#!/usr/bin/env bash #Deploy script to install provisioning server for Foreman/QuickStack #author: Tim Rozet (trozet@redhat.com) # #Uses Vagrant and VirtualBox #VagrantFile uses bootsrap.sh which Installs Khaleesi #Khaleesi will install and configure Foreman/QuickStack # #Pre-requisties: #Supports 3 or 4 network interface configuration #Target system must be RPM based #Ensure the host's kernel is up to date (yum update) #Provisioned nodes expected to have following order of network connections (note: not all have to exist, but order is maintained): #eth0- admin network #eth1- private network (+storage network in 3 NIC config) #eth2- public network #eth3- storage network #script assumes /24 subnet mask ##VARS reset=`tput sgr0` blue=`tput setaf 4` red=`tput setaf 1` green=`tput setaf 2` declare -A interface_arr declare -A controllers_ip_arr declare -A admin_ip_arr declare -A public_ip_arr vm_dir=/var/opt/opnfv script=`realpath $0` ##END VARS ##FUNCTIONS display_usage() { echo -e "\n\n${blue}This script is used to deploy Foreman/QuickStack Installer and Provision OPNFV Target System${reset}\n\n" echo -e "\n${green}Make sure you have the latest kernel installed before running this script! (yum update kernel +reboot)${reset}\n" echo -e "\nUsage:\n$0 [arguments] \n" echo -e "\n -no_parse : No variable parsing into config. Flag. \n" echo -e "\n -base_config : Full path of settings file to parse. Optional. Will provide a new base settings file rather than the default. Example: -base_config /opt/myinventory.yml \n" echo -e "\n -virtual : Node virtualization instead of baremetal. Flag. \n" echo -e "\n -enable_virtual_dhcp : Run dhcp server instead of using static IPs. Use this with -virtual only. \n" echo -e "\n -static_ip_range : static IP range to define when using virtual and when dhcp is not being used (default), must at least a 20 IP block. Format: ',' \n" echo -e "\n -ping_site : site to use to verify IP connectivity from the VM when -virtual is used. Format: -ping_site www.blah.com \n" echo -e "\n -floating_ip_count : number of IP address from the public range to be used for floating IP. Default is 20.\n" echo -e "\n -admin_nic : Baremetal NIC for the admin network. Required if other "nic" arguments are used. \ Not applicable with -virtual. Example: -admin_nic em1" echo -e "\n -private_nic : Baremetal NIC for the private network. Required if other "nic" arguments are used. \ Not applicable with -virtual. Example: -private_nic em2" echo -e "\n -public_nic : Baremetal NIC for the public network. Required if other "nic" arguments are used. \ Can also be used with -virtual. Example: -public_nic em3" echo -e "\n -storage_nic : Baremetal NIC for the storage network. Optional. Not applicable with -virtual. \ Private NIC will be used for storage if not specified. Example: -storage_nic em4" } ##verify vm dir exists ##params: none function verify_vm_dir { if [ -d "$vm_dir" ]; then echo -e "\n\n${red}ERROR: VM Directory: $vm_dir already exists. Environment not clean. Please use clean.sh. Exiting${reset}\n\n" exit 1 else mkdir -p $vm_dir fi chmod 700 $vm_dir if [ ! -d $vm_dir ]; then echo -e "\n\n${red}ERROR: Unable to create VM Directory: $vm_dir Exiting${reset}\n\n" exit -1 fi } ##find ip of interface ##params: interface name function find_ip { ip addr show $1 | grep -Eo '^\s+inet\s+[\.0-9]+' | awk '{print $2}' } ##finds subnet of ip and netmask ##params: ip, netmask function find_subnet { IFS=. read -r i1 i2 i3 i4 <<< "$1" IFS=. read -r m1 m2 m3 m4 <<< "$2" printf "%d.%d.%d.