/****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2004, 2008 IBM Corporation * All rights reserved. * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the BSD License * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial implementation *****************************************************************************/ #include <cpu.h> #include <xvect.h> .globl _start /* All exception vectors *******************/ _start: .org 0x100 /* check if Master / Slave *****************/ /* Master will go to XVECT_M_HANDLER */ /* Slave will go to XVECT_S_HANDLER */ #ifdef SECONDARY_CPUS_STOPPED ld r3,XVECT_S_HANDLER(0) mfspr r0, PIR cmpwi r0, 0 bne 0f #endif ld r3,XVECT_M_HANDLER(0) 0: mtctr r3 li r0,0x100 bctr /* FIXME: Also need 0280, 0380, 0f20, etc. */ .irp i, 0x0200,0x0280,0x0300,0x0380,0x0400,0x0480,0x0500,0x0600,0x0700, \ 0x0800,0x0900,0x0a00,0x0b00,0x0c00,0x0d00,0x0e00,0x0f00, \ 0x1000,0x1100,0x1200,0x1300,0x1400,0x1500,0x1600,0x1700, \ 0x1800,0x1900,0x1a00,0x1b00,0x1c00,0x1d00,0x1e00,0x1f00, \ 0x2000,0x2100,0x2200,0x2300,0x2400,0x2500,0x2600,0x2700, \ 0x2800,0x2900,0x2a00,0x2b00,0x2c00,0x2d00,0x2e00,0x2f00 .org \i /* enable this if you get exceptions before the console works */ /* this will allow using the hardware debugger to see where */ /* it traps, and with what register values etc. */ // b $ mtsprg 0,r0 mfctr r0 mtsprg 2,r0 mflr r0 mtsprg 3,r0 ld r0, XVECT_M_HANDLER(0) mtctr r0 li r0,\i bctr .endr .org XVECT_M_HANDLER .quad 0 .org XVECT_S_HANDLER .quad 0 .org XVECT_TOPADDR .byte 0x36 # to fill out to exactly 16kB