#placeholder for deployment script.
set -ex


case "$1" in
    'intelpod5' )
        cp maas/intel/pod5/deployment.yaml ./deployment.yaml
    'intelpod6' )
        cp maas/intel/pod6/deployment.yaml ./deployment.yaml
    'orangepod2' )
        cp maas/orange/pod2/deployment.yaml ./deployment.yaml
    'attvirpod1' )
        cp maas/att/virpod1/deployment.yaml ./deployment.yaml
    'juniperpod1' )
        cp maas/juniper/pod1/deployment.yaml ./deployment.yaml
    'cengnlynxpod1' )
        cp maas/cengn_lynx/pod1/deployment.yaml ./deployment.yaml
    'custom' )
        cp maas/custom/deployment.yaml ./deployment.yaml
    * )
        cp maas/default/deployment.yaml ./deployment.yaml

#just make sure the ssh keys added into maas for the current user
sed --i "s@/home/ubuntu@$HOME@g" ./deployment.yaml
sed --i "s@qemu+ssh://ubuntu@qemu+ssh://$USER@g" ./deployment.yaml

#make sure no password asked during the deployment. 

echo "$USER ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" > 90-joid-init

if [ -e /etc/sudoers.d/90-joid-init ]; then
    sudo cp /etc/sudoers.d/90-joid-init 91-joid-init
    sudo chown $USER:$USER 91-joid-init
    sudo chmod 660 91-joid-init
    sudo cat 90-joid-init >> 91-joid-init
    sudo chown root:root 91-joid-init
    sudo mv 91-joid-init /etc/sudoers.d/
    sudo chown root:root 90-joid-init
    sudo mv 90-joid-init /etc/sudoers.d/

echo "... Deployment of maas Started ...."

if [ ! -e $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa ]; then
    ssh-keygen -N '' -f $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa

#define the pool and try to start even though its already exist.
# For fresh install this may or may not there.

sudo apt-get install libvirt-bin -y
sudo adduser $USER libvirtd
sudo virsh pool-define-as default --type dir --target /var/lib/libvirt/images/ || true
sudo virsh pool-start default || true
sudo virsh pool-autostart default || true

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:maas-deployers/stable -y
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:juju/stable -y
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:maas/stable -y
sudo apt-add-repository cloud-archive:liberty -y
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y 
sudo apt-get install openssh-server git maas-deployer juju juju-deployer maas-cli python-pip python-openstackclient gsutil -y

sudo pip install shyaml
juju init -f

cat $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys

if [ "$virtinstall" -eq 1 ]; then
    sudo virsh net-dumpxml default > default-net-org.xml
    sudo sed -i '/dhcp/d' default-net-org.xml
    sudo sed -i '/range/d' default-net-org.xml
    sudo virsh net-define default-net-org.xml
    sudo virsh net-destroy default
    sudo virsh net-start default

#Below function will mark the interfaces in Auto mode to enbled by MAAS
enableautomode() {
    listofnodes=`maas maas nodes list | grep system_id | cut -d '"' -f 4`
    for nodes in $listofnodes
        maas maas interface link-subnet $nodes $1  mode=$2 subnet=$3

#Below function will mark the interfaces in Auto mode to enbled by MAAS
# using hostname of the node added into MAAS

enableautomodebyname() {
    if [ ! -z "$4" ]; then
        for i in `seq 1 7`;
            nodes=`maas maas nodes list hostname=node$i-$4 | grep system_id | cut -d '"' -f 4`
            if [ ! -z "$nodes" ]; then
                maas maas interface link-subnet $nodes $1  mode=$2 subnet=$3

#Below function will create vlan and update interface with the new vlan
# will return the vlan id created
crvlanupdsubnet() {
    newvlanid=`maas maas vlans create $2 name=$3 vid=$4 | grep resource | cut -d '/' -f 6 `
    maas maas subnet update $5 vlan=$newvlanid
    eval "$1"="'$newvlanid'"

#Below function will create interface with new vlan and bind to physical interface
crnodevlanint() {
    listofnodes=`maas maas nodes list | grep system_id | cut -d '"' -f 4`

    for nodes in $listofnodes
        parentid=`maas maas interface read $nodes $2 | grep interfaces | cut -d '/' -f 8`
        maas maas interfaces create-vlan $nodes vlan=$1 parent=$parentid

sudo maas-deployer -c deployment.yaml -d --force

sudo chown $USER:$USER environments.yaml

echo "... Deployment of maas finish ...."

