From e44e3482bdb4d0ebde2d8b41830ac2cdb07948fb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Yang Zhang Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2015 09:58:54 +0800 Subject: Add qemu 2.4.0 Change-Id: Ic99cbad4b61f8b127b7dc74d04576c0bcbaaf4f5 Signed-off-by: Yang Zhang --- qemu/linux-headers/COPYING | 356 +++++++ qemu/linux-headers/README | 2 + qemu/linux-headers/asm-arm/kvm.h | 222 +++++ qemu/linux-headers/asm-arm/kvm_para.h | 1 + qemu/linux-headers/asm-arm64/kvm.h | 217 +++++ qemu/linux-headers/asm-arm64/kvm_para.h | 1 + qemu/linux-headers/asm-generic/kvm_para.h | 4 + qemu/linux-headers/asm-mips/kvm.h | 208 ++++ qemu/linux-headers/asm-mips/kvm_para.h | 5 + qemu/linux-headers/asm-powerpc/epapr_hcalls.h | 98 ++ qemu/linux-headers/asm-powerpc/kvm.h | 603 ++++++++++++ qemu/linux-headers/asm-powerpc/kvm_para.h | 97 ++ qemu/linux-headers/asm-s390/kvm.h | 182 ++++ qemu/linux-headers/asm-s390/kvm_para.h | 11 + qemu/linux-headers/asm-x86/hyperv.h | 250 +++++ qemu/linux-headers/asm-x86/kvm.h | 360 +++++++ qemu/linux-headers/asm-x86/kvm_para.h | 101 ++ qemu/linux-headers/linux/kvm.h | 1258 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ qemu/linux-headers/linux/kvm_para.h | 32 + qemu/linux-headers/linux/psci.h | 90 ++ qemu/linux-headers/linux/vfio.h | 594 ++++++++++++ qemu/linux-headers/linux/vhost.h | 172 ++++ qemu/linux-headers/linux/virtio_config.h | 1 + qemu/linux-headers/linux/virtio_ring.h | 1 + 24 files changed, 4866 insertions(+) create mode 100644 qemu/linux-headers/COPYING create mode 100644 qemu/linux-headers/README create mode 100644 qemu/linux-headers/asm-arm/kvm.h create mode 100644 qemu/linux-headers/asm-arm/kvm_para.h create mode 100644 qemu/linux-headers/asm-arm64/kvm.h create mode 100644 qemu/linux-headers/asm-arm64/kvm_para.h create mode 100644 qemu/linux-headers/asm-generic/kvm_para.h create mode 100644 qemu/linux-headers/asm-mips/kvm.h create mode 100644 qemu/linux-headers/asm-mips/kvm_para.h create mode 100644 qemu/linux-headers/asm-powerpc/epapr_hcalls.h create mode 100644 qemu/linux-headers/asm-powerpc/kvm.h create mode 100644 qemu/linux-headers/asm-powerpc/kvm_para.h create mode 100644 qemu/linux-headers/asm-s390/kvm.h create mode 100644 qemu/linux-headers/asm-s390/kvm_para.h create mode 100644 qemu/linux-headers/asm-x86/hyperv.h create mode 100644 qemu/linux-headers/asm-x86/kvm.h create mode 100644 qemu/linux-headers/asm-x86/kvm_para.h create mode 100644 qemu/linux-headers/linux/kvm.h create mode 100644 qemu/linux-headers/linux/kvm_para.h create mode 100644 qemu/linux-headers/linux/psci.h create mode 100644 qemu/linux-headers/linux/vfio.h create mode 100644 qemu/linux-headers/linux/vhost.h create mode 100644 qemu/linux-headers/linux/virtio_config.h create mode 100644 qemu/linux-headers/linux/virtio_ring.h (limited to 'qemu/linux-headers') diff --git a/qemu/linux-headers/COPYING b/qemu/linux-headers/COPYING new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ca442d313 --- /dev/null +++ b/qemu/linux-headers/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,356 @@ + + NOTE! This copyright does *not* cover user programs that use kernel + services by normal system calls - this is merely considered normal use + of the kernel, and does *not* fall under the heading of "derived work". + Also note that the GPL below is copyrighted by the Free Software + Foundation, but the instance of code that it refers to (the Linux + kernel) is copyrighted by me and others who actually wrote it. + + Also note that the only valid version of the GPL as far as the kernel + is concerned is _this_ particular version of the license (ie v2, not + v2.2 or v3.x or whatever), unless explicitly otherwise stated. + + Linus Torvalds + +---------------------------------------- + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this +when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author + Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may +be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be +mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program + `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. + + , 1 April 1989 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into +proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may +consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the +library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General +Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/qemu/linux-headers/README b/qemu/linux-headers/README new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5c9026b3d --- /dev/null +++ b/qemu/linux-headers/README @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +Automatically imported Linux kernel headers. +Only use scripts/ to update! diff --git a/qemu/linux-headers/asm-arm/kvm.h b/qemu/linux-headers/asm-arm/kvm.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c98e4dc46 --- /dev/null +++ b/qemu/linux-headers/asm-arm/kvm.h @@ -0,0 +1,222 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2012 - Virtual Open Systems and Columbia University + * Author: Christoffer Dall + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +#ifndef __ARM_KVM_H__ +#define __ARM_KVM_H__ + +#include +#include +#include + +#define __KVM_HAVE_GUEST_DEBUG +#define __KVM_HAVE_IRQ_LINE +#define __KVM_HAVE_READONLY_MEM + +#define KVM_REG_SIZE(id) \ + (1U << (((id) & KVM_REG_SIZE_MASK) >> KVM_REG_SIZE_SHIFT)) + +/* Valid for svc_regs, abt_regs, und_regs, irq_regs in struct kvm_regs */ +#define KVM_ARM_SVC_sp svc_regs[0] +#define KVM_ARM_SVC_lr svc_regs[1] +#define KVM_ARM_SVC_spsr svc_regs[2] +#define KVM_ARM_ABT_sp abt_regs[0] +#define KVM_ARM_ABT_lr abt_regs[1] +#define KVM_ARM_ABT_spsr abt_regs[2] +#define KVM_ARM_UND_sp und_regs[0] +#define KVM_ARM_UND_lr und_regs[1] +#define KVM_ARM_UND_spsr und_regs[2] +#define KVM_ARM_IRQ_sp irq_regs[0] +#define KVM_ARM_IRQ_lr irq_regs[1] +#define KVM_ARM_IRQ_spsr irq_regs[2] + +/* Valid only for fiq_regs in struct kvm_regs */ +#define KVM_ARM_FIQ_r8 fiq_regs[0] +#define KVM_ARM_FIQ_r9 fiq_regs[1] +#define KVM_ARM_FIQ_r10 fiq_regs[2] +#define KVM_ARM_FIQ_fp fiq_regs[3] +#define KVM_ARM_FIQ_ip fiq_regs[4] +#define KVM_ARM_FIQ_sp fiq_regs[5] +#define KVM_ARM_FIQ_lr fiq_regs[6] +#define KVM_ARM_FIQ_spsr fiq_regs[7] + +struct kvm_regs { + struct pt_regs usr_regs; /* R0_usr - R14_usr, PC, CPSR */ + unsigned long svc_regs[3]; /* SP_svc, LR_svc, SPSR_svc */ + unsigned long abt_regs[3]; /* SP_abt, LR_abt, SPSR_abt */ + unsigned long und_regs[3]; /* SP_und, LR_und, SPSR_und */ + unsigned long irq_regs[3]; /* SP_irq, LR_irq, SPSR_irq */ + unsigned long fiq_regs[8]; /* R8_fiq - R14_fiq, SPSR_fiq */ +}; + +/* Supported Processor Types */ +#define KVM_ARM_TARGET_CORTEX_A15 0 +#define KVM_ARM_TARGET_CORTEX_A7 1 +#define KVM_ARM_NUM_TARGETS 2 + +/* KVM_ARM_SET_DEVICE_ADDR ioctl id encoding */ +#define KVM_ARM_DEVICE_TYPE_SHIFT 0 +#define KVM_ARM_DEVICE_TYPE_MASK (0xffff << KVM_ARM_DEVICE_TYPE_SHIFT) +#define KVM_ARM_DEVICE_ID_SHIFT 16 +#define KVM_ARM_DEVICE_ID_MASK (0xffff << KVM_ARM_DEVICE_ID_SHIFT) + +/* Supported device IDs */ +#define KVM_ARM_DEVICE_VGIC_V2 0 + +/* Supported VGIC address types */ +#define KVM_VGIC_V2_ADDR_TYPE_DIST 0 +#define KVM_VGIC_V2_ADDR_TYPE_CPU 1 + +#define KVM_VGIC_V2_DIST_SIZE 0x1000 +#define KVM_VGIC_V2_CPU_SIZE 0x2000 + +#define KVM_ARM_VCPU_POWER_OFF 0 /* CPU is started in OFF state */ +#define KVM_ARM_VCPU_PSCI_0_2 1 /* CPU uses PSCI v0.2 */ + +struct kvm_vcpu_init { + __u32 target; + __u32 features[7]; +}; + +struct kvm_sregs { +}; + +struct kvm_fpu { +}; + +struct kvm_guest_debug_arch { +}; + +struct kvm_debug_exit_arch { +}; + +struct kvm_sync_regs { +}; + +struct kvm_arch_memory_slot { +}; + +/* If you need to interpret the index values, here is the key: */ +#define KVM_REG_ARM_COPROC_MASK 0x000000000FFF0000 +#define KVM_REG_ARM_COPROC_SHIFT 16 +#define KVM_REG_ARM_32_OPC2_MASK 0x0000000000000007 +#define KVM_REG_ARM_32_OPC2_SHIFT 0 +#define KVM_REG_ARM_OPC1_MASK 0x0000000000000078 +#define KVM_REG_ARM_OPC1_SHIFT 3 +#define KVM_REG_ARM_CRM_MASK 0x0000000000000780 +#define KVM_REG_ARM_CRM_SHIFT 7 +#define KVM_REG_ARM_32_CRN_MASK 0x0000000000007800 +#define KVM_REG_ARM_32_CRN_SHIFT 11 + +#define ARM_CP15_REG_SHIFT_MASK(x,n) \ + (((x) << KVM_REG_ARM_ ## n ## _SHIFT) & KVM_REG_ARM_ ## n ## _MASK) + +#define __ARM_CP15_REG(op1,crn,crm,op2) \ + (KVM_REG_ARM | (15 << KVM_REG_ARM_COPROC_SHIFT) | \ + ARM_CP15_REG_SHIFT_MASK(op1, OPC1) | \ + ARM_CP15_REG_SHIFT_MASK(crn, 32_CRN) | \ + ARM_CP15_REG_SHIFT_MASK(crm, CRM) | \ + ARM_CP15_REG_SHIFT_MASK(op2, 32_OPC2)) + +#define ARM_CP15_REG32(...) (__ARM_CP15_REG(__VA_ARGS__) | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32) + +#define __ARM_CP15_REG64(op1,crm) \ + (__ARM_CP15_REG(op1, 0, crm, 0) | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64) +#define ARM_CP15_REG64(...) __ARM_CP15_REG64(__VA_ARGS__) + +#define KVM_REG_ARM_TIMER_CTL ARM_CP15_REG32(0, 14, 3, 1) +#define KVM_REG_ARM_TIMER_CNT ARM_CP15_REG64(1, 14) +#define KVM_REG_ARM_TIMER_CVAL ARM_CP15_REG64(3, 14) + +/* Normal registers are mapped as coprocessor 16. */ +#define KVM_REG_ARM_CORE (0x0010 << KVM_REG_ARM_COPROC_SHIFT) +#define KVM_REG_ARM_CORE_REG(name) (offsetof(struct kvm_regs, name) / 4) + +/* Some registers need more space to represent values. */ +#define KVM_REG_ARM_DEMUX (0x0011 << KVM_REG_ARM_COPROC_SHIFT) +#define KVM_REG_ARM_DEMUX_ID_MASK 0x000000000000FF00 +#define KVM_REG_ARM_DEMUX_ID_SHIFT 8 +#define KVM_REG_ARM_DEMUX_ID_CCSIDR (0x00 << KVM_REG_ARM_DEMUX_ID_SHIFT) +#define KVM_REG_ARM_DEMUX_VAL_MASK 0x00000000000000FF +#define KVM_REG_ARM_DEMUX_VAL_SHIFT 0 + +/* VFP registers: we could overload CP10 like ARM does, but that's ugly. */ +#define KVM_REG_ARM_VFP (0x0012 << KVM_REG_ARM_COPROC_SHIFT) +#define KVM_REG_ARM_VFP_MASK 0x000000000000FFFF +#define KVM_REG_ARM_VFP_BASE_REG 0x0 +#define KVM_REG_ARM_VFP_FPSID 0x1000 +#define KVM_REG_ARM_VFP_FPSCR 0x1001 +#define KVM_REG_ARM_VFP_MVFR1 0x1006 +#define KVM_REG_ARM_VFP_MVFR0 0x1007 +#define KVM_REG_ARM_VFP_FPEXC 0x1008 +#define KVM_REG_ARM_VFP_FPINST 0x1009 +#define KVM_REG_ARM_VFP_FPINST2 0x100A + +/* Device Control API: ARM VGIC */ +#define KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_GRP_ADDR 0 +#define KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_GRP_DIST_REGS 1 +#define KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_GRP_CPU_REGS 2 +#define KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_CPUID_SHIFT 32 +#define KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_CPUID_MASK (0xffULL << KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_CPUID_SHIFT) +#define KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_OFFSET_SHIFT 0 +#define KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_OFFSET_MASK (0xffffffffULL << KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_OFFSET_SHIFT) +#define KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_GRP_NR_IRQS 3 +#define KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_GRP_CTRL 4 +#define KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_CTRL_INIT 0 + +/* KVM_IRQ_LINE irq field index values */ +#define KVM_ARM_IRQ_TYPE_SHIFT 24 +#define KVM_ARM_IRQ_TYPE_MASK 0xff +#define KVM_ARM_IRQ_VCPU_SHIFT 16 +#define KVM_ARM_IRQ_VCPU_MASK 0xff +#define KVM_ARM_IRQ_NUM_SHIFT 0 +#define KVM_ARM_IRQ_NUM_MASK 0xffff + +/* irq_type field */ +#define KVM_ARM_IRQ_TYPE_CPU 0 +#define KVM_ARM_IRQ_TYPE_SPI 1 +#define KVM_ARM_IRQ_TYPE_PPI 2 + +/* out-of-kernel GIC cpu interrupt injection irq_number field */ +#define KVM_ARM_IRQ_CPU_IRQ 0 +#define KVM_ARM_IRQ_CPU_FIQ 1 + +/* + * This used to hold the highest supported SPI, but it is now obsolete + * and only here to provide source code level compatibility with older + * userland. The highest SPI number can be set via KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_GRP_NR_IRQS. + */ +#define KVM_ARM_IRQ_GIC_MAX 127 + +/* One single KVM irqchip, ie. the VGIC */ +#define KVM_NR_IRQCHIPS 1 + +/* PSCI interface */ +#define KVM_PSCI_FN_BASE 0x95c1ba5e +#define KVM_PSCI_FN(n) (KVM_PSCI_FN_BASE + (n)) + +#define KVM_PSCI_FN_CPU_SUSPEND KVM_PSCI_FN(0) +#define KVM_PSCI_FN_CPU_OFF KVM_PSCI_FN(1) +#define KVM_PSCI_FN_CPU_ON KVM_PSCI_FN(2) +#define KVM_PSCI_FN_MIGRATE KVM_PSCI_FN(3) + +#define KVM_PSCI_RET_SUCCESS PSCI_RET_SUCCESS +#define KVM_PSCI_RET_NI PSCI_RET_NOT_SUPPORTED +#define KVM_PSCI_RET_INVAL PSCI_RET_INVALID_PARAMS +#define KVM_PSCI_RET_DENIED PSCI_RET_DENIED + +#endif /* __ARM_KVM_H__ */ diff --git a/qemu/linux-headers/asm-arm/kvm_para.h b/qemu/linux-headers/asm-arm/kvm_para.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..14fab8f0b --- /dev/null +++ b/qemu/linux-headers/asm-arm/kvm_para.h @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +#include diff --git a/qemu/linux-headers/asm-arm64/kvm.h b/qemu/linux-headers/asm-arm64/kvm.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c8abf257c --- /dev/null +++ b/qemu/linux-headers/asm-arm64/kvm.h @@ -0,0 +1,217 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2012,2013 - ARM Ltd + * Author: Marc Zyngier + * + * Derived from arch/arm/include/uapi/asm/kvm.h: + * Copyright (C) 2012 - Virtual Open Systems and Columbia University + * Author: Christoffer Dall + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __ARM_KVM_H__ +#define __ARM_KVM_H__ + +#define KVM_SPSR_EL1 0 +#define KVM_SPSR_SVC KVM_SPSR_EL1 +#define KVM_SPSR_ABT 1 +#define KVM_SPSR_UND 2 +#define KVM_SPSR_IRQ 3 +#define KVM_SPSR_FIQ 4 +#define KVM_NR_SPSR 5 + +#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__ +#include +#include +#include + +#define __KVM_HAVE_GUEST_DEBUG +#define __KVM_HAVE_IRQ_LINE +#define __KVM_HAVE_READONLY_MEM + +#define KVM_REG_SIZE(id) \ + (1U << (((id) & KVM_REG_SIZE_MASK) >> KVM_REG_SIZE_SHIFT)) + +struct kvm_regs { + struct user_pt_regs regs; /* sp = sp_el0 */ + + __u64 sp_el1; + __u64 elr_el1; + + __u64 spsr[KVM_NR_SPSR]; + + struct user_fpsimd_state fp_regs; +}; + +/* Supported Processor Types */ +#define KVM_ARM_TARGET_AEM_V8 0 +#define KVM_ARM_TARGET_FOUNDATION_V8 1 +#define KVM_ARM_TARGET_CORTEX_A57 2 +#define KVM_ARM_TARGET_XGENE_POTENZA 3 +#define KVM_ARM_TARGET_CORTEX_A53 4 + +#define KVM_ARM_NUM_TARGETS 5 + +/* KVM_ARM_SET_DEVICE_ADDR ioctl id encoding */ +#define KVM_ARM_DEVICE_TYPE_SHIFT 0 +#define KVM_ARM_DEVICE_TYPE_MASK (0xffff << KVM_ARM_DEVICE_TYPE_SHIFT) +#define KVM_ARM_DEVICE_ID_SHIFT 16 +#define KVM_ARM_DEVICE_ID_MASK (0xffff << KVM_ARM_DEVICE_ID_SHIFT) + +/* Supported device IDs */ +#define KVM_ARM_DEVICE_VGIC_V2 0 + +/* Supported VGIC address types */ +#define KVM_VGIC_V2_ADDR_TYPE_DIST 0 +#define KVM_VGIC_V2_ADDR_TYPE_CPU 1 + +#define KVM_VGIC_V2_DIST_SIZE 0x1000 +#define KVM_VGIC_V2_CPU_SIZE 0x2000 + +/* Supported VGICv3 address types */ +#define KVM_VGIC_V3_ADDR_TYPE_DIST 2 +#define KVM_VGIC_V3_ADDR_TYPE_REDIST 3 + +#define KVM_VGIC_V3_DIST_SIZE SZ_64K +#define KVM_VGIC_V3_REDIST_SIZE (2 * SZ_64K) + +#define KVM_ARM_VCPU_POWER_OFF 0 /* CPU is started in OFF state */ +#define KVM_ARM_VCPU_EL1_32BIT 1 /* CPU running a 32bit VM */ +#define KVM_ARM_VCPU_PSCI_0_2 2 /* CPU uses PSCI v0.2 */ + +struct kvm_vcpu_init { + __u32 target; + __u32 features[7]; +}; + +struct kvm_sregs { +}; + +struct kvm_fpu { +}; + +struct kvm_guest_debug_arch { +}; + +struct kvm_debug_exit_arch { +}; + +struct kvm_sync_regs { +}; + +struct kvm_arch_memory_slot { +}; + +/* If you need to interpret the index values, here is the key: */ +#define KVM_REG_ARM_COPROC_MASK 0x000000000FFF0000 +#define KVM_REG_ARM_COPROC_SHIFT 16 + +/* Normal registers are mapped as coprocessor 16. */ +#define KVM_REG_ARM_CORE (0x0010 << KVM_REG_ARM_COPROC_SHIFT) +#define KVM_REG_ARM_CORE_REG(name) (offsetof(struct kvm_regs, name) / sizeof(__u32)) + +/* Some registers need more space to represent values. */ +#define KVM_REG_ARM_DEMUX (0x0011 << KVM_REG_ARM_COPROC_SHIFT) +#define KVM_REG_ARM_DEMUX_ID_MASK 0x000000000000FF00 +#define KVM_REG_ARM_DEMUX_ID_SHIFT 8 +#define KVM_REG_ARM_DEMUX_ID_CCSIDR (0x00 << KVM_REG_ARM_DEMUX_ID_SHIFT) +#define KVM_REG_ARM_DEMUX_VAL_MASK 0x00000000000000FF +#define KVM_REG_ARM_DEMUX_VAL_SHIFT 0 + +/* AArch64 system registers */ +#define KVM_REG_ARM64_SYSREG (0x0013 << KVM_REG_ARM_COPROC_SHIFT) +#define KVM_REG_ARM64_SYSREG_OP0_MASK 0x000000000000c000 +#define KVM_REG_ARM64_SYSREG_OP0_SHIFT 14 +#define KVM_REG_ARM64_SYSREG_OP1_MASK 0x0000000000003800 +#define KVM_REG_ARM64_SYSREG_OP1_SHIFT 11 +#define KVM_REG_ARM64_SYSREG_CRN_MASK 0x0000000000000780 +#define KVM_REG_ARM64_SYSREG_CRN_SHIFT 7 +#define KVM_REG_ARM64_SYSREG_CRM_MASK 0x0000000000000078 +#define KVM_REG_ARM64_SYSREG_CRM_SHIFT 3 +#define KVM_REG_ARM64_SYSREG_OP2_MASK 0x0000000000000007 +#define KVM_REG_ARM64_SYSREG_OP2_SHIFT 0 + +#define ARM64_SYS_REG_SHIFT_MASK(x,n) \ + (((x) << KVM_REG_ARM64_SYSREG_ ## n ## _SHIFT) & \ + KVM_REG_ARM64_SYSREG_ ## n ## _MASK) + +#define __ARM64_SYS_REG(op0,op1,crn,crm,op2) \ + (KVM_REG_ARM64 | KVM_REG_ARM64_SYSREG | \ + ARM64_SYS_REG_SHIFT_MASK(op0, OP0) | \ + ARM64_SYS_REG_SHIFT_MASK(op1, OP1) | \ + ARM64_SYS_REG_SHIFT_MASK(crn, CRN) | \ + ARM64_SYS_REG_SHIFT_MASK(crm, CRM) | \ + ARM64_SYS_REG_SHIFT_MASK(op2, OP2)) + +#define ARM64_SYS_REG(...) (__ARM64_SYS_REG(__VA_ARGS__) | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64) + +#define KVM_REG_ARM_TIMER_CTL ARM64_SYS_REG(3, 3, 14, 3, 1) +#define KVM_REG_ARM_TIMER_CNT ARM64_SYS_REG(3, 3, 14, 3, 2) +#define KVM_REG_ARM_TIMER_CVAL ARM64_SYS_REG(3, 3, 14, 0, 2) + +/* Device Control API: ARM VGIC */ +#define KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_GRP_ADDR 0 +#define KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_GRP_DIST_REGS 1 +#define KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_GRP_CPU_REGS 2 +#define KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_CPUID_SHIFT 32 +#define KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_CPUID_MASK (0xffULL << KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_CPUID_SHIFT) +#define KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_OFFSET_SHIFT 0 +#define KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_OFFSET_MASK (0xffffffffULL << KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_OFFSET_SHIFT) +#define KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_GRP_NR_IRQS 3 +#define KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_GRP_CTRL 4 +#define KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_CTRL_INIT 0 + +/* KVM_IRQ_LINE irq field index values */ +#define KVM_ARM_IRQ_TYPE_SHIFT 24 +#define KVM_ARM_IRQ_TYPE_MASK 0xff +#define KVM_ARM_IRQ_VCPU_SHIFT 16 +#define KVM_ARM_IRQ_VCPU_MASK 0xff +#define KVM_ARM_IRQ_NUM_SHIFT 0 +#define KVM_ARM_IRQ_NUM_MASK 0xffff + +/* irq_type field */ +#define KVM_ARM_IRQ_TYPE_CPU 0 +#define KVM_ARM_IRQ_TYPE_SPI 1 +#define KVM_ARM_IRQ_TYPE_PPI 2 + +/* out-of-kernel GIC cpu interrupt injection irq_number field */ +#define KVM_ARM_IRQ_CPU_IRQ 0 +#define KVM_ARM_IRQ_CPU_FIQ 1 + +/* + * This used to hold the highest supported SPI, but it is now obsolete + * and only here to provide source code level compatibility with older + * userland. The highest SPI number can be set via KVM_DEV_ARM_VGIC_GRP_NR_IRQS. + */ +#define KVM_ARM_IRQ_GIC_MAX 127 + +/* One single KVM irqchip, ie. the VGIC */ +#define KVM_NR_IRQCHIPS 1 + +/* PSCI interface */ +#define KVM_PSCI_FN_BASE 0x95c1ba5e +#define KVM_PSCI_FN(n) (KVM_PSCI_FN_BASE + (n)) + +#define KVM_PSCI_FN_CPU_SUSPEND KVM_PSCI_FN(0) +#define KVM_PSCI_FN_CPU_OFF KVM_PSCI_FN(1) +#define KVM_PSCI_FN_CPU_ON KVM_PSCI_FN(2) +#define KVM_PSCI_FN_MIGRATE KVM_PSCI_FN(3) + +#define KVM_PSCI_RET_SUCCESS PSCI_RET_SUCCESS +#define KVM_PSCI_RET_NI PSCI_RET_NOT_SUPPORTED +#define KVM_PSCI_RET_INVAL PSCI_RET_INVALID_PARAMS +#define KVM_PSCI_RET_DENIED PSCI_RET_DENIED + +#endif + +#endif /* __ARM_KVM_H__ */ diff --git a/qemu/linux-headers/asm-arm64/kvm_para.h b/qemu/linux-headers/asm-arm64/kvm_para.