#!/bin/bash #placeholder for deployment script. set -ex virtinstall=0 labname=$1 if [ ! -e $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa ]; then ssh-keygen -N '' -f $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa fi #install the packages needed sudo apt-get install software-properties-common -y sudo apt-add-repository ppa:juju/stable -y sudo apt-add-repository ppa:maas/stable -y sudo apt-add-repository cloud-archive:ocata -y sudo apt-get update -y #sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y sudo apt-get install bridge-utils openssh-server bzr git virtinst qemu-kvm libvirt-bin juju \ maas maas-region-controller python-pip python-psutil python-openstackclient \ python-congressclient gsutil charm-tools pastebinit python-jinja2 sshpass \ openssh-server vlan ipmitool jq expect -y sudo pip install --upgrade pip #first parameter should be custom and second should be either # absolute location of file (including file name) or url of the # file to download. # # Config preparation # # Get labconfig and generate deployconfig.yaml case "$labname" in intelpod[569]|orangepod[12]|cengnpod[12] ) array=(${labname//pod/ }) cp ../labconfig/${array[0]}/pod${array[1]}/labconfig.yaml . python genDeploymentConfig.py -l labconfig.yaml > deployconfig.yaml ;; 'attvirpod1' ) cp ../labconfig/att/virpod1/labconfig.yaml . python genDeploymentConfig.py -l labconfig.yaml > deployconfig.yaml ;; 'custom') labfile=$2 if [ -e $labfile ]; then cp $labfile ./labconfig.yaml || true else wget $labconfigfile -t 3 -T 10 -O ./labconfig.yaml || true count=`wc -l labconfig.yaml | cut -d " " -f 1` if [ $count -lt 10 ]; then rm -rf labconfig.yaml fi fi if [ ! -e ./labconfig.yaml ]; then virtinstall=1 labname="default" cp ../labconfig/default/labconfig.yaml ./ cp ../labconfig/default/deployconfig.yaml ./ else python genDeploymentConfig.py -l labconfig.yaml > deployconfig.yaml labname=`grep "maas_name" deployconfig.yaml | cut -d ':' -f 2 | sed -e 's/ //'` fi ;; * ) virtinstall=1 labname="default" cp ../labconfig/default/labconfig.yaml ./ python genDeploymentConfig.py -l labconfig.yaml > deployconfig.yaml ;; esac python -c 'import sys, yaml, json; json.dump(yaml.load(sys.stdin), sys.stdout, indent=4)' < labconfig.yaml > labconfig.json python -c 'import sys, yaml, json; json.dump(yaml.load(sys.stdin), sys.stdout, indent=4)' < deployconfig.yaml > deployconfig.json MAAS_IP=$(grep " ip_address" deployconfig.yaml | cut -d ':' -f 2 | sed -e 's/ //') MAAS_NAME=`grep "maas_name" deployconfig.yaml | cut -d ':' -f 2 | sed -e 's/ //'` API_SERVER="http://$MAAS_IP/MAAS/api/2.0" API_SERVERMAAS="http://$MAAS_IP/MAAS/" PROFILE=ubuntu MY_UPSTREAM_DNS=`grep "upstream_dns" deployconfig.yaml | cut -d ':' -f 2 | sed -e 's/ //'` SSH_KEY=`cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub` MAIN_ARCHIVE=`grep "main_archive" deployconfig.yaml | cut -d ':' -f 2-3 | sed -e 's/ //'` URL=https://images.maas.io/ephemeral-v3/daily/ KEYRING_FILE=/usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-cloudimage-keyring.gpg SOURCE_ID=1 FABRIC_ID=1 PRIMARY_RACK_CONTROLLER="$MAAS_IP" VLAN_UNTTAGED="untagged" # In the case of a virtual deployment