#!/bin/bash #placeholder for deployment script. set -ex # ./01-deploybundle.sh $opnfvtype $openstack $opnfvlab $opnfvsdn $opnfvfeature $opnfvdistro #copy and download charms cp $4/fetch-charms.sh ./fetch-charms.sh #modify the ubuntu series wants to deploy sed -i -- "s|distro=trusty|distro=$6|g" ./fetch-charms.sh ./fetch-charms.sh $6 osdomname='' #check whether charms are still executing the code even juju-deployer says installed. check_status() { retval=0 timeoutiter=0 while [ $retval -eq 0 ]; do sleep 30 juju status > status.txt if [ "$(grep -c "executing" status.txt )" -ge 2 ]; then echo " still executing the reltionship within charms ..." if [ $timeoutiter -ge 60 ]; then retval=1 fi timeoutiter=$((timeoutiter+1)) else retval=1 fi done echo "...... deployment finishing ......." } #read the value from deployment.yaml if [ -e ~/.juju/deployment.yaml ]; then cp ~/.juju/deployment.yaml ./deployment.yaml if [ -e ~/.juju/deployconfig.yaml ]; then cp ~/.juju/deployconfig.yaml ./deployconfig.yaml extport=`grep "ext-port" deployconfig.yaml | cut -d ' ' -f 4 | sed -e 's/ //' | tr ',' ' '` datanet=`grep "dataNetwork" deployconfig.yaml | cut -d ' ' -f 4 | sed -e 's/ //'` admnet=`grep "admNetwork" deployconfig.yaml | cut -d ' ' -f 4 | sed -e 's/ //'` cephdisk=`grep "ceph-disk" deployconfig.yaml | cut -d ':' -f 2 | sed -e 's/ //'` osdomname=`grep "os-domain-name" deployconfig.yaml | cut -d ':' -f 2 | sed -e 's/ //'` fi fi case "$3" in 'juniperpod1' ) sed -i -- 's/' ./bundles.yaml sed -i -- 's/#ext-port: "eth1"/ext-port: "eth1"/g' ./bundles.yaml ;; 'ravellodemopod' ) sed -i -- 's/#ext-port: "eth1"/ext-port: "eth2"/g' ./bundles.yaml ;; esac # lets put the if seperateor as "," as this will save me from world. fea="" IFS="," for feature in $5; do if [ "$fea" == "" ]; then fea=$feature else fea=$fea"_"$feature fi done #update source if trusty is target distribution var=os-$4-$fea-$1"-"$6"_"$2 if [ "$osdomname" != "''" ]; then var=$var"_"publicapi fi #lets generate the bundle for all target using genBundle.py python genBundle.py -l deployconfig.yaml -s $var > bundles.yaml echo "... Deployment Started ...." juju-deployer -vW -d -t 7200 -r 5 -c bundles.yaml $6-"$2"-nodes # seeing issue related to number of open files. juju run --service nodes 'echo 2048 | sudo tee /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_instances' juju-deployer -vW -d -t 7200 -r 5 -c bundles.yaml $6-"$2" || true