 * QEMU emulation of an Intel IOMMU (VT-d)
 *   (DMA Remapping device)
 * Copyright (C) 2013 Knut Omang, Oracle <knut.omang@oracle.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2014 Le Tan, <tamlokveer@gmail.com>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.

 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.

 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * Lots of defines copied from kernel/include/linux/intel-iommu.h:
 *   Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Intel Corporation
 *   Author: Ashok Raj <ashok.raj@intel.com>
 *   Author: Anil S Keshavamurthy <anil.s.keshavamurthy@intel.com>

#include "hw/i386/intel_iommu.h"

 * Intel IOMMU register specification
#define DMAR_VER_REG            0x0  /* Arch version supported by this IOMMU */
#define DMAR_CAP_REG            0x8  /* Hardware supported capabilities */
#define DMAR_CAP_REG_HI         0xc  /* High 32-bit of DMAR_CAP_REG */
#define DMAR_ECAP_REG           0x10 /* Extended capabilities supported */
#define DMAR_ECAP_REG_HI        0X14
#define DMAR_GCMD_REG           0x18 /* Global command */
#define DMAR_GSTS_REG           0x1c /* Global status */
#define DMAR_RTADDR_REG         0x20 /* Root entry table */
#define DMAR_RTADDR_REG_HI      0X24
#define DMAR_CCMD_REG           0x28 /* Context command */
#define DMAR_CCMD_REG_HI        0x2c
#define DMAR_FSTS_REG           0x34 /* Fault status */
#define DMAR_FECTL_REG          0x38 /* Fault control */
#define DMAR_FEDATA_REG         0x3c /* Fault event interrupt data */
#define DMAR_FEADDR_REG         0x40 /* Fault event interrupt addr */
#define DMAR_FEUADDR_REG        0x44 /* Upper address */
#define DMAR_AFLOG_REG          0x58 /* Advanced fault control */
#define DMAR_AFLOG_REG_HI       0X5c
#define DMAR_PMEN_REG           0x64 /* Enable protected memory region */
#define DMAR_PLMBASE_REG        0x68 /* PMRR low addr */
#define DMAR_PLMLIMIT_REG       0x6c /* PMRR low limit */
#define DMAR_PHMBASE_REG        0x70 /* PMRR high base addr */
#define DMAR_PHMBASE_REG_HI     0X74
#define DMAR_PHMLIMIT_REG       0x78 /* PMRR high limit */
#define DMAR_PHMLIMIT_REG_HI    0x7c
#define DMAR_IQH_REG            0x80 /* Invalidation queue head */
#define DMAR_IQH_REG_HI         0X84
#define DMAR_IQT_REG            0x88 /* Invalidation queue tail */
#define DMAR_IQT_REG_HI         0X8c
#define DMAR_IQA_REG            0x90 /* Invalidation queue addr */
#define DMAR_IQA_REG_HI         0x94
#define DMAR_ICS_REG            0x9c /* Invalidation complete status */
#define DMAR_IRTA_REG           0xb8 /* Interrupt remapping table addr */
#define DMAR_IRTA_REG_HI        0xbc
#define DMAR_IECTL_REG          0xa0 /* Invalidation event control */
#define DMAR_IEDATA_REG         0xa4 /* Invalidation event data */
#define DMAR_IEADDR_REG         0xa8 /* Invalidation event address */
#define DMAR_IEUADDR_REG        0xac /* Invalidation event address */
#define DMAR_PQH_REG            0xc0 /* Page request queue head */
#define DMAR_PQH_REG_HI         0xc4
#define DMAR_PQT_REG            0xc8 /* Page request queue tail*/
#define DMAR_PQT_REG_HI         0xcc
#define DMAR_PQA_REG            0xd0 /* Page request queue address */
#define DMAR_PQA_REG_HI         0xd4
#define DMAR_PRS_REG            0xdc /* Page request status */
#define DMAR_PECTL_REG          0xe0 /* Page request event control */
#define DMAR_PEDATA_REG         0xe4 /* Page request event data */
#define DMAR_PEADDR_REG         0xe8 /* Page request event address */
#define DMAR_PEUADDR_REG        0xec /* Page event upper address */
#define DMAR_MTRRCAP_REG        0x100 /* MTRR capability */
#define DMAR_MTRRCAP_REG_HI     0x104
#define DMAR_MTRRDEF_REG        0x108 /* MTRR default type */
#define DMAR_MTRRDEF_REG_HI     0x10c

