#!/bin/sh # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # Authors: # @author: David Blaisonneau # @author: Arnaud Morin ### Set vars NAME="${name}" DOMAIN="${domain}" DATEE=$$(date +%F-%Hh%M) IP="${ip}" MASK="${netmaskshort}" NET="${network}" DHCP_RANGE="${dhcprange}" REVERSE_DNS="${reversedns}" DNS_FORWARDER="${dns}" ADMIN="${admin}" PASSWORD="${password}" ### Set correct env #dpkg-reconfigure locales export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 unset LC_ALL umask 0022 ### Check hostname is on the public interface echo "* Ensure hostname point to external IP" # Remove useless lines perl -i -pe 's/^*\n$$//' /etc/hosts perl -i -pe "s/^$${IP}.*\n$$//" /etc/hosts # Append a line echo "$${IP} $${NAME}.$${DOMAIN} $${NAME}" >> /etc/hosts ### Dependencies echo "* Install dependencies" apt-get -y install ca-certificates wget git isc-dhcp-server ### Set AppArmor echo "* Set App armor" cat /etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.sbin.dhcpd | grep '/etc/bind/rndc.key r,' >/dev/null if [ $$? -eq 1 ] ; then echo "/etc/bind/rndc.key r," >> /etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.sbin.dhcpd fi ### Prepare repos echo "* Enable Puppet labs repo" if [ "Z" = "Z$$(dpkg -l |grep 'ii puppetlabs-release')" ] ; then wget https://apt.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs-release-trusty.deb dpkg -i puppetlabs-release-trusty.deb apt-get update fi # Install puppetmaster echo "* Install puppetmaster" if [ "Z" = "Z$$(dpkg -l |grep 'ii puppetmaster')" ] ; then apt-get -y install puppetmaster fi # Enable the Foreman repo echo "* Enable Foreman repo" if [ ! -e /etc/apt/sources.list.d/foreman.list ] ; then echo "deb http://deb.theforeman.org/ trusty 1.8" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/foreman.list echo "deb http://deb.theforeman.org/ plugins 1.8" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/foreman.list wget -q http://deb.theforeman.org/pubkey.gpg -O- | apt-key add - apt-get update fi ### Install Foreman echo "* Install foreman-installer" if [ "Z" = "Z$$(dpkg -l |grep 'ii foreman-installer')" ] ; then apt-get -y install foreman-installer fi if [ "Z" = "Z$$(gem list --local |grep rubyipmi)" ] ; then gem install -q rubyipmi fi ### Execute foreman installer echo "* Execute foreman installer" foreman-installer \ --foreman-admin-username="$$ADMIN" \ --foreman-admin-password="$$PASSWORD" \ --enable-foreman-plugin-templates \ --enable-foreman-plugin-discovery \ --foreman-plugin-discovery-install-images=true \ --enable-foreman-compute-libvirt foreman-installer \ --foreman-admin-username="$$ADMIN" \ --foreman-admin-password="$$PASSWORD" \ --enable-foreman-plugin-templates \ --enable-foreman-plugin-discovery \ --foreman-plugin-discovery-install-images=true \ --enable-foreman-compute-libvirt \ --enable-foreman-proxy \ --foreman-proxy-bmc=true \ --foreman-proxy-tftp=true \ --foreman-proxy-tftp-servername="$$IP" \ --foreman-proxy-dhcp=true \ --foreman-proxy-dhcp-interface="eth0" \ --foreman-proxy-dhcp-gateway="$$IP" \ --foreman-proxy-dhcp-range="$$DHCP_RANGE" \ --foreman-proxy-dhcp-nameservers="$$IP" \ --foreman-proxy-dns=true \ --foreman-proxy-dns-interface="eth0" \ --foreman-proxy-dns-zone="$$DOMAIN" \ --foreman-proxy-dns-reverse="$$REVERSE_DNS" \ --foreman-proxy-dns-forwarders="$$DNS_FORWARDER" \ --foreman-proxy-foreman-base-url="https://localhost" ### Sync community templates for last ubuntu versions echo "* Sync community templates for last ubuntu versions" foreman-rake templates:sync ### Get and install OpenSteak files echo "* Get OpenSteak repos" if [ -d /usr/local/opensteak ] ; then cd /usr/local/opensteak git pull else cd /usr/local/ git clone https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/opnfv.git -b foreman opensteak fi cd /usr/local/opensteak/infra/puppet_master echo "* Set puppet auth" echo "*.$$DOMAIN" > /etc/puppet/autosign.conf if [ -e /etc/puppet/auth.conf ] ; then # Make a backup mv /etc/puppet/auth.conf /etc/puppet/auth.conf.$$DATEE fi cp etc/puppet/auth.conf /etc/puppet/auth.conf perl -i -pe "s/__NET__/$$NET/" /etc/puppet/auth.conf perl -i -pe "s/__MASK__/$$MASK/" /etc/puppet/auth.conf # Set Hiera Conf echo "* Push Hiera conf into /etc/puppet/" if [ -e /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml ] ; then # Make a backup mv /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml.$$DATEE fi cp etc/puppet/hiera.yaml /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml if [ -e /etc/hiera.yaml ] ; then rm /etc/hiera.yaml fi ln -s /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml /etc/hiera.yaml cp -rf etc/puppet/hieradata /etc/puppet/ rename s/DOMAIN/$$DOMAIN/ /etc/puppet/hieradata/production/nodes/*.yaml cp etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp cp ../config/common.yaml /etc/puppet/hieradata/production/common.yaml chgrp puppet /etc/puppet/hieradata/production/*.yaml # Install and config r10k echo "* Install and setup r10k" if [ "Z" = "Z$$(gem list --local |grep r10k)" ] ; then gem install -q r10k fi if [ -e /etc/r10k.yaml ] ; then # Make a backup mv /etc/r10k.yaml /etc/r10k.yaml.$$DATEE fi cp etc/r10k.yaml /etc/r10k.yaml # Install opensteak-r10k-update script echo "* Install opensteak-r10k-update script into /usr/local/bin" cp usr/local/bin/opensteak-r10k-update /usr/local/bin/opensteak-r10k-update chmod +x /usr/local/bin/opensteak-r10k-update echo "* Run R10k. You can re-run r10k by calling:" echo " opensteak-r10k-update" opensteak-r10k-update #### Install VIM puppet echo "* Install VIM puppet" if [ ! -d ~/.vim/autoload ] ; then mkdir -p ~/.vim/autoload fi if [ ! -d ~/.vim/bundle ] ; then mkdir -p ~/.vim/bundle fi curl -LSso ~/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim https://tpo.pe/pathogen.vim cat < ~/.vimrc execute pathogen#infect() syntax on filetype plugin indent on EOF cd ~/.vim/bundle if [ ! -d vim-puppet ] ; then git clone https://github.com/rodjek/vim-puppet.git > /dev/null fi ### Gen SSH key for foreman echo "* SSH Key" cp /mnt/id_rsa /usr/share/foreman/.ssh/ cp /mnt/id_rsa.pub /usr/share/foreman/.ssh/ chown foreman:foreman /usr/share/foreman/.ssh/ -R ### Run puppet puppet agent -t -v