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..14fab8f0b --- /dev/null +++ b/qemu/linux-headers/asm-arm64/kvm_para.h @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +#include diff --git a/qemu/linux-headers/asm-generic/kvm_para.h b/qemu/linux-headers/asm-generic/kvm_para.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..486f0af73 --- /dev/null +++ b/qemu/linux-headers/asm-generic/kvm_para.h @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +/* + * There isn't anything here, but the file must not be empty or patch + * will delete it. + */ diff --git a/qemu/linux-headers/asm-mips/kvm.h b/qemu/linux-headers/asm-mips/kvm.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6985eb59b --- /dev/null +++ b/qemu/linux-headers/asm-mips/kvm.h @@ -0,0 +1,208 @@ +/* + * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public + * License. See the file "COPYING" in the main directory of this archive + * for more details. + * + * Copyright (C) 2012 MIPS Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. + * Copyright (C) 2013 Cavium, Inc. + * Authors: Sanjay Lal + */ + +#ifndef __LINUX_KVM_MIPS_H +#define __LINUX_KVM_MIPS_H + +#include + +/* + * KVM MIPS specific structures and definitions. + * + * Some parts derived from the x86 version of this file. + */ + +/* + * for KVM_GET_REGS and KVM_SET_REGS + * + * If Config[AT] is zero (32-bit CPU), the register contents are + * stored in the lower 32-bits of the struct kvm_regs fields and sign + * extended to 64-bits. + */ +struct kvm_regs { + /* out (KVM_GET_REGS) / in (KVM_SET_REGS) */ + __u64 gpr[32]; + __u64 hi; + __u64 lo; + __u64 pc; +}; + +/* + * for KVM_GET_FPU and KVM_SET_FPU + */ +struct kvm_fpu { +}; + + +/* + * For MIPS, we use KVM_SET_ONE_REG and KVM_GET_ONE_REG to access various + * registers. The id field is broken down as follows: + * + * bits[63..52] - As per linux/kvm.h + * bits[51..32] - Must be zero. + * bits[31..16] - Register set. + * + * Register set = 0: GP registers from kvm_regs (see definitions below). + * + * Register set = 1: CP0 registers. + * bits[15..8] - Must be zero. + * bits[7..3] - Register 'rd' index. + * bits[2..0] - Register 'sel' index. + * + * Register set = 2: KVM specific registers (see definitions below). + * + * Register set = 3: FPU / MSA registers (see definitions below). + * + * Other sets registers may be added in the future. Each set would + * have its own identifier in bits[31..16]. + */ + +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_GP (KVM_REG_MIPS | 0x0000000000000000ULL) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_CP0 (KVM_REG_MIPS | 0x0000000000010000ULL) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_KVM (KVM_REG_MIPS | 0x0000000000020000ULL) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_FPU (KVM_REG_MIPS | 0x0000000000030000ULL) + + +/* + * KVM_REG_MIPS_GP - General purpose registers from kvm_regs. + */ + +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_R0 (KVM_REG_MIPS_GP | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_R1 (KVM_REG_MIPS_GP | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 1) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_R2 (KVM_REG_MIPS_GP | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 2) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_R3 (KVM_REG_MIPS_GP | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 3) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_R4 (KVM_REG_MIPS_GP | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 4) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_R5 (KVM_REG_MIPS_GP | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 5) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_R6 (KVM_REG_MIPS_GP | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 6) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_R7 (KVM_REG_MIPS_GP | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 7) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_R8 (KVM_REG_MIPS_GP | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 8) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_R9 (KVM_REG_MIPS_GP | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 9) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_R10 (KVM_REG_MIPS_GP | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 10) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_R11 (KVM_REG_MIPS_GP | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 11) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_R12 (KVM_REG_MIPS_GP | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 12) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_R13 (KVM_REG_MIPS_GP | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 13) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_R14 (KVM_REG_MIPS_GP | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 14) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_R15 (KVM_REG_MIPS_GP | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 15) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_R16 (KVM_REG_MIPS_GP | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 16) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_R17 (KVM_REG_MIPS_GP | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 17) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_R18 (KVM_REG_MIPS_GP | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 18) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_R19 (KVM_REG_MIPS_GP | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 19) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_R20 (KVM_REG_MIPS_GP | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 20) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_R21 (KVM_REG_MIPS_GP | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 21) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_R22 (KVM_REG_MIPS_GP | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 22) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_R23 (KVM_REG_MIPS_GP | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 23) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_R24 (KVM_REG_MIPS_GP | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 24) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_R25 (KVM_REG_MIPS_GP | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 25) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_R26 (KVM_REG_MIPS_GP | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 26) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_R27 (KVM_REG_MIPS_GP | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 27) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_R28 (KVM_REG_MIPS_GP | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 28) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_R29 (KVM_REG_MIPS_GP | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 29) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_R30 (KVM_REG_MIPS_GP | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 30) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_R31 (KVM_REG_MIPS_GP | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 31) + +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_HI (KVM_REG_MIPS_GP | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 32) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_LO (KVM_REG_MIPS_GP | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 33) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_PC (KVM_REG_MIPS_GP | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 34) + + +/* + * KVM_REG_MIPS_KVM - KVM specific control registers. + */ + +/* + * CP0_Count control + * DC: Set 0: Master disable CP0_Count and set COUNT_RESUME to now + * Set 1: Master re-enable CP0_Count with unchanged bias, handling timer + * interrupts since COUNT_RESUME + * This can be used to freeze the timer to get a consistent snapshot of + * the CP0_Count and timer interrupt pending state, while also resuming + * safely without losing time or guest timer interrupts. + * Other: Reserved, do not change. + */ +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_COUNT_CTL (KVM_REG_MIPS_KVM | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_COUNT_CTL_DC 0x00000001 + +/* + * CP0_Count resume monotonic nanoseconds + * The monotonic nanosecond time of the last set of COUNT_CTL.DC (master + * disable). Any reads and writes of Count related registers while + * COUNT_CTL.DC=1 will appear to occur at this time. When COUNT_CTL.DC is + * cleared again (master enable) any timer interrupts since this time will be + * emulated. + * Modifications to times in the future are rejected. + */ +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_COUNT_RESUME (KVM_REG_MIPS_KVM | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 1) +/* + * CP0_Count rate in Hz + * Specifies the rate of the CP0_Count timer in Hz. Modifications occur without + * discontinuities in CP0_Count. + */ +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_COUNT_HZ (KVM_REG_MIPS_KVM | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 2) + + +/* + * KVM_REG_MIPS_FPU - Floating Point and MIPS SIMD Architecture (MSA) registers. + * + * bits[15..8] - Register subset (see definitions below). + * bits[7..5] - Must be zero. + * bits[4..0] - Register number within register subset. + */ + +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_FPR (KVM_REG_MIPS_FPU | 0x0000000000000000ULL) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_FCR (KVM_REG_MIPS_FPU | 0x0000000000000100ULL) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_MSACR (KVM_REG_MIPS_FPU | 0x0000000000000200ULL) + +/* + * KVM_REG_MIPS_FPR - Floating point / Vector registers. + */ +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_FPR_32(n) (KVM_REG_MIPS_FPR | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | (n)) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_FPR_64(n) (KVM_REG_MIPS_FPR | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | (n)) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_VEC_128(n) (KVM_REG_MIPS_FPR | KVM_REG_SIZE_U128 | (n)) + +/* + * KVM_REG_MIPS_FCR - Floating point control registers. + */ +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_FCR_IR (KVM_REG_MIPS_FCR | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_FCR_CSR (KVM_REG_MIPS_FCR | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 31) + +/* + * KVM_REG_MIPS_MSACR - MIPS SIMD Architecture (MSA) control registers. + */ +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_MSA_IR (KVM_REG_MIPS_MSACR | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0) +#define KVM_REG_MIPS_MSA_CSR (KVM_REG_MIPS_MSACR | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 1) + + +/* + * KVM MIPS specific structures and definitions + * + */ +struct kvm_debug_exit_arch { + __u64 epc; +}; + +/* for KVM_SET_GUEST_DEBUG */ +struct kvm_guest_debug_arch { +}; + +/* definition of registers in kvm_run */ +struct kvm_sync_regs { +}; + +/* dummy definition */ +struct kvm_sregs { +}; + +struct kvm_mips_interrupt { + /* in */ + __u32 cpu; + __u32 irq; +}; + +#endif /* __LINUX_KVM_MIPS_H */ diff --git a/qemu/linux-headers/asm-mips/kvm_para.h b/qemu/linux-headers/asm-mips/kvm_para.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dbb2464f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/qemu/linux-headers/asm-mips/kvm_para.h @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +#ifndef _ASM_MIPS_KVM_PARA_H +#define _ASM_MIPS_KVM_PARA_H + + +#endif /* _ASM_MIPS_KVM_PARA_H */ diff --git a/qemu/linux-headers/asm-powerpc/epapr_hcalls.h b/qemu/linux-headers/asm-powerpc/epapr_hcalls.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..06f724786 --- /dev/null +++ b/qemu/linux-headers/asm-powerpc/epapr_hcalls.h @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +/* + * ePAPR hcall interface + * + * Copyright 2008-2011 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. + * + * Author: Timur Tabi + * + * This file is provided under a dual BSD/GPL license. When using or + * redistributing this file, you may do so under either license. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * * Neither the name of Freescale Semiconductor nor the + * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products + * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + * + * + * ALTERNATIVELY, this software may be distributed under the terms of the + * GNU General Public License ("GPL") as published by the Free Software + * Foundation, either version 2 of that License or (at your option) any + * later version. + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY Freescale Semiconductor ``AS IS'' AND ANY + * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED + * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE + * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Freescale Semiconductor BE LIABLE FOR ANY + * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES + * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; + * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND + * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT + * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS + * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + */ + +#ifndef _ASM_POWERPC_EPAPR_HCALLS_H +#define _ASM_POWERPC_EPAPR_HCALLS_H + +#define EV_BYTE_CHANNEL_SEND 1 +#define EV_BYTE_CHANNEL_RECEIVE 2 +#define EV_BYTE_CHANNEL_POLL 3 +#define EV_INT_SET_CONFIG 4 +#define EV_INT_GET_CONFIG 5 +#define EV_INT_SET_MASK 6 +#define EV_INT_GET_MASK 7 +#define EV_INT_IACK 9 +#define EV_INT_EOI 10 +#define EV_INT_SEND_IPI 11 +#define EV_INT_SET_TASK_PRIORITY 12 +#define EV_INT_GET_TASK_PRIORITY 13 +#define EV_DOORBELL_SEND 14 +#define EV_MSGSND 15 +#define EV_IDLE 16 + +/* vendor ID: epapr */ +#define EV_LOCAL_VENDOR_ID 0 /* for private use */ +#define EV_EPAPR_VENDOR_ID 1 +#define EV_FSL_VENDOR_ID 2 /* Freescale Semiconductor */ +#define EV_IBM_VENDOR_ID 3 /* IBM */ +#define EV_GHS_VENDOR_ID 4 /* Green Hills Software */ +#define EV_ENEA_VENDOR_ID 5 /* Enea */ +#define EV_WR_VENDOR_ID 6 /* Wind River Systems */ +#define EV_AMCC_VENDOR_ID 7 /* Applied Micro Circuits */ +#define EV_KVM_VENDOR_ID 42 /* KVM */ + +/* The max number of bytes that a byte channel can send or receive per call */ +#define EV_BYTE_CHANNEL_MAX_BYTES 16 + + +#define _EV_HCALL_TOKEN(id, num) (((id) << 16) | (num)) +#define EV_HCALL_TOKEN(hcall_num) _EV_HCALL_TOKEN(EV_EPAPR_VENDOR_ID, hcall_num) + +/* epapr return codes */ +#define EV_SUCCESS 0 +#define EV_EPERM 1 /* Operation not permitted */ +#define EV_ENOENT 2 /* Entry Not Found */ +#define EV_EIO 3 /* I/O error occured */ +#define EV_EAGAIN 4 /* The operation had insufficient + * resources to complete and should be + * retried + */ +#define EV_ENOMEM 5 /* There was insufficient memory to + * complete the operation */ +#define EV_EFAULT 6 /* Bad guest address */ +#define EV_ENODEV 7 /* No such device */ +#define EV_EINVAL 8 /* An argument supplied to the hcall + was out of range or invalid */ +#define EV_INTERNAL 9 /* An internal error occured */ +#define EV_CONFIG 10 /* A configuration error was detected */ +#define EV_INVALID_STATE 11 /* The object is in an invalid state */ +#define EV_UNIMPLEMENTED 12 /* Unimplemented hypercall */ +#define EV_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 13 /* Caller-supplied buffer too small */ + +#endif /* _ASM_POWERPC_EPAPR_HCALLS_H */ diff --git a/qemu/linux-headers/asm-powerpc/kvm.h b/qemu/linux-headers/asm-powerpc/kvm.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ab4d4732c --- /dev/null +++ b/qemu/linux-headers/asm-powerpc/kvm.h @@ -0,0 +1,603 @@ +/* + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + * + * Copyright IBM Corp. 2007 + * + * Authors: Hollis Blanchard + */ + +#ifndef __LINUX_KVM_POWERPC_H +#define __LINUX_KVM_POWERPC_H + +#include + +/* Select powerpc specific features in */ +#define __KVM_HAVE_SPAPR_TCE +#define __KVM_HAVE_PPC_SMT +#define __KVM_HAVE_IRQCHIP +#define __KVM_HAVE_IRQ_LINE +#define __KVM_HAVE_GUEST_DEBUG + +struct kvm_regs { + __u64 pc; + __u64 cr; + __u64 ctr; + __u64 lr; + __u64 xer; + __u64 msr; + __u64 srr0; + __u64 srr1; + __u64 pid; + + __u64 sprg0; + __u64 sprg1; + __u64 sprg2; + __u64 sprg3; + __u64 sprg4; + __u64 sprg5; + __u64 sprg6; + __u64 sprg7; + + __u64 gpr[32]; +}; + +#define KVM_SREGS_E_IMPL_NONE 0 +#define KVM_SREGS_E_IMPL_FSL 1 + +#define KVM_SREGS_E_FSL_PIDn (1 << 0) /* PID1/PID2 */ + +/* + * Feature bits indicate which sections of the sregs struct are valid, + * both in KVM_GET_SREGS and KVM_SET_SREGS. On KVM_SET_SREGS, registers + * corresponding to unset feature bits will not be modified. This allows + * restoring a checkpoint made without that feature, while keeping the + * default values of the new registers. + * + * KVM_SREGS_E_BASE contains: + * CSRR0/1 (refers to SRR2/3 on 40x) + * ESR + * DEAR + * MCSR + * TSR + * TCR + * DEC + * TB + * VRSAVE (USPRG0) + */ +#define KVM_SREGS_E_BASE (1 << 0) + +/* + * KVM_SREGS_E_ARCH206 contains: + * + * PIR + * MCSRR0/1 + * DECAR + * IVPR + */ +#define KVM_SREGS_E_ARCH206 (1 << 1) + +/* + * Contains EPCR, plus the upper half of 64-bit registers + * that are 32-bit on 32-bit implementations. + */ +#define KVM_SREGS_E_64 (1 << 2) + +#define KVM_SREGS_E_SPRG8 (1 << 3) +#define KVM_SREGS_E_MCIVPR (1 << 4) + +/* + * IVORs are used -- contains IVOR0-15, plus additional IVORs + * in combination with an appropriate feature bit. + */ +#define KVM_SREGS_E_IVOR (1 << 5) + +/* + * Contains MAS0-4, MAS6-7, TLBnCFG, MMUCFG. + * Also TLBnPS if MMUCFG[MAVN] = 1. + */ +#define KVM_SREGS_E_ARCH206_MMU (1 << 6) + +/* DBSR, DBCR, IAC, DAC, DVC */ +#define KVM_SREGS_E_DEBUG (1 << 7) + +/* Enhanced debug -- DSRR0/1, SPRG9 */ +#define KVM_SREGS_E_ED (1 << 8) + +/* Embedded Floating Point (SPE) -- IVOR32-34 if KVM_SREGS_E_IVOR */ +#define KVM_SREGS_E_SPE (1 << 9) + +/* + * DEPRECATED! USE ONE_REG FOR THIS ONE! + * External Proxy (EXP) -- EPR + */ +#define KVM_SREGS_EXP (1 << 10) + +/* External PID (E.PD) -- EPSC/EPLC */ +#define KVM_SREGS_E_PD (1 << 11) + +/* Processor Control (E.PC) -- IVOR36-37 if KVM_SREGS_E_IVOR */ +#define KVM_SREGS_E_PC (1 << 12) + +/* Page table (E.PT) -- EPTCFG */ +#define KVM_SREGS_E_PT (1 << 13) + +/* Embedded Performance Monitor (E.PM) -- IVOR35 if KVM_SREGS_E_IVOR */ +#define KVM_SREGS_E_PM (1 << 14) + +/* + * Special updates: + * + * Some registers may change even while a vcpu is not running. + * To avoid losing these changes, by default these registers are + * not updated by KVM_SET_SREGS. To force an update, set the bit + * in u.e.update_special corresponding to the register to be updated. + * + * The update_special field is zero on return from KVM_GET_SREGS. + * + * When restoring a checkpoint, the caller can set update_special + * to 0xffffffff to ensure that everything is restored, even new features + * that the caller doesn't know about. + */ +#define KVM_SREGS_E_UPDATE_MCSR (1 << 0) +#define KVM_SREGS_E_UPDATE_TSR (1 << 1) +#define KVM_SREGS_E_UPDATE_DEC (1 << 2) +#define KVM_SREGS_E_UPDATE_DBSR (1 << 3) + +/* + * In KVM_SET_SREGS, reserved/pad fields must be left untouched from a + * previous KVM_GET_REGS. + * + * Unless otherwise indicated, setting any register with KVM_SET_SREGS + * directly sets its value. It does not trigger any special semantics such + * as write-one-to-clear. Calling KVM_SET_SREGS on an unmodified struct + * just received from KVM_GET_SREGS is always a no-op. + */ +struct kvm_sregs { + __u32 pvr; + union { + struct { + __u64 sdr1; + struct { + struct { + __u64 slbe; + __u64 slbv; + } slb[64]; + } ppc64; + struct { + __u32 sr[16]; + __u64 ibat[8]; + __u64 dbat[8]; + } ppc32; + } s; + struct { + union { + struct { /* KVM_SREGS_E_IMPL_FSL */ + __u32 features; /* KVM_SREGS_E_FSL_ */ + __u32 svr; + __u64 mcar; + __u32 hid0; + + /* KVM_SREGS_E_FSL_PIDn */ + __u32 pid1, pid2; + } fsl; + __u8 pad[256]; + } impl; + + __u32 features; /* KVM_SREGS_E_ */ + __u32 impl_id; /* KVM_SREGS_E_IMPL_ */ + __u32 update_special; /* KVM_SREGS_E_UPDATE_ */ + __u32 pir; /* read-only */ + __u64 sprg8; + __u64 sprg9; /* E.ED */ + __u64 csrr0; + __u64 dsrr0; /* E.ED */ + __u64 mcsrr0; + __u32 csrr1; + __u32 dsrr1; /* E.ED */ + __u32 mcsrr1; + __u32 esr; + __u64 dear; + __u64 ivpr; + __u64 mcivpr; + __u64 mcsr; /* KVM_SREGS_E_UPDATE_MCSR */ + + __u32 tsr; /* KVM_SREGS_E_UPDATE_TSR */ + __u32 tcr; + __u32 decar; + __u32 dec; /* KVM_SREGS_E_UPDATE_DEC */ + + /* + * Userspace can read TB directly, but the + * value reported here is consistent with "dec". + * + * Read-only. + */ + __u64 tb; + + __u32 dbsr; /* KVM_SREGS_E_UPDATE_DBSR */ + __u32 dbcr[3]; + /* + * iac/dac registers are 64bit wide, while this API + * interface provides only lower 32 bits on 64 bit + * processors. ONE_REG interface is added for 64bit + * iac/dac registers. + */ + __u32 iac[4]; + __u32 dac[2]; + __u32 dvc[2]; + __u8 num_iac; /* read-only */ + __u8 num_dac; /* read-only */ + __u8 num_dvc; /* read-only */ + __u8 pad; + + __u32 epr; /* EXP */ + __u32 vrsave; /* a.k.a. USPRG0 */ + __u32 epcr; /* KVM_SREGS_E_64 */ + + __u32 mas0; + __u32 mas1; + __u64 mas2; + __u64 mas7_3; + __u32 mas4; + __u32 mas6; + + __u32 ivor_low[16]; /* IVOR0-15 */ + __u32 ivor_high[18]; /* IVOR32+, plus room to expand */ + + __u32 mmucfg; /* read-only */ + __u32 eptcfg; /* E.PT, read-only */ + __u32 tlbcfg[4];/* read-only */ + __u32 tlbps[4]; /* read-only */ + + __u32 eplc, epsc; /* E.PD */ + } e; + __u8 pad[1020]; + } u; +}; + +struct kvm_fpu { + __u64 fpr[32]; +}; + +/* + * Defines for h/w breakpoint, watchpoint (read, write or both) and + * software breakpoint. + * These are used as "type" in KVM_SET_GUEST_DEBUG ioctl and "status" + * for KVM_DEBUG_EXIT. + */ +#define KVMPPC_DEBUG_NONE 0x0 +#define KVMPPC_DEBUG_BREAKPOINT (1UL << 1) +#define KVMPPC_DEBUG_WATCH_WRITE (1UL << 2) +#define KVMPPC_DEBUG_WATCH_READ (1UL << 3) +struct kvm_debug_exit_arch { + __u64 address; + /* + * exiting to userspace because of h/w breakpoint, watchpoint + * (read, write or both) and software breakpoint. + */ + __u32 status; + __u32 reserved; +}; + +/* for KVM_SET_GUEST_DEBUG */ +struct kvm_guest_debug_arch { + struct { + /* H/W breakpoint/watchpoint address */ + __u64 addr; + /* + * Type denotes h/w breakpoint, read watchpoint, write + * watchpoint or watchpoint (both read and write). + */ + __u32 type; + __u32 reserved; + } bp[16]; +}; + +/* Debug related defines */ +/* + * kvm_guest_debug->control is a 32 bit field. The lower 16 bits are generic + * and upper 16 bits are architecture specific. Architecture specific defines + * that ioctl is for setting hardware breakpoint or software breakpoint. + */ +#define KVM_GUESTDBG_USE_SW_BP 0x00010000 +#define KVM_GUESTDBG_USE_HW_BP 0x00020000 + +/* definition of registers in kvm_run */ +struct kvm_sync_regs { +}; + +#define KVM_INTERRUPT_SET -1U +#define KVM_INTERRUPT_UNSET -2U +#define KVM_INTERRUPT_SET_LEVEL -3U + +#define KVM_CPU_440 1 +#define KVM_CPU_E500V2 2 +#define KVM_CPU_3S_32 3 +#define KVM_CPU_3S_64 4 +#define KVM_CPU_E500MC 5 + +/* for KVM_CAP_SPAPR_TCE */ +struct kvm_create_spapr_tce { + __u64 liobn; + __u32 window_size; +}; + +/* for KVM_ALLOCATE_RMA */ +struct kvm_allocate_rma { + __u64 rma_size; +}; + +/* for KVM_CAP_PPC_RTAS */ +struct kvm_rtas_token_args { + char name[120]; + __u64 token; /* Use a token of 0 to undefine a mapping */ +}; + +struct kvm_book3e_206_tlb_entry { + __u32 mas8; + __u32 mas1; + __u64 mas2; + __u64 mas7_3; +}; + +struct kvm_book3e_206_tlb_params { + /* + * For mmu types KVM_MMU_FSL_BOOKE_NOHV and KVM_MMU_FSL_BOOKE_HV: + * + * - The number of ways of TLB0 must be a power of two between 2 and + * 16. + * - TLB1 must be fully associative. + * - The size of TLB0 must be a multiple of the number of ways, and + * the number of sets must be a power of two. + * - The size of TLB1 may not exceed 64 entries. + * - TLB0 supports 4 KiB pages. + * - The page sizes supported by TLB1 are as indicated by + * TLB1CFG (if MMUCFG[MAVN] = 0) or TLB1PS (if MMUCFG[MAVN] = 1) + * as returned by KVM_GET_SREGS. + * - TLB2 and TLB3 are reserved, and their entries in tlb_sizes[] + * and tlb_ways[] must be zero. + * + * tlb_ways[n] = tlb_sizes[n] means the array is fully associative. + * + * KVM will adjust TLBnCFG based on the sizes configured here, + * though arrays greater than 2048 entries will have TLBnCFG[NENTRY] + * set to zero. + */ + __u32 tlb_sizes[4]; + __u32 tlb_ways[4]; + __u32 reserved[8]; +}; + +/* For KVM_PPC_GET_HTAB_FD */ +struct kvm_get_htab_fd { + __u64 flags; + __u64 start_index; + __u64 reserved[2]; +}; + +/* Values for kvm_get_htab_fd.flags */ +#define KVM_GET_HTAB_BOLTED_ONLY ((__u64)0x1) +#define KVM_GET_HTAB_WRITE ((__u64)0x2) + +/* + * Data read on the file descriptor is formatted as a series of + * records, each consisting of a header followed by a series of + * `n_valid' HPTEs (16 bytes each), which are all valid. Following + * those valid HPTEs there are `n_invalid' invalid HPTEs, which + * are not represented explicitly in the stream. The same format + * is used for writing. + */ +struct kvm_get_htab_header { + __u32 index; + __u16 n_valid; + __u16 n_invalid; +}; + +/* Per-vcpu XICS interrupt controller state */ +#define KVM_REG_PPC_ICP_STATE (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x8c) + +#define KVM_REG_PPC_ICP_CPPR_SHIFT 56 /* current proc priority */ +#define KVM_REG_PPC_ICP_CPPR_MASK 0xff +#define KVM_REG_PPC_ICP_XISR_SHIFT 32 /* interrupt status field */ +#define KVM_REG_PPC_ICP_XISR_MASK 0xffffff +#define KVM_REG_PPC_ICP_MFRR_SHIFT 24 /* pending IPI priority */ +#define KVM_REG_PPC_ICP_MFRR_MASK 0xff +#define KVM_REG_PPC_ICP_PPRI_SHIFT 16 /* pending irq priority */ +#define KVM_REG_PPC_ICP_PPRI_MASK 0xff + +/* Device control API: PPC-specific devices */ +#define KVM_DEV_MPIC_GRP_MISC 1 +#define KVM_DEV_MPIC_BASE_ADDR 0 /* 64-bit */ + +#define KVM_DEV_MPIC_GRP_REGISTER 2 /* 32-bit */ +#define KVM_DEV_MPIC_GRP_IRQ_ACTIVE 3 /* 32-bit */ + +/* One-Reg API: PPC-specific registers */ +#define KVM_REG_PPC_HIOR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x1) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_IAC1 (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x2) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_IAC2 (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x3) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_IAC3 (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x4) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_IAC4 (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x5) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_DAC1 (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x6) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_DAC2 (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x7) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_DABR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x8) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_DSCR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x9) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_PURR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0xa) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_SPURR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0xb) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_DAR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0xc) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_DSISR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0xd) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_AMR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0xe) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_UAMOR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0xf) + +#define KVM_REG_PPC_MMCR0 (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x10) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_MMCR1 (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x11) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_MMCRA (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x12) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_MMCR2 (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x13) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_MMCRS (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x14) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_SIAR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x15) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_SDAR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x16) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_SIER (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x17) + +#define KVM_REG_PPC_PMC1 (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0x18) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_PMC2 (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0x19) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_PMC3 (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0x1a) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_PMC4 (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0x1b) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_PMC5 (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0x1c) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_PMC6 (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0x1d) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_PMC7 (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0x1e) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_PMC8 (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0x1f) + +/* 32 floating-point registers */ +#define KVM_REG_PPC_FPR0 (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x20) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_FPR(n) (KVM_REG_PPC_FPR0 + (n)) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_FPR31 (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x3f) + +/* 32 VMX/Altivec vector registers */ +#define KVM_REG_PPC_VR0 (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U128 | 0x40) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_VR(n) (KVM_REG_PPC_VR0 + (n)) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_VR31 (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U128 | 0x5f) + +/* 32 double-width FP registers for VSX */ +/* High-order halves overlap with FP regs */ +#define KVM_REG_PPC_VSR0 (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U128 | 0x60) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_VSR(n) (KVM_REG_PPC_VSR0 + (n)) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_VSR31 (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U128 | 0x7f) + +/* FP and vector status/control registers */ +#define KVM_REG_PPC_FPSCR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x80) +/* + * VSCR register is documented as a 32-bit register in the ISA, but it can + * only be accesses via a vector register. Expose VSCR as a 32-bit register + * even though the kernel represents it as a 128-bit vector. + */ +#define KVM_REG_PPC_VSCR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0x81) + +/* Virtual processor areas */ +/* For SLB & DTL, address in high (first) half, length in low half */ +#define KVM_REG_PPC_VPA_ADDR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x82) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_VPA_SLB (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U128 | 0x83) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_VPA_DTL (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U128 | 0x84) + +#define KVM_REG_PPC_EPCR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0x85) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_EPR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0x86) + +/* Timer Status Register OR/CLEAR interface */ +#define KVM_REG_PPC_OR_TSR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0x87) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_CLEAR_TSR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0x88) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_TCR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0x89) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_TSR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0x8a) + +/* Debugging: Special instruction for software breakpoint */ +#define KVM_REG_PPC_DEBUG_INST (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0x8b) + +/* MMU registers */ +#define KVM_REG_PPC_MAS0 (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0x8c) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_MAS1 (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0x8d) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_MAS2 (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x8e) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_MAS7_3 (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x8f) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_MAS4 (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0x90) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_MAS6 (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0x91) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_MMUCFG (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0x92) +/* + * TLBnCFG fields TLBnCFG_N_ENTRY and TLBnCFG_ASSOC can be changed only using + * KVM_CAP_SW_TLB ioctl + */ +#define KVM_REG_PPC_TLB0CFG (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0x93) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_TLB1CFG (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0x94) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_TLB2CFG (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0x95) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_TLB3CFG (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0x96) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_TLB0PS (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0x97) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_TLB1PS (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0x98) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_TLB2PS (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0x99) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_TLB3PS (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0x9a) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_EPTCFG (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0x9b) + +/* Timebase offset */ +#define KVM_REG_PPC_TB_OFFSET (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x9c) + +/* POWER8 registers */ +#define KVM_REG_PPC_SPMC1 (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0x9d) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_SPMC2 (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0x9e) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_IAMR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x9f) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_TFHAR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0xa0) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_TFIAR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0xa1) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_TEXASR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0xa2) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_FSCR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0xa3) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_PSPB (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0xa4) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_EBBHR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0xa5) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_EBBRR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0xa6) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_BESCR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0xa7) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_TAR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0xa8) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_DPDES (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0xa9) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_DAWR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0xaa) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_DAWRX (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0xab) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_CIABR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0xac) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_IC (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0xad) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_VTB (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0xae) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_CSIGR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0xaf) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_TACR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0xb0) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_TCSCR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0xb1) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_PID (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0xb2) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_ACOP (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0xb3) + +#define KVM_REG_PPC_VRSAVE (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0xb4) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_LPCR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0xb5) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_LPCR_64 (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0xb5) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_PPR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0xb6) + +/* Architecture compatibility level */ +#define KVM_REG_PPC_ARCH_COMPAT (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0xb7) + +#define KVM_REG_PPC_DABRX (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0xb8) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_WORT (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0xb9) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_SPRG9 (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0xba) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_DBSR (KVM_REG_PPC | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0xbb) + +/* Transactional Memory checkpointed state: + * This is all GPRs, all VSX regs and a subset of SPRs + */ +#define KVM_REG_PPC_TM (KVM_REG_PPC | 0x80000000) +/* TM GPRs */ +#define KVM_REG_PPC_TM_GPR0 (KVM_REG_PPC_TM | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_TM_GPR(n) (KVM_REG_PPC_TM_GPR0 + (n)) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_TM_GPR31 (KVM_REG_PPC_TM | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x1f) +/* TM VSX */ +#define KVM_REG_PPC_TM_VSR0 (KVM_REG_PPC_TM | KVM_REG_SIZE_U128 | 0x20) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_TM_VSR(n) (KVM_REG_PPC_TM_VSR0 + (n)) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_TM_VSR63 (KVM_REG_PPC_TM | KVM_REG_SIZE_U128 | 0x5f) +/* TM SPRS */ +#define KVM_REG_PPC_TM_CR (KVM_REG_PPC_TM | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x60) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_TM_LR (KVM_REG_PPC_TM | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x61) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_TM_CTR (KVM_REG_PPC_TM | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x62) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_TM_FPSCR (KVM_REG_PPC_TM | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x63) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_TM_AMR (KVM_REG_PPC_TM | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x64) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_TM_PPR (KVM_REG_PPC_TM | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x65) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_TM_VRSAVE (KVM_REG_PPC_TM | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x66) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_TM_VSCR (KVM_REG_PPC_TM | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0x67) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_TM_DSCR (KVM_REG_PPC_TM | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x68) +#define KVM_REG_PPC_TM_TAR (KVM_REG_PPC_TM | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x69) + +/* PPC64 eXternal Interrupt Controller Specification */ +#define KVM_DEV_XICS_GRP_SOURCES 1 /* 64-bit source attributes */ + +/* Layout of 64-bit source attribute values */ +#define KVM_XICS_DESTINATION_SHIFT 0 +#define KVM_XICS_DESTINATION_MASK 0xffffffffULL +#define KVM_XICS_PRIORITY_SHIFT 32 +#define KVM_XICS_PRIORITY_MASK 0xff +#define KVM_XICS_LEVEL_SENSITIVE (1ULL << 40) +#define KVM_XICS_MASKED (1ULL << 41) +#define KVM_XICS_PENDING (1ULL << 42) + +#endif /* __LINUX_KVM_POWERPC_H */ diff --git a/qemu/linux-headers/asm-powerpc/kvm_para.h b/qemu/linux-headers/asm-powerpc/kvm_para.