========================================== Setting Up a Service VM as an IPv6 vRouter ========================================== :Project: IPv6, http://wiki.opnfv.org/ipv6_opnfv_project :Editors: Bin Hu (AT&T), Sridhar Gaddam (RedHat) :Authors: Sridhar Gaddam (RedHat), Bin Hu (AT&T) :Abstract: This document provides the users with installation guidelines to create a Service VM as an IPv6 vRouter in OPNFV environment, i.e. integrated OpenStack with Open Daylight environment. There are three scenarios. * Scenario 1 is pre-OPNFV environment, i.e. a native OpenStack environment without Open Daylight Controller. * Scenario 2 is an OPNFV environment where OpenStack is integrated with Open Daylight Official Lithium Release. In this setup we use ODL for "Layer 2 connectivity" and Neutron L3 agent for "Layer 3 routing". Because of a bug, which got fixed recently and is not part of ODL SR3, we will have to manually execute certain commands to simulate an external IPv6 Router in this setup. * Scenario 3 is similar to Scenario 2. However, we use an Open Daylight Lithium controller which is built from the latest stable/Lithium branch which includes the fix. In this scenario, we can fully automate the setup similar to Scenario 1. .. toctree:: :numbered: :maxdepth: 4 architecture-design.rst 5-ipv6-configguide-scenario-1-native-os.rst scenario-2.rst scenario-3.rst topology-after-setup.rst