#!/bin/bash # launch eth on computer nodes and remove default gw route # Update gateway mac to onos for l3 function # author: York(Yuanyou) # set the gateway ip and cidr and compute-node eth name. case "$1" in 'orangepod2' ) GW_IP= CIDR= COMPUTE_ETH=eth1 ;; 'intelpod6' ) GW_IP= CIDR= COMPUTE_ETH=eth2 ;; 'intelpod5' ) GW_IP= CIDR= COMPUTE_ETH=eth2.724 ;; 'attvirpod1' ) GW_IP= CIDR= COMPUTE_ETH=eth1 ;; 'default' ) GW_IP= CIDR= COMPUTE_ETH=eth1 ;; * ) GW_IP= CIDR= COMPUTE_ETH=eth1 ;; esac # launch eth on computer nodes and remove default gw route launch_eth() { computer_list=$(juju status --format short | grep -Eo 'nodes-compute/[0-9]') for node in $computer_list; do echo "node name is ${node}" juju ssh $node "sudo ifconfig $COMPUTE_ETH up" juju ssh $node "sudo route del default gw $GW_IP" done } # create external network and subnet in openstack create_ext_network() { keystoneIp=$(juju status --format short | grep keystone/0 | grep -v ha | grep -Eo '([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}') configOpenrc admin openstack admin http://$keystoneIp:5000/v2.0 Canonical juju scp ./admin-openrc nova-cloud-controller/0: juju ssh nova-cloud-controller/0 "source admin-openrc;neutron net-create ext-net --shared --router:external=True;neutron subnet-create ext-net --name ext-subnet $CIDR" } configOpenrc() { echo " " > ./admin-openrc echo "export OS_USERNAME=$1" >> ./admin-openrc echo "export OS_PASSWORD=$2" >> ./admin-openrc echo "export OS_TENANT_NAME=$3" >> ./admin-openrc echo "export OS_AUTH_URL=$4" >> ./admin-openrc echo "export OS_REGION_NAME=$5" >> ./admin-openrc } # Update gateway mac to onos for l3 function update_gw_mac() { ## get gateway mac GW_MAC=$(juju ssh nova-compute/0 "arp -a ${GW_IP} | grep -Eo '([0-9a-fA-F]{2})(([/\s:-][0-9a-fA-F]{2}){5})'") ## set external gateway mac in onos juju set onos-controller gateway-mac=$GW_MAC } main() { launch_eth create_ext_network update_gw_mac } main "$@"