#!/bin/bash set -ex #need to put mutiple cases here where decide this bundle to deploy by default use the odl bundle. # Below parameters are the default and we can according the release opnfvsdn=nosdn opnfvtype=nonha openstack=liberty opnfvlab=default opnfvrel=b read_config() { opnfvrel=`grep release: deploy.yaml | cut -d ":" -f2` openstack=`grep openstack: deploy.yaml | cut -d ":" -f2` opnfvtype=`grep type: deploy.yaml | cut -d ":" -f2` opnfvlab=`grep lab: deploy.yaml | cut -d ":" -f2` opnfvsdn=`grep sdn: deploy.yaml | cut -d ":" -f2` } usage() { echo "Usage: $0 [-s ] [-t ] [-o ] [-l ] [-r ]" 1>&2 exit 1; } while getopts ":s:t:o:l:h:r:" opt; do case "${opt}" in s) opnfvsdn=${OPTARG} ;; t) opnfvtype=${OPTARG} ;; o) openstack=${OPTARG} ;; l) opnfvlab=${OPTARG} ;; r) opnfvrel=${OPTARG} ;; h) usage ;; *) ;; esac done deploy_dep() { sudo apt-add-repository ppa:juju/stable -y sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install juju git juju-deployer -y juju init -f cp environments.yaml ~/.juju/ } deploy() { #copy the script which needs to get deployed as part of ofnfv release echo "...... deploying now ......" echo " " >> environments.yaml echo " enable-os-refresh-update: false" >> environments.yaml echo " enable-os-upgrade: false" >> environments.yaml echo " admin-secret: admin" >> environments.yaml echo " default-series: trusty" >> environments.yaml cp environments.yaml ~/.juju/ cp ./$opnfvsdn/01-deploybundle.sh ./01-deploybundle.sh ./00-bootstrap.sh #case default: ./01-deploybundle.sh $opnfvtype $openstack $opnfvlab } check_status() { while [ $? -eq 0 ]; do sleep 60 echo " still executing the reltionship within charms ..." juju status | grep executing > /dev/null done echo "...... deployment finishing ......." } configOpenrc() { cat <<-EOF export OS_USERNAME=$1 export OS_PASSWORD=$2 export OS_TENANT_NAME=$3 export OS_AUTH_URL=$4 export OS_REGION_NAME=$5 EOF } unitAddress() { juju status | python -c "import yaml; import sys; print yaml.load(sys.stdin)[\"services\"][\"$1\"][\"units\"][\"$1/$2\"][\"public-address\"]" 2> /dev/null } createopenrc() { mkdir -m 0700 -p cloud controller_address=$(unitAddress keystone 0) configOpenrc admin openstack admin http://$controller_address:5000/v2.0 Canonical > cloud/admin-openrc chmod 0600 cloud/admin-openrc } if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then echo "This installtion will use deploy.yaml" read_config fi echo "...... deployment started ......" #deploy_dep deploy check_status echo "...... deployment finished ......." echo "...... creating OpenRc file for consuming by various user ......." createopenrc echo "...... finished ......."