*** FIXMEs can automatically be extracted from the code by running *** list_fixmes.sh! In transplant2.sh, grafting can not operate on the DEA node ID but must consider the DHA MAC address instead. It will work as long as the interface setup on all nodes is identical or if the powerOnStrategy of the dha.yaml is sequential but it needs to be fixed down the road. Fix the NTP server pointer on computes (currently fixed, needs to be calculated - OPNFV clause). Alternatively, add data to feed into pre-deploy in the dea.yaml. Or... Add the information requested from the script into settings.yaml instead and make the pre-deploy script only "refine" these settings? Move the network transformations out from the two compute: and controller: clauses and add them to the individual nodes as well? Potentially needed if e.g. a Cinder node is a separate node type! The release is currently hardcoded to Ubuntu, make in general. Investigate how to reliable detect that the kickstart has started - is it possible to set the IP even when installation is made by cdrom and trigger on that? See FIXME in install_iso.sh. The Fuel gateway in dea_getFuelGateway is always returning the .1 of the Fuel IP - should be possible to use another scheme? Verify that nodes in DEA corresponds with nodes in DHA. Verify that API versions in DEA, DHA and API are aligned. Fix dhaParse and dheParse so they exit gracefully when parsing of YAML file fails.