Device Tree Clock bindings for APM X-Gene

This binding uses the common clock binding[1].

[1] Documentation/devicetree/bindings/clock/clock-bindings.txt

Required properties:
- compatible : shall be one of the following:
	"apm,xgene-socpll-clock" - for a X-Gene SoC PLL clock
	"apm,xgene-pcppll-clock" - for a X-Gene PCP PLL clock
	"apm,xgene-device-clock" - for a X-Gene device clock

Required properties for SoC or PCP PLL clocks:
- reg : shall be the physical PLL register address for the pll clock.
- clocks : shall be the input parent clock phandle for the clock. This should
	be the reference clock.
- #clock-cells : shall be set to 1.
- clock-output-names : shall be the name of the PLL referenced by derive
Optional properties for PLL clocks:
- clock-names : shall be the name of the PLL. If missing, use the device name.

Required properties for device clocks:
- reg : shall be a list of address and length pairs describing the CSR
         reset and/or the divider. Either may be omitted, but at least
         one must be present.
 - reg-names : shall be a string list describing the reg resource. This
               may include "csr-reg" and/or "div-reg". If this property
               is not present, the reg property is assumed to describe
               only "csr-reg".
- clocks : shall be the input parent clock phandle for the clock.
- #clock-cells : shall be set to 1.
- clock-output-names : shall be the name of the device referenced.
Optional properties for device clocks:
- clock-names : shall be the name of the device clock. If missing, use the
                device name.
- csr-offset : Offset to the CSR reset register from the reset address base.
               Default is 0.
- csr-mask : CSR reset mask bit. Default is 0xF.
- enable-offset : Offset to the enable register from the reset address base.
                  Default is 0x8.
- enable-mask : CSR enable mask bit. Default is 0xF.
- divider-offset : Offset to the divider CSR register from the divider base.
                   Default is 0x0.
- divider-width : Width of the divider register. Default is 0.
- divider-shift : Bit shift of the divider register. Default is 0.

For example:

	pcppll: pcppll@17000100 {
		compatible = "apm,xgene-pcppll-clock";
		#clock-cells = <1>;
		clocks = <&refclk 0>;
		clock-names = "pcppll";
		reg = <0x0 0x17000100 0x0 0x1000>;
		clock-output-names = "pcppll";
		type = <0>;

	socpll: socpll@17000120 {
		compatible = "apm,xgene-socpll-clock";
		#clock-cells = <1>;
		clocks = <&refclk 0>;
		clock-names = "socpll";
		reg = <0x0 0x17000120 0x0 0x1000>;
		clock-output-names = "socpll";
		type = <1>;

	qmlclk: qmlclk {
		compatible = "apm,xgene-device-clock";
		#clock-cells = <1>;
		clocks = <&socplldiv2 0>;
		clock-names = "qmlclk";
		reg = <0x0 0x1703C000 0x0 0x1000>;
		reg-name = "csr-reg";
		clock-output-names = "qmlclk";

	ethclk: ethclk {
		compatible = "apm,xgene-device-clock";
		#clock-cells = <1>;
		clocks = <&socplldiv2 0>;
		clock-names = "ethclk";
		reg = <0x0 0x17000000 0x0 0x1000>;
		reg-names = "div-reg";
		divider-offset = <0x238>;
		divider-width = <0x9>;
		divider-shift = <0x0>;
		clock-output-names = "ethclk";

	apbclk: apbclk {
		compatible = "apm,xgene-device-clock";
		#clock-cells = <1>;
		clocks = <&ahbclk 0>;
		clock-names = "apbclk";
		reg = <0x0 0x1F2AC000 0x0 0x1000
			0x0 0x1F2AC000 0x0 0x1000>;
		reg-names = "csr-reg", "div-reg";
		csr-offset = <0x0>;
		csr-mask = <0x200>;
		enable-offset = <0x8>;
		enable-mask = <0x200>;
		divider-offset = <0x10>;
		divider-width = <0x2>;
		divider-shift = <0x0>;
		flags = <0x8>;
		clock-output-names = "apbclk";