/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Michael Brown <mbrown@fensystems.co.uk>. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA. */ FILE_LICENCE ( GPL2_OR_LATER ); #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <assert.h> #include <byteswap.h> #include <ipxe/iobuf.h> #include <ipxe/tcpip.h> #include <ipxe/if_ether.h> #include <ipxe/crc32.h> #include <ipxe/fragment.h> #include <ipxe/ipstat.h> #include <ipxe/ndp.h> #include <ipxe/ipv6.h> /** @file * * IPv6 protocol * */ /* Disambiguate the various error causes */ #define EINVAL_LEN __einfo_error ( EINFO_EINVAL_LEN ) #define EINFO_EINVAL_LEN \ __einfo_uniqify ( EINFO_EINVAL, 0x01, "Invalid length" ) #define ENOTSUP_VER __einfo_error ( EINFO_ENOTSUP_VER ) #define EINFO_ENOTSUP_VER \ __einfo_uniqify ( EINFO_ENOTSUP, 0x01, "Unsupported version" ) #define ENOTSUP_HDR __einfo_error ( EINFO_ENOTSUP_HDR ) #define EINFO_ENOTSUP_HDR \ __einfo_uniqify ( EINFO_ENOTSUP, 0x02, "Unsupported header type" ) #define ENOTSUP_OPT __einfo_error ( EINFO_ENOTSUP_OPT ) #define EINFO_ENOTSUP_OPT \ __einfo_uniqify ( EINFO_ENOTSUP, 0x03, "Unsupported option" ) /** List of IPv6 miniroutes */ struct list_head ipv6_miniroutes = LIST_HEAD_INIT ( ipv6_miniroutes ); /** IPv6 statistics */ static struct ip_statistics ipv6_stats; /** IPv6 statistics family */ struct ip_statistics_family ipv6_statistics_family __ip_statistics_family ( IP_STATISTICS_IPV6 ) = { .version = 6, .stats = &ipv6_stats, }; /** * Determine debugging colour for IPv6 debug messages * * @v in IPv6 address * @ret col Debugging colour (for DBGC()) */ static uint32_t ipv6col ( struct in6_addr *in ) { return crc32_le ( 0, in, sizeof ( *in ) ); } /** * Dump IPv6 routing table entry * * @v miniroute Routing table entry */ static inline __attribute__ (( always_inline )) void ipv6_dump_miniroute ( struct ipv6_miniroute *miniroute ) { struct net_device *netdev = miniroute->netdev; DBGC ( netdev, "IPv6 %s has %s %s/%d", netdev->name, ( ( miniroute->flags & IPV6_HAS_ADDRESS ) ? "address" : "prefix" ), inet6_ntoa ( &miniroute->address ), miniroute->prefix_len ); if ( miniroute->flags & IPV6_HAS_ROUTER ) DBGC ( netdev, " router %s", inet6_ntoa ( &miniroute->router )); DBGC ( netdev, "\n" ); } /** * Check if network device has a specific IPv6 address * * @v netdev Network device * @v addr IPv6 address * @ret has_addr Network device has this IPv6 address */ int ipv6_has_addr ( struct net_device *netdev, struct in6_addr *addr ) { struct ipv6_miniroute *miniroute; list_for_each_entry ( miniroute, &ipv6_miniroutes, list ) { if ( ( miniroute->netdev == netdev ) && ( miniroute->flags & IPV6_HAS_ADDRESS ) && ( memcmp ( &miniroute->address, addr, sizeof ( miniroute->address ) ) == 0 ) ) { /* Found matching address */ return 1; } } return 0; } /** * Check if IPv6 address is within a routing table entry's local network * * @v miniroute Routing table entry * @v address IPv6 address * @ret is_on_link Address is within this entry's local network */ static int ipv6_is_on_link ( struct ipv6_miniroute *miniroute, struct in6_addr *address ) { unsigned int i; for ( i = 0 ; i < ( sizeof ( address->s6_addr32 ) / sizeof ( address->s6_addr32[0] ) ) ; i++ ) { if ( (( address->s6_addr32[i] ^ miniroute->address.s6_addr32[i]) & miniroute->prefix_mask.s6_addr32[i] ) != 0 ) return 0; } return 1; } /** * Find IPv6 routing table entry for a given address * * @v netdev Network device * @v address IPv6 address * @ret miniroute Routing table entry, or NULL if not found */ static struct ipv6_miniroute * ipv6_miniroute ( struct net_device *netdev, struct in6_addr *address ) { struct ipv6_miniroute *miniroute; list_for_each_entry ( miniroute, &ipv6_miniroutes, list ) { if ( ( miniroute->netdev == netdev ) && ipv6_is_on_link ( miniroute, address ) ) { return miniroute; } } return NULL; } /** * Add IPv6 routing table entry * * @v netdev Network device * @v address IPv6 address (or prefix) * @v prefix_len Prefix length * @v flags Flags * @ret miniroute Routing table entry, or NULL on failure */ static struct ipv6_miniroute * ipv6_add_miniroute ( struct net_device *netdev, struct in6_addr *address, unsigned int prefix_len, unsigned int flags ) { struct ipv6_miniroute *miniroute; uint8_t *prefix_mask; /* Create routing table entry */ miniroute = zalloc ( sizeof ( *miniroute ) ); if ( ! miniroute ) return NULL; miniroute->netdev = netdev_get ( netdev ); memcpy ( &miniroute->address, address, sizeof ( miniroute->address ) ); miniroute->prefix_len = prefix_len; assert ( prefix_len <= ( 8 * sizeof ( miniroute->prefix_mask ) ) ); for ( prefix_mask = miniroute->prefix_mask.s6_addr ; prefix_len >= 8 ; prefix_mask++, prefix_len -= 8 ) { *prefix_mask = 0xff; } if ( prefix_len ) *prefix_mask <<= ( 8 - prefix_len ); miniroute->flags = flags; list_add ( &miniroute->list, &ipv6_miniroutes ); ipv6_dump_miniroute ( miniroute ); return miniroute; } /** * Define IPv6 on-link prefix * * @v netdev Network device * @v prefix IPv6 address prefix * @v prefix_len Prefix length * @v router Router address (or NULL) * @ret rc Return status code */ int ipv6_set_prefix ( struct net_device *netdev, struct in6_addr *prefix, unsigned int prefix_len, struct in6_addr *router ) { struct ipv6_miniroute *miniroute; int changed; /* Find or create routing table entry */ miniroute = ipv6_miniroute ( netdev, prefix ); if ( ! miniroute ) miniroute = ipv6_add_miniroute ( netdev, prefix, prefix_len, 0); if ( ! miniroute ) return -ENOMEM; /* Record router and add to start or end of list as appropriate */ list_del ( &miniroute->list ); if ( router ) { changed = ( ( ! ( miniroute->flags & IPV6_HAS_ROUTER ) ) || ( memcmp ( &miniroute->router, router, sizeof ( miniroute->router ) ) != 0 ) ); miniroute->flags |= IPV6_HAS_ROUTER; memcpy ( &miniroute->router, router, sizeof ( miniroute->router ) ); list_add_tail ( &miniroute->list, &ipv6_miniroutes ); } else { changed = ( miniroute->flags & IPV6_HAS_ROUTER ); miniroute->flags &= ~IPV6_HAS_ROUTER; list_add ( &miniroute->list, &ipv6_miniroutes ); } if ( changed ) ipv6_dump_miniroute ( miniroute ); return 0; } /** * Add IPv6 on-link address * * @v netdev Network device * @v address IPv6 address * @ret rc Return status code * * An on-link prefix for the address must already exist. */ int ipv6_set_address ( struct net_device *netdev, struct in6_addr *address ) { struct ipv6_miniroute *miniroute; int changed; /* Find routing table entry */ miniroute = ipv6_miniroute ( netdev, address ); if ( ! miniroute ) return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; /* Record address */ changed = ( ( ! ( miniroute->flags & IPV6_HAS_ADDRESS ) ) || ( memcmp ( &miniroute->address, address, sizeof ( miniroute->address ) ) != 0 ) ); memcpy ( &miniroute->address, address, sizeof ( miniroute->address ) ); miniroute->flags |= IPV6_HAS_ADDRESS; if ( changed ) ipv6_dump_miniroute ( miniroute ); return 0; } /** * Perform IPv6 routing * * @v scope_id Destination address scope ID (for link-local addresses) * @v dest Final destination address * @ret dest Next hop destination address * @ret miniroute Routing table entry to use, or NULL if no route */ static struct ipv6_miniroute * ipv6_route ( unsigned int scope_id, struct in6_addr **dest ) { struct ipv6_miniroute *miniroute; /* Find first usable route in routing table */ list_for_each_entry ( miniroute, &ipv6_miniroutes, list ) { /* Skip closed network devices */ if ( ! netdev_is_open ( miniroute->netdev ) ) continue; /* Skip routing table entries with no usable source address */ if ( ! ( miniroute->flags & IPV6_HAS_ADDRESS ) ) continue; if ( IN6_IS_ADDR_NONGLOBAL ( *dest ) ) { /* If destination is non-global, and the scope ID * matches this network device, then use this route. */ if ( miniroute->netdev->index == scope_id ) return miniroute; } else { /* If destination is an on-link global * address, then use this route. */ if ( ipv6_is_on_link ( miniroute, *dest ) ) return miniroute; /* If destination is an off-link global * address, and we have a default gateway, * then use this route. */ if ( miniroute->flags & IPV6_HAS_ROUTER ) { *dest = &miniroute->router; return miniroute; } } } return NULL; } /** * Determine transmitting network device * * @v st_dest Destination network-layer address * @ret netdev Transmitting network device, or NULL */ static struct net_device * ipv6_netdev ( struct sockaddr_tcpip *st_dest ) { struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6_dest = ( ( struct sockaddr_in6 * ) st_dest ); struct in6_addr *dest = &sin6_dest->sin6_addr; struct ipv6_miniroute *miniroute; /* Find routing table entry */ miniroute = ipv6_route ( sin6_dest->sin6_scope_id, &dest ); if ( ! miniroute ) return NULL; return miniroute->netdev; } /** * Check that received options can be safely ignored * * @v iphdr IPv6 header * @v options Options extension header * @v len Maximum length of header * @ret rc Return status code */ static int ipv6_check_options ( struct ipv6_header *iphdr, struct ipv6_options_header *options, size_t len ) { struct ipv6_option *option = options->options; struct ipv6_option *end = ( ( ( void * ) options ) + len ); while ( option < end ) { if ( ! IPV6_CAN_IGNORE_OPT ( option->type ) ) { DBGC ( ipv6col ( &iphdr->src ), "IPv6 unrecognised " "option type %#02x:\n", option->type ); DBGC_HDA ( ipv6col ( &iphdr->src ), 0, options, len ); return -ENOTSUP_OPT; } if ( option->type == IPV6_OPT_PAD1 ) { option = ( ( ( void * ) option ) + 1 ); } else { option = ( ( ( void * ) option->value ) + option->len ); } } return 0; } /** * Check if fragment matches fragment reassembly buffer * * @v fragment Fragment reassembly buffer * @v iobuf I/O buffer * @v hdrlen Length of non-fragmentable potion of I/O buffer * @ret is_fragment Fragment matches this reassembly buffer */ static int ipv6_is_fragment ( struct fragment *fragment, struct io_buffer *iobuf, size_t hdrlen ) { struct ipv6_header *frag_iphdr = fragment->iobuf->data; struct ipv6_fragment_header *frag_fhdr = ( fragment->iobuf->data + fragment->hdrlen - sizeof ( *frag_fhdr ) ); struct ipv6_header *iphdr = iobuf->data; struct ipv6_fragment_header *fhdr = ( iobuf->data + hdrlen - sizeof ( *fhdr ) ); return ( ( memcmp ( &iphdr->src, &frag_iphdr->src, sizeof ( iphdr->src ) ) == 0 ) && ( fhdr->ident == frag_fhdr->ident ) ); } /** * Get fragment offset * * @v iobuf I/O buffer * @v hdrlen Length of non-fragmentable potion of I/O buffer * @ret offset Offset */ static size_t ipv6_fragment_offset ( struct io_buffer *iobuf, size_t hdrlen ) { struct ipv6_fragment_header *fhdr = ( iobuf->data + hdrlen - sizeof ( *fhdr ) ); return ( ntohs ( fhdr->offset_more ) & IPV6_MASK_OFFSET ); } /** * Check if more fragments exist * * @v iobuf I/O buffer * @v hdrlen Length of non-fragmentable potion of I/O buffer * @ret more_frags More fragments exist */ static int ipv6_more_fragments ( struct io_buffer *iobuf, size_t hdrlen ) { struct ipv6_fragment_header *fhdr = ( iobuf->data + hdrlen - sizeof ( *fhdr ) ); return ( fhdr->offset_more & htons ( IPV6_MASK_MOREFRAGS ) ); } /** Fragment reassembler */ static struct fragment_reassembler ipv6_reassembler = { .list = LIST_HEAD_INIT ( ipv6_reassembler.list ), .is_fragment = ipv6_is_fragment, .fragment_offset = ipv6_fragment_offset, .more_fragments = ipv6_more_fragments, .stats = &ipv6_stats, }; /** * Calculate IPv6 pseudo-header checksum * * @v iphdr IPv6 header * @v len Payload length * @v next_header Next header type * @v csum Existing checksum * @ret csum Updated checksum */ static uint16_t ipv6_pshdr_chksum ( struct ipv6_header *iphdr, size_t len, int next_header, uint16_t csum ) { struct ipv6_pseudo_header pshdr; /* Build pseudo-header */ memcpy ( &pshdr.src, &iphdr->src, sizeof ( pshdr.src ) ); memcpy ( &pshdr.dest, &iphdr->dest, sizeof ( pshdr.dest ) ); pshdr.len = htonl ( len ); memset ( pshdr.zero, 0, sizeof ( pshdr.zero ) ); pshdr.next_header = next_header; /* Update the checksum value */ return tcpip_continue_chksum ( csum, &pshdr, sizeof ( pshdr ) ); } /** * Transmit IPv6 packet * * @v iobuf I/O buffer * @v tcpip Transport-layer protocol * @v st_src Source network-layer address * @v st_dest Destination network-layer address * @v netdev Network device to use if no route found, or NULL * @v trans_csum Transport-layer checksum to complete, or NULL * @ret rc Status * * This function expects a transport-layer segment and prepends the * IPv6 header */ static int ipv6_tx ( struct io_buffer *iobuf, struct tcpip_protocol *tcpip_protocol, struct sockaddr_tcpip *st_src, struct sockaddr_tcpip *st_dest, struct net_device *netdev, uint16_t *trans_csum ) { struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6_src = ( ( struct sockaddr_in6 * ) st_src ); struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6_dest = ( ( struct sockaddr_in6 * ) st_dest ); struct ipv6_miniroute *miniroute; struct ipv6_header *iphdr; struct in6_addr *src = NULL; struct in6_addr *next_hop; uint8_t ll_dest_buf[MAX_LL_ADDR_LEN]; const void *ll_dest; size_t len; int rc; /* Update statistics */ ipv6_stats.out_requests++; /* Fill up the IPv6 header, except source address */ len = iob_len ( iobuf ); iphdr = iob_push ( iobuf, sizeof ( *iphdr ) ); memset ( iphdr, 0, sizeof ( *iphdr ) ); iphdr->ver_tc_label = htonl ( IPV6_VER ); iphdr->len = htons ( len ); iphdr->next_header = tcpip_protocol->tcpip_proto; iphdr->hop_limit = IPV6_HOP_LIMIT; memcpy ( &iphdr->dest, &sin6_dest->sin6_addr, sizeof ( iphdr->dest ) ); /* Use routing table to identify next hop and transmitting netdev */ next_hop = &iphdr->dest; if ( ( miniroute = ipv6_route ( sin6_dest->sin6_scope_id, &next_hop ) ) != NULL ) { src = &miniroute->address; netdev = miniroute->netdev; } if ( ! netdev ) { DBGC ( ipv6col ( &iphdr->dest ), "IPv6 has no route to %s\n", inet6_ntoa ( &iphdr->dest ) ); ipv6_stats.out_no_routes++; rc = -ENETUNREACH; goto err; } if ( sin6_src && ! IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED ( &sin6_src->sin6_addr ) ) src = &sin6_src->sin6_addr; if ( src ) memcpy ( &iphdr->src, src, sizeof ( iphdr->src ) ); /* Fix up checksums */ if ( trans_csum ) { *trans_csum = ipv6_pshdr_chksum ( iphdr, len, tcpip_protocol->tcpip_proto, *trans_csum ); } /* Print IPv6 header for debugging */ DBGC2 ( ipv6col ( &iphdr->dest ), "IPv6 TX %s->", inet6_ntoa ( &iphdr->src ) ); DBGC2 ( ipv6col ( &iphdr->dest ), "%s len %zd next %d\n", inet6_ntoa ( &iphdr->dest ), len, iphdr->next_header ); /* Calculate link-layer destination address, if possible */ if ( IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST ( next_hop ) ) { /* Multicast address */ ipv6_stats.out_mcast_pkts++; if ( ( rc = netdev->ll_protocol->mc_hash ( AF_INET6, next_hop, ll_dest_buf ) ) !