.. Copyright 2015 Open Platform for NFV Project, Inc. and its contributors .. This work is licensed under the .. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- .. Document to list the requirements the target system a particular installer creates. Please add a bullet each for every requirement added. ========================== Target system requirements ========================== Release: OPNFV Brahmaputra This document lists requirements for the target system that an installer creates. Different from the requirements document on user-experience, this document focuses on the key hardware and software components the different deployment tools install and/or configure. Minimum base Operating System distribution supported: ===================================================== * `GENESIS-4 `_: Installers should support either Centos 7 or Ubuntu 14.04 as target system base OS. Components/features installed for OpenStack: ============================================ * `GENESIS-53 `_: OpenStack Heat should be installed. Minimum base OpenStack distribution supported: ============================================== * `GENESIS-7 `_: Installers should support OpenStack Liberty release. SDN Controller: =============== * `GENESIS-6 `_: Installers should support OpenDaylight Beryllium Release. * `GENESIS-49 `_: Installers should support ONOSFW. VM Controller: ============== Hypervisor: =========== * `GENESIS-8 `_: Installers should support KVM hypervisor. Virtual forwarder: ==================