# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Intel Corporation. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 --- # Preflight: ALL checks must PASS # Only assert issues (do NOT change anything) # # Manual run: 'ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini playbooks/preflight.yml --flush-cache' # # Summary: # On Ansible Host (localhost): # - Check Ansible version (match) # - Check Python version (min) # - Check Group Vars (exist) # - Check CMK Hosts (valid targets) # On All targets (k8s-cluster): # - Check Linux Distro # - Check Hostnames (match Inventory) # - Check CMK Config (isolcpus defined) # - Check isolcpus Total (not more than actual) # - Check isolcpus IDs (valid on system) # - Check isolcpus OS Reserved (not 0,1,etc) # On Worker Nodes Only (kube-node): # - Check DP Interfaces (is not empty) # - Check DP Interfaces Name (optional) # - Check DP Interfaces Bus Info (pciid) # - Check QAT Devices Bus Info (pciid) # - Check QAT SRIOV VFs (max) # - Check SGX configuration # - Check OVS DPDK Dependencies (for 1G Hugepages) # - Check VPP Dependencies (for 2M Hugepages) # - Check CNI Dependencies (for OVS DPDK or VPP and Hugepages) # - Check SST (not on RHEL 8.2 or old OSs) # - Warn BIOS VT-d (should be enabled) # - Warn BIOS Hyper-Threading (should be enabled) # - Warn collectd (kernel update needed on old OSs) # - Check OVS DPDK Version Compatability (for OVS support) # additional vars required: # bmra_supported_ansible: # must be version # bmra_supported_python: # min version # bmra_supported_distros: [] # list # bmra_supported_distros_versions: [] # list ################################## # Prerequisites for Ansible Host # ################################## - hosts: connection: local vars: bmra_supported_ansible: 2.9.20 bmra_supported_python: 2.7 tasks: - debug: msg="Ansible version is {{ ansible_version.string }}" - name: Check Ansible Version assert: that: (ansible_version.full is version_compare(bmra_supported_ansible, '==')) msg: "Ansible version must be {{ bmra_supported_ansible }}. Please update" - debug: msg="Python version is {{ ansible_python_version }}" - name: Check Python Version assert: that: (ansible_python_version is version_compare(bmra_supported_python, '>=')) msg: "Python version must be at least {{ bmra_supported_python }}. Please update" - name: Read Group Vars stat: path: "{{ inventory_dir }}/group_vars/" register: group_vars_details - name: Check Group Vars assert: that: "group_vars_details.stat.exists and group_vars_details.stat.isdir" msg: "File group_vars/all.yml does NOT exist. Must be created per Guide" - debug: msg: - cmk_enabled = {{ cmk_enabled }} (group_vars/all.yml) - cmk_use_all_hosts = {{ cmk_use_all_hosts }} (group_vars/all.yml) - cmk_hosts_list = {{ cmk_hosts_list | default('') }} (group_vars/all.yml) - all targets = {{ groups['all'] }} (inventory.ini) when: cmk_enabled is defined # CMK expected true for all profiles except basic - name: Check Intel CMK Hosts assert: that: "item in groups['all']" msg: "Hostname '{{ item }}' is NOT a valid target from inventory. Please correct the cmk_hosts_list or disable the CMK feature in group vars" with_items: "{{ (cmk_hosts_list.split(',') if (cmk_hosts_list is defined and cmk_hosts_list | length > 0) else []) }}" when: cmk_enabled is defined and cmk_enabled and not cmk_use_all_hosts ############################################## # Prerequisites for Control and Worker Nodes # ############################################## - hosts: k8s-cluster vars: bmra_supported_distros: [CentOS, RedHat, Ubuntu] bmra_supported_distros_versions: ['7.6', '7.8', '7.9', '8.2', '8.3', '8.4', '18.04', '20.04', '21.04'] isolcpus_ranges: [] isolcpus_discretes: [] tasks: - debug: msg="Linux distribution on target is {{ ansible_distribution }} {{ ansible_distribution_version }} {{ ansible_distribution_release }}" - name: Check Linux Distro and Version assert: that: "ansible_distribution in bmra_supported_distros and ansible_distribution_version in bmra_supported_distros_versions" msg: - Linux distribution {{ ansible_distribution }} {{ ansible_distribution_version }} on target '{{ inventory_hostname }}' is NOT supported - Must be one of {{ bmra_supported_distros }} and version {{ bmra_supported_distros_versions }} # - name: Check Linux Across Cluster # TODO ?? Linux OS must be the same on all targets (no mix-n-match) - name: regather network facts in case hostname recently changed setup: gather_subset: network - debug: msg="Inventory target '{{ inventory_hostname }}' has the actual system hostname '{{ ansible_hostname }}'" - name: Check Inventory Hostnames debug: msg: - "Target '{{ inventory_hostname }}' in inventory does NOT match the actual system hostname '{{ ansible_hostname }}'." - "If it's done intentionally, please ignore this message." when: - inventory_hostname != ansible_hostname # Early check if SELinux is configured properly - block: - name: "Collect packages facts" package_facts: - debug: msg: - "Current SELinux status:" - "status: {{ ansible_selinux.status | default('') }}" - "policy version: {{ ansible_selinux.policyvers | default('') }}" - "type: {{ ansible_selinux.type | default('') }}" - "mode: {{ ansible_selinux.mode | default('') }}" - "config_mode: {{ ansible_selinux.config_mode | default('') }}" - name: check selinux condition possibly causing system boot failure debug: msg: - "Current SELinux setup might cause the system possibly will not boot up on next reboot." - "Please, check SELinux settings and set it up according to the documentation." when: - "'selinux-policy' not in ansible_facts.packages" - "'selinux-policy-targeted' not in ansible_facts.packages" when: - ansible_os_family == "RedHat" # STORY: "cmk requires isolcpus to be configured" - block: - debug: msg: - cmk_enabled = {{ cmk_enabled }} (group_vars/all.yml) - cmk_use_all_hosts = {{ cmk_use_all_hosts }} (group_vars/all.yml) - cmk_hosts_list = {{ cmk_hosts_list | default('') }} (group_vars/all.yml) - cmk_shared_num_cores = {{ cmk_shared_num_cores }} (group_vars/all.yml) - cmk_exclusive_num_cores = {{ cmk_exclusive_num_cores }} (group_vars/all.yml) - isolcpus_enabled = {{ isolcpus_enabled }} (host_vars) - isolcpus = {{ isolcpus }} (host_vars) - ansible_processor_count = {{ ansible_processor_count }} - ansible_processor_cores = {{ ansible_processor_cores }} - ansible_processor_threads_per_core = {{ ansible_processor_threads_per_core }} - ansible_processor_vcpus = {{ ansible_processor_vcpus }} - CPUs Reserved for OS = 0...{{ ansible_processor_count - 1 }} # - CPUs Reserved for OS = {{ lookup('sequence','0-{{ ansible_processor_count - 1 }}').split(',') }} # [E207] Nested jinja pattern - name: Check Intel CMK Config assert: that: ({{ cmk_enabled }} and {{ isolcpus_enabled }} and "{{ isolcpus }}" | length > 0) msg: - Incorrect configuration pertaining Intel CMK. Conflicting or improper values detected - When Intel CMK is enabled, CPUs isolation ('isolcpus') must be set according to the example file for host_vars. Please correct the configuration - name: Split isolcpus Groups set_fact: isolcpus_groups: "{{ isolcpus.split(',') }}" - debug: