PXA LCD Controller

Required properties:
 - compatible : one of these
 - reg : should contain 1 register range (address and length).
 - interrupts : framebuffer controller interrupt.
 - clocks: phandle to input clocks

Required nodes:
 - port: connection to the LCD panel (see video-interfaces.txt)
	 This node must have its properties bus-width and remote-endpoint set.
	 If the panel is not a TFT color panel, then a "lcd-type" property in
	 the panel should specify the panel type.
	 This panel node should be in the board dts.

	lcd-controller@40500000 {
		compatible = "marvell,pxa2xx-lcdc";
		reg = <0x44000000 0x10000>;
		interrupts = <17>;
		clocks = <&clks CLK_LCD>;
		status = "okay";

		port {
			lcdc_out: endpoint {
				remote-endpoint = <&panel_in>;
				bus-width = <16>;