/* IOTLB registers */
#define DMAR_IOTLB_REG_OFFSET   0xf0 /* Offset to the IOTLB registers */
#define DMAR_IVA_REG            DMAR_IOTLB_REG_OFFSET /* Invalidate address */
#define DMAR_IVA_REG_HI         (DMAR_IVA_REG + 4)
/* IOTLB invalidate register */
#define DMAR_IOTLB_REG          (DMAR_IOTLB_REG_OFFSET + 0x8)
#define DMAR_IOTLB_REG_HI       (DMAR_IOTLB_REG + 4)

/* FRCD */
#define DMAR_FRCD_REG_OFFSET    0x220 /* Offset to the fault recording regs */
/* NOTICE: If you change the DMAR_FRCD_REG_NR, please remember to change the
 * DMAR_REG_SIZE in include/hw/i386/intel_iommu.h.
#define DMAR_FRCD_REG_NR        1ULL /* Num of fault recording regs */

#define DMAR_FRCD_REG_0_0       0x220 /* The 0th fault recording regs */
#define DMAR_FRCD_REG_0_1       0x224
#define DMAR_FRCD_REG_0_2       0x228
#define DMAR_FRCD_REG_0_3       0x22c

/* Interrupt Address Range */
#define VTD_INTERRUPT_ADDR_FIRST    0xfee00000ULL
#define VTD_INTERRUPT_ADDR_LAST     0xfeefffffULL

/* The shift of source_id in the key of IOTLB hash table */
#define VTD_IOTLB_SID_SHIFT         36
#define VTD_IOTLB_LVL_SHIFT         44
#define VTD_IOTLB_MAX_SIZE          1024    /* Max size of the hash table */

#define VTD_TLB_GLOBAL_FLUSH        (1ULL << 60) /* Global invalidation */
#define VTD_TLB_DSI_FLUSH           (2ULL << 60) /* Domain-selective */
#define VTD_TLB_PSI_FLUSH           (3ULL << 60) /* Page-selective */
#define VTD_TLB_FLUSH_GRANU_MASK    (3ULL << 60)
#define VTD_TLB_GLOBAL_FLUSH_A      (1ULL << 57)
#define VTD_TLB_DSI_FLUSH_A         (2ULL << 57)
#define VTD_TLB_PSI_FLUSH_A         (3ULL << 57)
#define VTD_TLB_FLUSH_GRANU_MASK_A  (3ULL << 57)
#define VTD_TLB_IVT                 (1ULL << 63)
#define VTD_TLB_DID(val)            (((val) >> 32) & VTD_DOMAIN_ID_MASK)

/* IVA_REG */
#define VTD_IVA_ADDR(val)       ((val) & ~0xfffULL & ((1ULL << VTD_MGAW) - 1))
#define VTD_IVA_AM(val)         ((val) & 0x3fULL)

/* GCMD_REG */
#define VTD_GCMD_TE                 (1UL << 31)
#define VTD_GCMD_SRTP               (1UL << 30)
#define VTD_GCMD_SFL                (1UL << 29)
#define VTD_GCMD_EAFL               (1UL << 28)
#define VTD_GCMD_WBF                (1UL << 27)
#define VTD_GCMD_QIE                (1UL << 26)
#define VTD_GCMD_IRE                (1UL << 25)
#define VTD_GCMD_SIRTP              (1UL << 24)
#define VTD_GCMD_CFI                (1UL << 23)

/* GSTS_REG */
#define VTD_GSTS_TES                (1UL << 31)
#define VTD_GSTS_RTPS               (1UL << 30)
#define VTD_GSTS_FLS                (1UL << 29)
#define VTD_GSTS_AFLS               (1UL << 28)
#define VTD_GSTS_WBFS               (1UL << 27)
#define VTD_GSTS_QIES               (1UL << 26)
#define VTD_GSTS_IRES               (1UL << 25)
#define VTD_GSTS_IRTPS              (1UL << 24)
#define VTD_GSTS_CFIS               (1UL << 23)