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2abcc4638 --- /dev/null +++ b/qemu/linux-headers/asm-powerpc/kvm_para.h @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +/* + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + * + * Copyright IBM Corp. 2008 + * + * Authors: Hollis Blanchard + */ + +#ifndef __POWERPC_KVM_PARA_H__ +#define __POWERPC_KVM_PARA_H__ + +#include + +/* + * Additions to this struct must only occur at the end, and should be + * accompanied by a KVM_MAGIC_FEAT flag to advertise that they are present + * (albeit not necessarily relevant to the current target hardware platform). + * + * Struct fields are always 32 or 64 bit aligned, depending on them being 32 + * or 64 bit wide respectively. + * + * See Documentation/virtual/kvm/ppc-pv.txt + */ +struct kvm_vcpu_arch_shared { + __u64 scratch1; + __u64 scratch2; + __u64 scratch3; + __u64 critical; /* Guest may not get interrupts if == r1 */ + __u64 sprg0; + __u64 sprg1; + __u64 sprg2; + __u64 sprg3; + __u64 srr0; + __u64 srr1; + __u64 dar; /* dear on BookE */ + __u64 msr; + __u32 dsisr; + __u32 int_pending; /* Tells the guest if we have an interrupt */ + __u32 sr[16]; + __u32 mas0; + __u32 mas1; + __u64 mas7_3; + __u64 mas2; + __u32 mas4; + __u32 mas6; + __u32 esr; + __u32 pir; + + /* + * SPRG4-7 are user-readable, so we can only keep these consistent + * between the shared area and the real registers when there's an + * intervening exit to KVM. This also applies to SPRG3 on some + * chips. + * + * This suffices for access by guest userspace, since in PR-mode + * KVM, an exit must occur when changing the guest's MSR[PR]. + * If the guest kernel writes to SPRG3-7 via the shared area, it + * must also use the shared area for reading while in kernel space. + */ + __u64 sprg4; + __u64 sprg5; + __u64 sprg6; + __u64 sprg7; +}; + +#define KVM_SC_MAGIC_R0 0x4b564d21 /* "KVM!" */ + +#define KVM_HCALL_TOKEN(num) _EV_HCALL_TOKEN(EV_KVM_VENDOR_ID, num) + +#include + +#define KVM_FEATURE_MAGIC_PAGE 1 + +/* Magic page flags from host to guest */ + +#define KVM_MAGIC_FEAT_SR (1 << 0) + +/* MASn, ESR, PIR, and high SPRGs */ +#define KVM_MAGIC_FEAT_MAS0_TO_SPRG7 (1 << 1) + +/* Magic page flags from guest to host */ + +#define MAGIC_PAGE_FLAG_NOT_MAPPED_NX (1 << 0) + + +#endif /* __POWERPC_KVM_PARA_H__ */ diff --git a/qemu/linux-headers/asm-s390/kvm.h b/qemu/linux-headers/asm-s390/kvm.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..512d8f1d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/qemu/linux-headers/asm-s390/kvm.h @@ -0,0 +1,182 @@ +#ifndef __LINUX_KVM_S390_H +#define __LINUX_KVM_S390_H +/* + * KVM s390 specific structures and definitions + * + * Copyright IBM Corp. 2008 + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2 only) + * as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * Author(s): Carsten Otte + * Christian Borntraeger + */ +#include + +#define __KVM_S390 +#define __KVM_HAVE_GUEST_DEBUG + +/* Device control API: s390-specific devices */ +#define KVM_DEV_FLIC_GET_ALL_IRQS 1 +#define KVM_DEV_FLIC_ENQUEUE 2 +#define KVM_DEV_FLIC_CLEAR_IRQS 3 +#define KVM_DEV_FLIC_APF_ENABLE 4 +#define KVM_DEV_FLIC_APF_DISABLE_WAIT 5 +#define KVM_DEV_FLIC_ADAPTER_REGISTER 6 +#define KVM_DEV_FLIC_ADAPTER_MODIFY 7 +/* + * We can have up to 4*64k pending subchannels + 8 adapter interrupts, + * as well as up to ASYNC_PF_PER_VCPU*KVM_MAX_VCPUS pfault done interrupts. + * There are also sclp and machine checks. This gives us + * sizeof(kvm_s390_irq)*(4*65536+8+64*64+1+1) = 72 * 266250 = 19170000 + * Lets round up to 8192 pages. + */ +#define KVM_S390_MAX_FLOAT_IRQS 266250 +#define KVM_S390_FLIC_MAX_BUFFER 0x2000000 + +struct kvm_s390_io_adapter { + __u32 id; + __u8 isc; + __u8 maskable; + __u8 swap; + __u8 pad; +}; + +#define KVM_S390_IO_ADAPTER_MASK 1 +#define KVM_S390_IO_ADAPTER_MAP 2 +#define KVM_S390_IO_ADAPTER_UNMAP 3 + +struct kvm_s390_io_adapter_req { + __u32 id; + __u8 type; + __u8 mask; + __u16 pad0; + __u64 addr; +}; + +/* kvm attr_group on vm fd */ +#define KVM_S390_VM_MEM_CTRL 0 +#define KVM_S390_VM_TOD 1 +#define KVM_S390_VM_CRYPTO 2 +#define KVM_S390_VM_CPU_MODEL 3 + +/* kvm attributes for mem_ctrl */ +#define KVM_S390_VM_MEM_ENABLE_CMMA 0 +#define KVM_S390_VM_MEM_CLR_CMMA 1 +#define KVM_S390_VM_MEM_LIMIT_SIZE 2 + +/* kvm attributes for KVM_S390_VM_TOD */ +#define KVM_S390_VM_TOD_LOW 0 +#define KVM_S390_VM_TOD_HIGH 1 + +/* kvm attributes for KVM_S390_VM_CPU_MODEL */ +/* processor related attributes are r/w */ +#define KVM_S390_VM_CPU_PROCESSOR 0 +struct kvm_s390_vm_cpu_processor { + __u64 cpuid; + __u16 ibc; + __u8 pad[6]; + __u64 fac_list[256]; +}; + +/* machine related attributes are r/o */ +#define KVM_S390_VM_CPU_MACHINE 1 +struct kvm_s390_vm_cpu_machine { + __u64 cpuid; + __u32 ibc; + __u8 pad[4]; + __u64 fac_mask[256]; + __u64 fac_list[256]; +}; + +/* kvm attributes for crypto */ +#define KVM_S390_VM_CRYPTO_ENABLE_AES_KW 0 +#define KVM_S390_VM_CRYPTO_ENABLE_DEA_KW 1 +#define KVM_S390_VM_CRYPTO_DISABLE_AES_KW 2 +#define KVM_S390_VM_CRYPTO_DISABLE_DEA_KW 3 + +/* for KVM_GET_REGS and KVM_SET_REGS */ +struct kvm_regs { + /* general purpose regs for s390 */ + __u64 gprs[16]; +}; + +/* for KVM_GET_SREGS and KVM_SET_SREGS */ +struct kvm_sregs { + __u32 acrs[16]; + __u64 crs[16]; +}; + +/* for KVM_GET_FPU and KVM_SET_FPU */ +struct kvm_fpu { + __u32 fpc; + __u64 fprs[16]; +}; + +#define KVM_GUESTDBG_USE_HW_BP 0x00010000 + +#define KVM_HW_BP 1 +#define KVM_HW_WP_WRITE 2 +#define KVM_SINGLESTEP 4 + +struct kvm_debug_exit_arch { + __u64 addr; + __u8 type; + __u8 pad[7]; /* Should be set to 0 */ +}; + +struct kvm_hw_breakpoint { + __u64 addr; + __u64 phys_addr; + __u64 len; + __u8 type; + __u8 pad[7]; /* Should be set to 0 */ +}; + +/* for KVM_SET_GUEST_DEBUG */ +struct kvm_guest_debug_arch { + __u32 nr_hw_bp; + __u32 pad; /* Should be set to 0 */ + struct kvm_hw_breakpoint *hw_bp; +}; + +/* for KVM_SYNC_PFAULT and KVM_REG_S390_PFTOKEN */ +#define KVM_S390_PFAULT_TOKEN_INVALID 0xffffffffffffffffULL + +#define KVM_SYNC_PREFIX (1UL << 0) +#define KVM_SYNC_GPRS (1UL << 1) +#define KVM_SYNC_ACRS (1UL << 2) +#define KVM_SYNC_CRS (1UL << 3) +#define KVM_SYNC_ARCH0 (1UL << 4) +#define KVM_SYNC_PFAULT (1UL << 5) +#define KVM_SYNC_VRS (1UL << 6) +/* definition of registers in kvm_run */ +struct kvm_sync_regs { + __u64 prefix; /* prefix register */ + __u64 gprs[16]; /* general purpose registers */ + __u32 acrs[16]; /* access registers */ + __u64 crs[16]; /* control registers */ + __u64 todpr; /* tod programmable register [ARCH0] */ + __u64 cputm; /* cpu timer [ARCH0] */ + __u64 ckc; /* clock comparator [ARCH0] */ + __u64 pp; /* program parameter [ARCH0] */ + __u64 gbea; /* guest breaking-event address [ARCH0] */ + __u64 pft; /* pfault token [PFAULT] */ + __u64 pfs; /* pfault select [PFAULT] */ + __u64 pfc; /* pfault compare [PFAULT] */ + __u64 vrs[32][2]; /* vector registers */ + __u8 reserved[512]; /* for future vector expansion */ + __u32 fpc; /* only valid with vector registers */ +}; + +#define KVM_REG_S390_TODPR (KVM_REG_S390 | KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 | 0x1) +#define KVM_REG_S390_EPOCHDIFF (KVM_REG_S390 | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x2) +#define KVM_REG_S390_CPU_TIMER (KVM_REG_S390 | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x3) +#define KVM_REG_S390_CLOCK_COMP (KVM_REG_S390 | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x4) +#define KVM_REG_S390_PFTOKEN (KVM_REG_S390 | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x5) +#define KVM_REG_S390_PFCOMPARE (KVM_REG_S390 | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x6) +#define KVM_REG_S390_PFSELECT (KVM_REG_S390 | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x7) +#define KVM_REG_S390_PP (KVM_REG_S390 | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x8) +#define KVM_REG_S390_GBEA (KVM_REG_S390 | KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 | 0x9) +#endif diff --git a/qemu/linux-headers/asm-s390/kvm_para.h b/qemu/linux-headers/asm-s390/kvm_para.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ff1f4e7b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/qemu/linux-headers/asm-s390/kvm_para.h @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +/* + * User API definitions for paravirtual devices on s390 + * + * Copyright IBM Corp. 2008 + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2 only) + * as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * Author(s): Christian Borntraeger + */ diff --git a/qemu/linux-headers/asm-x86/hyperv.h b/qemu/linux-headers/asm-x86/hyperv.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8fba544e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/qemu/linux-headers/asm-x86/hyperv.h @@ -0,0 +1,250 @@ +#ifndef _ASM_X86_HYPERV_H +#define _ASM_X86_HYPERV_H + +#include + +/* + * The below CPUID leaves are present if VersionAndFeatures.HypervisorPresent + * is set by CPUID(HvCpuIdFunctionVersionAndFeatures). + */ +#define HYPERV_CPUID_VENDOR_AND_MAX_FUNCTIONS 0x40000000 +#define HYPERV_CPUID_INTERFACE 0x40000001 +#define HYPERV_CPUID_VERSION 0x40000002 +#define HYPERV_CPUID_FEATURES 0x40000003 +#define HYPERV_CPUID_ENLIGHTMENT_INFO 0x40000004 +#define HYPERV_CPUID_IMPLEMENT_LIMITS 0x40000005 + +#define HYPERV_HYPERVISOR_PRESENT_BIT 0x80000000 +#define HYPERV_CPUID_MIN 0x40000005 +#define HYPERV_CPUID_MAX 0x4000ffff + +/* + * Feature identification. EAX indicates which features are available + * to the partition based upon the current partition privileges. + */ + +/* VP Runtime (HV_X64_MSR_VP_RUNTIME) available */ +#define HV_X64_MSR_VP_RUNTIME_AVAILABLE (1 << 0) +/* Partition Reference Counter (HV_X64_MSR_TIME_REF_COUNT) available*/ +#define HV_X64_MSR_TIME_REF_COUNT_AVAILABLE (1 << 1) + +/* A partition's reference time stamp counter (TSC) page */ +#define HV_X64_MSR_REFERENCE_TSC 0x40000021 + +/* + * There is a single feature flag that signifies the presence of the MSR + * that can be used to retrieve both the local APIC Timer frequency as + * well as the TSC frequency. + */ + +/* Local APIC timer frequency MSR (HV_X64_MSR_APIC_FREQUENCY) is available */ +#define HV_X64_MSR_APIC_FREQUENCY_AVAILABLE (1 << 11) + +/* TSC frequency MSR (HV_X64_MSR_TSC_FREQUENCY) is available */ +#define HV_X64_MSR_TSC_FREQUENCY_AVAILABLE (1 << 11) + +/* + * Basic SynIC MSRs (HV_X64_MSR_SCONTROL through HV_X64_MSR_EOM + * and HV_X64_MSR_SINT0 through HV_X64_MSR_SINT15) available + */ +#define HV_X64_MSR_SYNIC_AVAILABLE (1 << 2) +/* + * Synthetic Timer MSRs (HV_X64_MSR_STIMER0_CONFIG through + * HV_X64_MSR_STIMER3_COUNT) available + */ +#define HV_X64_MSR_SYNTIMER_AVAILABLE (1 << 3) +/* + * APIC access MSRs (HV_X64_MSR_EOI, HV_X64_MSR_ICR and HV_X64_MSR_TPR) + * are available + */ +#define HV_X64_MSR_APIC_ACCESS_AVAILABLE (1 << 4) +/* Hypercall MSRs (HV_X64_MSR_GUEST_OS_ID and HV_X64_MSR_HYPERCALL) available*/ +#define HV_X64_MSR_HYPERCALL_AVAILABLE (1 << 5) +/* Access virtual processor index MSR (HV_X64_MSR_VP_INDEX) available*/ +#define HV_X64_MSR_VP_INDEX_AVAILABLE (1 << 6) +/* Virtual system reset MSR (HV_X64_MSR_RESET) is available*/ +#define HV_X64_MSR_RESET_AVAILABLE (1 << 7) + /* + * Access statistics pages MSRs (HV_X64_MSR_STATS_PARTITION_RETAIL_PAGE, + * HV_X64_MSR_STATS_PARTITION_INTERNAL_PAGE, HV_X64_MSR_STATS_VP_RETAIL_PAGE, + * HV_X64_MSR_STATS_VP_INTERNAL_PAGE) available + */ +#define HV_X64_MSR_STAT_PAGES_AVAILABLE (1 << 8) + +/* + * Feature identification: EBX indicates which flags were specified at + * partition creation. The format is the same as the partition creation + * flag structure defined in section Partition Creation Flags. + */ +#define HV_X64_CREATE_PARTITIONS (1 << 0) +#define HV_X64_ACCESS_PARTITION_ID (1 << 1) +#define HV_X64_ACCESS_MEMORY_POOL (1 << 2) +#define HV_X64_ADJUST_MESSAGE_BUFFERS (1 << 3) +#define HV_X64_POST_MESSAGES (1 << 4) +#define HV_X64_SIGNAL_EVENTS (1 << 5) +#define HV_X64_CREATE_PORT (1 << 6) +#define HV_X64_CONNECT_PORT (1 << 7) +#define HV_X64_ACCESS_STATS (1 << 8) +#define HV_X64_DEBUGGING (1 << 11) +#define HV_X64_CPU_POWER_MANAGEMENT (1 << 12) +#define HV_X64_CONFIGURE_PROFILER (1 << 13) + +/* + * Feature identification. EDX indicates which miscellaneous features + * are available to the partition. + */ +/* The MWAIT instruction is available (per section MONITOR / MWAIT) */ +#define HV_X64_MWAIT_AVAILABLE (1 << 0) +/* Guest debugging support is available */ +#define HV_X64_GUEST_DEBUGGING_AVAILABLE (1 << 1) +/* Performance Monitor support is available*/ +#define HV_X64_PERF_MONITOR_AVAILABLE (1 << 2) +/* Support for physical CPU dynamic partitioning events is available*/ +#define HV_X64_CPU_DYNAMIC_PARTITIONING_AVAILABLE (1 << 3) +/* + * Support for passing hypercall input parameter block via XMM + * registers is available + */ +#define HV_X64_HYPERCALL_PARAMS_XMM_AVAILABLE (1 << 4) +/* Support for a virtual guest idle state is available */ +#define HV_X64_GUEST_IDLE_STATE_AVAILABLE (1 << 5) + +/* + * Implementation recommendations. Indicates which behaviors the hypervisor + * recommends the OS implement for optimal performance. + */ + /* + * Recommend using hypercall for address space switches rather + * than MOV to CR3 instruction + */ +#define HV_X64_MWAIT_RECOMMENDED (1 << 0) +/* Recommend using hypercall for local TLB flushes rather + * than INVLPG or MOV to CR3 instructions */ +#define HV_X64_LOCAL_TLB_FLUSH_RECOMMENDED (1 << 1) +/* + * Recommend using hypercall for remote TLB flushes rather + * than inter-processor interrupts + */ +#define HV_X64_REMOTE_TLB_FLUSH_RECOMMENDED (1 << 2) +/* + * Recommend using MSRs for accessing APIC registers + * EOI, ICR and TPR rather than their memory-mapped counterparts + */ +#define HV_X64_APIC_ACCESS_RECOMMENDED (1 << 3) +/* Recommend using the hypervisor-provided MSR to initiate a system RESET */ +#define HV_X64_SYSTEM_RESET_RECOMMENDED (1 << 4) +/* + * Recommend using relaxed timing for this partition. If used, + * the VM should disable any watchdog timeouts that rely on the + * timely delivery of external interrupts + */ +#define HV_X64_RELAXED_TIMING_RECOMMENDED (1 << 5) + +/* MSR used to identify the guest OS. */ +#define HV_X64_MSR_GUEST_OS_ID 0x40000000 + +/* MSR used to setup pages used to communicate with the hypervisor. */ +#define HV_X64_MSR_HYPERCALL 0x40000001 + +/* MSR used to provide vcpu index */ +#define HV_X64_MSR_VP_INDEX 0x40000002 + +/* MSR used to read the per-partition time reference counter */ +#define HV_X64_MSR_TIME_REF_COUNT 0x40000020 + +/* MSR used to retrieve the TSC frequency */ +#define HV_X64_MSR_TSC_FREQUENCY 0x40000022 + +/* MSR used to retrieve the local APIC timer frequency */ +#define HV_X64_MSR_APIC_FREQUENCY 0x40000023 + +/* Define the virtual APIC registers */ +#define HV_X64_MSR_EOI 0x40000070 +#define HV_X64_MSR_ICR 0x40000071 +#define HV_X64_MSR_TPR 0x40000072 +#define HV_X64_MSR_APIC_ASSIST_PAGE 0x40000073 + +/* Define synthetic interrupt controller model specific registers. */ +#define HV_X64_MSR_SCONTROL 0x40000080 +#define HV_X64_MSR_SVERSION 0x40000081 +#define HV_X64_MSR_SIEFP 0x40000082 +#define HV_X64_MSR_SIMP 0x40000083 +#define HV_X64_MSR_EOM 0x40000084 +#define HV_X64_MSR_SINT0 0x40000090 +#define HV_X64_MSR_SINT1 0x40000091 +#define HV_X64_MSR_SINT2 0x40000092 +#define HV_X64_MSR_SINT3 0x40000093 +#define HV_X64_MSR_SINT4 0x40000094 +#define HV_X64_MSR_SINT5 0x40000095 +#define HV_X64_MSR_SINT6 0x40000096 +#define HV_X64_MSR_SINT7 0x40000097 +#define HV_X64_MSR_SINT8 0x40000098 +#define HV_X64_MSR_SINT9 0x40000099 +#define HV_X64_MSR_SINT10 0x4000009A +#define HV_X64_MSR_SINT11 0x4000009B +#define HV_X64_MSR_SINT12 0x4000009C +#define HV_X64_MSR_SINT13 0x4000009D +#define HV_X64_MSR_SINT14 0x4000009E +#define HV_X64_MSR_SINT15 0x4000009F + +/* + * Synthetic Timer MSRs. Four timers per vcpu. + */ +#define HV_X64_MSR_STIMER0_CONFIG 0x400000B0 +#define HV_X64_MSR_STIMER0_COUNT 0x400000B1 +#define HV_X64_MSR_STIMER1_CONFIG 0x400000B2 +#define HV_X64_MSR_STIMER1_COUNT 0x400000B3 +#define HV_X64_MSR_STIMER2_CONFIG 0x400000B4 +#define HV_X64_MSR_STIMER2_COUNT 0x400000B5 +#define HV_X64_MSR_STIMER3_CONFIG 0x400000B6 +#define HV_X64_MSR_STIMER3_COUNT 0x400000B7 + +/* Hyper-V guest crash notification MSR's */ +#define HV_X64_MSR_CRASH_P0 0x40000100 +#define HV_X64_MSR_CRASH_P1 0x40000101 +#define HV_X64_MSR_CRASH_P2 0x40000102 +#define HV_X64_MSR_CRASH_P3 0x40000103 +#define HV_X64_MSR_CRASH_P4 0x40000104 +#define HV_X64_MSR_CRASH_CTL 0x40000105 +#define HV_X64_MSR_CRASH_CTL_NOTIFY (1ULL << 63) +#define HV_X64_MSR_CRASH_PARAMS \ + (1 + (HV_X64_MSR_CRASH_P4 - HV_X64_MSR_CRASH_P0)) + +#define HV_X64_MSR_HYPERCALL_ENABLE 0x00000001 +#define HV_X64_MSR_HYPERCALL_PAGE_ADDRESS_SHIFT 12 +#define HV_X64_MSR_HYPERCALL_PAGE_ADDRESS_MASK \ + (~((1ull << HV_X64_MSR_HYPERCALL_PAGE_ADDRESS_SHIFT) - 1)) + +/* Declare the various hypercall operations. */ +#define HV_X64_HV_NOTIFY_LONG_SPIN_WAIT 0x0008 + +#define HV_X64_MSR_APIC_ASSIST_PAGE_ENABLE 0x00000001 +#define HV_X64_MSR_APIC_ASSIST_PAGE_ADDRESS_SHIFT 12 +#define HV_X64_MSR_APIC_ASSIST_PAGE_ADDRESS_MASK \ + (~((1ull << HV_X64_MSR_APIC_ASSIST_PAGE_ADDRESS_SHIFT) - 1)) + +#define HV_X64_MSR_TSC_REFERENCE_ENABLE 0x00000001 +#define HV_X64_MSR_TSC_REFERENCE_ADDRESS_SHIFT 12 + +#define HV_PROCESSOR_POWER_STATE_C0 0 +#define HV_PROCESSOR_POWER_STATE_C1 1 +#define HV_PROCESSOR_POWER_STATE_C2 2 +#define HV_PROCESSOR_POWER_STATE_C3 3 + +/* hypercall status code */ +#define HV_STATUS_SUCCESS 0 +#define HV_STATUS_INVALID_HYPERCALL_CODE 2 +#define HV_STATUS_INVALID_HYPERCALL_INPUT 3 +#define HV_STATUS_INVALID_ALIGNMENT 4 +#define HV_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY 11 +#define HV_STATUS_INVALID_CONNECTION_ID 18 +#define HV_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFERS 19 + +typedef struct _HV_REFERENCE_TSC_PAGE { + __u32 tsc_sequence; + __u32 res1; + __u64 tsc_scale; + __s64 tsc_offset; +} HV_REFERENCE_TSC_PAGE, *PHV_REFERENCE_TSC_PAGE; + +#endif diff --git a/qemu/linux-headers/asm-x86/kvm.h b/qemu/linux-headers/asm-x86/kvm.