msg="isolcpus_groups = {{ isolcpus_groups }}" - name: Filter isolcpus Ranges set_fact: isolcpus_ranges: "{{ isolcpus_ranges + [item] }}" with_items: "{{ isolcpus_groups }}" when: ("-" in item) - debug: msg="isolcpus_ranges = {{ isolcpus_ranges }}" - name: Filter isolcpus Discretes set_fact: isolcpus_discretes: "{{ isolcpus_discretes + [item] }}" with_items: "{{ isolcpus_groups }}" when: ("-" not in item) - debug: msg="isolcpus_discretes = {{ isolcpus_discretes }}" - name: Build isolcpus List set_fact: isolcpus_list: "{{ isolcpus_list | default([]) | union(isolcpus_discretes) | union([item]) }}" with_sequence: "{{ isolcpus_ranges }}" - debug: msg="isolcpus_list = {{ isolcpus_list }}" - name: Check isolcpus Total assert: that: "{{ isolcpus_list | length }} <= ansible_processor_vcpus" msg: - Incorrect configuration pertaining isolcpus. Conflicting or improper values detected - The number of isolcpus {{ isolcpus_list | length }}, exceeds total CPUs on target {{ ansible_processor_vcpus }}. Please correct the configuration when: isolcpus is defined - name: Check isolcpus IDs assert: that: "item | int <= ansible_processor_vcpus" msg: - Incorrect configuration pertaining isolcpus. Conflicting or improper values detected - The CPU ID {{ item }} set for isolcpus is NOT actually present on target. Please correct the configuration with_items: "{{ isolcpus_list }}" when: isolcpus is defined - name: Check isolcpus OS Reserved assert: that: "item not in isolcpus_list" msg: - Incorrect configuration pertaining isolcpus. Conflicting or improper values detected - The CPU ID 0...{{ ansible_processor_count - 1 }} should NOT be set for isolcpus. Please correct the configuration with_items: "{{ lookup('sequence','0-{{ ansible_processor_count - 1 }}').split(',') }}" when: isolcpus is defined #TODO relationship between cmk shared/exclusive cores and isolcpus when: - cmk_enabled is defined - (not cmk_hosts_list is defined) or (inventory_hostname in cmk_hosts_list) #CMK expected true for all profiles except basic # {% if not cmk_use_all_hosts %} - "'kube-node' in group_names" # {% endif %} #################################### # Prerequisites for Worker Node(s) # #################################### - hosts: kube-node vars: phy_nics_pciids: [] tasks: # STORY: "nic bus info specified is present on system" - debug: msg: "Dataplane (DP) interface(s) defined in host_vars = {{ dataplane_interfaces }}" when: dataplane_interfaces is defined - name: Check DP Interfaces assert: that: "dataplane_interfaces != []" msg: "Dataplane (DP) interface(s) on target '{{ ansible_hostname }}' must be set in host_vars. Please correct the configuration" when: - dataplane_interfaces is defined - (update_nic_drivers is defined and update_nic_drivers) or (install_ddp_packages is defined and install_ddp_packages) or (sriov_cni_enabled is defined and sriov_cni_enabled) or (sriov_network_operator_enabled is defined and sriov_network_operator_enabled) - debug: msg: "Network interfaces present on target '{{ ansible_hostname }}' = {{ ansible_interfaces }}" - name: Read Physical NICs PCIIDs set_fact: phy_nics_pciids: "{{ phy_nics_pciids + [ ansible_facts[item]['pciid'] ] }}" with_items: "{{ ansible_interfaces }}" when: ansible_facts[item]['pciid'] is defined and ansible_facts[item]['type'] == "ether" - debug: msg="PCI Slots for the NICs on target '{{ ansible_hostname }}' = {{ phy_nics_pciids }}" - name: Check DP Interfaces Names assert: that: ("{{ item.name }}" in {{ ansible_interfaces }}) msg: "Dataplane interface '{{ item.name }}' defined in host_vars does NOT exist