#!/bin/bash # SPDX-license-identifier: Apache-2.0 ############################################################################## # Copyright (c) Ericsson AB and others # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## check_prerequisites() { echo "Info : Check prerequisites" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # We shouldn't be running as root #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if [[ "$(whoami)" == "root" ]]; then echo "ERROR : This script must not be run as root!" echo " Please switch to a regular user before running the script." exit 1 fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for passwordless sudo #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ! sudo -n "true"; then echo "ERROR : passwordless sudo is needed for '$(id -nu)' user." exit 1 fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check if SSH key exists #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if [[ ! -f "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa" ]]; then echo "ERROR : You must have SSH keypair in order to run this script!" exit 1 fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # We are using sudo so we need to make sure that env_reset is not present #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sudo sed -i "s/^Defaults.*env_reset/#&/" /etc/sudoers #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check if Ansible is installed #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ! command -v ansible &> /dev/null; then echo "ERROR : Ansible not found. Please install." exit 1 fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check is yq is installed #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ! command -v yq &> /dev/null; then echo "ERROR : yq not found. Please install." exit 1 fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check is libvirt is installed #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ! command -v virsh &> /dev/null; then echo "ERROR : Libvirt not found. Please install." exit 1 fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check if user belongs to libvirt's group #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- libvirt_group="libvirt" # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source /etc/os-release || source /usr/lib/os-release if [ "${ID,,}" == "ubuntu" ] && [ "$VERSION_ID" == "16.04" ]; then libvirt_group+="d" fi if ! groups | grep "$libvirt_group"; then echo "ERROR : $(id -nu) user doesn't belong to $libvirt_group group." exit 1 fi } # Get jumphost VM IP get_host_pxe_ip() { local PXE_NETWORK local PXE_IF_INDEX local PXE_IF_IP host=$1 if [[ "$host" == "" ]]; then echo "ERROR : get_ip - host parameter not provided" exit 1 fi PXE_NETWORK=$(yq r "$CURRENTPATH"/hw_config/"$VENDOR"/idf.yaml engine.pxe_network) if [[ "$PXE_NETWORK" == "" ]]; then echo "ERROR : PXE network for jump VM not defined in IDF." exit 1 fi PXE_IF_INDEX=$(yq r "$CURRENTPATH"/hw_config/"${VENDOR}"/idf.yaml idf.net_config."$PXE_NETWORK".interface) if [[ "$PXE_IF_INDEX" == "" ]]; then echo "ERROR : Index of PXE interface not found in IDF." exit 1 fi PXE_IF_IP=$(yq r "$CURRENTPATH"/hw_config/"${VENDOR}"/pdf.yaml "$host".interfaces["$PXE_IF_INDEX"].address) if [[ "$PXE_IF_IP" == "" ]]; then echo "ERROR : IP of PXE interface not found in PDF." exit 1 fi echo "$PXE_IF_IP" } get_vm_ip() { ip=$(get_host_pxe_ip "jumphost") echo "$ip" } # Copy files needed by Infra engine & BMRA in the jumphost VM copy_files_jump() { scp -r -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \ "$CURRENTPATH"/{hw_config/"$VENDOR"/,sw_config/"$INSTALLER"/} \ "$USERNAME@$(get_vm_ip):$PROJECT_ROOT" } # Host Provisioning provision_hosts() { # shellcheck disable=SC2087 ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -tT "$USERNAME"@"$(get_vm_ip)" << EOF # Install and run cloud-infra if [ ! -d "${PROJECT_ROOT}/engine" ]; then ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f ${PROJECT_ROOT}/.ssh/id_rsa git clone https://gerrit.nordix.org/infra/engine.git cp $PROJECT_ROOT/$VENDOR/{pdf.yaml,idf.yaml} \ ${PROJECT_ROOT}/engine/engine fi cd ${PROJECT_ROOT}/engine/engine ./deploy.sh -s ironic -d centos7 \ -p file:///${PROJECT_ROOT}/engine/engine/pdf.yaml \ -i file:///${PROJECT_ROOT}/engine/engine/idf.yaml EOF } # Setup networking on provisioned hosts (Adapt setup_network.sh according to your network setup) setup_network() { # Set Upper limit of number nodes in RI2 cluster (starting from 0) NODE_MAX_ID=$(($(yq r "$CURRENTPATH"/hw_config/"$VENDOR"/idf.yaml --length idf.kubespray.hostnames)-1)) for idx in $(seq 0 "$NODE_MAX_ID") do NODE_IP=$(get_host_pxe_ip "nodes[${idx}]") # SSH to jumphost # shellcheck disable=SC2087 ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -tT "$USERNAME"@"$(get_vm_ip)" << EOF ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@${NODE_IP} \ 'bash -s' < ${PROJECT_ROOT}/${VENDOR}/setup_network.sh EOF done } # k8s Provisioning (currently BMRA) provision_k8s() { # shellcheck disable=SC2087 ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -tT "$USERNAME"@"$(get_vm_ip)" << EOF # Install BMRA if ! command -v docker; then curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com/ | sh printf "Waiting for docker service..." until sudo docker info; do printf "." sleep 2 done fi if [ ! -d "${PROJECT_ROOT}/container-experience-kits" ]; then git clone --recurse-submodules --depth 1 https://github.com/intel/container-experience-kits.git -b v1.4.1 ${PROJECT_ROOT}/container-experience-kits/ cp -r ${PROJECT_ROOT}/container-experience-kits/examples/group_vars ${PROJECT_ROOT}/container-experience-kits/ #TODO Remove this once the reported issue is fixed in the next BMRA Release sed -i '/\openshift/a \ extra_args: --ignore-installed PyYAML' \ ${PROJECT_ROOT}/container-experience-kits/roles/net-attach-defs-create/tasks/main.yml fi cp ${PROJECT_ROOT}/${INSTALLER}/inventory.ini \ ${PROJECT_ROOT}/container-experience-kits/ cp ${PROJECT_ROOT}/${INSTALLER}/{all.yml,kube-node.yml} \ ${PROJECT_ROOT}/container-experience-kits/group_vars/ sudo docker run --rm \ -e ANSIBLE_CONFIG=/bmra/ansible.cfg \ -v ${PROJECT_ROOT}/container-experience-kits:/bmra \ -v ~/.ssh/:/root/.ssh/ rihabbanday/bmra-install:centos \ ansible-playbook -i /bmra/inventory.ini /bmra/playbooks/cluster.yml EOF }