get deployconfig.yaml if [ "$virtinstall" -eq 1 ]; then ./cleanvm.sh || true fi #create backup directory mkdir ~/joid_config/ || true # Backup deployconfig.yaml in joid_config folder if [ -e ./deployconfig.yaml ]; then cp ./deployconfig.yaml ~/joid_config/ cp ./labconfig.yaml ~/joid_config/ fi # # Prepare local environment to avoid password asking # # make sure no password asked during the deployment. sudoer_file=/etc/sudoers.d/90-joid-init sudoer_entry="$USER ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" if [ -e $sudoer_file ]; then if ! sudo grep -q "$sudoer_entry" $sudoer_file; then sudo sed -i -e "1i$sudoer_entry" $sudoer_file fi else echo "$sudoer_entry" > 90-joid-init sudo chown root:root 90-joid-init sudo mv 90-joid-init /etc/sudoers.d/ fi echo "... Deployment of maas Started ...." # # Virsh preparation # # define the pool and try to start even though its already exist. # For fresh install this may or may not there. #some system i am seeing libvirt and some have libvirtd looks like libvirt-bin is #keep switching so lets try both. sudo adduser $USER libvirtd || true sudo adduser $USER libvirt || true sudo virsh pool-define-as default --type dir --target /var/lib/libvirt/images/ || true sudo virsh pool-start default || true sudo virsh pool-autostart default || true # In case of virtual install set network if [ "$virtinstall" -eq 1 ]; then sudo virsh net-dumpxml default > default-net-org.xml sudo sed -i '/dhcp/d' default-net-org.xml sudo sed -i '/range/d' default-net-org.xml sudo virsh net-define default-net-org.xml sudo virsh net-destroy default sudo virsh net-start default rm -f default-net-org.xml fi # # Cleanup, juju init and config backup # # To avoid problem between apiclient/maas_client and apiclient from google # we remove the package google-api-python-client from yardstick installer if [ $(pip list |grep google-api-python-client |wc -l) == 1 ]; then sudo pip uninstall google-api-python-client fi if [ ! -e ~maas/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ]; then if [ ! -e $HOME/id_rsa_maas.pub ]; then [ -e $HOME/id_rsa_maas ] && rm -f $HOME/id_rsa_maas sudo su - $USER -c "echo |ssh-keygen -t rsa -f $HOME/id_rsa_maas" fi sudo -u maas mkdir ~maas/.ssh/ || true sudo cp $HOME/id_rsa_maas ~maas/.ssh/id_rsa sudo cp $HOME/id_rsa_maas.pub ~maas/.ssh/id_rsa.pub sudo chown maas:maas ~maas/.ssh/id_rsa sudo chown maas:maas ~maas/.ssh/id_rsa.pub fi # Ensure virsh can connect without ssh auth sudo cat ~maas/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys sudo cat $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys # # MAAS deploy # installmaas(){ sudo apt-get install maas maas-region-controller -y } # # MAAS config # https://insights.ubuntu.com/2016/01/23/maas-setup-deploying-openstack-on-maas-1-9-with-juju/ # http://blog.naydenov.net/2016/01/nodes-networking-deploying-openstack-on-maas-1-9-with-juju/ # configuremaas(){ #reconfigure maas with correct MAAS address. #Below code is needed as MAAS have issue in commisoning without restart. #sudo ./maas-reconfigure-region.sh $MAAS_IP sleep 30 sudo maas-rack config --region-url http://$MAAS_IP:5240/MAAS sudo maas createadmin --username=ubuntu --email=ubuntu@ubuntu.com --password=ubuntu || true API_KEY=`sudo maas-region apikey --username=ubuntu` maas login $PROFILE $API_SERVERMAAS $API_KEY maas $PROFILE maas set-config name='main_archive' value=$MAIN_ARCHIVE || true maas $PROFILE maas set-config name=upstream_dns value=$MY_UPSTREAM_DNS || true maas $PROFILE maas set-config name='maas_name' value=$MAAS_NAME || true maas $PROFILE maas set-config name='ntp_server' value='ntp.ubuntu.com' || true maas $PROFILE sshkeys create "key=$SSH_KEY" || true for tag in bootstrap compute control storage do maas $PROFILE tags create name=$tag || true done #create the required spaces. maas $PROFILE space update 0 name=default || true for space in unused admin-api internal-api public-api compute-data \ compute-external storage-data storage-cluster admin \ tenant-data tenant-api tenant-public do echo "Creating the space $space" maas $PROFILE spaces create name=$space || true done maas $PROFILE boot-source update $SOURCE_ID \ url=$URL keyring_filename=$KEYRING_FILE || true maas $PROFILE boot-resources import || true while [ "$(maas $PROFILE boot-resources is-importing)" == "true" ]; do sleep 60 done } setupspacenetwork(){ #get space, subnet and vlan and create accordingly. #for type in admin data storage external floating public; do nettypes=`cat labconfig.json | jq '.opnfv.spaces[]'.type | cut -d \" -f 2` for type in $nettypes; do config_done=0 SPACE_CIDR=`cat labconfig.json | jq '.opnfv.spaces[] | select(.type=="'$type'")'.cidr | cut -d \" -f 2 ` SPACE_VLAN=`cat labconfig.json | jq '.opnfv.spaces[] | select(.type=="'$type'")'.vlan | cut -d \" -f 2 ` SPACE_GWAY=`cat labconfig.json | jq '.opnfv.spaces[] | select(.type=="'$type'")'.gateway | cut -d \" -f 2 ` NET_FABRIC_NAME=$(maas $PROFILE subnets read | jq -r ".[] | select(.cidr==\"$SPACE_CIDR\")".vlan.fabric) if ([ $NET_FABRIC_NAME ] && [ $NET_FABRIC_NAME != "null" ]); then NET_FABRIC_VID=$(maas $PROFILE subnets read | jq -r ".[] | select(.cidr==\"$SPACE_CIDR\")".vlan.vid) NET_FABRIC_ID=$(maas $PROFILE fabric read $NET_FABRIC_NAME | jq -r ".id") if ([ $SPACE_VLAN == "null" ]); then SPACE_VLAN=0 fi NET_VLAN_ID=$(maas $PROFILE vlans read $NET_FABRIC_ID | jq -r ".[] | select(.vid==\"$SPACE_VLAN\")".id) NET_VLAN_VID=$(maas $PROFILE vlans read $NET_FABRIC_ID | jq -r ".[] | select(.vid==\"$SPACE_VLAN\")".vid) if ([ $SPACE_GWAY ] && [ "$SPACE_GWAY" != "null" ]); then maas $PROFILE subnet update $SPACE_CIDR gateway_ip=$SPACE_GWAY fi if ([ $NET_VLAN_VID ] && [ $NET_VLAN_VID == "0" ]); then config_done=1 elif ([ $NET_VLAN_VID ] && [ $NET_VLAN_VID == $SPACE_VLAN ]); then config_done=1 else NET_VLAN_ID=$(maas $PROFILE vlans create $NET_FABRIC_ID vid=$SPACE_VLAN | jq --raw-output ".id") if ([ $NET_VLAN_ID ] && [ $NET_VLAN_ID != "null" ]); then maas $PROFILE subnet update $SPACE_CIDR vlan=$NET_VLAN_ID NET_FABRIC_VID=$SPACE_VLAN fi fi else if ([ $SPACE_CIDR ] && [ "$SPACE_CIDR" != "null" ]); then FABRIC_ID=$(maas $PROFILE fabrics create name=opnfv$type | jq --raw-output ".id") NET_FABRIC_ID=$FABRIC_ID NET_FABRIC_VID=$SPACE_VLAN if ([ $SPACE_VLAN ] && [ "$SPACE_VLAN" != "null" ]); then NET_VLAN_ID=$(maas $PROFILE vlans create $FABRIC_ID vid=$SPACE_VLAN | jq --raw-output ".id") if ([ $SPACE_GWAY ] && [ "$SPACE_GWAY" != "null" ]); then maas $PROFILE subnets create fabric=$FABRIC_ID cidr=$SPACE_CIDR vid=$VID_ID gateway_ip=$SPACE_GWAY else maas $PROFILE subnets create fabric=$FABRIC_ID cidr=$SPACE_CIDR vid=$VID_ID fi NET_FABRIC_VID=$VLAN_ID else if ([ $SPACE_GWAY ] && [ "$SPACE_GWAY" != "null" ]); then maas $PROFILE subnets create fabric=$FABRIC_ID cidr=$SPACE_CIDR vid="0" gateway_ip=$SPACE_GWAY else maas $PROFILE subnets create fabric=$FABRIC_ID cidr=$SPACE_CIDR vid="0" fi fi NET_FABRIC_NAME=$(maas $PROFILE subnets read | jq -r ".[] | select(.cidr==\"$SPACE_CIDR\")".vlan.fabric) fi fi case "$type" in 'admin') JUJU_SPACE="internal-api"; DHCP='enabled' ;; 'data') JUJU_SPACE="tenant-data"; DHCP='' ;; 'public') JUJU_SPACE="public-api"; DHCP='' ;; 'storage') JUJU_SPACE="tenant-stor"; DHCP='' ;; 'storagecluster') JUJU_SPACE="storclus"; DHCP='' ;; 'floating') JUJU_SPACE="tenant-public"; DHCP='' ;; *) JUJU_SPACE='default'; DHCP='OFF'; echo " >>> Unknown SPACE" ;; esac JUJU_SPACE_ID=$(maas $PROFILE spaces read | jq -r ".[] | select(.name==\"$JUJU_SPACE\")".id) if ([ $NET_FABRIC_NAME ] && [ $NET_FABRIC_NAME != "null" ]); then maas $PROFILE subnet update $SPACE_CIDR space=$JUJU_SPACE_ID fi if ([ $type == "admin" ]); then # If we have a network, we create it if ([ $NET_FABRIC_ID ]); then # Set ranges SUBNET_PREFIX=${SPACE_CIDR::-5} IP_RES_RANGE_LOW="$SUBNET_PREFIX.1" IP_RES_RANGE_HIGH="$SUBNET_PREFIX.39" IP_DYNAMIC_RANGE_LOW="$SUBNET_PREFIX.40" IP_DYNAMIC_RANGE_HIGH="$SUBNET_PREFIX.150" maas $PROFILE ipranges create type=reserved \ start_ip=$IP_RES_RANGE_LOW end_ip=$IP_RES_RANGE_HIGH \ comment='This is a reserved range' || true maas $PROFILE ipranges create type=dynamic \ start_ip=$IP_DYNAMIC_RANGE_LOW end_ip=$IP_DYNAMIC_RANGE_HIGH \ comment='This is a reserved dynamic range' || true # Set DHCP PRIMARY_RACK_CONTROLLER=$(maas $PROFILE rack-controllers read | jq -r '.[0].system_id') maas $PROFILE vlan update $NET_FABRIC_ID $NET_FABRIC_VID dhcp_on=True primary_rack=$PRIMARY_RACK_CONTROLLER || true fi fi done } addnodes(){ API_KEY=`sudo maas-region apikey --username=ubuntu` maas login $PROFILE $API_SERVERMAAS $API_KEY # make sure there is no machine entry in maas for m in $(maas $PROFILE machines read | jq -r '.[].system_id') do maas $PROFILE machine delete $m done # if we have a virshurl configuration we use it, else we use local VIRSHURL=$(cat labconfig.json | jq -r '.opnfv.virshurl') if ([ $VIRSHURL == "" ] || [ "$VIRSHURL" == "null" ]); then VIRSHURL="qemu+ssh://$USER@$MAAS_IP/system " VIRSHHOST="" else VIRSHHOST=$(echo $VIRSHURL| cut -d\/ -f 3 | cut -d@ -f2) fi if [ "$virtinstall" -eq 1 ]; then netw=" --network bridge=virbr0,model=virtio" elif ([ $VIRSHHOST != "" ]); then # Get the bridge hosting the remote virsh brid=$(ssh $VIRSHHOST "ip a l | grep $VIRSHHOST | perl -pe 's/.* (.