=0){ DBGC ( ipv6col ( &iphdr->dest ), "IPv6 could not hash " "multicast %s: %s\n", inet6_ntoa ( next_hop ), strerror ( rc ) ); goto err; } ll_dest = ll_dest_buf; } else { /* Unicast address */ ll_dest = NULL; } /* Update statistics */ ipv6_stats.out_transmits++; ipv6_stats.out_octets += iob_len ( iobuf ); /* Hand off to link layer (via NDP if applicable) */ if ( ll_dest ) { if ( ( rc = net_tx ( iobuf, netdev, &ipv6_protocol, ll_dest, netdev->ll_addr ) ) != 0 ) { DBGC ( ipv6col ( &iphdr->dest ), "IPv6 could not " "transmit packet via %s: %s\n", netdev->name, strerror ( rc ) ); return rc; } } else { if ( ( rc = ndp_tx ( iobuf, netdev, next_hop, &iphdr->src, netdev->ll_addr ) ) != 0 ) { DBGC ( ipv6col ( &iphdr->dest ), "IPv6 could not " "transmit packet via %s: %s\n", netdev->name, strerror ( rc ) ); return rc; } } return 0; err: free_iob ( iobuf ); return rc; } /** * Process incoming IPv6 packets * * @v iobuf I/O buffer * @v netdev Network device * @v ll_dest Link-layer destination address * @v ll_source Link-layer destination source * @v flags Packet flags * @ret rc Return status code * * This function expects an IPv6 network datagram. It processes the * headers and sends it to the transport layer. */ static int ipv6_rx ( struct io_buffer *iobuf, struct net_device *netdev, const void *ll_dest __unused, const void *ll_source __unused, unsigned int flags __unused ) { struct ipv6_header *iphdr = iobuf->data; union ipv6_extension_header *ext; union { struct sockaddr_in6 sin6; struct sockaddr_tcpip st; } src, dest; uint16_t pshdr_csum; size_t len; size_t hdrlen; size_t extlen; int this_header; int next_header; int rc; /* Update statistics */ ipv6_stats.in_receives++; ipv6_stats.in_octets += iob_len ( iobuf ); if ( flags & LL_BROADCAST ) { ipv6_stats.in_bcast_pkts++; } else if ( flags & LL_MULTICAST ) { ipv6_stats.in_mcast_pkts++; } /* Sanity check the IPv6 header */ if ( iob_len ( iobuf ) < sizeof ( *iphdr ) ) { DBGC ( ipv6col ( &iphdr->src ), "IPv6 packet too short at %zd " "bytes (min %zd bytes)\n", iob_len ( iobuf ), sizeof ( *iphdr ) ); rc = -EINVAL_LEN; goto err_header; } if ( ( iphdr->ver_tc_label & htonl ( IPV6_MASK_VER ) ) != htonl ( IPV6_VER ) ) { DBGC ( ipv6col ( &iphdr->src ), "IPv6 version %#08x not " "supported\n", ntohl ( iphdr->ver_tc_label ) ); rc = -ENOTSUP_VER; goto err_header; } /* Truncate packet to specified length */ len = ntohs ( iphdr->len ); if ( len > iob_len ( iobuf ) ) { DBGC ( ipv6col ( &iphdr->src ), "IPv6 length too long at %zd " "bytes (packet is %zd bytes)\n", len, iob_len ( iobuf )); ipv6_stats.in_truncated_pkts++; rc = -EINVAL_LEN; goto err_other; } iob_unput ( iobuf, ( iob_len ( iobuf ) - len - sizeof ( *iphdr ) ) ); hdrlen = sizeof ( *iphdr ); /* Print IPv6 header for debugging */ DBGC2 ( ipv6col ( &iphdr->src ), "IPv6 RX %s<-", inet6_ntoa ( &iphdr->dest ) ); DBGC2 ( ipv6col ( &iphdr->src ), "%s len %zd next %d\n", inet6_ntoa ( &iphdr->src ), len, iphdr->next_header ); /* Discard unicast packets not destined for us */ if ( ( ! ( flags & LL_MULTICAST ) ) && ( ! ipv6_has_addr ( netdev, &iphdr->dest ) ) ) { DBGC ( ipv6col ( &iphdr->src ), "IPv6 discarding non-local " "unicast packet for %s\n", inet6_ntoa ( &iphdr->dest ) ); ipv6_stats.in_addr_errors++; rc = -EPIPE; goto err_other; } /* Process any extension headers */ next_header = iphdr->next_header; while ( 1 ) { /* Extract extension header */ this_header = next_header; ext = ( iobuf->data + hdrlen ); extlen = sizeof ( ext->pad ); if ( iob_len ( iobuf ) < ( hdrlen + extlen ) ) { DBGC ( ipv6col ( &iphdr->src ), "IPv6 too short for " "extension header type %d at %zd bytes (min " "%zd bytes)\n", this_header, ( iob_len ( iobuf ) - hdrlen ), extlen ); rc = -EINVAL_LEN; goto err_header; } /* Determine size of extension header (if applicable) */ if ( ( this_header == IPV6_HOPBYHOP ) || ( this_header == IPV6_DESTINATION ) || ( this_header == IPV6_ROUTING ) ) { /* Length field is present */ extlen += ext->common.len; } else if ( this_header == IPV6_FRAGMENT ) { /* Length field is reserved and ignored (RFC2460) */ } else { /* Not an extension header; assume rest is payload */ break; } if ( iob_len ( iobuf ) < ( hdrlen + extlen ) ) { DBGC ( ipv6col ( &iphdr->src ), "IPv6 too short for " "extension header type %d at %zd bytes (min " "%zd bytes)\n", this_header, ( iob_len ( iobuf ) - hdrlen ), extlen ); rc = -EINVAL_LEN; goto err_header; } hdrlen += extlen; next_header = ext->common.next_header; DBGC2 ( ipv6col ( &iphdr->src ), "IPv6 RX %s<-", inet6_ntoa ( &iphdr->dest ) ); DBGC2 ( ipv6col ( &iphdr->src ), "%s ext type %d len %zd next " "%d\n", inet6_ntoa ( &iphdr->src ), this_header, extlen, next_header ); /* Process this extension header */ if ( ( this_header == IPV6_HOPBYHOP ) || ( this_header == IPV6_DESTINATION ) ) { /* Check that all options can be ignored */ if ( ( rc = ipv6_check_options ( iphdr, &ext->options, extlen ) ) != 0 ) goto err_header; } else if ( this_header == IPV6_FRAGMENT ) { /* Reassemble fragments */ iobuf = fragment_reassemble ( &ipv6_reassembler, iobuf, &hdrlen ); if ( ! iobuf ) return 0; iphdr = iobuf->data; } } /* Construct socket address, calculate pseudo-header checksum, * and hand off to transport layer */ memset ( &src, 0, sizeof ( src ) ); src.sin6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; memcpy ( &src.sin6.sin6_addr, &iphdr->src, sizeof ( src.sin6.sin6_addr ) ); src.sin6.sin6_scope_id = netdev->index; memset ( &dest, 0, sizeof ( dest ) ); dest.sin6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; memcpy ( &dest.sin6.sin6_addr, &iphdr->dest, sizeof ( dest.sin6.sin6_addr ) ); dest.sin6.sin6_scope_id = netdev->index; iob_pull ( iobuf, hdrlen ); pshdr_csum = ipv6_pshdr_chksum ( iphdr, iob_len ( iobuf ), next_header, TCPIP_EMPTY_CSUM ); if ( ( rc = tcpip_rx ( iobuf, netdev, next_header, &src.st, &dest.st, pshdr_csum, &ipv6_stats ) ) != 0 ) { DBGC ( ipv6col ( &src.sin6.sin6_addr ), "IPv6 received packet " "rejected by stack: %s\n", strerror ( rc ) ); return rc; } return 0; err_header: ipv6_stats.in_hdr_errors++; err_other: free_iob ( iobuf ); return rc; } /** * Parse IPv6 address * * @v string IPv6 address string * @ret in IPv6 address to fill in * @ret rc Return status code */ int inet6_aton ( const char *string, struct in6_addr *in ) { uint16_t *word = in->s6_addr16; uint16_t *end = ( word + ( sizeof ( in->s6_addr16 ) / sizeof ( in->s6_addr16[0] ) ) ); uint16_t *pad = NULL; const char *nptr = string; char *endptr; unsigned long value; size_t pad_len; size_t move_len; /* Parse string */ while ( 1 ) { /* Parse current word */ value = strtoul ( nptr, &endptr, 16 ); if ( value > 0xffff ) { DBG ( "IPv6 invalid word value %#lx in \"%s\"\n", value, string ); return -EINVAL; } *(word++) = htons ( value ); /* Parse separator */ if ( ! *endptr ) break; if ( *endptr != ':' ) { DBG ( "IPv6 invalid separator '%c' in \"%s\"\n", *endptr, string ); return -EINVAL; } if ( ( endptr == nptr ) && ( nptr != string ) ) { if ( pad ) { DBG ( "IPv6 invalid multiple \"::\" in " "\"%s\"\n", string ); return -EINVAL; } pad = word; } nptr = ( endptr + 1 ); /* Check for overrun */ if ( word == end ) { DBG ( "IPv6 too many words in \"%s\"\n", string ); return -EINVAL; } } /* Insert padding if specified */ if ( pad ) { move_len = ( ( ( void * ) word ) - ( ( void * ) pad ) ); pad_len = ( ( ( void * ) end ) - ( ( void * ) word ) ); memmove ( ( ( ( void * ) pad ) + pad_len ), pad, move_len ); memset ( pad, 0, pad_len ); } else if ( word != end ) { DBG ( "IPv6 underlength address \"%s\"\n", string ); return -EINVAL; } return 0; } /** * Convert IPv6 address to standard notation * * @v in IPv6 address * @ret string IPv6 address string in canonical format * * RFC5952 defines the canonical format for IPv6 textual representation. */ char * inet6_ntoa ( const struct in6_addr *in ) { static char buf[41]; /* ":xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx" */ char *out = buf; char *longest_start = NULL; char *start = NULL; int longest_len = 1; int len = 0; char *dest; unsigned int i; uint16_t value; /* Format address, keeping track of longest run of zeros */ for ( i = 0 ; i < ( sizeof ( in->s6_addr16 ) / sizeof ( in->s6_addr16[0] ) ) ; i++ ) { value = ntohs ( in->s6_addr16[i] ); if ( value == 0 ) { if ( len++ == 0 ) start = out; if ( len > longest_len ) { longest_start = start; longest_len = len; } } else { len = 0; } out += sprintf ( out, ":%x", value ); } /* Abbreviate longest run of zeros, if applicable */ if ( longest_start ) { dest = strcpy ( ( longest_start + 1 ), ( longest_start + ( 2 * longest_len ) ) ); if ( dest[0] == '\0' ) dest[1] = '\0'; dest[0] = ':'; } return ( ( longest_start == buf ) ? buf : ( buf + 1 ) ); } /** * Transcribe IPv6 address * * @v net_addr IPv6 address * @ret string IPv6 address in standard notation * */ static const char * ipv6_ntoa ( const void *net_addr ) { return inet6_ntoa ( net_addr ); } /** * Transcribe IPv6 socket address * * @v sa Socket address * @ret string Socket address in standard notation */ static const char * ipv6_sock_ntoa ( struct sockaddr *sa ) { static char buf[ 39 /* "xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx" */ + 1 /* "%" */ + NETDEV_NAME_LEN + 1 /* NUL */ ]; struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6 = ( ( struct sockaddr_in6 * ) sa ); struct in6_addr *in = &sin6->sin6_addr; struct net_device *netdev; const char *netdev_name; /* Identify network device, if applicable */ if ( IN6_IS_ADDR_NONGLOBAL ( in ) ) { netdev = find_netdev_by_index ( sin6->sin6_scope_id ); netdev_name = ( netdev ? netdev->name : "UNKNOWN" ); } else { netdev_name = NULL; } /* Format socket address */ snprintf ( buf, sizeof ( buf ), "%s%s%s", inet6_ntoa ( in ), ( netdev_name ? "%" : "" ), ( netdev_name ? netdev_name : "" ) ); return buf; } /** * Parse IPv6 socket address * * @v string Socket address string * @v sa Socket address to fill in * @ret rc Return status code */ static int ipv6_sock_aton ( const char *string, struct sockaddr *sa ) { struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6 = ( ( struct sockaddr_in6 * ) sa ); struct in6_addr in; struct net_device *netdev; size_t len; char *tmp; char *in_string; char *netdev_string; int rc; /* Create modifiable copy of string */ tmp = strdup ( string ); if ( ! tmp ) { rc = -ENOMEM; goto err_alloc; } in_string = tmp; /* Strip surrounding "[...]", if present */ len = strlen ( in_string ); if ( ( in_string[0] == '[' ) && ( in_string[ len - 1 ] == ']' ) ) { in_string[ len - 1 ] = '\0'; in_string++; } /* Split at network device name, if present */ netdev_string = strchr ( in_string, '%' ); if ( netdev_string ) *(netdev_string++) = '\0'; /* Parse IPv6 address portion */ if ( ( rc = inet6_aton ( in_string, &in ) ) != 0 ) goto err_inet6_aton; /* Parse scope ID, if applicable */ if ( netdev_string ) { /* Parse explicit network device name, if present */ netdev = find_netdev ( netdev_string ); if ( ! netdev ) { rc = -ENODEV; goto err_find_netdev; } sin6->sin6_scope_id = netdev->index; } else if ( IN6_IS_ADDR_NONGLOBAL ( &in ) ) { /* If no network device is explicitly specified for a * link-local or multicast address, default to using * "netX" (if existent). */ netdev = last_opened_netdev(); if ( netdev ) sin6->sin6_scope_id = netdev->index; } /* Copy IPv6 address portion to socket address */ memcpy ( &sin6->sin6_addr, &in, sizeof ( sin6->sin6_addr ) ); err_find_netdev: err_inet6_aton: free ( tmp ); err_alloc: return rc; } /** IPv6 protocol */ struct net_protocol ipv6_protocol __net_protocol = { .name = "IPv6", .net_proto = htons ( ETH_P_IPV6 ), .net_addr_len = sizeof ( struct in6_addr ), .rx = ipv6_rx, .ntoa = ipv6_ntoa, }; /** IPv6 TCPIP net protocol */ struct tcpip_net_protocol ipv6_tcpip_protocol __tcpip_net_protocol = { .name = "IPv6", .sa_family = AF_INET6, .header_len = sizeof ( struct ipv6_header ), .tx = ipv6_tx, .netdev = ipv6_netdev, }; /** IPv6 socket address converter */ struct sockaddr_converter ipv6_sockaddr_converter __sockaddr_converter = { .family = AF_INET6, .ntoa = ipv6_sock_ntoa, .aton = ipv6_sock_aton, }; /** * Parse IPv6 address setting value * * @v type Setting type * @v value Formatted setting value * @v buf Buffer to contain raw value * @v len Length of buffer * @ret len Length of raw value, or negative error */ int parse_ipv6_setting ( const struct setting_type *type __unused, const char *value, void *buf, size_t len ) { struct in6_addr ipv6; int rc; /* Parse IPv6 address */ if ( ( rc = inet6_aton ( value, &ipv6 ) ) != 0 ) return rc; /* Copy to buffer */ if ( len > sizeof ( ipv6 ) ) len = sizeof ( ipv6 ); memcpy ( buf, &ipv6, len ); return ( sizeof ( ipv6 ) ); } /** * Format IPv6 address setting value * * @v type Setting type * @v raw Raw setting value * @v raw_len Length of raw setting value * @v buf Buffer to contain formatted value * @v len Length of buffer * @ret len Length of formatted value, or negative error */ int format_ipv6_setting ( const struct setting_type *type __unused, const void *raw, size_t raw_len, char *buf, size_t len ) { const struct in6_addr *ipv6 = raw; if ( raw_len < sizeof ( *ipv6 ) ) return -EINVAL; return snprintf ( buf, len, "%s", inet6_ntoa ( ipv6 ) ); } /** * Create IPv6 network device * * @v netdev Network device * @ret rc Return status code */ static int ipv6_probe ( struct net_device *netdev ) { struct ipv6_miniroute *miniroute; struct in6_addr address; int prefix_len; int rc; /* Construct link-local address from EUI-64 as per RFC 2464 */ memset ( &address, 0, sizeof ( address ) ); prefix_len = ipv6_link_local ( &address, netdev ); if ( prefix_len < 0 ) { rc = prefix_len; DBGC ( netdev, "IPv6 %s could not construct link-local " "address: %s\n", netdev->name, strerror ( rc ) ); return rc; } /* Create link-local address for this network device */ miniroute = ipv6_add_miniroute ( netdev, &address, prefix_len, IPV6_HAS_ADDRESS ); if ( ! miniroute ) return -ENOMEM; return 0; } /** * Destroy IPv6 network device * * @v netdev Network device */ static void ipv6_remove ( struct net_device *netdev ) { struct ipv6_miniroute *miniroute; struct ipv6_miniroute *tmp; /* Delete all miniroutes for this network device */ list_for_each_entry_safe ( miniroute, tmp, &ipv6_miniroutes, list ) { if ( miniroute->netdev == netdev ) { netdev_put ( miniroute->netdev ); list_del ( &miniroute->list ); free ( miniroute ); } } } /** IPv6 network device driver */ struct net_driver ipv6_driver __net_driver = { .name = "IPv6", .probe = ipv6_probe, .remove = ipv6_remove, }; /* Drag in objects via ipv6_protocol */ REQUIRING_SYMBOL ( ipv6_protocol ); /* Drag in ICMPv6 */ REQUIRE_OBJECT ( icmpv6 ); /* Drag in NDP */ REQUIRE_OBJECT ( ndp );