#!/bin/bash # Ericsson Canada Inc. # Authoer: Daniel Smith # # A helper script to install and setup the ODL docker container on the controller # # # Inputs: odl_docker_image.tar # # Usage: ./start_odl_docker.sh echo "DEPRECATED - USE stage_odl.sh instead - this will be removed shortly once automated deployment is working - SR1" # ENVS source ~/.bashrc source ~/openrc # VARS # Switch for Dev mode - uses apt-get on control to cheat and get docker installed locally rather than from puppet source DEV=1 # Switch for 1:1 port mapping of EXPOSED ports in Docker to the host, if set to 0, then random ports will be used - NOTE: this doesnt work for all web services X port on Host --> Y port in Container, # especially for SSL/HTTPS cases. Be aware. MATCH_PORT=1 LOCALPATH=/opt/opnfv/odl DOCKERBINNAME=docker-latest DOCKERIMAGENAME=odl_docker_image.tar DNS= HOST_IP=`ifconfig br-fw-admin | grep -i "inet addr" | awk -F":" '{print $2}' | awk -F" " '{print $1}'` # Set this to "1" if you want to have your docker container startup into a shell ENABLE_SHELL=1 echo " Fetching Docker " if [ "$DEV" -eq "1" ]; # If testing Locally (on a control node) you can set DEV=1 to enable apt-get based install on the control node (not desired target, but good for testing). then echo "Dev Mode - Fetching from Internet"; echo " this wont work in production builds"; apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys 36A1D7869245C8950F966E92D8576A8BA88D21E9 mkdir -p $LOCALPATH wget https://get.docker.com/builds/Linux/x86_64/docker-latest -O $LOCALPATH/$DOCKERBINNAME wget http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/pool/main/d/docker.io/docker.io_1.3.3~dfsg1-2_amd64.deb chmod 777 $LOCALPATH/$DOCKERBINNAME echo "done "; else echo "Using Binaries delivered from Puppet" echo "Starting Docker in Daemon mode" chmod +x $LOCALPATH/$DOCKERBINNAME $LOCALPATH/$DOCKERBINNAME -d & # wait until docker will be fully initialized # before any further action against just started docker sleep 5 fi # We need to perform some cleanup of the Openstack Environment echo "TODO -- This should be automated in the Fuel deployment at some point" echo "However, the timing should come after basic tests are running, since this " echo " part will remove the subnet router association that is deployed automativally" echo " via fuel. Refer to the ODL + Openstack Integration Page " # Import the ODL container into docker echo "Importing ODL container into docker" $LOCALPATH/$DOCKERBINNAME load -i $LOCALPATH/$DOCKERIMAGENAME echo " starting up ODL - DLUX and Mapping Ports" if [ "$MATCH_PORT" -eq "1" ] then echo "Starting up Docker..." $LOCALPATH/$DOCKERBINNAME rm odl_docker fi if [ "$ENABLE_SHELL" -eq "1" ]; then echo "Starting Container in Interactive Mode (/bin/bash will be provided, you will need to run ./start_odl_docker.sh inside the container yourself)" $LOCALPATH/$DOCKERBINNAME run --name odl_docker -p 8181:8181 -p 8185:8185 -p 9000:9000 -p 1099:1099 -p 8101:8101 -p 6633:6633 -p 43506:43506 -p 44444:44444 -p 6653:6653 -p 12001:12001 -p 6400:6400 -p 6640:6640 -p 8080:8080 -p 7800:7800 -p 55130:55130 -p 52150:52150 -p 36826:26826 -i -t loving_daniel /bin/bash else echo "Starting Container in Daemon mode - no shell will be provided and docker attach will not provide shell)" $LOCALPATH/$DOCKERBINNAME run --name odl_docker -p 8181:8181 -p 8185:8185 -p 9000:9000 -p 1099:1099 -p 8101:8101 -p 6633:6633 -p 43506:43506 -p 44444:44444 -p 6653:6653 -p 12001:12001 -p 6400:6400 -p 6640:6640 -p 8080:8080 -p 7800:7800 -p 55130:55130 -p 52150:52150 -p 36826:26826 -i -d -t loving_daniel echo "should see the process listed here in docker ps -a" $LOCALPATH/$DOCKERBINNAME ps -a; echo "Match Port enabled, you can reach the DLUX login at: " echo "http://$HOST_IP:8181/dlux.index.html" fi