/* CCMD_REG */
#define VTD_CCMD_ICC                (1ULL << 63)
#define VTD_CCMD_GLOBAL_INVL        (1ULL << 61)
#define VTD_CCMD_DOMAIN_INVL        (2ULL << 61)
#define VTD_CCMD_DEVICE_INVL        (3ULL << 61)
#define VTD_CCMD_CIRG_MASK          (3ULL << 61)
#define VTD_CCMD_GLOBAL_INVL_A      (1ULL << 59)
#define VTD_CCMD_DOMAIN_INVL_A      (2ULL << 59)
#define VTD_CCMD_DEVICE_INVL_A      (3ULL << 59)
#define VTD_CCMD_CAIG_MASK          (3ULL << 59)
#define VTD_CCMD_DID(val)           ((val) & VTD_DOMAIN_ID_MASK)
#define VTD_CCMD_SID(val)           (((val) >> 16) & 0xffffULL)
#define VTD_CCMD_FM(val)            (((val) >> 32) & 3ULL)

#define VTD_RTADDR_RTT              (1ULL << 11)
#define VTD_RTADDR_ADDR_MASK        (VTD_HAW_MASK ^ 0xfffULL)

/* ECAP_REG */
/* (offset >> 4) << 8 */
#define VTD_ECAP_IRO                (DMAR_IOTLB_REG_OFFSET << 4)
#define VTD_ECAP_QI                 (1ULL << 1)

/* CAP_REG */
/* (offset >> 4) << 24 */
#define VTD_CAP_FRO                 (DMAR_FRCD_REG_OFFSET << 20)
#define VTD_CAP_NFR                 ((DMAR_FRCD_REG_NR - 1) << 40)
#define VTD_DOMAIN_ID_SHIFT         16  /* 16-bit domain id for 64K domains */
#define VTD_DOMAIN_ID_MASK          ((1UL << VTD_DOMAIN_ID_SHIFT) - 1)
#define VTD_CAP_ND                  (((VTD_DOMAIN_ID_SHIFT - 4) / 2) & 7ULL)
#define VTD_MGAW                    39  /* Maximum Guest Address Width */
#define VTD_CAP_MGAW                (((VTD_MGAW - 1) & 0x3fULL) << 16)
#define VTD_MAMV                    18ULL
#define VTD_CAP_MAMV                (VTD_MAMV << 48)
#define VTD_CAP_PSI                 (1ULL << 39)
#define VTD_CAP_SLLPS               ((1ULL << 34) | (1ULL << 35))

/* Supported Adjusted Guest Address Widths */
#define VTD_CAP_SAGAW_SHIFT         8
#define VTD_CAP_SAGAW_MASK          (0x1fULL << VTD_CAP_SAGAW_SHIFT)
 /* 39-bit AGAW, 3-level page-table */
#define VTD_CAP_SAGAW_39bit         (0x2ULL << VTD_CAP_SAGAW_SHIFT)
 /* 48-bit AGAW, 4-level page-table */
#define VTD_CAP_SAGAW_48bit         (0x4ULL << VTD_CAP_SAGAW_SHIFT)
#define VTD_CAP_SAGAW               VTD_CAP_SAGAW_39bit

/* IQT_REG */
#define VTD_IQT_QT(val)             (((val) >> 4) & 0x7fffULL)

/* IQA_REG */
#define VTD_IQA_IQA_MASK            (VTD_HAW_MASK ^ 0xfffULL)
#define VTD_IQA_QS                  0x7ULL

/* IQH_REG */
#define VTD_IQH_QH_SHIFT            4
#define VTD_IQH_QH_MASK             0x7fff0ULL

/* ICS_REG */
#define VTD_ICS_IWC                 1UL

#define VTD_IECTL_IM                (1UL << 31)
#define VTD_IECTL_IP                (1UL << 30)

/* FSTS_REG */
#define VTD_FSTS_FRI_MASK       0xff00UL
#define VTD_FSTS_FRI(val)       ((((uint32_t)(val)) << 8) & VTD_FSTS_FRI_MASK)
#define VTD_FSTS_IQE            (1UL << 4)
#define VTD_FSTS_PPF            (1UL << 1)
#define VTD_FSTS_PFO            1UL

