.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. (c) <optionally add copywriters name> ================================================= Release Note for the Brahmaputra release of OPNFV ================================================= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 Abstract ======== This document compiles the release notes for the Brahmaputra release of OPNFV when using JOID as a deployment tool. Introduction ============ These notes provides release information for the use of joid as deployment tool for the Brahmaputra release of OPNFV. The goal of the Brahmaputra release and this JOID based deployment process is to establish a lab ready platform accelerating further development of the OPNFV infrastructure. Carefully follow the installation-instructions which guides a user to deploy OPNFV using JOID which is based on MAAS and Juju. Summary ======= Brahmaputra release with the JOID deployment toolchain will establish an OPNFV target system on a Pharos compliant lab infrastructure. The current definition of an OPNFV target system is and OpenStack Liberty combined with OpenDaylight Beryllium. The system is deployed with OpenStack High Availability (HA) for most OpenStack services. Ceph storage is used as Cinder backend, and is the only supported storage for Brahmaputra. Ceph is setup as 2 OSDs and 2 Monitors, one OSD+Mon per Compute node. User has following choices to make to do the deployment. - Openstack -- Liberty - Type -- HA, nonHA, tip (stable git branch of respective openstack) - SDN controller -- OpenDaylight, nosdn(Openvswitch), Onos, OpenContrail - Feature -- IPV6, DVR(distributed virtual routing), SFC(service function chaining odl only), BGPVPN(odl only) - Documentation is built by Jenkins - Jenkins deploys a Brahmaputra release with the JOID deployment toolchain baremetal, which includes 3 control+network nodes, and 2 compute nodes. NOTE: Detailed information on how to install in your lab can be find in installation guide Release Data ============ +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | **Project** | JOID | | | | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | **Repo/tag** | gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/joid.git | | | stable/brahmaputra | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | **Release designation** | Brahmaputra release | | | | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | **Release date** | February 25 2016 | | | | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | **Purpose of the delivery** | Brahmaputra release | | | | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ Deliverables ------------ Software deliverables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `JOID based installer script files <https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/gitweb?p=joid.git;a=summary>`_ Documentation deliverables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Installation instructions - Release notes (This document) - User guide Version change -------------- .. This section describes the changes made since the last version of this document. Module version change ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Brahmaputra release with the JOID deployment toolchain. - OpenStack (Liberty release) - OpenDaylight (Beryllium release) - Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Document version change ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - OPNFV Installation instructions for the Brahmaputra release using JOID deployment toolchain - ver. 1.0.0 - OPNFV Release Notes with the JOID deployment toolchain - ver. 1.0.0 (this document) Reason for new version ---------------------- Feature additions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | **JIRA REFERENCE** | **SLOGAN** | | | | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | JIRA: JOID-1 | use Juju and Ubuntu to deploy OPNFV | | | | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | JIRA: JOID-23 | explain how to deploy OPNFV R2 | | | using JOID | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ Bug corrections ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **JIRA TICKETS:** +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | **JIRA REFERENCE** | **SLOGAN** | | | | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | JIRA: | | | | | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ Known Limitations, Issues and Workarounds ========================================= System Limitations ------------------ **Min jumphost requirements:** At least 16GB of RAM, 4 core cpu and 250 gb disk should support virtualization. Known issues ------------ **JIRA TICKETS:** +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | **JIRA REFERENCE** | **SLOGAN** | | | | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | JIRA: JOID-19 | juju(OPNFV) project integration with | | | ONOSFW | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | JIRA: | | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ Workarounds ----------- See JIRA: <link> Test Result =========== Brahmaputra test result using JOID as deployment tool. <link> References ========== For more information on the OPNFV Brahmaputra release, please visit - `OPNFV Brahmaputra release <http://www.opnfv.org/brahmaputra>`_ Juju ---- - `Juju Charm store <https://jujucharms.com/>`_ - `Juju documents <https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/getting-started>`_ MAAS ---- - `Bare metal management (Metal-As-A-Service) <http://maas.io/get-started>`_ - `MAAS API documents <http://maas.ubuntu.com/docs/>`_ JOID ---- - `OPNFV JOID wiki <https://wiki.opnfv.org/joid>`_ - `OPNFV JOID User Guide <https://wiki.opnfv.org/joid/b_userguide>`_ - `OPNFV JOID Install Guide <https://wiki.opnfv.org/joid/b_installguide>`_ OpenStack --------- - `OpenStack Liberty Release artifacts <http://www.openstack.org/software/liberty>`_ - `OpenStack documentation <http://docs.openstack.org>`_ OpenDaylight ------------ - `OpenDaylight artifacts <http://www.opendaylight.org/software/downloads>`_