= sPAPR Dynamic Reconfiguration =

sPAPR/"pseries" guests make use of a facility called dynamic-reconfiguration
to handle hotplugging of dynamic "physical" resources like PCI cards, or
"logical"/paravirtual resources like memory, CPUs, and "physical"
host-bridges, which are generally managed by the host/hypervisor and provided
to guests as virtualized resources. The specifics of dynamic-reconfiguration
are documented extensively in PAPR+ v2.7, Section 13.1. This document
provides a summary of that information as it applies to the implementation
within QEMU.

== Dynamic-reconfiguration Connectors ==

To manage hotplug/unplug of these resources, a firmware abstraction known as
a Dynamic Resource Connector (DRC) is used to assign a particular dynamic
resource to the guest, and provide an interface for the guest to manage
configuration/removal of the resource associated with it.

== Device-tree description of DRCs ==

A set of 4 Open Firmware device tree array properties are used to describe
the name/index/power-domain/type of each DRC allocated to a guest at
boot-time. There may be multiple sets of these arrays, rooted at different
paths in the device tree depending on the type of resource the DRCs manage.

In some cases, the DRCs themselves may be provided by a dynamic resource,
such as the DRCs managing PCI slots on a hotplugged PHB. In this case the
arrays would be fetched as part of the device tree retrieval interfaces
for hotplugged resources described under "Guest->Host interface".

The array properties are described below. Each entry/element in an array
describes the DRC identified by the element in the corresponding position
of ibm,drc-indexes:

  first 4-bytes: BE-encoded integer denoting the number of entries
  each entry: a NULL-terminated <name> string encoded as a byte array

  <name> values for logical/virtual resources are defined in PAPR+ v2.7,
  Section, and basically consist of the type of the resource
  followed by a space and a numerical value that's unique across resources
  of that type.

  <name> values for "physical" resources such as PCI or VIO devices are
  defined as being "location codes", which are the "location labels" of
  each encapsulating device, starting from the chassis down to the
  individual slot for the device, concatenated by a hyphen. This provides
  a mapping of resources to a physical location in a chassis for debugging
  purposes. For QEMU, this mapping is less important, so we assign a
  location code that conforms to naming specifications, but is simply a
  location label for the slot by itself to simplify the implementation.
  The naming convention for location labels is documented in detail in
  PAPR+ v2.7, Section, and in our case amounts to using "C<n>"
  for PCI/VIO device slots, where <n> is unique across all PCI/VIO
  device slots.

  first 4-bytes: BE-encoded integer denoting the number of entries
  each 4-byte entry: BE-encoded <index> integer that is unique across all DRCs
    in the machine

  <index> is arbitrary, but in the case of QEMU we try to maintain the
  convention used to assign them to pSeries guests on pHyp:

    bit[31:28]: integer encoding of <type>, where <type> is:
                  1 for CPU resource
                  2 for PHB resource
                  3 for VIO resource
                  4 for PCI resource
                  8 for Memory resource
    bit[27:0]: integer encoding of <id>, where <id> is unique across
                 all resources of specified type

  first 4-bytes: BE-encoded integer denoting the number of entries
  each 4-byte entry: 32-bit, BE-encoded <index> integer that specifies the
    power domain the resource will be assigned to. In the case of QEMU
    we associated all resources with a "live insertion" domain, where the
    power is assumed to be managed automatically. The integer value for
    this domain is a special value of -1.

  first 4-bytes: BE-encoded integer denoting the number of entries
  each entry: a NULL-terminated <type> string encoded as a byte array

  <type> is assigned as follows:
    "CPU" for a CPU
    "PHB" for a physical host-bridge
    "SLOT" for a VIO slot
    "28" for a PCI slot
    "MEM" for memory resource

== Guest->Host interface to manage dynamic resources ==

Each DRC is given a globally unique DRC Index, and resources associated with
a particular DRC are configured/managed by the guest via a number of RTAS
calls which reference individual DRCs based on the DRC index. This can be
considered the guest->host interface.

