#!/bin/bash # # Copyright (C) 2014 Canonical Ltd. # # Authors: Nicolas Thomss <nicolas.thomas@canonical.com> # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set -ex ## TODO use sudo apt-get install python-openstackclient instead ## examples: ## openstack ip floating list --format=csv ## openstack ip floating create --format=shell ext_net ## to avoid table parsing.. ## openstack server show -c status --format value my-instance-name echo "This command is run to launch the first instance on a new Orange box Openstack deployment" source ~/nova.rc associated=0 #Create a floating IP for the instance if ( nova list | grep jumpserver2 >/dev/null ) then associated=1 FLOAT_IP="$(nova list | grep jumpserver2 | awk '{ print $13 }')" else FLOAT_IP="$(openstack ip floating create ext-net -c ip -f value)" fi #Launch an instance NET_UUID="$(nova net-list | grep private | awk '{ print $2 }')" IMAGE_UUID="$(nova image-list | grep "Xenial x86_64" | awk '{ print $2 }')" IMAGE_LXD_UUID="$(nova image-list | grep "Xenial LXC x86_64" | awk '{ print $2 }')" nova list | grep jumpserver2 ||nova boot --flavor m1.small --key-name default --image $IMAGE_UUID --nic net-id=$NET_UUID --security-group default jumpserver2 # checking jumpserver2 state until active .. INST_STATE=` nova show jumpserver2 | grep status | awk '{print $4}'` while [ $INST_STATE != "ACTIVE" ]; do INST_STATE=` nova show jumpserver2 | grep status | awk '{print $4}'` echo "Jumpserver2 instance state is: "$INST_STATE" waiting to be active" sleep 1 done sleep 6 #Associate the floating IP with the new instance if [ "$associated" -eq "0" ]; then nova floating-ip-associate jumpserver2 $FLOAT_IP || true sleep 90 fi sleep 90 ### make it more Readable export SSH="ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ubuntu@$FLOAT_IP" #Add juju stable repo $SSH sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:juju/stable #SSH into the instance and install Juju $SSH sudo apt-get -y update $SSH sudo apt-get -y install juju python-novaclient python-swiftclient #copy over SSH keys scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ~/.ssh/id_rsa* ubuntu@$FLOAT_IP:~/.ssh/ #Output a juju cloud file that works on this cloud $SSH \ "echo 'clouds: openstack: type: openstack auth-types: [access-key, userpass] regions: $OS_REGION_NAME: endpoint: $OS_AUTH_URL ' > os-cloud.yaml" $SSH juju add-cloud openstack os-cloud.yaml --replace #Output a juju cred file that works on this cloud $SSH \ "echo 'credentials: openstack: openstack: auth-type: userpass password: $OS_PASSWORD tenant-name: $OS_TENANT_NAME username: $OS_USERNAME ' > os-creds.yaml" $SSH "juju add-credential openstack -f os-creds.yaml" --replace ## Creating images metadata $SSH mkdir -p juju-meta for s in precise trusty xenial win2012r2 do #Create juju metadata IMAGE_UUID="$(nova image-list | grep -i "$s x86_64" | awk '{ print $2 }')" IMAGE_LXC_UUID="$(nova image-list | grep -i "$s LXC x86_64" | awk '{ print $2 }')" [ -n "$IMAGE_UUID" ] && $SSH "juju metadata generate-image -a amd64 -u $OS_AUTH_URL -i $IMAGE_UUID -r $OS_REGION_NAME -d juju-meta/ -s $s" done ## Generate tools (needed if windows is in). $SSH "juju metadata generate-tools -d juju-meta/ " ## upload images and tools streams to swift and make public $SSH swift --os-auth-url $OS_AUTH_URL --os-username $OS_USERNAME --os-password $OS_PASSWORD \ --os-tenant-name $OS_TENANT_NAME post -r '.r:*' juju-meta $SSH "cd ~/juju-meta/ && swift --os-auth-url $OS_AUTH_URL --os-username $OS_USERNAME \ --os-password $OS_PASSWORD --os-tenant-name $OS_TENANT_NAME \ upload juju-meta images" $SSH "cd ~/juju-meta/ && swift --os-auth-url $OS_AUTH_URL --os-username $OS_USERNAME \ --os-password $OS_PASSWORD --os-tenant-name $OS_TENANT_NAME \ upload juju-meta tools" ## collect the URL for getting the images $($SSH swift --os-auth-url $OS_AUTH_URL --os-username $OS_USERNAME --os-password $OS_PASSWORD \ --os-tenant-name $OS_TENANT_NAME auth) ### ###juju bootstrap openstack openstack --config image-metadata-url= --config network=private --upload-tools --debug -v ### my_ip=`ip route | grep src| grep -v virb|grep -v lxcb| head -1| cut -d " " -f 12 ` #Bootstrap Juju ##$SSH "juju bootstrap openstack openstack --metadata-source=/var/www/html/juju-meta/ --upload-tools" $SSH "juju bootstrap openstack openstack --config image-metadata-url=$OS_STORAGE_URL/juju-meta/images/ --config tools-metadata-url=$OS_STORAGE_URL/juju-meta/tools/ --config network=private" ## useless if juju floating ip option on. ######################################### #Create a new floating IP and associate with juju bootstrap instance #INSTANCE_ID="$(nova list | grep juju-openstack-machine-0 | awk '{ print $2}')" #FLOAT_IP2="$(nova floating-ip-create | grep ext_net | awk '{ print $2}')" #nova floating-ip-associate $INSTANCE_ID $FLOAT_IP2 #Print the address of Juju-gui for deployments on Openstack echo "Now connect to the Juju-GUI at: http://$FLOAT_IP2/ to continue deployments on Openstack." echo "Pass: $OS_PASSWORD" echo "OR Log in to openstack Jumpserver2 to deploy from command line" echo "ssh ubuntu@$FLOAT_IP" echo " You must set the following if creating a new model:" echo " juju set-model-config image-metadata-url=$OS_STORAGE_URL/juju-meta/images/ tools-metadata-url=$OS_STORAGE_URL/juju-meta/tools/ network=private" exit