maas_ip=`grep " ip_address" deployment.yaml | cut -d " "  -f 10`
apikey=`grep maas-oauth: environments.yaml | cut -d "'" -f 2`
maas login maas http://${maas_ip}/MAAS/api/1.0 ${apikey}
maas maas boot-source update 1 url="http://maas.ubuntu.com/images/ephemeral-v2/daily/"
#maas maas boot-source-selections create 1 os="ubuntu" release="precise" arches="amd64" subarches="*" labels="*"
maas maas node-groups import-boot-images
maas maas sshkeys new key="`cat $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub`"

#Added the Qtip public to run the Qtip test after install on bare metal nodes.
maas maas sshkeys new key="`cat ./maas/sshkeys/QtipKey.pub`"

#adding compute and control nodes VM to MAAS for deployment purpose.
if [ "$virtinstall" -eq 1 ]; then
    # create two more VMs to do the deployment.
    sudo virt-install --connect qemu:///system --name node1-control --ram 8192 --vcpus 4 --disk size=120,format=qcow2,bus=virtio,io=native,pool=default --network bridge=virbr0,model=virtio --network bridge=virbr0,model=virtio --boot network,hd,menu=off --noautoconsole --vnc --print-xml | tee node1-control

    sudo virt-install --connect qemu:///system --name node2-compute --ram 8192 --vcpus 4 --disk size=120,format=qcow2,bus=virtio,io=native,pool=default --network bridge=virbr0,model=virtio --network bridge=virbr0,model=virtio --boot network,hd,menu=off --noautoconsole --vnc --print-xml | tee node2-compute

    node1controlmac=`grep  "mac address" node1-control | head -1 | cut -d "'" -f 2`
    node2computemac=`grep  "mac address" node2-compute | head -1 | cut -d "'" -f 2`

    sudo virsh -c qemu:///system define --file node1-control
    sudo virsh -c qemu:///system define --file node2-compute

    maas maas tags new name='control'
    maas maas tags new name='compute'

    controlnodeid=`maas maas nodes new autodetect_nodegroup='yes' name='node1-control' tags='control' hostname='node1-control' power_type='virsh' mac_addresses=$node1controlmac power_parameters_power_address='qemu+ssh://'$USER'@' architecture='amd64/generic' power_parameters_power_id='node1-control' | grep system_id | cut -d '"' -f 4 `

    maas maas tag update-nodes control add=$controlnodeid

    computenodeid=`maas maas nodes new autodetect_nodegroup='yes' name='node2-compute' tags='compute' hostname='node2-compute' power_type='virsh' mac_addresses=$node2computemac power_parameters_power_address='qemu+ssh://'$USER'@' architecture='amd64/generic' power_parameters_power_id='node2-compute' | grep system_id | cut -d '"' -f 4 `

    maas maas tag update-nodes compute add=$computenodeid


# Enable vlan interfaces with maas
case "$1" in
    'intelpod5' )
        maas refresh
        crvlanupdsubnet vlan721 1 "DataNetwork" 721 2 || true
        crvlanupdsubnet vlan724 2 "PublicNetwork" 724 3 || true
        crnodevlanint $vlan721 eth2|| true
        crnodevlanint $vlan724 eth2|| true
        enableautomodebyname eth2.721 AUTO "" compute || true
        enableautomodebyname eth2.721 AUTO "" control || true
    'intelpod6' )
        maas refresh
        enableautomodebyname eth1 AUTO "" compute || true
        enableautomodebyname eth1 AUTO "" control || true
    'orangepod2' )
        maas refresh
        enableautomodebyname eth4 DHCP "" compute || true
        enableautomodebyname eth5 AUTO "" compute || true
        enableautomodebyname eth2 DHCP "" control || true
        enableautomodebyname eth3 AUTO "" control || true
    'attvirpod1' )
        enableautomodebyname eth1 AUTO "" control || true
    'juniperpod1' )
    'cengnlynxpod1' )
        maas refresh
        crvlanupdsubnet vlan1201 1 "DataNetwork" 1201 2 || true
        crvlanupdsubnet vlan1202 2 "PublicNetwork" 1202 3 || true
        crnodevlanint $vlan1201 eth1 || true
        crnodevlanint $vlan1202 eth1 || true
        enableautomode eth1.1201 AUTO "" compute || true
        enableautomode eth1.1201 AUTO "" control || true

echo " .... MAAS deployment finished successfully ...."

#echo "... Deployment of opnfv release Started ...."
#python deploy.py $maas_ip