on target. Please correct the configuration" with_items: "{{ dataplane_interfaces }}" when: dataplane_interfaces is defined and dataplane_interfaces != [] ignore_errors: True - name: Check DP Interfaces Bus Info assert: that: ("{{ item.bus_info }}" in "{{ phy_nics_pciids }}") msg: "Dataplane interface '{{ item.name }}' defined with PCI ID '{{ item.bus_info }}' does NOT exist on target. Please correct the configuration" with_items: "{{ dataplane_interfaces }}" when: dataplane_interfaces is defined and dataplane_interfaces != [] ignore_errors: True # QAT Devices list is okay to be left empty (default), but if was defined, device(s) must exist on target - debug: msg: "QAT device(s) defined in host_vars = {{ qat_devices }}" when: qat_devices is defined - name: Read QAT PCIIDs shell: lshw -businfo -numeric | grep -i quickassist register: lshw_qat ignore_errors: True when: qat_devices is defined - debug: msg: "QAT devices found on target = {{ lshw_qat.stdout }}" when: qat_devices is defined - name: Check QAT Devices' Bus Info assert: that: ("{{ item.qat_id }}" in """{{ lshw_qat.stdout }}""") msg: "QAT device '{{ item.qat_dev }}' defined with PCI ID '{{ item.qat_id }}' does NOT exist on target. Please correct the configuration" with_items: "{{ qat_devices }}" when: qat_devices is defined and qat_devices != [] ignore_errors: True # STORY: "qat_sriov_numvfs should not exceed max supported (16) per each dev_ID" - debug: msg: - qat_sriov_numvfs for {{ item.qat_id }} = {{ item.qat_sriov_numvfs }} (host_vars) - update_qat_drivers = {{ update_qat_drivers }} (host_vars) with_items: "{{ qat_devices }}" when: qat_devices is defined and qat_devices != [] # update_qat_drivers expected as 'true' for all profiles except basic - name: Check QAT SRIOV VFs assert: that: ({{ item.qat_sriov_numvfs }} <= 16) msg: - Incorrect configuration pertaining QAT SRIOV. Conflicting or improper values detected - When SRIOV VFs are set for QAT, max value is 16 for each ID (max 48 total per card). Please correct the configuration with_items: "{{ qat_devices }}" when: - update_qat_drivers is defined and update_qat_drivers - qat_devices is defined and qat_devices != [] # OpenSSL & OpenSSL*Engine must only be configured / installed when update_qat_drivers is set to 'true' and qat_devices is defined in host vars - name: check OpenSSL and OpenSSL*Engine requirements assert: that: - update_qat_drivers - qat_devices is defined and qat_devices != [] fail_msg: "OpenSSL & OpenSSL*Engine will only configured if update_qat_drivers is set to 'true' & qat_devices is defined in host vars" success_msg: "OpenSSL & OpenSSL*Engine verification completed" when: openssl_install is defined and openssl_install - name: check KMRA requirements assert: that: - sgx_dp_enabled fail_msg: "KMRA installation requires sgx_dp_enabled set to 'true'" success_msg: "KMRA requirements verified" when: kmra_enabled is defined and kmra_enabled - name: check SGX configuration assert: that: - sgx_enabled fail_msg: "SGX drivers installation requires sgx_enabled set to 'true'" success_msg: "SGX configuration verified" when: - sgx_dp_enabled is defined and sgx_dp_enabled - (ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' and ansible_distribution_version != '21.04') or (ansible_os_family == 'RedHat' and ansible_distribution_version != '8.4') - name: check NFD configuration assert: that: - nfd_enabled fail_msg: "SGX DP requires nfd_enabled set to 'true'" success_msg: "NFD configuration verified" when: sgx_dp_enabled is defined and sgx_dp_enabled - name: check kmra_pccs_api_key