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a4ae82eb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/qemu/linux-headers/asm-x86/kvm.h @@ -0,0 +1,360 @@ +#ifndef _ASM_X86_KVM_H +#define _ASM_X86_KVM_H + +/* + * KVM x86 specific structures and definitions + * + */ + +#include +#include + +#define DE_VECTOR 0 +#define DB_VECTOR 1 +#define BP_VECTOR 3 +#define OF_VECTOR 4 +#define BR_VECTOR 5 +#define UD_VECTOR 6 +#define NM_VECTOR 7 +#define DF_VECTOR 8 +#define TS_VECTOR 10 +#define NP_VECTOR 11 +#define SS_VECTOR 12 +#define GP_VECTOR 13 +#define PF_VECTOR 14 +#define MF_VECTOR 16 +#define AC_VECTOR 17 +#define MC_VECTOR 18 +#define XM_VECTOR 19 +#define VE_VECTOR 20 + +/* Select x86 specific features in */ +#define __KVM_HAVE_PIT +#define __KVM_HAVE_IOAPIC +#define __KVM_HAVE_IRQ_LINE +#define __KVM_HAVE_MSI +#define __KVM_HAVE_USER_NMI +#define __KVM_HAVE_GUEST_DEBUG +#define __KVM_HAVE_MSIX +#define __KVM_HAVE_MCE +#define __KVM_HAVE_PIT_STATE2 +#define __KVM_HAVE_XEN_HVM +#define __KVM_HAVE_VCPU_EVENTS +#define __KVM_HAVE_DEBUGREGS +#define __KVM_HAVE_XSAVE +#define __KVM_HAVE_XCRS +#define __KVM_HAVE_READONLY_MEM + +/* Architectural interrupt line count. */ +#define KVM_NR_INTERRUPTS 256 + +struct kvm_memory_alias { + __u32 slot; /* this has a different namespace than memory slots */ + __u32 flags; + __u64 guest_phys_addr; + __u64 memory_size; + __u64 target_phys_addr; +}; + +/* for KVM_GET_IRQCHIP and KVM_SET_IRQCHIP */ +struct kvm_pic_state { + __u8 last_irr; /* edge detection */ + __u8 irr; /* interrupt request register */ + __u8 imr; /* interrupt mask register */ + __u8 isr; /* interrupt service register */ + __u8 priority_add; /* highest irq priority */ + __u8 irq_base; + __u8 read_reg_select; + __u8 poll; + __u8 special_mask; + __u8 init_state; + __u8 auto_eoi; + __u8 rotate_on_auto_eoi; + __u8 special_fully_nested_mode; + __u8 init4; /* true if 4 byte init */ + __u8 elcr; /* PIIX edge/trigger selection */ + __u8 elcr_mask; +}; + +#define KVM_IOAPIC_NUM_PINS 24 +struct kvm_ioapic_state { + __u64 base_address; + __u32 ioregsel; + __u32 id; + __u32 irr; + __u32 pad; + union { + __u64 bits; + struct { + __u8 vector; + __u8 delivery_mode:3; + __u8 dest_mode:1; + __u8 delivery_status:1; + __u8 polarity:1; + __u8 remote_irr:1; + __u8 trig_mode:1; + __u8 mask:1; + __u8 reserve:7; + __u8 reserved[4]; + __u8 dest_id; + } fields; + } redirtbl[KVM_IOAPIC_NUM_PINS]; +}; + +#define KVM_IRQCHIP_PIC_MASTER 0 +#define KVM_IRQCHIP_PIC_SLAVE 1 +#define KVM_IRQCHIP_IOAPIC 2 +#define KVM_NR_IRQCHIPS 3 + +#define KVM_RUN_X86_SMM (1 << 0) + +/* for KVM_GET_REGS and KVM_SET_REGS */ +struct kvm_regs { + /* out (KVM_GET_REGS) / in (KVM_SET_REGS) */ + __u64 rax, rbx, rcx, rdx; + __u64 rsi, rdi, rsp, rbp; + __u64 r8, r9, r10, r11; + __u64 r12, r13, r14, r15; + __u64 rip, rflags; +}; + +/* for KVM_GET_LAPIC and KVM_SET_LAPIC */ +#define KVM_APIC_REG_SIZE 0x400 +struct kvm_lapic_state { + char regs[KVM_APIC_REG_SIZE]; +}; + +struct kvm_segment { + __u64 base; + __u32 limit; + __u16 selector; + __u8 type; + __u8 present, dpl, db, s, l, g, avl; + __u8 unusable; + __u8 padding; +}; + +struct kvm_dtable { + __u64 base; + __u16 limit; + __u16 padding[3]; +}; + + +/* for KVM_GET_SREGS and KVM_SET_SREGS */ +struct kvm_sregs { + /* out (KVM_GET_SREGS) / in (KVM_SET_SREGS) */ + struct kvm_segment cs, ds, es, fs, gs, ss; + struct kvm_segment tr, ldt; + struct kvm_dtable gdt, idt; + __u64 cr0, cr2, cr3, cr4, cr8; + __u64 efer; + __u64 apic_base; + __u64 interrupt_bitmap[(KVM_NR_INTERRUPTS + 63) / 64]; +}; + +/* for KVM_GET_FPU and KVM_SET_FPU */ +struct kvm_fpu { + __u8 fpr[8][16]; + __u16 fcw; + __u16 fsw; + __u8 ftwx; /* in fxsave format */ + __u8 pad1; + __u16 last_opcode; + __u64 last_ip; + __u64 last_dp; + __u8 xmm[16][16]; + __u32 mxcsr; + __u32 pad2; +}; + +struct kvm_msr_entry { + __u32 index; + __u32 reserved; + __u64 data; +}; + +/* for KVM_GET_MSRS and KVM_SET_MSRS */ +struct kvm_msrs { + __u32 nmsrs; /* number of msrs in entries */ + __u32 pad; + + struct kvm_msr_entry entries[0]; +}; + +/* for KVM_GET_MSR_INDEX_LIST */ +struct kvm_msr_list { + __u32 nmsrs; /* number of msrs in entries */ + __u32 indices[0]; +}; + + +struct kvm_cpuid_entry { + __u32 function; + __u32 eax; + __u32 ebx; + __u32 ecx; + __u32 edx; + __u32 padding; +}; + +/* for KVM_SET_CPUID */ +struct kvm_cpuid { + __u32 nent; + __u32 padding; + struct kvm_cpuid_entry entries[0]; +}; + +struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 { + __u32 function; + __u32 index; + __u32 flags; + __u32 eax; + __u32 ebx; + __u32 ecx; + __u32 edx; + __u32 padding[3]; +}; + +#define KVM_CPUID_FLAG_SIGNIFCANT_INDEX BIT(0) +#define KVM_CPUID_FLAG_STATEFUL_FUNC BIT(1) +#define KVM_CPUID_FLAG_STATE_READ_NEXT BIT(2) + +/* for KVM_SET_CPUID2 */ +struct kvm_cpuid2 { + __u32 nent; + __u32 padding; + struct kvm_cpuid_entry2 entries[0]; +}; + +/* for KVM_GET_PIT and KVM_SET_PIT */ +struct kvm_pit_channel_state { + __u32 count; /* can be 65536 */ + __u16 latched_count; + __u8 count_latched; + __u8 status_latched; + __u8 status; + __u8 read_state; + __u8 write_state; + __u8 write_latch; + __u8 rw_mode; + __u8 mode; + __u8 bcd; + __u8 gate; + __s64 count_load_time; +}; + +struct kvm_debug_exit_arch { + __u32 exception; + __u32 pad; + __u64 pc; + __u64 dr6; + __u64 dr7; +}; + +#define KVM_GUESTDBG_USE_SW_BP 0x00010000 +#define KVM_GUESTDBG_USE_HW_BP 0x00020000 +#define KVM_GUESTDBG_INJECT_DB 0x00040000 +#define KVM_GUESTDBG_INJECT_BP 0x00080000 + +/* for KVM_SET_GUEST_DEBUG */ +struct kvm_guest_debug_arch { + __u64 debugreg[8]; +}; + +struct kvm_pit_state { + struct kvm_pit_channel_state channels[3]; +}; + +#define KVM_PIT_FLAGS_HPET_LEGACY 0x00000001 + +struct kvm_pit_state2 { + struct kvm_pit_channel_state channels[3]; + __u32 flags; + __u32 reserved[9]; +}; + +struct kvm_reinject_control { + __u8 pit_reinject; + __u8 reserved[31]; +}; + +/* When set in flags, include corresponding fields on KVM_SET_VCPU_EVENTS */ +#define KVM_VCPUEVENT_VALID_NMI_PENDING 0x00000001 +#define KVM_VCPUEVENT_VALID_SIPI_VECTOR 0x00000002 +#define KVM_VCPUEVENT_VALID_SHADOW 0x00000004 +#define KVM_VCPUEVENT_VALID_SMM 0x00000008 + +/* Interrupt shadow states */ +#define KVM_X86_SHADOW_INT_MOV_SS 0x01 +#define KVM_X86_SHADOW_INT_STI 0x02 + +/* for KVM_GET/SET_VCPU_EVENTS */ +struct kvm_vcpu_events { + struct { + __u8 injected; + __u8 nr; + __u8 has_error_code; + __u8 pad; + __u32 error_code; + } exception; + struct { + __u8 injected; + __u8 nr; + __u8 soft; + __u8 shadow; + } interrupt; + struct { + __u8 injected; + __u8 pending; + __u8 masked; + __u8 pad; + } nmi; + __u32 sipi_vector; + __u32 flags; + struct { + __u8 smm; + __u8 pending; + __u8 smm_inside_nmi; + __u8 latched_init; + } smi; + __u32 reserved[9]; +}; + +/* for KVM_GET/SET_DEBUGREGS */ +struct kvm_debugregs { + __u64 db[4]; + __u64 dr6; + __u64 dr7; + __u64 flags; + __u64 reserved[9]; +}; + +/* for KVM_CAP_XSAVE */ +struct kvm_xsave { + __u32 region[1024]; +}; + +#define KVM_MAX_XCRS 16 + +struct kvm_xcr { + __u32 xcr; + __u32 reserved; + __u64 value; +}; + +struct kvm_xcrs { + __u32 nr_xcrs; + __u32 flags; + struct kvm_xcr xcrs[KVM_MAX_XCRS]; + __u64 padding[16]; +}; + +/* definition of registers in kvm_run */ +struct kvm_sync_regs { +}; + +#define KVM_QUIRK_LINT0_REENABLED (1 << 0) +#define KVM_QUIRK_CD_NW_CLEARED (1 << 1) + +#endif /* _ASM_X86_KVM_H */ diff --git a/qemu/linux-headers/asm-x86/kvm_para.h b/qemu/linux-headers/asm-x86/kvm_para.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e41c5c1a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/qemu/linux-headers/asm-x86/kvm_para.h @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +#ifndef _ASM_X86_KVM_PARA_H +#define _ASM_X86_KVM_PARA_H + +#include +#include + +/* This CPUID returns the signature 'KVMKVMKVM' in ebx, ecx, and edx. It + * should be used to determine that a VM is running under KVM. + */ +#define KVM_CPUID_SIGNATURE 0x40000000 + +/* This CPUID returns a feature bitmap in eax. Before enabling a particular + * paravirtualization, the appropriate feature bit should be checked. + */ +#define KVM_CPUID_FEATURES 0x40000001 +#define KVM_FEATURE_CLOCKSOURCE 0 +#define KVM_FEATURE_NOP_IO_DELAY 1 +#define KVM_FEATURE_MMU_OP 2 +/* This indicates that the new set of kvmclock msrs + * are available. The use of 0x11 and 0x12 is deprecated + */ +#define KVM_FEATURE_CLOCKSOURCE2 3 +#define KVM_FEATURE_ASYNC_PF 4 +#define KVM_FEATURE_STEAL_TIME 5 +#define KVM_FEATURE_PV_EOI 6 +#define KVM_FEATURE_PV_UNHALT 7 + +/* The last 8 bits are used to indicate how to interpret the flags field + * in pvclock structure. If no bits are set, all flags are ignored. + */ +#define KVM_FEATURE_CLOCKSOURCE_STABLE_BIT 24 + +#define MSR_KVM_WALL_CLOCK 0x11 +#define MSR_KVM_SYSTEM_TIME 0x12 + +#define KVM_MSR_ENABLED 1 +/* Custom MSRs falls in the range 0x4b564d00-0x4b564dff */ +#define MSR_KVM_WALL_CLOCK_NEW 0x4b564d00 +#define MSR_KVM_SYSTEM_TIME_NEW 0x4b564d01 +#define MSR_KVM_ASYNC_PF_EN 0x4b564d02 +#define MSR_KVM_STEAL_TIME 0x4b564d03 +#define MSR_KVM_PV_EOI_EN 0x4b564d04 + +struct kvm_steal_time { + __u64 steal; + __u32 version; + __u32 flags; + __u32 pad[12]; +}; + +#define KVM_STEAL_ALIGNMENT_BITS 5 +#define KVM_STEAL_VALID_BITS ((-1ULL << (KVM_STEAL_ALIGNMENT_BITS + 1))) +#define KVM_STEAL_RESERVED_MASK (((1 << KVM_STEAL_ALIGNMENT_BITS) - 1 ) << 1) + +#define KVM_MAX_MMU_OP_BATCH 32 + +#define KVM_ASYNC_PF_ENABLED (1 << 0) +#define KVM_ASYNC_PF_SEND_ALWAYS (1 << 1) + +/* Operations for KVM_HC_MMU_OP */ +#define KVM_MMU_OP_WRITE_PTE 1 +#define KVM_MMU_OP_FLUSH_TLB 2 +#define KVM_MMU_OP_RELEASE_PT 3 + +/* Payload for KVM_HC_MMU_OP */ +struct kvm_mmu_op_header { + __u32 op; + __u32 pad; +}; + +struct kvm_mmu_op_write_pte { + struct kvm_mmu_op_header header; + __u64 pte_phys; + __u64 pte_val; +}; + +struct kvm_mmu_op_flush_tlb { + struct kvm_mmu_op_header header; +}; + +struct kvm_mmu_op_release_pt { + struct kvm_mmu_op_header header; + __u64 pt_phys; +}; + +#define KVM_PV_REASON_PAGE_NOT_PRESENT 1 +#define KVM_PV_REASON_PAGE_READY 2 + +struct kvm_vcpu_pv_apf_data { + __u32 reason; + __u8 pad[60]; + __u32 enabled; +}; + +#define KVM_PV_EOI_BIT 0 +#define KVM_PV_EOI_MASK (0x1 << KVM_PV_EOI_BIT) +#define KVM_PV_EOI_ENABLED KVM_PV_EOI_MASK +#define KVM_PV_EOI_DISABLED 0x0 + + +#endif /* _ASM_X86_KVM_PARA_H */ diff --git a/qemu/linux-headers/linux/kvm.h b/qemu/linux-headers/linux/kvm.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3bac8736d --- /dev/null +++ b/qemu/linux-headers/linux/kvm.h @@ -0,0 +1,1258 @@ +#ifndef __LINUX_KVM_H +#define __LINUX_KVM_H + +/* + * Userspace interface for /dev/kvm - kernel based virtual machine + * + * Note: you must update KVM_API_VERSION if you change this interface. + */ + +#include + +#include +#include + +#define KVM_API_VERSION 12 + +/* *** Deprecated interfaces *** */ + +#define KVM_TRC_SHIFT 16 + +#define KVM_TRC_ENTRYEXIT (1 << KVM_TRC_SHIFT) +#define KVM_TRC_HANDLER (1 << (KVM_TRC_SHIFT + 1)) + +#define KVM_TRC_VMENTRY (KVM_TRC_ENTRYEXIT + 0x01) +#define KVM_TRC_VMEXIT (KVM_TRC_ENTRYEXIT + 0x02) +#define KVM_TRC_PAGE_FAULT (KVM_TRC_HANDLER + 0x01) + +#define KVM_TRC_HEAD_SIZE 12 +#define KVM_TRC_CYCLE_SIZE 8 +#define KVM_TRC_EXTRA_MAX 7 + +#define KVM_TRC_INJ_VIRQ (KVM_TRC_HANDLER + 0x02) +#define KVM_TRC_REDELIVER_EVT (KVM_TRC_HANDLER + 0x03) +#define KVM_TRC_PEND_INTR (KVM_TRC_HANDLER + 0x04) +#define KVM_TRC_IO_READ (KVM_TRC_HANDLER + 0x05) +#define KVM_TRC_IO_WRITE (KVM_TRC_HANDLER + 0x06) +#define KVM_TRC_CR_READ (KVM_TRC_HANDLER + 0x07) +#define KVM_TRC_CR_WRITE (KVM_TRC_HANDLER + 0x08) +#define KVM_TRC_DR_READ (KVM_TRC_HANDLER + 0x09) +#define KVM_TRC_DR_WRITE (KVM_TRC_HANDLER + 0x0A) +#define KVM_TRC_MSR_READ (KVM_TRC_HANDLER + 0x0B) +#define KVM_TRC_MSR_WRITE (KVM_TRC_HANDLER + 0x0C) +#define KVM_TRC_CPUID (KVM_TRC_HANDLER + 0x0D) +#define KVM_TRC_INTR (KVM_TRC_HANDLER + 0x0E) +#define KVM_TRC_NMI (KVM_TRC_HANDLER + 0x0F) +#define KVM_TRC_VMMCALL (KVM_TRC_HANDLER + 0x10) +#define KVM_TRC_HLT (KVM_TRC_HANDLER + 0x11) +#define KVM_TRC_CLTS (KVM_TRC_HANDLER + 0x12) +#define KVM_TRC_LMSW (KVM_TRC_HANDLER + 0x13) +#define KVM_TRC_APIC_ACCESS (KVM_TRC_HANDLER + 0x14) +#define KVM_TRC_TDP_FAULT (KVM_TRC_HANDLER + 0x15) +#define KVM_TRC_GTLB_WRITE (KVM_TRC_HANDLER + 0x16) +#define KVM_TRC_STLB_WRITE (KVM_TRC_HANDLER + 0x17) +#define KVM_TRC_STLB_INVAL (KVM_TRC_HANDLER + 0x18) +#define KVM_TRC_PPC_INSTR (KVM_TRC_HANDLER + 0x19) + +struct kvm_user_trace_setup { + __u32 buf_size; + __u32 buf_nr; +}; + +#define __KVM_DEPRECATED_MAIN_W_0x06 \ + _IOW(KVMIO, 0x06, struct kvm_user_trace_setup) +#define __KVM_DEPRECATED_MAIN_0x07 _IO(KVMIO, 0x07) +#define __KVM_DEPRECATED_MAIN_0x08 _IO(KVMIO, 0x08) + +#define __KVM_DEPRECATED_VM_R_0x70 _IOR(KVMIO, 0x70, struct kvm_assigned_irq) + +struct kvm_breakpoint { + __u32 enabled; + __u32 padding; + __u64 address; +}; + +struct kvm_debug_guest { + __u32 enabled; + __u32 pad; + struct kvm_breakpoint breakpoints[4]; + __u32 singlestep; +}; + +#define __KVM_DEPRECATED_VCPU_W_0x87 _IOW(KVMIO, 0x87, struct kvm_debug_guest) + +/* *** End of deprecated interfaces *** */ + + +/* for KVM_CREATE_MEMORY_REGION */ +struct kvm_memory_region { + __u32 slot; + __u32 flags; + __u64 guest_phys_addr; + __u64 memory_size; /* bytes */ +}; + +/* for KVM_SET_USER_MEMORY_REGION */ +struct kvm_userspace_memory_region { + __u32 slot; + __u32 flags; + __u64 guest_phys_addr; + __u64 memory_size; /* bytes */ + __u64 userspace_addr; /* start of the userspace allocated memory */ +}; + +/* + * The bit 0 ~ bit 15 of kvm_memory_region::flags are visible for userspace, + * other bits are reserved for kvm internal use which are defined in + * include/linux/kvm_host.h. + */ +#define KVM_MEM_LOG_DIRTY_PAGES (1UL << 0) +#define KVM_MEM_READONLY (1UL << 1) + +/* for KVM_IRQ_LINE */ +struct kvm_irq_level { + /* + * ACPI gsi notion of irq. + * For IA-64 (APIC model) IOAPIC0: irq 0-23; IOAPIC1: irq 24-47.. + * For X86 (standard AT mode) PIC0/1: irq 0-15. IOAPIC0: 0-23.. + * For ARM: See Documentation/virtual/kvm/api.txt + */ + union { + __u32 irq; + __s32 status; + }; + __u32 level; +}; + + +struct kvm_irqchip { + __u32 chip_id; + __u32 pad; + union { + char dummy[512]; /* reserving space */ +#ifdef __KVM_HAVE_PIT + struct kvm_pic_state pic; +#endif +#ifdef __KVM_HAVE_IOAPIC + struct kvm_ioapic_state ioapic; +#endif + } chip; +}; + +/* for KVM_CREATE_PIT2 */ +struct kvm_pit_config { + __u32 flags; + __u32 pad[15]; +}; + +#define KVM_PIT_SPEAKER_DUMMY 1 + +struct kvm_s390_skeys { + __u64 start_gfn; + __u64 count; + __u64 skeydata_addr; + __u32 flags; + __u32 reserved[9]; +}; +#define KVM_S390_GET_SKEYS_NONE 1 +#define KVM_S390_SKEYS_MAX 1048576 + +#define KVM_EXIT_UNKNOWN 0 +#define KVM_EXIT_EXCEPTION 1 +#define KVM_EXIT_IO 2 +#define KVM_EXIT_HYPERCALL 3 +#define KVM_EXIT_DEBUG 4 +#define KVM_EXIT_HLT 5 +#define KVM_EXIT_MMIO 6 +#define KVM_EXIT_IRQ_WINDOW_OPEN 7 +#define KVM_EXIT_SHUTDOWN 8 +#define KVM_EXIT_FAIL_ENTRY 9 +#define KVM_EXIT_INTR 10 +#define KVM_EXIT_SET_TPR 11 +#define KVM_EXIT_TPR_ACCESS 12 +#define KVM_EXIT_S390_SIEIC 13 +#define KVM_EXIT_S390_RESET 14 +#define KVM_EXIT_DCR 15 /* deprecated */ +#define KVM_EXIT_NMI 16 +#define KVM_EXIT_INTERNAL_ERROR 17 +#define KVM_EXIT_OSI 18 +#define KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL 19 +#define KVM_EXIT_S390_UCONTROL 20 +#define KVM_EXIT_WATCHDOG 21 +#define KVM_EXIT_S390_TSCH 22 +#define KVM_EXIT_EPR 23 +#define KVM_EXIT_SYSTEM_EVENT 24 +#define KVM_EXIT_S390_STSI 25 + +/* For KVM_EXIT_INTERNAL_ERROR */ +/* Emulate instruction failed. */ +#define KVM_INTERNAL_ERROR_EMULATION 1 +/* Encounter unexpected simultaneous exceptions. */ +#define KVM_INTERNAL_ERROR_SIMUL_EX 2 +/* Encounter unexpected vm-exit due to delivery event. */ +#define KVM_INTERNAL_ERROR_DELIVERY_EV 3 + +/* for KVM_RUN, returned by mmap(vcpu_fd, offset=0) */ +struct kvm_run { + /* in */ + __u8 request_interrupt_window; + __u8 padding1[7]; + + /* out */ + __u32 exit_reason; + __u8 ready_for_interrupt_injection; + __u8 if_flag; + __u16 flags; + + /* in (pre_kvm_run), out (post_kvm_run) */ + __u64 cr8; + __u64 apic_base; + +#ifdef __KVM_S390 + /* the processor status word for s390 */ + __u64 psw_mask; /* psw upper half */ + __u64 psw_addr; /* psw lower half */ +#endif + union { + /* KVM_EXIT_UNKNOWN */ + struct { + __u64 hardware_exit_reason; + } hw; + /* KVM_EXIT_FAIL_ENTRY */ + struct { + __u64 hardware_entry_failure_reason; + } fail_entry; + /* KVM_EXIT_EXCEPTION */ + struct { + __u32 exception; + __u32 error_code; + } ex; + /* KVM_EXIT_IO */ + struct { +#define KVM_EXIT_IO_IN 0 +#define KVM_EXIT_IO_OUT 1 + __u8 direction; + __u8 size; /* bytes */ + __u16 port; + __u32 count; + __u64 data_offset; /* relative to kvm_run start */ + } io; + struct { + struct kvm_debug_exit_arch arch; + } debug; + /* KVM_EXIT_MMIO */ + struct { + __u64 phys_addr; + __u8 data[8]; + __u32 len; + __u8 is_write; + } mmio; + /* KVM_EXIT_HYPERCALL */ + struct { + __u64 nr; + __u64 args[6]; + __u64 ret; + __u32 longmode; + __u32 pad; + } hypercall; + /* KVM_EXIT_TPR_ACCESS */ + struct { + __u64 rip; + __u32 is_write; + __u32 pad; + } tpr_access; + /* KVM_EXIT_S390_SIEIC */ + struct { + __u8 icptcode; + __u16 ipa; + __u32 ipb; + } s390_sieic; + /* KVM_EXIT_S390_RESET */ +#define KVM_S390_RESET_POR 1 +#define KVM_S390_RESET_CLEAR 2 +#define KVM_S390_RESET_SUBSYSTEM 4 +#define KVM_S390_RESET_CPU_INIT 8 +#define KVM_S390_RESET_IPL 16 + __u64 s390_reset_flags; + /* KVM_EXIT_S390_UCONTROL */ + struct { + __u64 trans_exc_code; + __u32 pgm_code; + } s390_ucontrol; + /* KVM_EXIT_DCR (deprecated) */ + struct { + __u32 dcrn; + __u32 data; + __u8 is_write; + } dcr; + struct { + __u32 suberror; + /* Available with KVM_CAP_INTERNAL_ERROR_DATA: */ + __u32 ndata; + __u64 data[16]; + } internal; + /* KVM_EXIT_OSI */ + struct { + __u64 gprs[32]; + } osi; + struct { + __u64 nr; + __u64 ret; + __u64 args[9]; + } papr_hcall; + /* KVM_EXIT_S390_TSCH */ + struct { + __u16 subchannel_id; + __u16 subchannel_nr; + __u32 io_int_parm; + __u32 io_int_word; + __u32 ipb; + __u8 dequeued; + } s390_tsch; + /* KVM_EXIT_EPR */ + struct { + __u32 epr; + } epr; + /* KVM_EXIT_SYSTEM_EVENT */ + struct { +#define KVM_SYSTEM_EVENT_SHUTDOWN 1 +#define KVM_SYSTEM_EVENT_RESET 2 + __u32 type; + __u64 flags; + } system_event; + /* KVM_EXIT_S390_STSI */ + struct { + __u64 addr; + __u8 ar; + __u8 reserved; + __u8 fc; + __u8 sel1; + __u16 sel2; + } s390_stsi; + /* Fix the size of the union. */ + char padding[256]; + }; + + /* + * shared registers between kvm and userspace. + * kvm_valid_regs specifies the register classes set by the host + * kvm_dirty_regs specified the register classes dirtied by userspace + * struct kvm_sync_regs is architecture specific, as well as the + * bits for kvm_valid_regs and kvm_dirty_regs + */ + __u64 kvm_valid_regs; + __u64 kvm_dirty_regs; + union { + struct kvm_sync_regs regs; + char padding[2048]; + } s; +}; + +/* for KVM_REGISTER_COALESCED_MMIO / KVM_UNREGISTER_COALESCED_MMIO */ + +struct kvm_coalesced_mmio_zone { + __u64 addr; + __u32 size; + __u32 pad; +}; + +struct kvm_coalesced_mmio { + __u64 phys_addr; + __u32 len; + __u32 pad; + __u8 data[8]; +}; + +struct kvm_coalesced_mmio_ring { + __u32 first, last; + struct kvm_coalesced_mmio coalesced_mmio[0]; +}; + +#define KVM_COALESCED_MMIO_MAX \ + ((PAGE_SIZE - sizeof(struct kvm_coalesced_mmio_ring)) / \ + sizeof(struct kvm_coalesced_mmio)) + +/* for KVM_TRANSLATE */ +struct kvm_translation { + /* in */ + __u64 linear_address; + + /* out */ + __u64 physical_address; + __u8 valid; + __u8 writeable; + __u8 usermode; + __u8 pad[5]; +}; + +/* for KVM_S390_MEM_OP */ +struct kvm_s390_mem_op { + /* in */ + __u64 gaddr; /* the guest address */ + __u64 flags; /* flags */ + __u32 size; /* amount of bytes */ + __u32 op; /* type of operation */ + __u64 buf; /* buffer in userspace */ + __u8 ar; /* the access register number */ + __u8 reserved[31]; /* should be set to 0 */ +}; +/* types for kvm_s390_mem_op->op */ +#define KVM_S390_MEMOP_LOGICAL_READ 0 +#define KVM_S390_MEMOP_LOGICAL_WRITE 1 +/* flags for kvm_s390_mem_op->flags */ +#define KVM_S390_MEMOP_F_CHECK_ONLY (1ULL << 0) +#define KVM_S390_MEMOP_F_INJECT_EXCEPTION (1ULL << 1) + +/* for KVM_INTERRUPT */ +struct kvm_interrupt { + /* in */ + __u32 irq; +}; + +/* for KVM_GET_DIRTY_LOG */ +struct kvm_dirty_log { + __u32 slot; + __u32 padding1; + union { + void *dirty_bitmap; /* one bit per page */ + __u64 padding2; + }; +}; + +/* for KVM_SET_SIGNAL_MASK */ +struct kvm_signal_mask { + __u32 len; + __u8 sigset[0]; +}; + +/* for KVM_TPR_ACCESS_REPORTING */ +struct