*)\$/\$1/g'") netw=" --network bridge=$brid,model=virtio" # prepare a file containing virsh remote url to connect without adding it n command line echo "export VIRSH_DEFAULT_CONNECT_URI=$VIRSHURL" > virsh_uri.sh else brid=`brctl show | grep 8000 | cut -d "8" -f 1 | tr "\n" " " | tr " " " " | tr -s " "` netw="" for feature in $brid; do if [ "$feature" == "" ]; then netw=$netw elif [ "$feature" == "virbr0" ]; then netw=$netw else netw=$netw" --network bridge="$feature",model=virtio" fi done fi virt-install --connect $VIRSHURL --name bootstrap --ram 4098 --cpu host --vcpus 2 --video \ cirrus --arch x86_64 --disk size=20,format=qcow2,bus=virtio,cache=directsync,io=native,pool=default \ $netw --boot network,hd,menu=off --noautoconsole \ --vnc --print-xml | tee bootstrap if [ "$virtinstall" -eq 1 ]; then bootstrapmac=`grep "mac address" bootstrap | head -1 | cut -d '"' -f 2` else bootstrapmac="" bootstrapmacs=`grep "mac address" bootstrap| cut -d '"' -f 2` for mac in $bootstrapmacs; do bootstrapmac=$bootstrapmac" mac_addresses="$mac done fi virsh -c $VIRSHURL define --file bootstrap rm -f bootstrap sleep 60 maas $PROFILE machines create autodetect_nodegroup='yes' name='bootstrap' \ tags='bootstrap' hostname='bootstrap' power_type='virsh' mac_addresses=$bootstrapmac \ power_parameters_power_address="$VIRSHURL" \ architecture='amd64/generic' power_parameters_power_id='bootstrap' bootstrapid=$(maas $PROFILE machines read | jq -r '.[] | select(.hostname == "bootstrap").system_id') maas $PROFILE tag update-nodes bootstrap add=$bootstrapid if [ "$virtinstall" -eq 1 ]; then units=`cat deployconfig.json | jq .opnfv.units` until [ $(($units)) -lt 1 ]; do units=$(($units - 1)); NODE_NAME=`cat labconfig.json | jq ".lab.racks[].nodes[$units].name" | cut -d \" -f 2 ` sudo virt-install --connect $VIRSHURL --name $NODE_NAME --ram 8192 --cpu host --vcpus 4 \ --disk size=120,format=qcow2,bus=virtio,cache=directsync,io=native,pool=default \ $netw $netw --boot network,hd,menu=off --noautoconsole --vnc --print-xml | tee $NODE_NAME nodemac=`grep "mac address" $NODE_NAME | head -1 | cut -d '"' -f 2` sudo virsh -c $VIRSHURL define --file $NODE_NAME rm -f $NODE_NAME maas $PROFILE machines create autodetect_nodegroup='yes' name=$NODE_NAME \ tags='control compute' hostname=$NODE_NAME power_type='virsh' mac_addresses=$nodemac \ power_parameters_power_address="$VIRSHURL" \ architecture='amd64/generic' power_parameters_power_id=$NODE_NAME nodeid=$(maas $PROFILE machines read | jq -r '.[] | select(.hostname == '\"$NODE_NAME\"').system_id') maas $PROFILE tag update-nodes control add=$nodeid || true maas $PROFILE tag update-nodes compute add=$nodeid || true done else units=`cat deployconfig.json | jq .opnfv.units` until [ $(($units)) -lt 1 ]; do units=$(($units - 1)); NODE_NAME=`cat labconfig.json | jq ".lab.racks[].nodes[$units].name" | cut -d \" -f 2 ` MAC_ADDRESS=`cat labconfig.json | jq ".lab.racks[].nodes[$units].nics[] | select(.spaces[]==\"admin\").mac"[0] | cut -d \" -f 2 ` POWER_TYPE=`cat labconfig.json | jq ".lab.racks[].nodes[$units].power.type" | cut -d \" -f 2 ` POWER_IP=`cat labconfig.json | jq ".lab.racks[].nodes[$units].power.address" | cut -d \" -f 2 ` POWER_USER=`cat labconfig.json | jq ".lab.racks[].nodes[$units].power.user" | cut -d \" -f 2 ` POWER_PASS=`cat labconfig.json | jq ".lab.racks[].nodes[$units].power.pass" | cut -d \" -f 2 ` maas $PROFILE