presence assert: that: - kmra_pccs_api_key is defined fail_msg: - "kmra_pccs_api_key is not defined" success_msg: "kmra_pccs_api_key presence is verified" when: - kmra_enabled is defined and kmra_enabled - name: check PCCS API key length assert: that: - kmra_pccs_api_key | length == 32 fail_msg: "PCCS API Key should be 32 bytes long" success_msg: "PCCS API key length verified" when: - kmra_enabled is defined and kmra_enabled - name: check PCCS API key is not a placeholder assert: that: - kmra_pccs_api_key is defined - kmra_pccs_api_key != "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" fail_msg: - "Please, visit https://api.portal.trustedservices.intel.com/provisioning-certification and click on 'Subscribe'" - "to generate PCCS API key." - "PCCS API key is essential for KMRA deployment and usage." success_msg: "PCCS API key verified" when: - kmra_enabled is defined and kmra_enabled # STORY: "vpp/ovsdpdk require hugepage enabled and configured" - debug: msg: - vpp_enabled = {{ vpp_enabled }} (host_vars) - example_net_attach_defs = {{ example_net_attach_defs }} (group_vars/all.yml) - userspace_ovs_dpdk = {{ example_net_attach_defs['userspace_ovs_dpdk'] }} (group_vars/all.yml) - userspace_vpp = {{ example_net_attach_defs['userspace_vpp'] }} (group_vars/all.yml) - sriov_net_dp = {{ example_net_attach_defs['sriov_net_dp'] }} (group_vars/all.yml) - userspace_cni_enabled = {{ userspace_cni_enabled }} (host_vars) - sriov_cni_enabled = {{ sriov_cni_enabled }} (host_vars) - sriov_network_operator_enabled = {{ sriov_network_operator_enabled }} (host_vars) - bond_cni_enabled = {{ bond_cni_enabled }} (host_vars) - ovs_dpdk_enabled = {{ ovs_dpdk_enabled }} (host_vars) - userspace_cni_enabled = {{ userspace_cni_enabled }} (host_vars) - hugepages_enabled = {{ hugepages_enabled }} (host_vars) - default_hugepage_size = {{ default_hugepage_size }} (host_vars) - number_of_hugepages = {{ number_of_hugepages }} (host_vars) when: vpp_enabled is defined #host_vars - name: Check OVS DPDK Dependencies assert: that: >- ({{ ovs_dpdk_enabled }} and not {{ vpp_enabled }} and {{ hugepages_enabled }} and "{{ default_hugepage_size }}" == "1G" and {{ number_of_hugepages }} >= 0) or {{ vpp_enabled }} msg: - Incorrect configuration pertaining OVS DPDK. Conflicting or improper values detected - When OVS DPDK is enabled, VPP must be disabled and Hugepages must be set to 1G according to host_vars example. Please correct the configuration when: ovs_dpdk_enabled is defined and ovs_dpdk_enabled - name: Check VPP Dependencies assert: that: >- ({{ vpp_enabled }} and not {{ ovs_dpdk_enabled }} and {{ hugepages_enabled }} and "{{ default_hugepage_size }}" == "2M" and {{ number_of_hugepages }} >= 0) or {{ ovs_dpdk_enabled }} msg: - Incorrect configuration pertaining VPP. Conflicting or improper values detected - When VPP is enabled, OVS DPDK must be disabled and Hugepages must be set to 2M according to host_vars example. Please correct the configuration when: vpp_enabled is defined and vpp_enabled # STORY: "cnis require net-attach-defs to be enabled" - name: Check CNI Config assert: that: >- ({{ userspace_cni_enabled }} and {{ ovs_dpdk_enabled }} and {{ example_net_attach_defs['userspace_ovs_dpdk'] }} and not {{ vpp_enabled }} and not {{ example_net_attach_defs['userspace_vpp'] }} and {{ hugepages_enabled }} and "{{ default_hugepage_size }}" == "1G" and {{ number_of_hugepages }} >= 0) or ({{ userspace_cni_enabled }} and not {{ ovs_dpdk_enabled }} and not {{ example_net_attach_defs['userspace_ovs_dpdk'] }} and {{ vpp_enabled }} and {{ example_net_attach_defs['userspace_vpp'] }} and {{ hugepages_enabled }} and "{{ default_hugepage_size }}" == "2M" and {{ number_of_hugepages }} >= 0) msg: - Incorrect configuration pertaining CNI. Conflicting or improper values detected. - When CNI is enabled, either OVS DPDK either VPP must be enabled and Hugepages must be according to example files. Please correct the configuration when: userspace_cni_enabled is defined and userspace_cni_enabled # STORY: "If SST enabled, confirm minimum kernel or kernel_update specified" - name: Check SST # see Jira NPF-1545 assert: that: (not sst_bf_configuration_enabled) msg: "SST-BF is NOT supported on {{ ansible_distribution }} {{ ansible_distribution_version }}. Please use a different OS or disable this feature" when: - sst_bf_configuration_enabled is defined - (ansible_distribution == "RedHat" and ansible_distribution_version == '8.2') or ansible_distribution_version in ['7.6', '7.8', '7.9', '18.04'] ignore_errors: True # STORY: Intel VT-d should be enabled in BIOS - name: Check Intel VT-d shell: dmesg | grep DMAR | grep remapping register: dmesg_dmar_remap ignore_errors: True changed_when: False - debug: msg="dmesg >> {{ dmesg_dmar_remap.stdout }}" - name: Warn about Intel VT-d fail: msg: "Warning: Intel VT-d appears DISABLED on target. Please check BIOS under 'Advanced > Integrated IO Configuration' and Enable if necessary" when: dmesg_dmar_remap.stdout|length == 0 ignore_errors: True # STORY: CPU Hyper-Threading should be enabled in BIOS - name: Warn about Hyper-Threading fail: msg: "Warning: CPU Hyper-Threading is DISABLED on target. Please check BIOS under 'Advanced > Processor Configuration' and Enable if necessary" when: ansible_processor_threads_per_core != 2 ignore_errors: True # STORY: "check for collectd. See Jira NPF-1687" - name: Warn about collectd fail: msg: "Warning: On {{ ansible_distribution }} {{ ansible_distribution_version }} collectd won't work unless 'update_kernel' is enabled in group_vars" when: ansible_distribution_version in ['7.6', '18.04'] ignore_errors: True # STORY: TEMPORARY: "ovs dpdk version requirements" - debug: msg: - install_dpdk = {{ install_dpdk }} (host_vars) - dpdk_version = {{ dpdk_version }} (host_vars) - ovs_dpdk_enabled = {{ ovs_dpdk_enabled }} (host_vars) - ovs_version = {{ ovs_version }} (host_vars) when: - install_dpdk is defined #host_vars - dpdk_version is defined #host_vars - ovs_version is defined #host_vars - ovs_dpdk_enabled is defined and ovs_dpdk_enabled #host_vars - name: Check OVS DPDK compatibility assert: that: >- "{{ ovs_version }} == \"v2.15.0\" and {{ dpdk_version }} >= \"20.11\"" or "{{ ovs_version }} == \"v2.14.2\" and {{ dpdk_version }} == \"19.11.6\"" or "{{ ovs_version }} == \"v2.14.1\" and {{ dpdk_version }} == \"19.11.6\"" or "{{ ovs_version }} == \"v2.14.0\" and {{ dpdk_version }} == \"19.11.6\"" or "{{ ovs_version }} == \"v2.13.3\" and {{ dpdk_version }} == \"19.11.6\"" or "{{ ovs_version }} == \"v2.13.2\" and {{ dpdk_version }} == \"19.11.6\"" or "{{ ovs_version }} == \"v2.13.1\" and {{ dpdk_version }} == \"19.11.6\"" or "{{ ovs_version }} == \"v2.13.0\" and {{ dpdk_version }} == \"19.11.6\"" msg: "OVS {{ ovs_version }} does not build with DPDK version {{ dpdk_version }}. Please correct the host_vars configuration" when: - dpdk_version is defined #host_vars - ovs_version is defined #host_vars - ovs_dpdk_enabled is defined and ovs_dpdk_enabled #host_vars - meta: end_play # - name: Print all variables/facts known for a host # ansible.builtin.debug: # var: hostvars[inventory_hostname] # verbosity: 4