kvm_tpr_access_ctl { + __u32 enabled; + __u32 flags; + __u32 reserved[8]; +}; + +/* for KVM_SET_VAPIC_ADDR */ +struct kvm_vapic_addr { + __u64 vapic_addr; +}; + +/* for KVM_SET_MP_STATE */ + +/* not all states are valid on all architectures */ +#define KVM_MP_STATE_RUNNABLE 0 +#define KVM_MP_STATE_UNINITIALIZED 1 +#define KVM_MP_STATE_INIT_RECEIVED 2 +#define KVM_MP_STATE_HALTED 3 +#define KVM_MP_STATE_SIPI_RECEIVED 4 +#define KVM_MP_STATE_STOPPED 5 +#define KVM_MP_STATE_CHECK_STOP 6 +#define KVM_MP_STATE_OPERATING 7 +#define KVM_MP_STATE_LOAD 8 + +struct kvm_mp_state { + __u32 mp_state; +}; + +struct kvm_s390_psw { + __u64 mask; + __u64 addr; +}; + +/* valid values for type in kvm_s390_interrupt */ +#define KVM_S390_SIGP_STOP 0xfffe0000u +#define KVM_S390_PROGRAM_INT 0xfffe0001u +#define KVM_S390_SIGP_SET_PREFIX 0xfffe0002u +#define KVM_S390_RESTART 0xfffe0003u +#define KVM_S390_INT_PFAULT_INIT 0xfffe0004u +#define KVM_S390_INT_PFAULT_DONE 0xfffe0005u +#define KVM_S390_MCHK 0xfffe1000u +#define KVM_S390_INT_CLOCK_COMP 0xffff1004u +#define KVM_S390_INT_CPU_TIMER 0xffff1005u +#define KVM_S390_INT_VIRTIO 0xffff2603u +#define KVM_S390_INT_SERVICE 0xffff2401u +#define KVM_S390_INT_EMERGENCY 0xffff1201u +#define KVM_S390_INT_EXTERNAL_CALL 0xffff1202u +/* Anything below 0xfffe0000u is taken by INT_IO */ +#define KVM_S390_INT_IO(ai,cssid,ssid,schid) \ + (((schid)) | \ + ((ssid) << 16) | \ + ((cssid) << 18) | \ + ((ai) << 26)) +#define KVM_S390_INT_IO_MIN 0x00000000u +#define KVM_S390_INT_IO_MAX 0xfffdffffu + + +struct kvm_s390_interrupt { + __u32 type; + __u32 parm; + __u64 parm64; +}; + +struct kvm_s390_io_info { + __u16 subchannel_id; + __u16 subchannel_nr; + __u32 io_int_parm; + __u32 io_int_word; +}; + +struct kvm_s390_ext_info { + __u32 ext_params; + __u32 pad; + __u64 ext_params2; +}; + +struct kvm_s390_pgm_info { + __u64 trans_exc_code; + __u64 mon_code; + __u64 per_address; + __u32 data_exc_code; + __u16 code; + __u16 mon_class_nr; + __u8 per_code; + __u8 per_atmid; + __u8 exc_access_id; + __u8 per_access_id; + __u8 op_access_id; + __u8 pad[3]; +}; + +struct kvm_s390_prefix_info { + __u32 address; +}; + +struct kvm_s390_extcall_info { + __u16 code; +}; + +struct kvm_s390_emerg_info { + __u16 code; +}; + +#define KVM_S390_STOP_FLAG_STORE_STATUS 0x01 +struct kvm_s390_stop_info { + __u32 flags; +}; + +struct kvm_s390_mchk_info { + __u64 cr14; + __u64 mcic; + __u64 failing_storage_address; + __u32 ext_damage_code; + __u32 pad; + __u8 fixed_logout[16]; +}; + +struct kvm_s390_irq { + __u64 type; + union { + struct kvm_s390_io_info io; + struct kvm_s390_ext_info ext; + struct kvm_s390_pgm_info pgm; + struct kvm_s390_emerg_info emerg; + struct kvm_s390_extcall_info extcall; + struct kvm_s390_prefix_info prefix; + struct kvm_s390_stop_info stop; + struct kvm_s390_mchk_info mchk; + char reserved[64]; + } u; +}; + +struct kvm_s390_irq_state { + __u64 buf; + __u32 flags; + __u32 len; + __u32 reserved[4]; +}; + +/* for KVM_SET_GUEST_DEBUG */ + +#define KVM_GUESTDBG_ENABLE 0x00000001 +#define KVM_GUESTDBG_SINGLESTEP 0x00000002 + +struct kvm_guest_debug { + __u32 control; + __u32 pad; + struct kvm_guest_debug_arch arch; +}; + +enum { + kvm_ioeventfd_flag_nr_datamatch, + kvm_ioeventfd_flag_nr_pio, + kvm_ioeventfd_flag_nr_deassign, + kvm_ioeventfd_flag_nr_virtio_ccw_notify, + kvm_ioeventfd_flag_nr_fast_mmio, + kvm_ioeventfd_flag_nr_max, +}; + +#define KVM_IOEVENTFD_FLAG_DATAMATCH (1 << kvm_ioeventfd_flag_nr_datamatch) +#define KVM_IOEVENTFD_FLAG_PIO (1 << kvm_ioeventfd_flag_nr_pio) +#define KVM_IOEVENTFD_FLAG_DEASSIGN (1 << kvm_ioeventfd_flag_nr_deassign) +#define KVM_IOEVENTFD_FLAG_VIRTIO_CCW_NOTIFY \ + (1 << kvm_ioeventfd_flag_nr_virtio_ccw_notify) + +#define KVM_IOEVENTFD_VALID_FLAG_MASK ((1 << kvm_ioeventfd_flag_nr_max) - 1) + +struct kvm_ioeventfd { + __u64 datamatch; + __u64 addr; /* legal pio/mmio address */ + __u32 len; /* 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes; or 0 to ignore length */ + __s32 fd; + __u32 flags; + __u8 pad[36]; +}; + +/* for KVM_ENABLE_CAP */ +struct kvm_enable_cap { + /* in */ + __u32 cap; + __u32 flags; + __u64 args[4]; + __u8 pad[64]; +}; + +/* for KVM_PPC_GET_PVINFO */ +struct kvm_ppc_pvinfo { + /* out */ + __u32 flags; + __u32 hcall[4]; + __u8 pad[108]; +}; + +/* for KVM_PPC_GET_SMMU_INFO */ +#define KVM_PPC_PAGE_SIZES_MAX_SZ 8 + +struct kvm_ppc_one_page_size { + __u32 page_shift; /* Page shift (or 0) */ + __u32 pte_enc; /* Encoding in the HPTE (>>12) */ +}; + +struct kvm_ppc_one_seg_page_size { + __u32 page_shift; /* Base page shift of segment (or 0) */ + __u32 slb_enc; /* SLB encoding for BookS */ + struct kvm_ppc_one_page_size enc[KVM_PPC_PAGE_SIZES_MAX_SZ]; +}; + +#define KVM_PPC_PAGE_SIZES_REAL 0x00000001 +#define KVM_PPC_1T_SEGMENTS 0x00000002 + +struct kvm_ppc_smmu_info { + __u64 flags; + __u32 slb_size; + __u32 pad; + struct kvm_ppc_one_seg_page_size sps[KVM_PPC_PAGE_SIZES_MAX_SZ]; +}; + +#define KVM_PPC_PVINFO_FLAGS_EV_IDLE (1<<0) + +#define KVMIO 0xAE + +/* machine type bits, to be used as argument to KVM_CREATE_VM */ +#define KVM_VM_S390_UCONTROL 1 + +/* on ppc, 0 indicate default, 1 should force HV and 2 PR */ +#define KVM_VM_PPC_HV 1 +#define KVM_VM_PPC_PR 2 + +#define KVM_S390_SIE_PAGE_OFFSET 1 + +/* + * ioctls for /dev/kvm fds: + */ +#define KVM_GET_API_VERSION _IO(KVMIO, 0x00) +#define KVM_CREATE_VM _IO(KVMIO, 0x01) /* returns a VM fd */ +#define KVM_GET_MSR_INDEX_LIST _IOWR(KVMIO, 0x02, struct kvm_msr_list) + +#define KVM_S390_ENABLE_SIE _IO(KVMIO, 0x06) +/* + * Check if a kvm extension is available. Argument is extension number, + * return is 1 (yes) or 0 (no, sorry). + */ +#define KVM_CHECK_EXTENSION _IO(KVMIO, 0x03) +/* + * Get size for mmap(vcpu_fd) + */ +#define KVM_GET_VCPU_MMAP_SIZE _IO(KVMIO, 0x04) /* in bytes */ +#define KVM_GET_SUPPORTED_CPUID _IOWR(KVMIO, 0x05, struct kvm_cpuid2) +#define KVM_TRACE_ENABLE __KVM_DEPRECATED_MAIN_W_0x06 +#define KVM_TRACE_PAUSE __KVM_DEPRECATED_MAIN_0x07 +#define KVM_TRACE_DISABLE __KVM_DEPRECATED_MAIN_0x08 +#define KVM_GET_EMULATED_CPUID _IOWR(KVMIO, 0x09, struct kvm_cpuid2) + +/* + * Extension capability list. + */ +#define KVM_CAP_IRQCHIP 0 +#define KVM_CAP_HLT 1 +#define KVM_CAP_MMU_SHADOW_CACHE_CONTROL 2 +#define KVM_CAP_USER_MEMORY 3 +#define KVM_CAP_SET_TSS_ADDR 4 +#define KVM_CAP_VAPIC 6 +#define KVM_CAP_EXT_CPUID 7 +#define KVM_CAP_CLOCKSOURCE 8 +#define KVM_CAP_NR_VCPUS 9 /* returns recommended max vcpus per vm */ +#define KVM_CAP_NR_MEMSLOTS 10 /* returns max memory slots per vm */ +#define KVM_CAP_PIT 11 +#define KVM_CAP_NOP_IO_DELAY 12 +#define KVM_CAP_PV_MMU 13 +#define KVM_CAP_MP_STATE 14 +#define KVM_CAP_COALESCED_MMIO 15 +#define KVM_CAP_SYNC_MMU 16 /* Changes to host mmap are reflected in guest */ +#define KVM_CAP_IOMMU 18 +/* Bug in KVM_SET_USER_MEMORY_REGION fixed: */ +#define KVM_CAP_DESTROY_MEMORY_REGION_WORKS 21 +#define KVM_CAP_USER_NMI 22 +#ifdef __KVM_HAVE_GUEST_DEBUG +#define KVM_CAP_SET_GUEST_DEBUG 23 +#endif +#ifdef __KVM_HAVE_PIT +#define KVM_CAP_REINJECT_CONTROL 24 +#endif +#define KVM_CAP_IRQ_ROUTING 25 +#define KVM_CAP_IRQ_INJECT_STATUS 26 +#define KVM_CAP_ASSIGN_DEV_IRQ 29 +/* Another bug in KVM_SET_USER_MEMORY_REGION fixed: */ +#define KVM_CAP_JOIN_MEMORY_REGIONS_WORKS 30 +#ifdef __KVM_HAVE_MCE +#define KVM_CAP_MCE 31 +#endif +#define KVM_CAP_IRQFD 32 +#ifdef __KVM_HAVE_PIT +#define KVM_CAP_PIT2 33 +#endif +#define KVM_CAP_SET_BOOT_CPU_ID 34 +#ifdef __KVM_HAVE_PIT_STATE2 +#define KVM_CAP_PIT_STATE2 35 +#endif +#define KVM_CAP_IOEVENTFD 36 +#define KVM_CAP_SET_IDENTITY_MAP_ADDR 37 +#ifdef __KVM_HAVE_XEN_HVM +#define KVM_CAP_XEN_HVM 38 +#endif +#define KVM_CAP_ADJUST_CLOCK 39 +#define KVM_CAP_INTERNAL_ERROR_DATA 40 +#ifdef __KVM_HAVE_VCPU_EVENTS +#define KVM_CAP_VCPU_EVENTS 41 +#endif +#define KVM_CAP_S390_PSW 42 +#define KVM_CAP_PPC_SEGSTATE 43 +#define KVM_CAP_HYPERV 44 +#define KVM_CAP_HYPERV_VAPIC 45 +#define KVM_CAP_HYPERV_SPIN 46 +#define KVM_CAP_PCI_SEGMENT 47 +#define KVM_CAP_PPC_PAIRED_SINGLES 48 +#define KVM_CAP_INTR_SHADOW 49 +#ifdef __KVM_HAVE_DEBUGREGS +#define KVM_CAP_DEBUGREGS 50 +#endif +#define KVM_CAP_X86_ROBUST_SINGLESTEP 51 +#define KVM_CAP_PPC_OSI 52 +#define KVM_CAP_PPC_UNSET_IRQ 53 +#define KVM_CAP_ENABLE_CAP 54 +#ifdef __KVM_HAVE_XSAVE +#define KVM_CAP_XSAVE 55 +#endif +#ifdef __KVM_HAVE_XCRS +#define KVM_CAP_XCRS 56 +#endif +#define KVM_CAP_PPC_GET_PVINFO 57 +#define KVM_CAP_PPC_IRQ_LEVEL 58 +#define KVM_CAP_ASYNC_PF 59 +#define KVM_CAP_TSC_CONTROL 60 +#define KVM_CAP_GET_TSC_KHZ 61 +#define KVM_CAP_PPC_BOOKE_SREGS 62 +#define KVM_CAP_SPAPR_TCE 63 +#define KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT 64 +#define KVM_CAP_PPC_RMA 65 +#define KVM_CAP_MAX_VCPUS 66 /* returns max vcpus per vm */ +#define KVM_CAP_PPC_HIOR 67 +#define KVM_CAP_PPC_PAPR 68 +#define KVM_CAP_SW_TLB 69 +#define KVM_CAP_ONE_REG 70 +#define KVM_CAP_S390_GMAP 71 +#define KVM_CAP_TSC_DEADLINE_TIMER 72 +#define KVM_CAP_S390_UCONTROL 73 +#define KVM_CAP_SYNC_REGS 74 +#define KVM_CAP_PCI_2_3 75 +#define KVM_CAP_KVMCLOCK_CTRL 76 +#define KVM_CAP_SIGNAL_MSI 77 +#define KVM_CAP_PPC_GET_SMMU_INFO 78 +#define KVM_CAP_S390_COW 79 +#define KVM_CAP_PPC_ALLOC_HTAB 80 +#define KVM_CAP_READONLY_MEM 81 +#define KVM_CAP_IRQFD_RESAMPLE 82 +#define KVM_CAP_PPC_BOOKE_WATCHDOG 83 +#define KVM_CAP_PPC_HTAB_FD 84 +#define KVM_CAP_S390_CSS_SUPPORT 85 +#define KVM_CAP_PPC_EPR 86 +#define KVM_CAP_ARM_PSCI 87 +#define KVM_CAP_ARM_SET_DEVICE_ADDR 88 +#define KVM_CAP_DEVICE_CTRL 89 +#define KVM_CAP_IRQ_MPIC 90 +#define KVM_CAP_PPC_RTAS 91 +#define KVM_CAP_IRQ_XICS 92 +#define KVM_CAP_ARM_EL1_32BIT 93 +#define KVM_CAP_SPAPR_MULTITCE 94 +#define KVM_CAP_EXT_EMUL_CPUID 95 +#define KVM_CAP_HYPERV_TIME 96 +#define KVM_CAP_IOAPIC_POLARITY_IGNORED 97 +#define KVM_CAP_ENABLE_CAP_VM 98 +#define KVM_CAP_S390_IRQCHIP 99 +#define KVM_CAP_IOEVENTFD_NO_LENGTH 100 +#define KVM_CAP_VM_ATTRIBUTES 101 +#define KVM_CAP_ARM_PSCI_0_2 102 +#define KVM_CAP_PPC_FIXUP_HCALL 103 +#define KVM_CAP_PPC_ENABLE_HCALL 104 +#define KVM_CAP_CHECK_EXTENSION_VM 105 +#define KVM_CAP_S390_USER_SIGP 106 +#define KVM_CAP_S390_VECTOR_REGISTERS 107 +#define KVM_CAP_S390_MEM_OP 108 +#define KVM_CAP_S390_USER_STSI 109 +#define KVM_CAP_S390_SKEYS 110 +#define KVM_CAP_MIPS_FPU 111 +#define KVM_CAP_MIPS_MSA 112 +#define KVM_CAP_S390_INJECT_IRQ 113 +#define KVM_CAP_S390_IRQ_STATE 114 +#define KVM_CAP_PPC_HWRNG 115 +#define KVM_CAP_DISABLE_QUIRKS 116 +#define KVM_CAP_X86_SMM 117 +#define KVM_CAP_MULTI_ADDRESS_SPACE 118 + +#ifdef KVM_CAP_IRQ_ROUTING + +struct kvm_irq_routing_irqchip { + __u32 irqchip; + __u32 pin; +}; + +struct kvm_irq_routing_msi { + __u32 address_lo; + __u32 address_hi; + __u32 data; + __u32 pad; +}; + +struct kvm_irq_routing_s390_adapter { + __u64 ind_addr; + __u64 summary_addr; + __u64 ind_offset; + __u32 summary_offset; + __u32 adapter_id; +}; + +/* gsi routing entry types */ +#define KVM_IRQ_ROUTING_IRQCHIP 1 +#define KVM_IRQ_ROUTING_MSI 2 +#define KVM_IRQ_ROUTING_S390_ADAPTER 3 + +struct kvm_irq_routing_entry { + __u32 gsi; + __u32 type; + __u32 flags; + __u32 pad; + union { + struct kvm_irq_routing_irqchip irqchip; + struct kvm_irq_routing_msi msi; + struct kvm_irq_routing_s390_adapter adapter; + __u32 pad[8]; + } u; +}; + +struct kvm_irq_routing { + __u32 nr; + __u32 flags; + struct kvm_irq_routing_entry entries[0]; +}; + +#endif + +#ifdef KVM_CAP_MCE +/* x86 MCE */ +struct kvm_x86_mce { + __u64 status; + __u64 addr; + __u64 misc; + __u64 mcg_status; + __u8 bank; + __u8 pad1[7]; + __u64 pad2[3]; +}; +#endif + +#ifdef KVM_CAP_XEN_HVM +struct kvm_xen_hvm_config { + __u32 flags; + __u32 msr; + __u64 blob_addr_32; + __u64 blob_addr_64; + __u8 blob_size_32; + __u8 blob_size_64; + __u8 pad2[30]; +}; +#endif + +#define KVM_IRQFD_FLAG_DEASSIGN (1 << 0) +/* + * Available with KVM_CAP_IRQFD_RESAMPLE + * + * KVM_IRQFD_FLAG_RESAMPLE indicates resamplefd is valid and specifies + * the irqfd to operate in resampling mode for level triggered interrupt + * emulation. See Documentation/virtual/kvm/api.txt. + */ +#define KVM_IRQFD_FLAG_RESAMPLE (1 << 1) + +struct kvm_irqfd { + __u32 fd; + __u32 gsi; + __u32 flags; + __u32 resamplefd; + __u8 pad[16]; +}; + +struct kvm_clock_data { + __u64 clock; + __u32 flags; + __u32 pad[9]; +}; + +#define KVM_MMU_FSL_BOOKE_NOHV 0 +#define KVM_MMU_FSL_BOOKE_HV 1 + +struct kvm_config_tlb { + __u64 params; + __u64 array; + __u32 mmu_type; + __u32 array_len; +}; + +struct kvm_dirty_tlb { + __u64 bitmap; + __u32 num_dirty; +}; + +/* Available with KVM_CAP_ONE_REG */ + +#define KVM_REG_ARCH_MASK 0xff00000000000000ULL +#define KVM_REG_GENERIC 0x0000000000000000ULL + +/* + * Architecture specific registers are to be defined in arch headers and + * ORed with the arch identifier. + */ +#define KVM_REG_PPC 0x1000000000000000ULL +#define KVM_REG_X86 0x2000000000000000ULL +#define KVM_REG_IA64 0x3000000000000000ULL +#define KVM_REG_ARM 0x4000000000000000ULL +#define KVM_REG_S390 0x5000000000000000ULL +#define KVM_REG_ARM64 0x6000000000000000ULL +#define KVM_REG_MIPS 0x7000000000000000ULL + +#define KVM_REG_SIZE_SHIFT 52 +#define KVM_REG_SIZE_MASK 0x00f0000000000000ULL +#define KVM_REG_SIZE_U8 0x0000000000000000ULL +#define KVM_REG_SIZE_U16 0x0010000000000000ULL +#define KVM_REG_SIZE_U32 0x0020000000000000ULL +#define KVM_REG_SIZE_U64 0x0030000000000000ULL +#define KVM_REG_SIZE_U128 0x0040000000000000ULL +#define KVM_REG_SIZE_U256 0x0050000000000000ULL +#define KVM_REG_SIZE_U512 0x0060000000000000ULL +#define KVM_REG_SIZE_U1024 0x0070000000000000ULL + +struct kvm_reg_list { + __u64 n; /* number of regs */ + __u64 reg[0]; +}; + +struct kvm_one_reg { + __u64 id; + __u64 addr; +}; + +struct kvm_msi { + __u32 address_lo; + __u32 address_hi; + __u32 data; + __u32 flags; + __u8 pad[16]; +}; + +struct kvm_arm_device_addr { + __u64 id; + __u64 addr; +}; + +/* + * Device control API, available with KVM_CAP_DEVICE_CTRL + */ +#define KVM_CREATE_DEVICE_TEST 1 + +struct kvm_create_device { + __u32 type; /* in: KVM_DEV_TYPE_xxx */ + __u32 fd; /* out: device handle */ + __u32 flags; /* in: KVM_CREATE_DEVICE_xxx */ +}; + +struct kvm_device_attr { + __u32 flags; /* no flags currently defined */ + __u32 group; /* device-defined */ + __u64 attr; /* group-defined */ + __u64 addr; /* userspace address of attr data */ +}; + +#define KVM_DEV_VFIO_GROUP 1 +#define KVM_DEV_VFIO_GROUP_ADD 1 +#define KVM_DEV_VFIO_GROUP_DEL 2 + +enum kvm_device_type { + KVM_DEV_TYPE_FSL_MPIC_20 = 1, +#define KVM_DEV_TYPE_FSL_MPIC_20 KVM_DEV_TYPE_FSL_MPIC_20 + KVM_DEV_TYPE_FSL_MPIC_42, +#define KVM_DEV_TYPE_FSL_MPIC_42 KVM_DEV_TYPE_FSL_MPIC_42 + KVM_DEV_TYPE_XICS, +#define KVM_DEV_TYPE_XICS KVM_DEV_TYPE_XICS + KVM_DEV_TYPE_VFIO, +#define KVM_DEV_TYPE_VFIO KVM_DEV_TYPE_VFIO + KVM_DEV_TYPE_ARM_VGIC_V2, +#define KVM_DEV_TYPE_ARM_VGIC_V2 KVM_DEV_TYPE_ARM_VGIC_V2 + KVM_DEV_TYPE_FLIC, +#define KVM_DEV_TYPE_FLIC KVM_DEV_TYPE_FLIC + KVM_DEV_TYPE_ARM_VGIC_V3, +#define KVM_DEV_TYPE_ARM_VGIC_V3 KVM_DEV_TYPE_ARM_VGIC_V3 + KVM_DEV_TYPE_MAX, +}; + +/* + * ioctls for VM fds + */ +#define KVM_SET_MEMORY_REGION _IOW(KVMIO, 0x40, struct kvm_memory_region) +/* + * KVM_CREATE_VCPU receives as a parameter the vcpu slot, and returns + * a vcpu fd. + */ +#define KVM_CREATE_VCPU _IO(KVMIO, 0x41) +#define KVM_GET_DIRTY_LOG _IOW(KVMIO, 0x42, struct kvm_dirty_log) +/* KVM_SET_MEMORY_ALIAS is obsolete: */ +#define KVM_SET_MEMORY_ALIAS _IOW(KVMIO, 0x43, struct kvm_memory_alias) +#define KVM_SET_NR_MMU_PAGES _IO(KVMIO, 0x44) +#define KVM_GET_NR_MMU_PAGES _IO(KVMIO, 0x45) +#define KVM_SET_USER_MEMORY_REGION _IOW(KVMIO, 0x46, \ + struct kvm_userspace_memory_region) +#define KVM_SET_TSS_ADDR _IO(KVMIO, 0x47) +#define KVM_SET_IDENTITY_MAP_ADDR _IOW(KVMIO, 0x48, __u64) + +/* enable ucontrol for s390 */ +struct kvm_s390_ucas_mapping { + __u64 user_addr; + __u64 vcpu_addr; + __u64 length; +}; +#define KVM_S390_UCAS_MAP _IOW(KVMIO, 0x50, struct kvm_s390_ucas_mapping) +#define KVM_S390_UCAS_UNMAP _IOW(KVMIO, 0x51, struct kvm_s390_ucas_mapping) +#define KVM_S390_VCPU_FAULT _IOW(KVMIO, 0x52, unsigned long) + +/* Device model IOC */ +#define KVM_CREATE_IRQCHIP _IO(KVMIO, 0x60) +#define KVM_IRQ_LINE _IOW(KVMIO, 0x61, struct kvm_irq_level) +#define KVM_GET_IRQCHIP _IOWR(KVMIO, 0x62, struct kvm_irqchip) +#define KVM_SET_IRQCHIP _IOR(KVMIO, 0x63, struct kvm_irqchip) +#define KVM_CREATE_PIT _IO(KVMIO, 0x64) +#define KVM_GET_PIT _IOWR(KVMIO, 0x65, struct kvm_pit_state) +#define KVM_SET_PIT _IOR(KVMIO, 0x66, struct kvm_pit_state) +#define KVM_IRQ_LINE_STATUS _IOWR(KVMIO, 0x67, struct kvm_irq_level) +#define KVM_REGISTER_COALESCED_MMIO \ + _IOW(KVMIO, 0x67, struct kvm_coalesced_mmio_zone) +#define KVM_UNREGISTER_COALESCED_MMIO \ + _IOW(KVMIO, 0x68, struct kvm_coalesced_mmio_zone) +#define KVM_ASSIGN_PCI_DEVICE _IOR(KVMIO, 0x69, \ + struct kvm_assigned_pci_dev) +#define KVM_SET_GSI_ROUTING _IOW(KVMIO, 0x6a, struct kvm_irq_routing) +/* deprecated, replaced by KVM_ASSIGN_DEV_IRQ */ +#define KVM_ASSIGN_IRQ __KVM_DEPRECATED_VM_R_0x70 +#define KVM_ASSIGN_DEV_IRQ _IOW(KVMIO, 0x70, struct kvm_assigned_irq) +#define KVM_REINJECT_CONTROL _IO(KVMIO, 0x71) +#define KVM_DEASSIGN_PCI_DEVICE _IOW(KVMIO, 0x72, \ + struct kvm_assigned_pci_dev) +#define KVM_ASSIGN_SET_MSIX_NR _IOW(KVMIO, 0x73, \ + struct kvm_assigned_msix_nr) +#define KVM_ASSIGN_SET_MSIX_ENTRY _IOW(KVMIO, 0x74, \ + struct kvm_assigned_msix_entry) +#define KVM_DEASSIGN_DEV_IRQ _IOW(KVMIO, 0x75, struct kvm_assigned_irq) +#define KVM_IRQFD _IOW(KVMIO, 0x76, struct kvm_irqfd) +#define KVM_CREATE_PIT2 _IOW(KVMIO, 0x77, struct kvm_pit_config) +#define KVM_SET_BOOT_CPU_ID _IO(KVMIO, 0x78) +#define KVM_IOEVENTFD _IOW(KVMIO, 0x79, struct kvm_ioeventfd) +#define KVM_XEN_HVM_CONFIG _IOW(KVMIO, 0x7a, struct kvm_xen_hvm_config) +#define KVM_SET_CLOCK _IOW(KVMIO, 0x7b, struct kvm_clock_data) +#define KVM_GET_CLOCK _IOR(KVMIO, 0x7c, struct kvm_clock_data) +/* Available with KVM_CAP_PIT_STATE2 */ +#define KVM_GET_PIT2 _IOR(KVMIO, 0x9f, struct kvm_pit_state2) +#define KVM_SET_PIT2 _IOW(KVMIO, 0xa0, struct kvm_pit_state2) +/* Available with KVM_CAP_PPC_GET_PVINFO */ +#define KVM_PPC_GET_PVINFO _IOW(KVMIO, 0xa1, struct kvm_ppc_pvinfo) +/* Available with KVM_CAP_TSC_CONTROL */ +#define KVM_SET_TSC_KHZ _IO(KVMIO, 0xa2) +#define KVM_GET_TSC_KHZ _IO(KVMIO, 0xa3) +/* Available with KVM_CAP_PCI_2_3 */ +#define KVM_ASSIGN_SET_INTX_MASK _IOW(KVMIO, 0xa4, \ + struct kvm_assigned_pci_dev) +/* Available with KVM_CAP_SIGNAL_MSI */ +#define KVM_SIGNAL_MSI _IOW(KVMIO, 0xa5, struct kvm_msi) +/* Available with KVM_CAP_PPC_GET_SMMU_INFO */ +#define KVM_PPC_GET_SMMU_INFO _IOR(KVMIO, 0xa6, struct kvm_ppc_smmu_info) +/* Available with KVM_CAP_PPC_ALLOC_HTAB */ +#define KVM_PPC_ALLOCATE_HTAB _IOWR(KVMIO, 0xa7, __u32) +#define KVM_CREATE_SPAPR_TCE _IOW(KVMIO, 0xa8, struct kvm_create_spapr_tce) +/* Available with KVM_CAP_RMA */ +#define KVM_ALLOCATE_RMA _IOR(KVMIO, 0xa9, struct kvm_allocate_rma) +/* Available with KVM_CAP_PPC_HTAB_FD */ +#define KVM_PPC_GET_HTAB_FD _IOW(KVMIO, 0xaa, struct kvm_get_htab_fd) +/* Available with KVM_CAP_ARM_SET_DEVICE_ADDR */ +#define KVM_ARM_SET_DEVICE_ADDR _IOW(KVMIO, 0xab, struct kvm_arm_device_addr) +/* Available with KVM_CAP_PPC_RTAS */ +#define KVM_PPC_RTAS_DEFINE_TOKEN _IOW(KVMIO, 0xac, struct kvm_rtas_token_args) + +/* ioctl for vm fd */ +#define KVM_CREATE_DEVICE _IOWR(KVMIO, 0xe0, struct kvm_create_device) + +/* ioctls for fds returned by KVM_CREATE_DEVICE */ +#define KVM_SET_DEVICE_ATTR _IOW(KVMIO, 0xe1, struct kvm_device_attr) +#define KVM_GET_DEVICE_ATTR _IOW(KVMIO, 0xe2, struct kvm_device_attr) +#define KVM_HAS_DEVICE_ATTR _IOW(KVMIO, 0xe3, struct kvm_device_attr) + +/* + * ioctls for vcpu fds + */ +#define KVM_RUN _IO(KVMIO, 0x80) +#define KVM_GET_REGS _IOR(KVMIO, 0x81, struct kvm_regs) +#define KVM_SET_REGS _IOW(KVMIO, 0x82, struct kvm_regs) +#define KVM_GET_SREGS _IOR(KVMIO, 0x83, struct kvm_sregs) +#define KVM_SET_SREGS _IOW(KVMIO, 