machines create autodetect_nodegroup='yes' name=$NODE_NAME \ hostname=$NODE_NAME power_type=$POWER_TYPE power_parameters_power_address=$POWER_IP \ power_parameters_power_user=$POWER_USER power_parameters_power_pass=$POWER_PASS mac_addresses=$MAC_ADDRESS \ architecture='amd64/generic' done fi # make sure nodes are added into MAAS and none of them is in commisoning state while [ "$(maas $PROFILE nodes read | grep Commissioning )" ]; do sleep 60 done } # configure MAAS with the different options. configuremaas sleep 30 # functioncall with subnetid to add and second parameter is dhcp enable # third parameter will define the space. It is required to have admin setupspacenetwork #just make sure rack controller has been synced and import only # just whether images have been imported or not. sudo ./maas-reconfigure-region.sh $MAAS_IP sleep 120 #lets add the nodes now. Currently works only for virtual deploymnet. addnodes echo "... Deployment of maas finish ...." #Added the Qtip public to run the Qtip test after install on bare metal nodes. #maas $PROFILE sshkeys new key="`cat ./maas/sshkeys/QtipKey.pub`" #maas $PROFILE sshkeys new key="`cat ./maas/sshkeys/DominoKey.pub`" addcredential() { API_KEY=`sudo maas-region apikey --username=ubuntu` controllername=`awk 'NR==1{print substr($1, 1, length($1)-1)}' deployconfig.yaml` cloudname=`awk 'NR==1{print substr($1, 1, length($1)-1)}' deployconfig.yaml` echo "credentials:" > credential.yaml echo " $controllername:" >> credential.yaml echo " opnfv-credentials:" >> credential.yaml echo " auth-type: oauth1" >> credential.yaml echo " maas-oauth: $API_KEY" >> credential.yaml juju add-credential $controllername -f credential.yaml --replace } addcloud() { controllername=`awk 'NR==1{print substr($1, 1, length($1)-1)}' deployconfig.yaml` cloudname=`awk 'NR==1{print substr($1, 1, length($1)-1)}' deployconfig.yaml` echo "clouds:" > maas-cloud.yaml echo " $cloudname:" >> maas-cloud.yaml echo " type: maas" >> maas-cloud.yaml echo " auth-types: [oauth1]" >> maas-cloud.yaml echo " endpoint: $API_SERVERMAAS" >> maas-cloud.yaml juju add-cloud $cloudname maas-cloud.yaml --replace } # # Enable MAAS nodes interfaces # API_KEY=`sudo maas-region apikey --username=ubuntu` maas login $PROFILE $API_SERVERMAAS $API_KEY if [ -e ./labconfig.json ]; then # We will configure all node, so we need the qty, and loop on it NODE_QTY=$(cat labconfig.json | jq --raw-output '.lab.racks[0].nodes[]'.name | wc -l) NODE_QTY=$((NODE_QTY-1)) for NODE_ID in $(seq 0 $NODE_QTY); do # Get the NAME/SYS_ID of this node NODE_NAME=$(cat labconfig.json | jq --raw-output ".lab.racks[0].nodes[$NODE_ID].name") NODE_SYS_ID=$(maas $PROFILE nodes read | jq -r ".