 * Copyright (c) 2004, 2008 IBM Corporation
 * All rights reserved.
 * This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the BSD License
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
 * Contributors:
 *     IBM Corporation - initial implementation
#ifndef TERMCTRL_H
#define TERMCTRL_H

/* foreground colors */
#define TERM_FG_BLACK    ""
#define TERM_FG_RED      ""
#define TERM_FG_GREEN    ""
#define TERM_FG_YELLOW   ""
#define TERM_FG_BLUE     ""
#define TERM_FG_MAGENTA  ""
#define TERM_FG_CYAN     ""
#define TERM_FG_WHITE    ""

/* background colors */
#define TERM_BG_BLACK    ""
#define TERM_BG_RED      ""
#define TERM_BG_GREEN    ""
#define TERM_BG_YELLOW   ""
#define TERM_BG_BLUE     ""
#define TERM_BG_MAGENTA  ""
#define TERM_BG_CYAN     ""
#define TERM_BG_WHITE    ""

/* control */
#define TERM_CTRL_RESET      ""
#define TERM_CTRL_BRIGHT     ""
#define TERM_CTRL_DIM        ""
#define TERM_CTRL_BLINK      ""
#define TERM_CTRL_REVERSE    ""
#define TERM_CTRL_HIDDEN     ""
#define TERM_CTRL_CLEAR      ""
#define TERM_CTRL_HOME       ""

#define TERM_CTRL_1UP        ""
#define TERM_CTRL_1BACK      ""
#define TERM_CTRL_SAVECRS    ""
#define TERM_CTRL_RESTCRS    ""
#define TERM_CTRL_CRSON      "[?25h"
#define TERM_CTRL_CRSOFF     "[?25l"
#define TERM_CTRL_CRSFWDN    "[%dC"
#define TERM_CTRL_CRSX       "[%dC"
#define TERM_CTRL_CRSY       "[%dB"
#define TERM_CTRL_CRSXY      "[%d;%dH" /* y,x */

/* keys */
#define KEY_CTRL 0x1b
#define KEY_UP   0x41
#define KEY_DN   0x42
