#!/bin/bash -ex ############################################################################## # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## if [ -f ./deployconfig.yaml ];then EXTERNAL_NETWORK=`grep floating-ip-range deployconfig.yaml | cut -d ' ' -f 4 ` # split EXTERNAL_NETWORK=first ip;last ip; gateway;network EXTNET=(${EXTERNAL_NETWORK//,/ }) EXTNET_FIP=${EXTNET[0]} EXTNET_LIP=${EXTNET[1]} EXTNET_GW=${EXTNET[2]} EXTNET_NET=${EXTNET[3]} EXTNET_PORT=`grep "ext-port" deployconfig.yaml | cut -d ' ' -f 4 | sed -e 's/ //' | tr ',' ' '` ADMNET_GW=`grep "admNetgway" deployconfig.yaml | cut -d ' ' -f 4 | sed -e 's/ //' | tr ',' ' '` fi # launch eth on computer nodes and remove default gw route launch_eth() { computer_list=$(juju status --format short | grep -Eo 'nova-compute/[0-9]') for node in $computer_list; do echo "node name is ${node}" juju ssh $node "sudo ifconfig $EXTNET_PORT up" juju ssh $node "sudo route del default gw $ADMNET_GW" done } # Update gateway mac to onos for l3 function update_gw_mac() { ## get gateway mac EXTNET_GW_MAC=$(juju ssh nova-compute/0 "arp -a ${EXTNET_GW} | grep -Eo '([0-9a-fA-F]{2})(([/\s:-][0-9a-fA-F]{2}){5})'") ## set external gateway mac in onos juju set onos-controller gateway-mac=$EXTNET_GW_MAC } unitAddress() { juju status | python -c "import yaml; import sys; print yaml.load(sys.stdin)[\"services\"][\"$1\"][\"units\"][\"$1/$2\"][\"public-address\"]" 2> /dev/null } unitMachine() { juju status | python -c "import yaml; import sys; print yaml.load(sys.stdin)[\"services\"][\"$1\"][\"units\"][\"$1/$2\"][\"machine\"]" 2> /dev/null } # create external network and subnet in openstack create_openrc() { mkdir -m 0700 -p cloud keystoneIp=$(juju get keystone | grep vip: -A 7 | grep value | awk '{print $2}') if [ -z "$keystoneIp" ]; then keystoneIp=$(unitAddress keystone 0) fi adminPasswd=$(juju get keystone | grep admin-password -A 5 | grep value | awk '{print $2}') configOpenrc admin $adminPasswd admin http://$keystoneIp:5000/v2.0 Canonical > cloud/admin-openrc chmod 0600 cloud/admin-openrc } configOpenrc() { cat <<-EOF export OS_USERNAME=$1 export OS_PASSWORD=$2 export OS_TENANT_NAME=$3 export OS_AUTH_URL=$4 export OS_REGION_NAME=$5 EOF } create_openrc . ./cloud/admin-openrc wget -P /tmp/images http://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.3.3/cirros-0.3.3-x86_64-disk.img openstack image create --file /tmp/images/cirros-0.3.3-x86_64-disk.img --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare "cirros-0.3.3-x86_64" #wget -P /tmp/images http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/trusty/current/trusty-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img #openstack image create --file /tmp/images/trusty-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare "ubuntu-trusty-daily" rm -rf /tmp/images # adjust tiny image #nova flavor-delete m1.tiny #nova flavor-create m1.tiny 1 512 8 1 # import key pair openstack project create --description "Demo Tenant" demo openstack user create --project demo --password demo --email demo@demo.demo demo openstack keypair create --public-key ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ubuntu-keypair # configure external network ## ## Create external subnet Network ## if [ "onos" == "$1" ]; then launch_eth neutron net-create ext-net --shared --router:external=True neutron subnet-create ext-net --name ext-subnet $EXTNET_NET update_gw_mac else neutron net-create ext-net --shared --router:external --provider:physical_network external --provider:network_type flat neutron subnet-create ext-net --name ext-subnet \ --allocation-pool start=$EXTNET_FIP,end=$EXTNET_LIP \ --disable-dhcp --gateway $EXTNET_GW $EXTNET_NET # configure security groups neutron security-group-rule-create --direction ingress --ethertype IPv4 --protocol icmp --remote-ip-prefix default neutron security-group-rule-create --direction ingress --ethertype IPv4 --protocol tcp --port-range-min 22 --port-range-max 22 --remote-ip-prefix default fi # create vm network neutron net-create demo-net neutron subnet-create --name demo-subnet --gateway demo-net neutron router-create demo-router neutron router-interface-add demo-router demo-subnet neutron router-gateway-set demo-router ext-net # create pool of floating ips i=0 while [ $i -ne 3 ]; do neutron floatingip-create ext-net i=$((i + 1)) done #http://docs.openstack.org/juno/install-guide/install/apt/content/launch-instance-neutron.html # nova boot --flavor m1.small --image cirros-0.3.3-x86_64 --nic net-id=b65479a4-3638-4595-9245-6e41ccd8bfd8 --security-group default --key-name ubuntu-keypair demo-instance1 # nova floating-ip-associate demo-instance1 # Create Congress datasources sudo apt-get install -y python-congressclient openstack congress datasource create nova "nova" \ --config username=$OS_USERNAME \ --config tenant_name=$OS_TENANT_NAME \ --config password=$OS_PASSWORD \ --config auth_url=http://$keystoneIp:5000/v2.0 openstack congress datasource create neutronv2 "neutronv2" \ --config username=$OS_USERNAME \ --config tenant_name=$OS_TENANT_NAME \ --config password=$OS_PASSWORD \ --config auth_url=http://$keystoneIp:5000/v2.0 openstack congress datasource create ceilometer "ceilometer" \ --config username=$OS_USERNAME \ --config tenant_name=$OS_TENANT_NAME \ --config password=$OS_PASSWORD \ --config auth_url=http://$keystoneIp:5000/v2.0 openstack congress datasource create cinder "cinder" \ --config username=$OS_USERNAME \ --config tenant_name=$OS_TENANT_NAME \ --config password=$OS_PASSWORD \ --config auth_url=http://$keystoneIp:5000/v2.0 openstack congress datasource create glancev2 "glancev2" \ --config username=$OS_USERNAME \ --config tenant_name=$OS_TENANT_NAME \ --config password=$OS_PASSWORD \ --config auth_url=http://$keystoneIp:5000/v2.0 openstack congress datasource create keystone "keystone" \ --config username=$OS_USERNAME \ --config tenant_name=$OS_TENANT_NAME \ --config password=$OS_PASSWORD \ --config auth_url=http://$keystoneIp:5000/v2.0