  arg[0]: integer identifying power domain
  arg[1]: new power level for the domain, 0-100
  output[0]: status, 0 on success
  output[1]: power level after command

  Set the power level for a specified power domain

  arg[0]: integer identifying power domain
  output[0]: status, 0 on success
  output[1]: current power level

  Get the power level for a specified power domain

  arg[0]: integer identifying sensor/indicator type
  arg[1]: index of sensor, for DR-related sensors this is generally the
          DRC index
  arg[2]: desired sensor value
  output[0]: status, 0 on success

  Set the state of an indicator or sensor. For the purpose of this document we
  focus on the indicator/sensor types associated with a DRC. The types are:

    9001: isolation-state, controls/indicates whether a device has been made
          accessible to a guest

          supported sensor values:
            0: isolate, device is made unaccessible by guest OS
            1: unisolate, device is made available to guest OS

    9002: dr-indicator, controls "visual" indicator associated with device

          supported sensor values:
            0: inactive, resource may be safely removed
            1: active, resource is in use and cannot be safely removed
            2: identify, used to visually identify slot for interactive hotplug
            3: action, in most cases, used in the same manner as identify

    9003: allocation-state, generally only used for "logical" DR resources to
          request the allocation/deallocation of a resource prior to acquiring
          it via isolation-state->unisolate, or after releasing it via
          isolation-state->isolate, respectively. for "physical" DR (like PCI
          hotplug/unplug) the pre-allocation of the resource is implied and
          this sensor is unused.

          supported sensor values:
            0: unusable, tell firmware/system the resource can be
               unallocated/reclaimed and added back to the system resource pool
            1: usable, request the resource be allocated/reserved for use by
               guest OS
            2: exchange, used to allocate a spare resource to use for fail-over
               in certain situations. unused in QEMU
            3: recover, used to reclaim a previously allocated resource that's
               not currently allocated to the guest OS. unused in QEMU

  arg[0]: integer identifying sensor/indicator type
  arg[1]: index of sensor, for DR-related sensors this is generally the
          DRC index
  output[0]: status, 0 on success

  Used to read an indicator or sensor value.

  For DR-related operations, the only noteworthy sensor is dr-entity-sense,
  which has a type value of 9003, as allocation-state does in the case of
  rtas-set-indicator. The semantics/encodings of the sensor values are distinct

  supported sensor values for dr-entity-sense (9003) sensor:
    0: empty,
         for physical resources: DRC/slot is empty
         for logical resources: unused
    1: present,
         for physical resources: DRC/slot is populated with a device/resource
         for logical resources: resource has been allocated to the DRC
    2: unusable,
         for physical resources: unused
         for logical resources: DRC has no resource allocated to it
    3: exchange,
         for physical resources: unused
         for logical resources: resource available for exchange (see
           allocation-state sensor semantics above)
    4: recovery,
         for physical resources: unused
         for logical resources: resource available for recovery (see
           allocation-state sensor semantics above)

  arg[0]: guest physical address of 4096-byte work area buffer
  arg[1]: 0, or address of additional 4096-byte work area buffer. only non-zero
          if a prior RTAS response indicated a need for additional memory
  output[0]: status:
               0: completed transmittal of device-tree node
               1: instruct guest to prepare for next DT sibling node
               2: instruct guest to prepare for next DT child node
               3: instruct guest to prepare for next DT property
               4: instruct guest to ascend to parent DT node
               5: instruct guest to provide additional work-area buffer
                  via arg[1]
            990x: instruct guest that operation took too long and to try
                  again later

  Used to fetch an OF device-tree description of the resource associated with
  a particular DRC. The DRC index is encoded in the first 4-bytes of the first
  work area buffer.