0x84, struct kvm_sregs) +#define KVM_TRANSLATE _IOWR(KVMIO, 0x85, struct kvm_translation) +#define KVM_INTERRUPT _IOW(KVMIO, 0x86, struct kvm_interrupt) +/* KVM_DEBUG_GUEST is no longer supported, use KVM_SET_GUEST_DEBUG instead */ +#define KVM_DEBUG_GUEST __KVM_DEPRECATED_VCPU_W_0x87 +#define KVM_GET_MSRS _IOWR(KVMIO, 0x88, struct kvm_msrs) +#define KVM_SET_MSRS _IOW(KVMIO, 0x89, struct kvm_msrs) +#define KVM_SET_CPUID _IOW(KVMIO, 0x8a, struct kvm_cpuid) +#define KVM_SET_SIGNAL_MASK _IOW(KVMIO, 0x8b, struct kvm_signal_mask) +#define KVM_GET_FPU _IOR(KVMIO, 0x8c, struct kvm_fpu) +#define KVM_SET_FPU _IOW(KVMIO, 0x8d, struct kvm_fpu) +#define KVM_GET_LAPIC _IOR(KVMIO, 0x8e, struct kvm_lapic_state) +#define KVM_SET_LAPIC _IOW(KVMIO, 0x8f, struct kvm_lapic_state) +#define KVM_SET_CPUID2 _IOW(KVMIO, 0x90, struct kvm_cpuid2) +#define KVM_GET_CPUID2 _IOWR(KVMIO, 0x91, struct kvm_cpuid2) +/* Available with KVM_CAP_VAPIC */ +#define KVM_TPR_ACCESS_REPORTING _IOWR(KVMIO, 0x92, struct kvm_tpr_access_ctl) +/* Available with KVM_CAP_VAPIC */ +#define KVM_SET_VAPIC_ADDR _IOW(KVMIO, 0x93, struct kvm_vapic_addr) +/* valid for virtual machine (for floating interrupt)_and_ vcpu */ +#define KVM_S390_INTERRUPT _IOW(KVMIO, 0x94, struct kvm_s390_interrupt) +/* store status for s390 */ +#define KVM_S390_STORE_STATUS_NOADDR (-1ul) +#define KVM_S390_STORE_STATUS_PREFIXED (-2ul) +#define KVM_S390_STORE_STATUS _IOW(KVMIO, 0x95, unsigned long) +/* initial ipl psw for s390 */ +#define KVM_S390_SET_INITIAL_PSW _IOW(KVMIO, 0x96, struct kvm_s390_psw) +/* initial reset for s390 */ +#define KVM_S390_INITIAL_RESET _IO(KVMIO, 0x97) +#define KVM_GET_MP_STATE _IOR(KVMIO, 0x98, struct kvm_mp_state) +#define KVM_SET_MP_STATE _IOW(KVMIO, 0x99, struct kvm_mp_state) +/* Available with KVM_CAP_USER_NMI */ +#define KVM_NMI _IO(KVMIO, 0x9a) +/* Available with KVM_CAP_SET_GUEST_DEBUG */ +#define KVM_SET_GUEST_DEBUG _IOW(KVMIO, 0x9b, struct kvm_guest_debug) +/* MCE for x86 */ +#define KVM_X86_SETUP_MCE _IOW(KVMIO, 0x9c, __u64) +#define KVM_X86_GET_MCE_CAP_SUPPORTED _IOR(KVMIO, 0x9d, __u64) +#define KVM_X86_SET_MCE _IOW(KVMIO, 0x9e, struct kvm_x86_mce) +/* Available with KVM_CAP_VCPU_EVENTS */ +#define KVM_GET_VCPU_EVENTS _IOR(KVMIO, 0x9f, struct kvm_vcpu_events) +#define KVM_SET_VCPU_EVENTS _IOW(KVMIO, 0xa0, struct kvm_vcpu_events) +/* Available with KVM_CAP_DEBUGREGS */ +#define KVM_GET_DEBUGREGS _IOR(KVMIO, 0xa1, struct kvm_debugregs) +#define KVM_SET_DEBUGREGS _IOW(KVMIO, 0xa2, struct kvm_debugregs) +/* + * vcpu version available with KVM_ENABLE_CAP + * vm version available with KVM_CAP_ENABLE_CAP_VM + */ +#define KVM_ENABLE_CAP _IOW(KVMIO, 0xa3, struct kvm_enable_cap) +/* Available with KVM_CAP_XSAVE */ +#define KVM_GET_XSAVE _IOR(KVMIO, 0xa4, struct kvm_xsave) +#define KVM_SET_XSAVE _IOW(KVMIO, 0xa5, struct kvm_xsave) +/* Available with KVM_CAP_XCRS */ +#define KVM_GET_XCRS _IOR(KVMIO, 0xa6, struct kvm_xcrs) +#define KVM_SET_XCRS _IOW(KVMIO, 0xa7, struct kvm_xcrs) +/* Available with KVM_CAP_SW_TLB */ +#define KVM_DIRTY_TLB _IOW(KVMIO, 0xaa, struct kvm_dirty_tlb) +/* Available with KVM_CAP_ONE_REG */ +#define KVM_GET_ONE_REG _IOW(KVMIO, 0xab, struct kvm_one_reg) +#define KVM_SET_ONE_REG _IOW(KVMIO, 0xac, struct kvm_one_reg) +/* VM is being stopped by host */ +#define KVM_KVMCLOCK_CTRL _IO(KVMIO, 0xad) +#define KVM_ARM_VCPU_INIT _IOW(KVMIO, 0xae, struct kvm_vcpu_init) +#define KVM_ARM_PREFERRED_TARGET _IOR(KVMIO, 0xaf, struct kvm_vcpu_init) +#define KVM_GET_REG_LIST _IOWR(KVMIO, 0xb0, struct kvm_reg_list) +/* Available with KVM_CAP_S390_MEM_OP */ +#define KVM_S390_MEM_OP _IOW(KVMIO, 0xb1, struct kvm_s390_mem_op) +/* Available with KVM_CAP_S390_SKEYS */ +#define KVM_S390_GET_SKEYS _IOW(KVMIO, 0xb2, struct kvm_s390_skeys) +#define KVM_S390_SET_SKEYS _IOW(KVMIO, 0xb3, struct kvm_s390_skeys) +/* Available with KVM_CAP_S390_INJECT_IRQ */ +#define KVM_S390_IRQ _IOW(KVMIO, 0xb4, struct kvm_s390_irq) +/* Available with KVM_CAP_S390_IRQ_STATE */ +#define KVM_S390_SET_IRQ_STATE _IOW(KVMIO, 0xb5, struct kvm_s390_irq_state) +#define KVM_S390_GET_IRQ_STATE _IOW(KVMIO, 0xb6, struct kvm_s390_irq_state) +/* Available with KVM_CAP_X86_SMM */ +#define KVM_SMI _IO(KVMIO, 0xb7) + +#define KVM_DEV_ASSIGN_ENABLE_IOMMU (1 << 0) +#define KVM_DEV_ASSIGN_PCI_2_3 (1 << 1) +#define KVM_DEV_ASSIGN_MASK_INTX (1 << 2) + +struct kvm_assigned_pci_dev { + __u32 assigned_dev_id; + __u32 busnr; + __u32 devfn; + __u32 flags; + __u32 segnr; + union { + __u32 reserved[11]; + }; +}; + +#define KVM_DEV_IRQ_HOST_INTX (1 << 0) +#define KVM_DEV_IRQ_HOST_MSI (1 << 1) +#define KVM_DEV_IRQ_HOST_MSIX (1 << 2) + +#define KVM_DEV_IRQ_GUEST_INTX (1 << 8) +#define KVM_DEV_IRQ_GUEST_MSI (1 << 9) +#define KVM_DEV_IRQ_GUEST_MSIX (1 << 10) + +#define KVM_DEV_IRQ_HOST_MASK 0x00ff +#define KVM_DEV_IRQ_GUEST_MASK 0xff00 + +struct kvm_assigned_irq { + __u32 assigned_dev_id; + __u32 host_irq; /* ignored (legacy field) */ + __u32 guest_irq; + __u32 flags; + union { + __u32 reserved[12]; + }; +}; + +struct kvm_assigned_msix_nr { + __u32 assigned_dev_id; + __u16 entry_nr; + __u16 padding; +}; + +#define KVM_MAX_MSIX_PER_DEV 256 +struct kvm_assigned_msix_entry { + __u32 assigned_dev_id; + __u32 gsi; + __u16 entry; /* The index of entry in the MSI-X table */ + __u16 padding[3]; +}; + +#endif /* __LINUX_KVM_H */ diff --git a/qemu/linux-headers/linux/kvm_para.h b/qemu/linux-headers/linux/kvm_para.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e61661edf --- /dev/null +++ b/qemu/linux-headers/linux/kvm_para.h @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +#ifndef __LINUX_KVM_PARA_H +#define __LINUX_KVM_PARA_H + +/* + * This header file provides a method for making a hypercall to the host + * Architectures should define: + * - kvm_hypercall0, kvm_hypercall1... + * - kvm_arch_para_features + * - kvm_para_available + */ + +/* Return values for hypercalls */ +#define KVM_ENOSYS 1000 +#define KVM_EFAULT EFAULT +#define KVM_E2BIG E2BIG +#define KVM_EPERM EPERM + +#define KVM_HC_VAPIC_POLL_IRQ 1 +#define KVM_HC_MMU_OP 2 +#define KVM_HC_FEATURES 3 +#define KVM_HC_PPC_MAP_MAGIC_PAGE 4 +#define KVM_HC_KICK_CPU 5 +#define KVM_HC_MIPS_GET_CLOCK_FREQ 6 +#define KVM_HC_MIPS_EXIT_VM 7 +#define KVM_HC_MIPS_CONSOLE_OUTPUT 8 + +/* + * hypercalls use architecture specific + */ +#include + +#endif /* __LINUX_KVM_PARA_H */ diff --git a/qemu/linux-headers/linux/psci.h b/qemu/linux-headers/linux/psci.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5a7676307 --- /dev/null +++ b/qemu/linux-headers/linux/psci.h @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +/* + * ARM Power State and Coordination Interface (PSCI) header + * + * This header holds common PSCI defines and macros shared + * by: ARM kernel, ARM64 kernel, KVM ARM/ARM64 and user space. + * + * Copyright (C) 2014 Linaro Ltd. + * Author: Anup Patel + */ + +#ifndef _LINUX_PSCI_H +#define _LINUX_PSCI_H + +/* + * PSCI v0.1 interface + * + * The PSCI v0.1 function numbers are implementation defined. + * + * Only PSCI return values such as: SUCCESS, NOT_SUPPORTED, + * INVALID_PARAMS, and DENIED defined below are applicable + * to PSCI v0.1. + */ + +/* PSCI v0.2 interface */ +#define PSCI_0_2_FN_BASE 0x84000000 +#define PSCI_0_2_FN(n) (PSCI_0_2_FN_BASE + (n)) +#define PSCI_0_2_64BIT 0x40000000 +#define PSCI_0_2_FN64_BASE \ + (PSCI_0_2_FN_BASE + PSCI_0_2_64BIT) +#define PSCI_0_2_FN64(n) (PSCI_0_2_FN64_BASE + (n)) + +#define PSCI_0_2_FN_PSCI_VERSION PSCI_0_2_FN(0) +#define PSCI_0_2_FN_CPU_SUSPEND PSCI_0_2_FN(1) +#define PSCI_0_2_FN_CPU_OFF PSCI_0_2_FN(2) +#define PSCI_0_2_FN_CPU_ON PSCI_0_2_FN(3) +#define PSCI_0_2_FN_AFFINITY_INFO PSCI_0_2_FN(4) +#define PSCI_0_2_FN_MIGRATE PSCI_0_2_FN(5) +#define PSCI_0_2_FN_MIGRATE_INFO_TYPE PSCI_0_2_FN(6) +#define PSCI_0_2_FN_MIGRATE_INFO_UP_CPU PSCI_0_2_FN(7) +#define PSCI_0_2_FN_SYSTEM_OFF PSCI_0_2_FN(8) +#define PSCI_0_2_FN_SYSTEM_RESET PSCI_0_2_FN(9) + +#define PSCI_0_2_FN64_CPU_SUSPEND PSCI_0_2_FN64(1) +#define PSCI_0_2_FN64_CPU_ON PSCI_0_2_FN64(3) +#define PSCI_0_2_FN64_AFFINITY_INFO PSCI_0_2_FN64(4) +#define PSCI_0_2_FN64_MIGRATE PSCI_0_2_FN64(5) +#define PSCI_0_2_FN64_MIGRATE_INFO_UP_CPU PSCI_0_2_FN64(7) + +/* PSCI v0.2 power state encoding for CPU_SUSPEND function */ +#define PSCI_0_2_POWER_STATE_ID_MASK 0xffff +#define PSCI_0_2_POWER_STATE_ID_SHIFT 0 +#define PSCI_0_2_POWER_STATE_TYPE_SHIFT 16 +#define PSCI_0_2_POWER_STATE_TYPE_MASK \ + (0x1 << PSCI_0_2_POWER_STATE_TYPE_SHIFT) +#define PSCI_0_2_POWER_STATE_AFFL_SHIFT 24 +#define PSCI_0_2_POWER_STATE_AFFL_MASK \ + (0x3 << PSCI_0_2_POWER_STATE_AFFL_SHIFT) + +/* PSCI v0.2 affinity level state returned by AFFINITY_INFO */ +#define PSCI_0_2_AFFINITY_LEVEL_ON 0 +#define PSCI_0_2_AFFINITY_LEVEL_OFF 1 +#define PSCI_0_2_AFFINITY_LEVEL_ON_PENDING 2 + +/* PSCI v0.2 multicore support in Trusted OS returned by MIGRATE_INFO_TYPE */ +#define PSCI_0_2_TOS_UP_MIGRATE 0 +#define PSCI_0_2_TOS_UP_NO_MIGRATE 1 +#define PSCI_0_2_TOS_MP 2 + +/* PSCI version decoding (independent of PSCI version) */ +#define PSCI_VERSION_MAJOR_SHIFT 16 +#define PSCI_VERSION_MINOR_MASK \ + ((1U << PSCI_VERSION_MAJOR_SHIFT) - 1) +#define PSCI_VERSION_MAJOR_MASK ~PSCI_VERSION_MINOR_MASK +#define PSCI_VERSION_MAJOR(ver) \ + (((ver) & PSCI_VERSION_MAJOR_MASK) >> PSCI_VERSION_MAJOR_SHIFT) +#define PSCI_VERSION_MINOR(ver) \ + ((ver) & PSCI_VERSION_MINOR_MASK) + +/* PSCI return values (inclusive of all PSCI versions) */ +#define PSCI_RET_SUCCESS 0 +#define PSCI_RET_NOT_SUPPORTED -1 +#define PSCI_RET_INVALID_PARAMS -2 +#define PSCI_RET_DENIED -3 +#define PSCI_RET_ALREADY_ON -4 +#define PSCI_RET_ON_PENDING -5 +#define PSCI_RET_INTERNAL_FAILURE -6 +#define PSCI_RET_NOT_PRESENT -7 +#define PSCI_RET_DISABLED -8 + +#endif /* _LINUX_PSCI_H */ diff --git a/qemu/linux-headers/linux/vfio.h b/qemu/linux-headers/linux/vfio.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..aa276bce3 --- /dev/null +++ b/qemu/linux-headers/linux/vfio.h @@ -0,0 +1,594 @@ +/* + * VFIO API definition + * + * Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. + * Author: Alex Williamson + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + */ +#ifndef VFIO_H +#define VFIO_H + +#include +#include + +#define VFIO_API_VERSION 0 + + +/* Kernel & User level defines for VFIO IOCTLs. */ + +/* Extensions */ + +#define VFIO_TYPE1_IOMMU 1 +#define VFIO_SPAPR_TCE_IOMMU 2 +#define VFIO_TYPE1v2_IOMMU 3 +/* + * IOMMU enforces DMA cache coherence (ex. PCIe NoSnoop stripping). This + * capability is subject to change as groups are added or removed. + */ +#define VFIO_DMA_CC_IOMMU 4 + +/* Check if EEH is supported */ +#define VFIO_EEH 5 + +/* Two-stage IOMMU */ +#define VFIO_TYPE1_NESTING_IOMMU 6 /* Implies v2 */ + +#define VFIO_SPAPR_TCE_v2_IOMMU 7 + +/* + * The IOCTL interface is designed for extensibility by embedding the + * structure length (argsz) and flags into structures passed between + * kernel and userspace. We therefore use the _IO() macro for these + * defines to avoid implicitly embedding a size into the ioctl request. + * As structure fields are added, argsz will increase to match and flag + * bits will be defined to indicate additional fields with valid data. + * It's *always* the caller's responsibility to indicate the size of + * the structure passed by setting argsz appropriately. + */ + +#define VFIO_TYPE (';') +#define VFIO_BASE 100 + +/* -------- IOCTLs for VFIO file descriptor (/dev/vfio/vfio) -------- */ + +/** + * VFIO_GET_API_VERSION - _IO(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 0) + * + * Report the version of the VFIO API. This allows us to bump the entire + * API version should we later need to add or change features in incompatible + * ways. + * Return: VFIO_API_VERSION + * Availability: Always + */ +#define VFIO_GET_API_VERSION _IO(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 0) + +/** + * VFIO_CHECK_EXTENSION - _IOW(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 1, __u32) + * + * Check whether an extension is supported. + * Return: 0 if not supported, 1 (or some other positive integer) if supported. + * Availability: Always + */ +#define VFIO_CHECK_EXTENSION _IO(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 1) + +/** + * VFIO_SET_IOMMU - _IOW(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 2, __s32) + * + * Set the iommu to the given type. The type must be supported by an + * iommu driver as verified by calling CHECK_EXTENSION using the same + * type. A group must be set to this file descriptor before this + * ioctl is available. The IOMMU interfaces enabled by this call are + * specific to the value set. + * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure + * Availability: When VFIO group attached + */ +#define VFIO_SET_IOMMU _IO(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 2) + +/* -------- IOCTLs for GROUP file descriptors (/dev/vfio/$GROUP) -------- */ + +/** + * VFIO_GROUP_GET_STATUS - _IOR(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 3, + * struct vfio_group_status) + * + * Retrieve information about the group. Fills in provided + * struct vfio_group_info. Caller sets argsz. + * Return: 0 on succes, -errno on failure. + * Availability: Always + */ +struct vfio_group_status { + __u32 argsz; + __u32 flags; +#define VFIO_GROUP_FLAGS_VIABLE (1 << 0) +#define VFIO_GROUP_FLAGS_CONTAINER_SET (1 << 1) +}; +#define VFIO_GROUP_GET_STATUS _IO(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 3) + +/** + * VFIO_GROUP_SET_CONTAINER - _IOW(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 4, __s32) + * + * Set the container for the VFIO group to the open VFIO file + * descriptor provided. Groups may only belong to a single + * container. Containers may, at their discretion, support multiple + * groups. Only when a container is set are all of the interfaces + * of the VFIO file descriptor and the VFIO group file descriptor + * available to the user. + * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure. + * Availability: Always + */ +#define VFIO_GROUP_SET_CONTAINER _IO(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 4) + +/** + * VFIO_GROUP_UNSET_CONTAINER - _IO(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 5) + * + * Remove the group from the attached container. This is the + * opposite of the SET_CONTAINER call and returns the group to + * an initial state. All device file descriptors must be released + * prior to calling this interface. When removing the last group + * from a container, the IOMMU will be disabled and all state lost, + * effectively also returning the VFIO file descriptor to an initial + * state. + * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure. + * Availability: When attached to container + */ +#define VFIO_GROUP_UNSET_CONTAINER _IO(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 5) + +/** + * VFIO_GROUP_GET_DEVICE_FD - _IOW(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 6, char) + * + * Return a new file descriptor for the device object described by + * the provided string. The string should match a device listed in + * the devices subdirectory of the IOMMU group sysfs entry. The + * group containing the device must already be added to this context. + * Return: new file descriptor on success, -errno on failure. + * Availability: When attached to container + */ +#define VFIO_GROUP_GET_DEVICE_FD _IO(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 6) + +/* --------------- IOCTLs for DEVICE file descriptors --------------- */ + +/** + * VFIO_DEVICE_GET_INFO - _IOR(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 7, + * struct vfio_device_info) + * + * Retrieve information about the device. Fills in provided + * struct vfio_device_info. Caller sets argsz. + * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure. + */ +struct vfio_device_info { + __u32 argsz; + __u32 flags; +#define VFIO_DEVICE_FLAGS_RESET (1 << 0) /* Device supports reset */ +#define VFIO_DEVICE_FLAGS_PCI (1 << 1) /* vfio-pci device */ +#define VFIO_DEVICE_FLAGS_PLATFORM (1 << 2) /* vfio-platform device */ +#define VFIO_DEVICE_FLAGS_AMBA (1 << 3) /* vfio-amba device */ + __u32 num_regions; /* Max region index + 1 */ + __u32 num_irqs; /* Max IRQ index + 1 */ +}; +#define VFIO_DEVICE_GET_INFO _IO(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 7) + +/** + * VFIO_DEVICE_GET_REGION_INFO - _IOWR(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 8, + * struct vfio_region_info) + * + * Retrieve information about a device region. Caller provides + * struct vfio_region_info with index value set. Caller sets argsz. + * Implementation of region mapping is bus driver specific. This is + * intended to describe MMIO, I/O port, as well as bus specific + * regions (ex. PCI config space). Zero sized regions may be used + * to describe unimplemented regions (ex. unimplemented PCI BARs). + * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure. + */ +struct vfio_region_info { + __u32 argsz; + __u32 flags; +#define VFIO_REGION_INFO_FLAG_READ (1 << 0) /* Region supports read */ +#define VFIO_REGION_INFO_FLAG_WRITE (1 << 1) /* Region supports write */ +#define VFIO_REGION_INFO_FLAG_MMAP (1 << 2) /* Region supports mmap */ + __u32 index; /* Region index */ + __u32 resv; /* Reserved for alignment */ + __u64 size; /* Region size (bytes) */ + __u64 offset; /* Region offset from start of device fd */ +}; +#define VFIO_DEVICE_GET_REGION_INFO _IO(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 8) + +/** + * VFIO_DEVICE_GET_IRQ_INFO - _IOWR(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 9, + * struct vfio_irq_info) + * + * Retrieve information about a device IRQ. Caller provides + * struct vfio_irq_info with index value set. Caller sets argsz. + * Implementation of IRQ mapping is bus driver specific. Indexes + * using multiple IRQs are primarily intended to support MSI-like + * interrupt blocks. Zero count irq blocks may be used to describe + * unimplemented interrupt types. + * + * The EVENTFD flag indicates the interrupt index supports eventfd based + * signaling. + * + * The MASKABLE flags indicates the index supports MASK and UNMASK + * actions described below. + * + * AUTOMASKED indicates that after signaling, the interrupt line is + * automatically masked by VFIO and the user needs to unmask the line + * to receive new interrupts. This is primarily intended to distinguish + * level triggered interrupts. + * + * The NORESIZE flag indicates that the interrupt lines within the index + * are setup as a set and new subindexes cannot be enabled without first + * disabling the entire index. This is used for interrupts like PCI MSI + * and MSI-X where the driver may only use a subset of the available + * indexes, but VFIO needs to enable a specific number of vectors + * upfront. In the case of MSI-X, where the user can enable MSI-X and + * then add and unmask vectors, it's up to userspace to make the decision + * whether to allocate the maximum supported number of vectors or tear + * down setup and incrementally increase the vectors as each is enabled. + */ +struct vfio_irq_info { + __u32 argsz; + __u32 flags; +#define VFIO_IRQ_INFO_EVENTFD (1 << 0) +#define VFIO_IRQ_INFO_MASKABLE (1 << 1) +#define VFIO_IRQ_INFO_AUTOMASKED (1 << 2) +#define VFIO_IRQ_INFO_NORESIZE (1 << 3) + __u32 index; /* IRQ index */ + __u32 count; /* Number of IRQs within this index */ +}; +#define VFIO_DEVICE_GET_IRQ_INFO _IO(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 9) + +/** + * VFIO_DEVICE_SET_IRQS - _IOW(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 10, struct vfio_irq_set) + * + * Set signaling, masking, and unmasking of interrupts. Caller provides + * struct vfio_irq_set with all fields set. 