tw), 1, outfile) != 1) Error("Can't write."); #endif #ifdef LONG_REPORT Fprintf((stdout, "input size %ld bytes\n", in_len)); Fprintf((stdout, "output size %ld bytes\n", out_len)); Fprintf((stdout, "input/output %.3f\n", (double)in_len / out_len)); #else Fprintf((stdout, "input/output = %ld/%ld = %.3f\n", in_len, out_len, (double)in_len / out_len)); #endif } #endif #ifdef DECODE #define GETBIT_8(bb, src, ilen) \ (((bb = bb & 0x7f ? bb*2 : ((unsigned)src[ilen++]*2+1)) >> 8) & 1) #define GETBIT_LE16(bb, src, ilen) \ (bb*=2,bb&0xffff ? (bb>>16)&1 : (ilen+=2,((bb=(src[ilen-2]+src[ilen-1]*256u)*2+1)>>16)&1)) #define GETBIT_LE32(bb, src, ilen) \ (bc > 0 ? ((bb>>--bc)&1) : (bc=31,\ bb=*(const uint32_t *)((src)+ilen),ilen+=4,(bb>>31)&1)) #define GETBIT_LE64(bb, src, ilen) \ (bc > 0 ? ((bb>>--bc)&1) : (bc=63, \ bb=*(const uint64_t *)((src)+ilen),ilen+=8,(bb>>63)&1)) #if ENDIAN == 0 && BITSIZE == 8 #define GETBIT(bb, src, ilen) GETBIT_8(bb, src, ilen) #endif #if ENDIAN == 0 && BITSIZE == 16 #define GETBIT(bb, src, ilen) GETBIT_LE16(bb, src, ilen) #endif #if ENDIAN == 0 && BITSIZE == 32 #define GETBIT(bb, src, ilen) GETBIT_LE32(bb, src, ilen) #endif #if ENDIAN == 0 && BITSIZE == 64 #define GETBIT(bb, src, ilen) GETBIT_LE64(bb, src, ilen) #endif #ifndef GETBIT #error "Bad Combination of ENDIAN and BITSIZE values specified" #endif #undef SAFE #ifdef SAFE #define FAIL(x,r) if (x) { Error(r); } #else #define FAIL(x,r) #endif void Decode(void) /* recover */ { uint32_t tw; uint8_t *src, *dst; unsigned long max_src_len, src_len, dst_len; unsigned long ilen = 0, olen = 0, last_m_off = 1; #if BITSIZE <= 32 uint32_t bb = 0; #elif BITSIZE == 64 uint64_t bb = 0; #endif unsigned bc = 0; #if UCLPACK_COMPAT if (fseek(infile, sizeof(magic) + sizeof(tw) + 1 + 1 + sizeof(tw), SEEK_SET) != 0) Error("Seek Error"); if (fread(&tw, sizeof(tw), 1, infile) < 1) Error("Can't read"); /* read size of text */ dst_len = ntohl(tw); if (fread(&tw, sizeof(tw), 1, infile) < 1) Error("Can't read"); /* read size of file */ max_src_len = ntohl(tw); #else if (fread(&tw, sizeof(tw), 1, infile) < 1) Error("Can't read"); /* read size of text */ dst_len = i86ul_to_host(tw); max_src_len = dst_len + (dst_len/8) + 256; #endif if (dst_len == 0) return; dst = malloc(dst_len); if (!dst) Error("Can't malloc"); src = malloc(max_src_len); if (!src) Error("Can't malloc"); src_len = fread(src, 1, max_src_len, infile); if (src_len <= 0) Error("Can't read"); for(;;) { unsigned int m_off, m_len; while(GETBIT(bb, src, ilen)) { FAIL(ilen >= src_len, "input overrun"); FAIL(olen >= dst_len, "output overrun"); dst[olen++] = src[ilen++]; } m_off = 1; do { m_off = m_off*2 + GETBIT(bb, src, ilen); FAIL(ilen >= src_len, "input overrun"); FAIL(m_off > 0xffffffU +3, "lookbehind overrun"); } while (!GETBIT(bb, src, ilen)); if (m_off == 2) { m_off = last_m_off; } else { FAIL(ilen >= src_len, "input overrun"); m_off = (m_off - 3)*256 + src[ilen++]; if (m_off == 0xffffffffU) break; last_m_off = ++m_off; } m_len = GETBIT(bb, src, ilen); m_len = m_len*2 + GETBIT(bb, src, ilen); if (m_len == 0) { m_len++; do { m_len = m_len*2 + GETBIT(bb, src, ilen); FAIL(ilen >= src_len, "input overrun"); FAIL(m_len >= dst_len, "output overrun"); } while(!GETBIT(bb, src, ilen)); m_len += 2; } m_len += (m_off > 0xd00); FAIL(olen + m_len > dst_len, "output overrun"); FAIL(m_off > olen, "lookbeind overrun"); { const uint8_t *m_pos; m_pos = dst + olen - m_off; dst[olen++] = *m_pos++; do { dst[olen++] = *m_pos++; } while(--m_len > 0); } } FAIL(ilen < src_len, "input not consumed"); FAIL(ilen > src_len, "input overrun"); assert(ilen == src_len); Fprintf((stderr, "%12ld\n", olen)); if (dst_len != olen) { fprintf(stderr, "length != expected length\n"); } if (fwrite(dst, olen, 1, outfile) != 1) Error("Write error\n"); free(src); free(dst); } #endif #ifdef MAIN int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *s; FILE *f; int c; if (argc == 2) { outfile = stdout; if ((f = tmpfile()) == NULL) { perror("tmpfile"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) fputc(c, f); rewind(infile = f); } else if (argc != 4) { Fprintf((stderr, "'nrv2b e file1 file2' encodes file1 into file2.\n" "'nrv2b d file2 file1' decodes file2 into file1.\n")); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (argc == 4) { if ((s = argv[1], s[1] || strpbrk(s, "DEde") == NULL) || (s = argv[2], (infile = fopen(s, "rb")) == NULL) || (s = argv[3], (outfile = fopen(s, "wb")) == NULL)) { Fprintf((stderr, "??? %s\n", s)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } if (toupper(*argv[1]) == 'E') Encode(); else Decode(); fclose(infile); fclose(outfile); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } #endif