  Work area layout, using 4-byte offsets:
    wa[0]: DRC index of the DRC to fetch device-tree nodes from
    wa[1]: 0 (hard-coded)
    wa[2]: for next-sibling/next-child response:
             wa offset of null-terminated string denoting the new node's name
           for next-property response:
             wa offset of null-terminated string denoting new property's name
    wa[3]: for next-property response (unused otherwise):
             byte-length of new property's value
    wa[4]: for next-property response (unused otherwise):
             new property's value, encoded as an OFDT-compatible byte array

== hotplug/unplug events ==

For most DR operations, the hypervisor will issue host->guest add/remove events
using the EPOW/check-exception notification framework, where the host issues a
check-exception interrupt, then provides an RTAS event log via an
rtas-check-exception call issued by the guest in response. This framework is
documented by PAPR+ v2.7, and already use in by QEMU for generating powerdown
requests via EPOW events.

For DR, this framework has been extended to include hotplug events, which were
previously unneeded due to direct manipulation of DR-related guest userspace
tools by host-level management such as an HMC. This level of management is not
applicable to PowerKVM, hence the reason for extending the notification
framework to support hotplug events.

Note that these events are not yet formally part of the PAPR+ specification,
but support for this format has already been implemented in DR-related
guest tools such as powerpc-utils/librtas, as well as kernel patches that have
been submitted to handle in-kernel processing of memory/cpu-related hotplug
events[1], and is planned for formal inclusion is PAPR+ specification. The
hotplug-specific payload is QEMU implemented as follows (with all values
encoded in big-endian format):

struct rtas_event_log_v6_hp {
#define SECTION_ID_HOTPLUG              0x4850 /* HP */
    struct section_header {
        uint16_t section_id;            /* set to SECTION_ID_HOTPLUG */
        uint16_t section_length;        /* sizeof(rtas_event_log_v6_hp),
                                         * plus the length of the DRC name
                                         * if a DRC name identifier is
                                         * specified for hotplug_identifier
        uint8_t section_version;        /* version 1 */
        uint8_t section_subtype;        /* unused */
        uint16_t creator_component_id;  /* unused */
    } hdr;
#define RTAS_LOG_V6_HP_TYPE_CPU         1
#define RTAS_LOG_V6_HP_TYPE_MEMORY      2
#define RTAS_LOG_V6_HP_TYPE_SLOT        3
#define RTAS_LOG_V6_HP_TYPE_PHB         4
#define RTAS_LOG_V6_HP_TYPE_PCI         5
    uint8_t hotplug_type;               /* type of resource/device */
#define RTAS_LOG_V6_HP_ACTION_ADD       1
    uint8_t hotplug_action;             /* action (add/remove) */
#define RTAS_LOG_V6_HP_ID_DRC_NAME      1
#define RTAS_LOG_V6_HP_ID_DRC_INDEX     2
#define RTAS_LOG_V6_HP_ID_DRC_COUNT     3
    uint8_t hotplug_identifier;         /* type of the resource identifier,
                                         * which serves as the discriminator
                                         * for the 'drc' union field below
    uint8_t reserved;
    union {
        uint32_t index;                 /* DRC index of resource to take action
                                         * on
        uint32_t count;                 /* number of DR resources to take
                                         * action on (guest chooses which)
        char name[1];                   /* string representing the name of the
                                         * DRC to take action on
    } drc;

== ibm,lrdr-capacity ==

ibm,lrdr-capacity is a property in the /rtas device tree node that identifies
the dynamic reconfiguration capabilities of the guest. It consists of a triple
consisting of <phys>, <size> and <maxcpus>.

  <phys>, encoded in BE format represents the maximum address in bytes and
  hence the maximum memory that can be allocated to the guest.

  <size>, encoded in BE format represents the size increments in which
  memory can be hot-plugged to the guest.

  <maxcpus>, a BE-encoded integer, represents the maximum number of
  processors that the guest can have.

pseries guests use this property to note the maximum allowed CPUs for the

[1] http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ports.ppc.embedded/75350/focus=106867