[] | select(.hostname==\"$NODE_NAME\")".system_id) echo ">>> Configuring node $NODE_NAME [$NODE_ID][$NODE_SYS_ID]" # Recover the network interfaces list and configure each one # with sorting the list, we have hardware interface first, than the vlan interfaces IF_LIST=$(cat labconfig.json | jq --raw-output ".lab.racks[0].nodes[$NODE_ID].nics[] ".ifname | sort -u ) for IF_NAME in $IF_LIST; do # get the space of the interface IF_SPACE=$(cat labconfig.json | jq --raw-output ".lab.racks[0].nodes[$NODE_ID].nics[] | select(.ifname==\"$IF_NAME\") ".spaces[]) SUBNET_CIDR=`cat labconfig.json | jq '.opnfv.spaces[] | select(.type=="'$IF_SPACE'")'.cidr | cut -d \" -f 2 ` case "$IF_SPACE" in 'data') IF_MODE='AUTO' ;; 'public') IF_MODE='AUTO' ;; 'storage') IF_MODE='AUTO' ;; 'floating') IF_MODE='link_up' ;; *) SUBNET_CIDR='null'; IF_MODE='null'; echo " >>> Unknown SPACE" ;; esac echo " >>> Configuring interface $IF_NAME [$IF_SPACE][$SUBNET_CIDR]" # if we have a vlan parameter in the space config IF_VLAN=$(cat labconfig.json | jq --raw-output ".opnfv.spaces[] | select(.type==\"$IF_SPACE\")".vlan) if ([ -z $IF_VLAN ] && [ $IF_NAME =~ \. ]); then # We have no vlan specified on spaces, but we have a vlan subinterface IF_VLAN = ${IF_NAME##*.}; fi # in case of interface renaming IF_NEWNAME=$IF_NAME # In case of a VLAN interface if ([ $IF_VLAN ] && [ "$IF_VLAN" != "null" ]); then echo " >>> Configuring VLAN $IF_VLAN" VLANID=$(maas $PROFILE subnets read | jq ".[].vlan | select(.vid==$IF_VLAN)".id) FABRICID=$(maas $PROFILE subnets read | jq ".[].vlan | select(.vid==$IF_VLAN)".fabric_id) INTERFACE=$(maas $PROFILE interfaces read $NODE_SYS_ID | jq ".[] | select(.vlan.fabric_id==$FABRICID)".id) if [[ -z $INTERFACE ]]; then # parent interface is not set because it does not have a SUBNET_CIDR PARENT_VLANID=$(maas $PROFILE fabrics read | jq ".[].vlans[] | select(.fabric_id==$FABRICID and .name==\"untagged\")".id) # If we need to rename the interface, use new interface name if ([ $IF_NEWNAME ] && [ "$IF_NEWNAME" != "null" ]); then PARENT_IF_NAME=${IF_NEWNAME%%.*} IF_NAME=$IF_NEWNAME else PARENT_IF_NAME=${IF_NAME%%.*} fi # We set the physical interface to the targeted fabric maas $PROFILE interface update $NODE_SYS_ID $PARENT_IF_NAME vlan=$PARENT_VLANID sleep 2 INTERFACE=$(maas $PROFILE interfaces read $NODE_SYS_ID | jq ".[] | select(.vlan.fabric_id==$FABRICID)".id) fi maas $PROFILE interfaces create-vlan $NODE_SYS_ID vlan=$VLANID parent=$INTERFACE || true else # rename interface if needed IF_MACLOWER=$( cat labconfig.json | jq ".lab.racks[0].nodes[$NODE_ID].nics[] | select(.ifname==\"$IF_NEWNAME\")".mac[0]) IF_MAC=(${IF_MACLOWER,,}) IF_ID=$( maas $PROFILE interfaces read $NODE_SYS_ID | jq ".[] | select(.mac_address==$IF_MAC)".id) if ([ $IF_ID ] && [ "$IF_ID" != "null" ]); then maas $PROFILE interface update $NODE_SYS_ID $IF_ID name=$IF_NEWNAME fi fi # Configure the interface if ([ $SUBNET_CIDR ] && [ "$SUBNET_CIDR" != "null" ]); then VLANID=$(maas $PROFILE subnet read $SUBNET_CIDR | jq -r '.vlan.id') if !([ $IF_VLAN ] && [ "$IF_VLAN" != "null" ]); then # If this interface is not a VLAN (done withe create-vlan) maas $PROFILE interface update $NODE_SYS_ID $IF_NAME vlan=$VLANID || true fi maas $PROFILE interface link-subnet $NODE_SYS_ID $IF_NAME mode=$IF_MODE subnet=$SUBNET_CIDR || true sleep 2 else echo " >>> Not configuring, we have an empty Subnet CIDR" fi done done fi # Add the cloud and controller credentials for MAAS for that lab. jujuver=`juju --version` if [[ "$jujuver" > "2" ]]; then addcloud addcredential fi # # End of scripts # echo " .... MAAS deployment finished successfully ...."