'start' and 'count' indicate + * the range of subindexes being specified. + * + * The DATA flags specify the type of data provided. If DATA_NONE, the + * operation performs the specified action immediately on the specified + * interrupt(s). For example, to unmask AUTOMASKED interrupt [0,0]: + * flags = (DATA_NONE|ACTION_UNMASK), index = 0, start = 0, count = 1. + * + * DATA_BOOL allows sparse support for the same on arrays of interrupts. + * For example, to mask interrupts [0,1] and [0,3] (but not [0,2]): + * flags = (DATA_BOOL|ACTION_MASK), index = 0, start = 1, count = 3, + * data = {1,0,1} + * + * DATA_EVENTFD binds the specified ACTION to the provided __s32 eventfd. + * A value of -1 can be used to either de-assign interrupts if already + * assigned or skip un-assigned interrupts. For example, to set an eventfd + * to be trigger for interrupts [0,0] and [0,2]: + * flags = (DATA_EVENTFD|ACTION_TRIGGER), index = 0, start = 0, count = 3, + * data = {fd1, -1, fd2} + * If index [0,1] is previously set, two count = 1 ioctls calls would be + * required to set [0,0] and [0,2] without changing [0,1]. + * + * Once a signaling mechanism is set, DATA_BOOL or DATA_NONE can be used + * with ACTION_TRIGGER to perform kernel level interrupt loopback testing + * from userspace (ie. simulate hardware triggering). + * + * Setting of an event triggering mechanism to userspace for ACTION_TRIGGER + * enables the interrupt index for the device. Individual subindex interrupts + * can be disabled using the -1 value for DATA_EVENTFD or the index can be + * disabled as a whole with: flags = (DATA_NONE|ACTION_TRIGGER), count = 0. + * + * Note that ACTION_[UN]MASK specify user->kernel signaling (irqfds) while + * ACTION_TRIGGER specifies kernel->user signaling. + */ +struct vfio_irq_set { + __u32 argsz; + __u32 flags; +#define VFIO_IRQ_SET_DATA_NONE (1 << 0) /* Data not present */ +#define VFIO_IRQ_SET_DATA_BOOL (1 << 1) /* Data is bool (u8) */ +#define VFIO_IRQ_SET_DATA_EVENTFD (1 << 2) /* Data is eventfd (s32) */ +#define VFIO_IRQ_SET_ACTION_MASK (1 << 3) /* Mask interrupt */ +#define VFIO_IRQ_SET_ACTION_UNMASK (1 << 4) /* Unmask interrupt */ +#define VFIO_IRQ_SET_ACTION_TRIGGER (1 << 5) /* Trigger interrupt */ + __u32 index; + __u32 start; + __u32 count; + __u8 data[]; +}; +#define VFIO_DEVICE_SET_IRQS _IO(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 10) + +#define VFIO_IRQ_SET_DATA_TYPE_MASK (VFIO_IRQ_SET_DATA_NONE | \ + VFIO_IRQ_SET_DATA_BOOL | \ + VFIO_IRQ_SET_DATA_EVENTFD) +#define VFIO_IRQ_SET_ACTION_TYPE_MASK (VFIO_IRQ_SET_ACTION_MASK | \ + VFIO_IRQ_SET_ACTION_UNMASK | \ + VFIO_IRQ_SET_ACTION_TRIGGER) +/** + * VFIO_DEVICE_RESET - _IO(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 11) + * + * Reset a device. + */ +#define VFIO_DEVICE_RESET _IO(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 11) + +/* + * The VFIO-PCI bus driver makes use of the following fixed region and + * IRQ index mapping. Unimplemented regions return a size of zero. + * Unimplemented IRQ types return a count of zero. + */ + +enum { + VFIO_PCI_BAR0_REGION_INDEX, + VFIO_PCI_BAR1_REGION_INDEX, + VFIO_PCI_BAR2_REGION_INDEX, + VFIO_PCI_BAR3_REGION_INDEX, + VFIO_PCI_BAR4_REGION_INDEX, + VFIO_PCI_BAR5_REGION_INDEX, + VFIO_PCI_ROM_REGION_INDEX, + VFIO_PCI_CONFIG_REGION_INDEX, + /* + * Expose VGA regions defined for PCI base class 03, subclass 00. + * This includes I/O port ranges 0x3b0 to 0x3bb and 0x3c0 to 0x3df + * as well as the MMIO range 0xa0000 to 0xbffff. Each implemented + * range is found at it's identity mapped offset from the region + * offset, for example 0x3b0 is region_info.offset + 0x3b0. Areas + * between described ranges are unimplemented. + */ + VFIO_PCI_VGA_REGION_INDEX, + VFIO_PCI_NUM_REGIONS +}; + +enum { + VFIO_PCI_INTX_IRQ_INDEX, + VFIO_PCI_MSI_IRQ_INDEX, + VFIO_PCI_MSIX_IRQ_INDEX, + VFIO_PCI_ERR_IRQ_INDEX, + VFIO_PCI_REQ_IRQ_INDEX, + VFIO_PCI_NUM_IRQS +}; + +/** + * VFIO_DEVICE_GET_PCI_HOT_RESET_INFO - _IORW(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 12, + * struct vfio_pci_hot_reset_info) + * + * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure: + * -enospc = insufficient buffer, -enodev = unsupported for device. + */ +struct vfio_pci_dependent_device { + __u32 group_id; + __u16 segment; + __u8 bus; + __u8 devfn; /* Use PCI_SLOT/PCI_FUNC */ +}; + +struct vfio_pci_hot_reset_info { + __u32 argsz; + __u32 flags; + __u32 count; + struct vfio_pci_dependent_device devices[]; +}; + +#define VFIO_DEVICE_GET_PCI_HOT_RESET_INFO _IO(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 12) + +/** + * VFIO_DEVICE_PCI_HOT_RESET - _IOW(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 13, + * struct vfio_pci_hot_reset) + * + * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure. + */ +struct vfio_pci_hot_reset { + __u32 argsz; + __u32 flags; + __u32 count; + __s32 group_fds[]; +}; + +#define VFIO_DEVICE_PCI_HOT_RESET _IO(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 13) + +/* -------- API for Type1 VFIO IOMMU -------- */ + +/** + * VFIO_IOMMU_GET_INFO - _IOR(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 12, struct vfio_iommu_info) + * + * Retrieve information about the IOMMU object. Fills in provided + * struct vfio_iommu_info. Caller sets argsz. + * + * XXX Should we do these by CHECK_EXTENSION too? + */ +struct vfio_iommu_type1_info { + __u32 argsz; + __u32 flags; +#define VFIO_IOMMU_INFO_PGSIZES (1 << 0) /* supported page sizes info */ + __u64 iova_pgsizes; /* Bitmap of supported page sizes */ +}; + +#define VFIO_IOMMU_GET_INFO _IO(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 12) + +/** + * VFIO_IOMMU_MAP_DMA - _IOW(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 13, struct vfio_dma_map) + * + * Map process virtual addresses to IO virtual addresses using the + * provided struct vfio_dma_map. Caller sets argsz. READ &/ WRITE required. + */ +struct vfio_iommu_type1_dma_map { + __u32 argsz; + __u32 flags; +#define VFIO_DMA_MAP_FLAG_READ (1 << 0) /* readable from device */ +#define VFIO_DMA_MAP_FLAG_WRITE (1 << 1) /* writable from device */ + __u64 vaddr; /* Process virtual address */ + __u64 iova; /* IO virtual address */ + __u64 size; /* Size of mapping (bytes) */ +}; + +#define VFIO_IOMMU_MAP_DMA _IO(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 13) + +/** + * VFIO_IOMMU_UNMAP_DMA - _IOWR(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 14, + * struct vfio_dma_unmap) + * + * Unmap IO virtual addresses using the provided struct vfio_dma_unmap. + * Caller sets argsz. The actual unmapped size is returned in the size + * field. No guarantee is made to the user that arbitrary unmaps of iova + * or size different from those used in the original mapping call will + * succeed. + */ +struct vfio_iommu_type1_dma_unmap { + __u32 argsz; + __u32 flags; + __u64 iova; /* IO virtual address */ + __u64 size; /* Size of mapping (bytes) */ +}; + +#define VFIO_IOMMU_UNMAP_DMA _IO(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 14) + +/* + * IOCTLs to enable/disable IOMMU container usage. + * No parameters are supported. + */ +#define VFIO_IOMMU_ENABLE _IO(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 15) +#define VFIO_IOMMU_DISABLE _IO(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 16) + +/* -------- Additional API for SPAPR TCE (Server POWERPC) IOMMU -------- */ + +/* + * The SPAPR TCE DDW info struct provides the information about + * the details of Dynamic DMA window capability. + * + * @pgsizes contains a page size bitmask, 4K/64K/16M are supported. + * @max_dynamic_windows_supported tells the maximum number of windows + * which the platform can create. + * @levels tells the maximum number of levels in multi-level IOMMU tables; + * this allows splitting a table into smaller chunks which reduces + * the amount of physically contiguous memory required for the table. + */ +struct vfio_iommu_spapr_tce_ddw_info { + __u64 pgsizes; /* Bitmap of supported page sizes */ + __u32 max_dynamic_windows_supported; + __u32 levels; +}; + +/* + * The SPAPR TCE info struct provides the information about the PCI bus + * address ranges available for DMA, these values are programmed into + * the hardware so the guest has to know that information. + * + * The DMA 32 bit window start is an absolute PCI bus address. + * The IOVA address passed via map/unmap ioctls are absolute PCI bus + * addresses too so the window works as a filter rather than an offset + * for IOVA addresses. + * + * Flags supported: + * - VFIO_IOMMU_SPAPR_INFO_DDW: informs the userspace that dynamic DMA windows + * (DDW) support is present. @ddw is only supported when DDW is present. + */ +struct vfio_iommu_spapr_tce_info { + __u32 argsz; + __u32 flags; +#define VFIO_IOMMU_SPAPR_INFO_DDW (1 << 0) /* DDW supported */ + __u32 dma32_window_start; /* 32 bit window start (bytes) */ + __u32 dma32_window_size; /* 32 bit window size (bytes) */ + struct vfio_iommu_spapr_tce_ddw_info ddw; +}; + +#define VFIO_IOMMU_SPAPR_TCE_GET_INFO _IO(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 12) + +/* + * EEH PE operation struct provides ways to: + * - enable/disable EEH functionality; + * - unfreeze IO/DMA for frozen PE; + * - read PE state; + * - reset PE; + * - configure PE; + * - inject EEH error. + */ +struct vfio_eeh_pe_err { + __u32 type; + __u32 func; + __u64 addr; + __u64 mask; +}; + +struct vfio_eeh_pe_op { + __u32 argsz; + __u32 flags; + __u32 op; + union { + struct vfio_eeh_pe_err err; + }; +}; + +#define VFIO_EEH_PE_DISABLE 0 /* Disable EEH functionality */ +#define VFIO_EEH_PE_ENABLE 1 /* Enable EEH functionality */ +#define VFIO_EEH_PE_UNFREEZE_IO 2 /* Enable IO for frozen PE */ +#define VFIO_EEH_PE_UNFREEZE_DMA 3 /* Enable DMA for frozen PE */ +#define VFIO_EEH_PE_GET_STATE 4 /* PE state retrieval */ +#define VFIO_EEH_PE_STATE_NORMAL 0 /* PE in functional state */ +#define VFIO_EEH_PE_STATE_RESET 1 /* PE reset in progress */ +#define VFIO_EEH_PE_STATE_STOPPED 2 /* Stopped DMA and IO */ +#define VFIO_EEH_PE_STATE_STOPPED_DMA 4 /* Stopped DMA only */ +#define VFIO_EEH_PE_STATE_UNAVAIL 5 /* State unavailable */ +#define VFIO_EEH_PE_RESET_DEACTIVATE 5 /* Deassert PE reset */ +#define VFIO_EEH_PE_RESET_HOT 6 /* Assert hot reset */ +#define VFIO_EEH_PE_RESET_FUNDAMENTAL 7 /* Assert fundamental reset */ +#define VFIO_EEH_PE_CONFIGURE 8 /* PE configuration */ +#define VFIO_EEH_PE_INJECT_ERR 9 /* Inject EEH error */ + +#define VFIO_EEH_PE_OP _IO(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 21) + +/** + * VFIO_IOMMU_SPAPR_REGISTER_MEMORY - _IOW(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 17, struct vfio_iommu_spapr_register_memory) + * + * Registers user space memory where DMA is allowed. It pins + * user pages and does the locked memory accounting so + * subsequent VFIO_IOMMU_MAP_DMA/VFIO_IOMMU_UNMAP_DMA calls + * get faster. + */ +struct vfio_iommu_spapr_register_memory { + __u32 argsz; + __u32 flags; + __u64 vaddr; /* Process virtual address */ + __u64 size; /* Size of mapping (bytes) */ +}; +#define VFIO_IOMMU_SPAPR_REGISTER_MEMORY _IO(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 17) + +/** + * VFIO_IOMMU_SPAPR_UNREGISTER_MEMORY - _IOW(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 18, struct vfio_iommu_spapr_register_memory) + * + * Unregisters user space memory registered with + * VFIO_IOMMU_SPAPR_REGISTER_MEMORY. + * Uses vfio_iommu_spapr_register_memory for parameters. + */ +#define VFIO_IOMMU_SPAPR_UNREGISTER_MEMORY _IO(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 18) + +/** + * VFIO_IOMMU_SPAPR_TCE_CREATE - _IOWR(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 19, struct vfio_iommu_spapr_tce_create) + * + * Creates an additional TCE table and programs it (sets a new DMA window) + * to every IOMMU group in the container. It receives page shift, window + * size and number of levels in the TCE table being created. + * + * It allocates and returns an offset on a PCI bus of the new DMA window. + */ +struct vfio_iommu_spapr_tce_create { + __u32 argsz; + __u32 flags; + /* in */ + __u32 page_shift; + __u64 window_size; + __u32 levels; + /* out */ + __u64 start_addr; +}; +#define VFIO_IOMMU_SPAPR_TCE_CREATE _IO(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 19) + +/** + * VFIO_IOMMU_SPAPR_TCE_REMOVE - _IOW(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 20, struct vfio_iommu_spapr_tce_remove) + * + * Unprograms a TCE table from all groups in the container and destroys it. + * It receives a PCI bus offset as a window id. + */ +struct vfio_iommu_spapr_tce_remove { + __u32 argsz; + __u32 flags; + /* in */ + __u64 start_addr; +}; +#define VFIO_IOMMU_SPAPR_TCE_REMOVE _IO(VFIO_TYPE, VFIO_BASE + 20) + +/* ***************************************************************** */ + +#endif /* VFIO_H */ diff --git a/qemu/linux-headers/linux/vhost.h b/qemu/linux-headers/linux/vhost.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ead86db91 --- /dev/null +++ b/qemu/linux-headers/linux/vhost.h @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +#ifndef _LINUX_VHOST_H +#define _LINUX_VHOST_H +/* Userspace interface for in-kernel virtio accelerators. */ + +/* vhost is used to reduce the number of system calls involved in virtio. + * + * Existing virtio net code is used in the guest without modification. + * + * This header includes interface used by userspace hypervisor for + * device configuration. + */ + +#include + +#include +#include +#include + +struct vhost_vring_state { + unsigned int index; + unsigned int num; +}; + +struct vhost_vring_file { + unsigned int index; + int fd; /* Pass -1 to unbind from file. */ + +}; + +struct vhost_vring_addr { + unsigned int index; + /* Option flags. */ + unsigned int flags; + /* Flag values: */ + /* Whether log address is valid. If set enables logging. */ +#define VHOST_VRING_F_LOG 0 + + /* Start of array of descriptors (virtually contiguous) */ + __u64 desc_user_addr; + /* Used structure address. Must be 32 bit aligned */ + __u64 used_user_addr; + /* Available structure address. Must be 16 bit aligned */ + __u64 avail_user_addr; + /* Logging support. */ + /* Log writes to used structure, at offset calculated from specified + * address. Address must be 32 bit aligned. */ + __u64 log_guest_addr; +}; + +struct vhost_memory_region { + __u64 guest_phys_addr; + __u64 memory_size; /* bytes */ + __u64 userspace_addr; + __u64 flags_padding; /* No flags are currently specified. */ +}; + +/* All region addresses and sizes must be 4K aligned. */ +#define VHOST_PAGE_SIZE 0x1000 + +struct vhost_memory { + __u32 nregions; + __u32 padding; + struct vhost_memory_region regions[0]; +}; + +/* ioctls */ + +#define VHOST_VIRTIO 0xAF + +/* Features bitmask for forward compatibility. Transport bits are used for + * vhost specific features. */ +#define VHOST_GET_FEATURES _IOR(VHOST_VIRTIO, 0x00, __u64) +#define VHOST_SET_FEATURES _IOW(VHOST_VIRTIO, 0x00, __u64) + +/* Set current process as the (exclusive) owner of this file descriptor. This + * must be called before any other vhost command. Further calls to + * VHOST_OWNER_SET fail until VHOST_OWNER_RESET is called. */ +#define VHOST_SET_OWNER _IO(VHOST_VIRTIO, 0x01) +/* Give up ownership, and reset the device to default values. + * Allows subsequent call to VHOST_OWNER_SET to succeed. */ +#define VHOST_RESET_OWNER _IO(VHOST_VIRTIO, 0x02) + +/* Set up/modify memory layout */ +#define VHOST_SET_MEM_TABLE _IOW(VHOST_VIRTIO, 0x03, struct vhost_memory) + +/* Write logging setup. */ +/* Memory writes can optionally be logged by setting bit at an offset + * (calculated from the physical address) from specified log base. + * The bit is set using an atomic 32 bit operation. */ +/* Set base address for logging. */ +#define VHOST_SET_LOG_BASE _IOW(VHOST_VIRTIO, 0x04, __u64) +/* Specify an eventfd file descriptor to signal on log write. */ +#define VHOST_SET_LOG_FD _IOW(VHOST_VIRTIO, 0x07, int) + +/* Ring setup. */ +/* Set number of descriptors in ring. This parameter can not + * be modified while ring is running (bound to a device). */ +#define VHOST_SET_VRING_NUM _IOW(VHOST_VIRTIO, 0x10, struct vhost_vring_state) +/* Set addresses for the ring. */ +#define VHOST_SET_VRING_ADDR _IOW(VHOST_VIRTIO, 0x11, struct vhost_vring_addr) +/* Base value where queue looks for available descriptors */ +#define VHOST_SET_VRING_BASE _IOW(VHOST_VIRTIO, 0x12, struct vhost_vring_state) +/* Get accessor: reads index, writes value in num */ +#define VHOST_GET_VRING_BASE _IOWR(VHOST_VIRTIO, 0x12, struct vhost_vring_state) + +/* Set the vring byte order in num. Valid values are VHOST_VRING_LITTLE_ENDIAN + * or VHOST_VRING_BIG_ENDIAN (other values return -EINVAL). + * The byte order cannot be changed while the device is active: trying to do so + * returns -EBUSY. + * This is a legacy only API that is simply ignored when VIRTIO_F_VERSION_1 is + * set. + * Not all kernel configurations support this ioctl, but all configurations that + * support SET also support GET. + */ +#define VHOST_VRING_LITTLE_ENDIAN 0 +#define VHOST_VRING_BIG_ENDIAN 1 +#define VHOST_SET_VRING_ENDIAN _IOW(VHOST_VIRTIO, 0x13, struct vhost_vring_state) +#define VHOST_GET_VRING_ENDIAN _IOW(VHOST_VIRTIO, 0x14, struct vhost_vring_state) + +/* The following ioctls use eventfd file descriptors to signal and poll + * for events. */ + +/* Set eventfd to poll for added buffers */ +#define VHOST_SET_VRING_KICK _IOW(VHOST_VIRTIO, 0x20, struct vhost_vring_file) +/* Set eventfd to signal when buffers have beed used */ +#define VHOST_SET_VRING_CALL _IOW(VHOST_VIRTIO, 0x21, struct vhost_vring_file) +/* Set eventfd to signal an error */ +#define VHOST_SET_VRING_ERR _IOW(VHOST_VIRTIO, 0x22, struct vhost_vring_file) + +/* VHOST_NET specific defines */ + +/* Attach virtio net ring to a raw socket, or tap device. + * The socket must be already bound to an ethernet device, this device will be + * used for transmit. Pass fd -1 to unbind from the socket and the transmit + * device. This can be used to stop the ring (e.g. for migration). */ +#define VHOST_NET_SET_BACKEND _IOW(VHOST_VIRTIO, 0x30, struct vhost_vring_file) + +/* Feature bits */ +/* Log all write descriptors. Can be changed while device is active. */ +#define VHOST_F_LOG_ALL 26 +/* vhost-net should add virtio_net_hdr for RX, and strip for TX packets. */ +#define VHOST_NET_F_VIRTIO_NET_HDR 27 + +/* VHOST_SCSI specific definitions */ + +/* + * Used by QEMU userspace to ensure a consistent vhost-scsi ABI. + * + * ABI Rev 0: July 2012 version starting point for v3.6-rc merge candidate + + * RFC-v2 vhost-scsi userspace. Add GET_ABI_VERSION ioctl usage + * ABI Rev 1: January 2013. Ignore vhost_tpgt filed in struct vhost_scsi_target. + * All the targets under vhost_wwpn can be seen and used by guset. + */ + +#define VHOST_SCSI_ABI_VERSION 1 + +struct vhost_scsi_target { + int abi_version; + char vhost_wwpn[224]; /* TRANSPORT_IQN_LEN */ + unsigned short vhost_tpgt; + unsigned short reserved; +}; + +#define VHOST_SCSI_SET_ENDPOINT _IOW(VHOST_VIRTIO, 0x40, struct vhost_scsi_target) +#define VHOST_SCSI_CLEAR_ENDPOINT _IOW(VHOST_VIRTIO, 0x41, struct vhost_scsi_target) +/* Changing this breaks userspace. */ +#define VHOST_SCSI_GET_ABI_VERSION _IOW(VHOST_VIRTIO, 0x42, int) +/* Set and get the events missed flag */ +#define VHOST_SCSI_SET_EVENTS_MISSED _IOW(VHOST_VIRTIO, 0x43, __u32) +#define VHOST_SCSI_GET_EVENTS_MISSED _IOW(VHOST_VIRTIO, 0x44, __u32) + +#endif diff --git a/qemu/linux-headers/linux/virtio_config.h b/qemu/linux-headers/linux/virtio_config.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5590f7d4a --- /dev/null +++ b/qemu/linux-headers/linux/virtio_config.h @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +#include "standard-headers/linux/virtio_config.h" diff --git a/qemu/linux-headers/linux/virtio_ring.h b/qemu/linux-headers/linux/virtio_ring.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c6f0fb6cd --- /dev/null +++ b/qemu/linux-headers/linux/virtio_ring.h @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +#include "standard-headers/linux/virtio_ring.h" -- cgit 1.2.3-korg