#define VTD_FECTL_IM            (1UL << 31)
#define VTD_FECTL_IP            (1UL << 30)

/* Fault Recording Register */
/* For the high 64-bit of 128-bit */
#define VTD_FRCD_F              (1ULL << 63)
#define VTD_FRCD_T              (1ULL << 62)
#define VTD_FRCD_FR(val)        (((val) & 0xffULL) << 32)
#define VTD_FRCD_SID_MASK       0xffffULL
#define VTD_FRCD_SID(val)       ((val) & VTD_FRCD_SID_MASK)
/* For the low 64-bit of 128-bit */
#define VTD_FRCD_FI(val)        ((val) & (((1ULL << VTD_MGAW) - 1) ^ 0xfffULL))

/* DMA Remapping Fault Conditions */
typedef enum VTDFaultReason {
    VTD_FR_RESERVED = 0,        /* Reserved for Advanced Fault logging */
    VTD_FR_ROOT_ENTRY_P = 1,    /* The Present(P) field of root-entry is 0 */
    VTD_FR_CONTEXT_ENTRY_P,     /* The Present(P) field of context-entry is 0 */
    VTD_FR_CONTEXT_ENTRY_INV,   /* Invalid programming of a context-entry */
    VTD_FR_ADDR_BEYOND_MGAW,    /* Input-address above (2^x-1) */
    VTD_FR_WRITE,               /* No write permission */
    VTD_FR_READ,                /* No read permission */
    /* Fail to access a second-level paging entry (not SL_PML4E) */
    VTD_FR_ROOT_TABLE_INV,      /* Fail to access a root-entry */
    VTD_FR_CONTEXT_TABLE_INV,   /* Fail to access a context-entry */
    /* Non-zero reserved field in a present root-entry */
    /* Non-zero reserved field in a present context-entry */
    /* Non-zero reserved field in a second-level paging entry with at lease one
     * Read(R) and Write(W) or Execute(E) field is Set.
    /* Translation request or translated request explicitly blocked dut to the
     * programming of the Translation Type (T) field in the present
     * context-entry.
    /* This is not a normal fault reason. We use this to indicate some faults
     * that are not referenced by the VT-d specification.
     * Fault event with such reason should not be recorded.
    VTD_FR_MAX,                 /* Guard */
} VTDFaultReason;

#define VTD_CONTEXT_CACHE_GEN_MAX       0xffffffffUL

/* Queued Invalidation Descriptor */
struct VTDInvDesc {
    uint64_t lo;
    uint64_t hi;
typedef struct VTDInvDesc VTDInvDesc;

/* Masks for struct VTDInvDesc */
#define VTD_INV_DESC_TYPE               0xf
#define VTD_INV_DESC_CC                 0x1 /* Context-cache Invalidate Desc */
#define VTD_INV_DESC_IOTLB              0x2
#define VTD_INV_DESC_WAIT               0x5 /* Invalidation Wait Descriptor */
#define VTD_INV_DESC_NONE               0   /* Not an Invalidate Descriptor */

/* Masks for Invalidation Wait Descriptor*/
#define VTD_INV_DESC_WAIT_SW            (1ULL << 5)
#define VTD_INV_DESC_WAIT_IF            (1ULL << 4)
#define VTD_INV_DESC_WAIT_FN            (1ULL << 6)
#define VTD_INV_DESC_WAIT_RSVD_LO       0Xffffff80ULL

/* Masks for Context-cache Invalidation Descriptor */
#define VTD_INV_DESC_CC_G               (3ULL << 4)
#define VTD_INV_DESC_CC_GLOBAL          (1ULL << 4)
#define VTD_INV_DESC_CC_DOMAIN          (2ULL << 4)
#define VTD_INV_DESC_CC_DEVICE          (3ULL << 4)
#define VTD_INV_DESC_CC_DID(val)        (((val) >> 16) & VTD_DOMAIN_ID_MASK)
#define VTD_INV_DESC_CC_SID(val)        (((val) >> 32) & 0xffffUL)
#define VTD_INV_DESC_CC_FM(val)         (((val) >> 48) & 3UL)
#define VTD_INV_DESC_CC_RSVD            0xfffc00000000ffc0ULL

