#!/bin/bash ############################################################ ## This script is an interface to trigger the ## cyclicTestTrigger.sh for test type like patch verification, ## daily testing. ## Releng will trigger this script by passing test type as ## verify/daily and test name as idle_idle/stress_idle/ ## packet_forward as arguments. ## Verify Job runs idle_idle,packet_forward test ## daily job runs base on the test name parameter ############################################################ test_type=$1 test_name=$2 ftrace_enable=0 cyclictest_env_verify=("idle_idle" "cpustress_idle" "memorystress_idle" "iostress_idle") #cyclictest environment cyclictest_env_daily=("idle_idle" "cpustress_idle" "memorystress_idle" "iostress_idle") cyclictest_result=0 #exit code of cyclictest packetforward_result=0 #exit code of packet forward source $WORKSPACE/ci/envs/host-config function packetForward { #executing packet forwarding test cases based on the job type. if [ ${test_type} == "verify" ];then echo "packet forwarding test cases are not yet implemented for verify job" packetforward_result=0 elif [ ${test_type} == "daily" ];then source $WORKSPACE/ci/cyclicTestTrigger.sh $HOST_IP connect_host #Waiting for ssh to be available for the host machine. sleep 20 # copy files and rpms and setup environment required for executing test cases setUpPacketForwarding sleep 1 #Verifying whether the test node is up and running connect_host sleep 20 #Install and Execute packet forwarding test cases runPacketForwarding $test_type packetforward_result=$? else echo "Incorrect test type ${test_type}" exit 1 fi } function cyclictest { test_case=$1 source $WORKSPACE/ci/cyclicTestTrigger.sh $HOST_IP $test_time $test_type $test_case #Verifying whether the test node is up and running connect_host #Waiting for ssh to be available for the host machine. sleep 20 #calculating and verifying sha512sum of the guestimage. if ! verifyGuestImage;then exit 1 fi #Update kvmfornfv_cyclictest_${testName}.yaml with test_time and pod.yaml with IP updateYaml #Running PCM utility collect_MBWInfo $test_type #Checking which test cases will be executed first and last from the list to perform cleaning operations. first_test_case=cyclictest_env_$test_type[0] last_test_case=cyclictest_env_$test_type[-1] #Cleaning the environment before running cyclictest through yardstick if [ ${test_case} == "${!first_test_case}" ];then env_clean else sudo ssh root@${HOST_IP} "pid=\$(ps aux | grep 'qemu' | awk '{print \$2}' | head -1); echo \$pid |xargs kill" fi #Creating a docker image with yardstick installed and launching ubuntu docker to run yardstick cyclic testcase if runCyclicTest;then cyclictest_result=`expr ${cyclictest_result} + 0` else echo "Test case execution FAILED for ${test_case} environment" cyclictest_result=`expr ${cyclictest_result} + 1` fi echo "Terminating PCM Process" sudo ssh root@${HOST_IP} "pid=\$(ps aux | grep 'pcm' | awk '{print \$2}' | head -1); echo \$pid |xargs kill -SIGTERM" if [ ${test_case} != "${!last_test_case}" ];then sudo ssh root@${HOST_IP} "reboot" fi } function collect_MBWInfo { #Collecting the Memory Bandwidth Information using pcm-memory utility source $WORKSPACE/ci/envs/host-config testType=$1 timeStamp=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S) echo "Running PCM memory to collect memory bandwidth" sudo ssh root@${HOST_IP} "mkdir -p /root/MBWInfo" sudo ssh root@${HOST_IP} "${pcm_memory} 60 &>/root/MBWInfo/MBWInfo_${testType}_${timeStamp} &disown" } function install_pcm { source $WORKSPACE/ci/envs/host-config sudo ssh root@${HOST_IP} ' modelName=`cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i "model name" | uniq` if echo "$modelName" | grep -i "xeon" ;then echo "pcm utility supports $modelName processor" else echo "check for the pcm utility supported processors" exit 1 fi cd /root if [ ! -d "pcm" ]; then `git clone https://github.com/opcm/pcm` cd pcm make echo "Disabling NMI Watchdog" echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog echo "To Access MSR registers installing msr-tools" sudo yum install msr-tools sudo modprobe msr fi ' } function ftrace_disable { sudo ssh root@${HOST_IP} "sh /root/workspace/scripts/disbale-trace.sh" sudo ssh root@${HOST_IP} "cd /tmp ; a=\$(ls -rt | tail -1) ; echo \$a ; mv \$a cyclictest_${env}.txt" sudo mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/build_output/log/kernel_trace sudo scp root@${HOST_IP}:/tmp/cyclictest_${env}.txt $WORKSPACE/build_output/log/kernel_trace/ } #Execution of testcases based on test type and test name from releng. if [ ${test_type} == "verify" ];then HOST_IP="" test_time=1000 # 1s install_pcm if [ ${ftrace_enable} -eq '1' ]; then for env in ${cyclictest_env_verify[@]} do #Enabling ftrace for kernel debugging. sed -i '/host-setup1.sh/a\ \- \"enable-trace.sh\"' kvmfornfv_cyclictest_hostenv_guestenv.yaml #Executing cyclictest through yardstick. cyclictest ${env} #disabling ftrace and collecting the logs to upload to artifact repository. ftrace_disable sleep 10 done #Execution of packet forwarding test cases. packetForward else for env in ${cyclictest_env_verify[@]} do #Executing cyclictest through yardstick. cyclictest ${env} sleep 10 done env_clean host_clean #Execution of packet forwarding test cases. packetForward fi if [ ${cyclictest_result} -ne 0 ] || [ ${packetforward_result} -ne 0 ];then echo "Test case FAILED" test_exit 1 else test_exit 0 fi elif [ ${test_type} == "daily" ];then HOST_IP="" test_time=3600000 #1h install_pcm if [ ${test_name} == "packet_forward" ];then packetForward packet_fwd_logs #clean the test environment after the test case execution. sudo ssh root@${HOST_IP} "rm -rf /root/workspace/*" host_clean if [ ${packetforward_result} -ne 0 ] ; then echo "Execution of packet forwarding test cases FAILED" packet_fwd_exit 1 else echo "Executed packet forwarding test cases SUCCESSFULLY" packet_fwd_exit 0 fi elif [ ${test_name} == "cyclictest" ];then if [ ${ftrace_enable} -eq '1' ]; then for env in ${cyclictest_env_daily[@]} do #Enabling ftrace for kernel debugging. sed -i '/host-setup1.sh/a\ \- \"enable-trace.sh\"' kvmfornfv_cyclictest_hostenv_guestenv.yaml #Executing cyclictest through yardstick. cyclictest ${env} #disabling ftrace and collecting the logs to upload to artifact repository. ftrace_disable sleep 5 done else for env in ${cyclictest_env_daily[@]} do #Executing cyclictest through yardstick. cyclictest ${env} sleep 5 done env_clean host_clean fi if [ ${cyclictest_result} -ne 0 ] ; then echo "Cyclictest case execution FAILED" test_exit 1 else echo "Cyclictest case executed SUCCESSFULLY" test_exit 0 fi fi elif [ ${test_type} == "merge" ];then echo "Test is not enabled for ${test_type}" exit 0 else echo "Incorrect test type ${test_type}" fi