/* Masks for IOTLB Invalidate Descriptor */
#define VTD_INV_DESC_IOTLB_G            (3ULL << 4)
#define VTD_INV_DESC_IOTLB_GLOBAL       (1ULL << 4)
#define VTD_INV_DESC_IOTLB_DOMAIN       (2ULL << 4)
#define VTD_INV_DESC_IOTLB_PAGE         (3ULL << 4)
#define VTD_INV_DESC_IOTLB_DID(val)     (((val) >> 16) & VTD_DOMAIN_ID_MASK)
#define VTD_INV_DESC_IOTLB_ADDR(val)    ((val) & ~0xfffULL & \
                                         ((1ULL << VTD_MGAW) - 1))
#define VTD_INV_DESC_IOTLB_AM(val)      ((val) & 0x3fULL)
#define VTD_INV_DESC_IOTLB_RSVD_LO      0xffffffff0000ff00ULL
#define VTD_INV_DESC_IOTLB_RSVD_HI      0xf80ULL

/* Information about page-selective IOTLB invalidate */
struct VTDIOTLBPageInvInfo {
    uint16_t domain_id;
    uint64_t addr;
    uint8_t mask;
typedef struct VTDIOTLBPageInvInfo VTDIOTLBPageInvInfo;

/* Pagesize of VTD paging structures, including root and context tables */
#define VTD_PAGE_SHIFT              12
#define VTD_PAGE_SIZE               (1ULL << VTD_PAGE_SHIFT)

#define VTD_PAGE_SHIFT_4K           12
#define VTD_PAGE_MASK_4K            (~((1ULL << VTD_PAGE_SHIFT_4K) - 1))
#define VTD_PAGE_SHIFT_2M           21
#define VTD_PAGE_MASK_2M            (~((1ULL << VTD_PAGE_SHIFT_2M) - 1))
#define VTD_PAGE_SHIFT_1G           30
#define VTD_PAGE_MASK_1G            (~((1ULL << VTD_PAGE_SHIFT_1G) - 1))

struct VTDRootEntry {
    uint64_t val;
    uint64_t rsvd;
typedef struct VTDRootEntry VTDRootEntry;

/* Masks for struct VTDRootEntry */
#define VTD_ROOT_ENTRY_P            1ULL
#define VTD_ROOT_ENTRY_CTP          (~0xfffULL)

#define VTD_ROOT_ENTRY_NR           (VTD_PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(VTDRootEntry))
#define VTD_ROOT_ENTRY_RSVD         (0xffeULL | ~VTD_HAW_MASK)

/* Masks for struct VTDContextEntry */
/* lo */
#define VTD_CONTEXT_ENTRY_P         (1ULL << 0)
#define VTD_CONTEXT_ENTRY_FPD       (1ULL << 1) /* Fault Processing Disable */
#define VTD_CONTEXT_ENTRY_TT        (3ULL << 2) /* Translation Type */
/* Second Level Page Translation Pointer*/
/* hi */
#define VTD_CONTEXT_ENTRY_AW        7ULL /* Adjusted guest-address-width */
#define VTD_CONTEXT_ENTRY_DID(val)  (((val) >> 8) & VTD_DOMAIN_ID_MASK)
#define VTD_CONTEXT_ENTRY_RSVD_HI   0xffffffffff000080ULL

#define VTD_CONTEXT_ENTRY_NR        (VTD_PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(VTDContextEntry))

/* Paging Structure common */
#define VTD_SL_PT_PAGE_SIZE_MASK    (1ULL << 7)
/* Bits to decide the offset for each level */
#define VTD_SL_LEVEL_BITS           9

/* Second Level Paging Structure */
#define VTD_SL_PML4_LEVEL           4
#define VTD_SL_PDP_LEVEL            3
#define VTD_SL_PD_LEVEL             2
#define VTD_SL_PT_LEVEL             1
#define VTD_SL_PT_ENTRY_NR          512

/* Masks for Second Level Paging Entry */
#define VTD_SL_RW_MASK              3ULL
#define VTD_SL_R                    1ULL
#define VTD_SL_W                    (1ULL << 1)
#define VTD_SL_IGN_COM              0xbff0000000000000ULL