%d\n" "$((i1 & m1))" "$((i2 & m2))" "$((i3 & m3))" "$((i4 & m4))" } ##verify subnet has at least n IPs ##params: subnet mask, n IPs function verify_subnet_size { IFS=. read -r i1 i2 i3 i4 <<< "$1" num_ips_required=$2 ##this function assumes you would never need more than 254 ##we check here to make sure if [ "$num_ips_required" -ge 254 ]; then echo -e "\n\n${red}ERROR: allocating more than 254 IPs is unsupported...Exiting${reset}\n\n" return 1 fi ##we just return if 3rd octet is not 255 ##because we know the subnet is big enough if [ "$i3" -ne 255 ]; then return 0 elif [ $((254-$i4)) -ge "$num_ips_required" ]; then return 0 else echo -e "\n\n${red}ERROR: Subnet is too small${reset}\n\n" return 1 fi } ##finds last usable ip (broadcast minus 1) of a subnet from an IP and netmask ## Warning: This function only works for IPv4 at the moment. ##params: ip, netmask function find_last_ip_subnet { IFS=. read -r i1 i2 i3 i4 <<< "$1" IFS=. read -r m1 m2 m3 m4 <<< "$2" IFS=. read -r s1 s2 s3 s4 <<< "$((i1 & m1)).$((i2 & m2)).$((i3 & m3)).$((i4 & m4))" printf "%d.%d.%d.%d\n" "$((255 - $m1 + $s1))" "$((255 - $m2 + $s2))" "$((255 - $m3 + $s3))" "$((255 - $m4 + $s4 - 1))" } ##increments subnet by a value ##params: ip, value ##assumes low value function increment_subnet { IFS=. read -r i1 i2 i3 i4 <<< "$1" printf "%d.%d.%d.%d\n" "$i1" "$i2" "$i3" "$((i4 | $2))" } ##finds netmask of interface ##params: interface ##returns long format 255.255.x.x function find_netmask { ifconfig $1 | grep -Eo 'netmask\s+[\.0-9]+' | awk '{print $2}' } ##finds short netmask of interface ##params: interface ##returns short format, ex: /21 function find_short_netmask { echo "/$(ip addr show $1 | grep -Eo '^\s+inet\s+[\/\.0-9]+' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d / -f2)" } ##increments next IP ##params: ip ##assumes a /24 subnet function next_ip { baseaddr="$(echo $1 | cut -d. -f1-3)" lsv="$(echo $1 | cut -d. -f4)" if [ "$lsv" -ge 254 ]; then return 1 fi ((lsv++)) echo $baseaddr.$lsv } ##subtracts a value from an IP address ##params: last ip, ip_count ##assumes ip_count is less than the last octect of the address subtract_ip() { IFS=. read -r i1 i2 i3 i4 <<< "$1" ip_count=$2 if [ $i4 -lt $ip_count ]; then echo -e "\n\n${red}ERROR: Can't subtract $ip_count from IP address $1 Exiting${reset}\n\n" exit 1 fi printf "%d.%d.%d.%d\n" "$i1" "$i2" "$i3" "$((i4 - $ip_count ))" } ##removes the network interface config from Vagrantfile ##params: interface ##assumes you are in the directory of Vagrantfile function remove_vagrant_network { sed -i 's/^.*'"$1"'.*$//' Vagrantfile } ##check if IP is in use ##params: ip ##ping ip to get arp entry, then check arp function is_ip_used { ping -c 5 $1 > /dev/null 2>&1 arp -n | grep "$1 " | grep -iv incomplete > /dev/null 2>&1 } ##find next usable IP ##params: ip function next_usable_ip { new_ip=$(next_ip $1) while [ "$new_ip" ]; do if ! is_ip_used $new_ip; then echo $new_ip return 0 fi new_ip=$(next_ip $new_ip) done return 1 } ##increment ip by value ##params: ip, amount to increment by ##increment_ip $next_private_ip 10 function increment_ip { baseaddr="$(echo $1 | cut -d. -f1-3)" lsv="$(echo $1 | cut -d. -f4)" incrval=$2 lsv=$((lsv+incrval)) if [ "$lsv" -ge 254 ]; then return 1 fi echo $baseaddr.$lsv } ##translates yaml into variables ##params: filename, prefix (ex. "config_") ##usage: parse_yaml opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml "config_" parse_yaml() { local prefix=$2 local s='[[:space:]]*' w='[a-zA-Z0-9_]*' fs=$(echo @|tr @ '\034') sed -ne "s|^\($s\)\($w\)$s:$s\"\(.*\)\"$s\$|\1$fs\2$fs\3|p" \ -e "s|^\($s\)\($w\)$s:$s\(.*\)$s\$|\1$fs\2$fs\3|p" $1 | awk -F$fs '{ indent = length($1)/2; vname[indent] = $2; for (i in vname) {if (i > indent) {delete vname[i]}} if (length($3) > 0) { vn=""; for (i=0; i&2 exit 1 fi } ##Download and install virtual box ##params: none ##usage: install_vbox() install_vbox() { ##install VirtualBox repo if cat /etc/*release | grep -i "Fedora release"; then vboxurl=http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/rpm/fedora/\$releasever/\$basearch else vboxurl=http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/rpm/el/\$releasever/\$basearch fi cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/virtualbox.repo << EOM [virtualbox] name=Oracle Linux / RHEL / CentOS-\$releasever / \$basearch - VirtualBox baseurl=$vboxurl enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=https://www.virtualbox.org/download/oracle_vbox.asc skip_if_unavailable = 1 keepcache = 0 EOM ##install VirtualBox if ! yum list installed | grep -i virtualbox; then if ! yum -y install VirtualBox-4.3; then printf '%s\n' 'deploy.sh: Unable to install virtualbox package' >&2 exit 1 fi fi ##install kmod-VirtualBox if ! lsmod | grep vboxdrv; then sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup if ! lsmod | grep vboxdrv; then printf '%s\n' 'deploy.sh: Unable to install kernel module for virtualbox' >&2 exit 1 fi else printf '%s\n' 'deploy.sh: Skipping kernel module for virtualbox. Already Installed' fi } ##install Ansible using yum ##params: none ##usage: install_ansible() install_ansible() { if ! yum list installed | grep -i ansible; then if ! yum -y install ansible-1*; then printf '%s\n' 'deploy.sh: Unable to install Ansible package' >&2 exit 1 fi fi } ##install Vagrant RPM directly with the bintray.com site ##params: none ##usage: install_vagrant() install_vagrant() { if ! rpm -qa | grep vagrant; then if ! rpm -Uvh https://dl.bintray.com/mitchellh/vagrant/vagrant_1.7.2_x86_64.rpm; then printf '%s\n' 'deploy.sh: Unable to install vagrant package' >&2 exit 1 fi else printf '%s\n' 'deploy.sh: Skipping Vagrant install as it is already installed.' fi ##add centos 7 box to vagrant if ! vagrant box list | grep opnfv/centos-7.0; then if ! vagrant box add opnfv/centos-7.0 --provider virtualbox; then printf '%s\n' 'deploy.sh: Unable to download centos7 box for Vagrant' >&2 exit 1 fi else printf '%s\n' 'deploy.sh: Skipping Vagrant box add as centos-7.0 is already installed.' fi ##install workaround for centos7 if ! vagrant plugin list | grep vagrant-centos7_fix; then if ! vagrant plugin install vagrant-centos7_fix; then printf '%s\n' 'deploy.sh: Warning: unable to install vagrant centos7 workaround' >&2 fi else printf '%s\n' 'deploy.sh: Skipping Vagrant plugin as centos7 workaround is already installed.' fi } ##remove bgs vagrant incase it wasn't cleaned up ##params: none ##usage: clean_tmp() clean_tmp() { rm -rf $vm_dir/foreman_vm } ##clone genesis and move to node vm dir ##params: destination directory ##usage: clone_bgs /tmp/myvm/ clone_bgs() { script_dir="`dirname "$script"`" cp -fr $script_dir/ $1 cp -fr $script_dir/../../common/puppet-opnfv $1 } ##validates the network settings and update VagrantFile with network settings ##params: none ##usage: configure_network() configure_network() { cd $vm_dir/foreman_vm ##if nic_arg_flag is set, then we don't figure out ##NICs dynamically if [[ $nic_arg_flag -eq 1 ]]; then echo "${blue}Static Network Interfaces Defined. Updating Vagrantfile...${reset}" if [ $virtual ]; then nic_list="$public_nic" elif [ -z "$storage_nic" ]; then echo "${blue}storage_nic not defined, will combine storage into private VLAN ${reset}" nic_list="$admin_nic $private_nic $public_nic" else nic_list="$admin_nic $private_nic $public_nic $storage_nic" fi nic_array=( $nic_list ) output=$nic_list else echo "${blue}Detecting network configuration...${reset}" ##detect host 1 or 3 interface configuration #output=`ip link show | grep -E "^[0-9]" | grep -Ev ": lo|tun|virbr|vboxnet" | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/://'` output=`/bin/ls -l /sys/class/net | tail -n +2 | grep -v virtual | cut -d " " -f9` fi if [ ! "$output" ]; then printf '%s\n' 'deploy.sh: Unable to detect interfaces to bridge to' >&2 exit 1 fi ##virtual we only find 1 interface if [ $virtual ]; then if [ ! -z "${nic_array[0]}" ]; then echo "${blue}Public Interface specified: ${nic_array[0]}${reset}" this_default_gw_interface=${nic_array[0]} else ##find interface with default gateway this_default_gw=$(ip route | grep default | awk '{print $3}') echo "${blue}Default Gateway: $this_default_gw ${reset}" this_default_gw_interface=$(ip route get $this_default_gw | awk '{print $3}') fi ##find interface IP, make sure its valid interface_ip=$(find_ip $this_default_gw_interface) if [ ! "$interface_ip" ]; then echo "${red}Interface ${this_default_gw_interface} does not have an IP: $interface_ip ! Exiting ${reset}" exit 1 fi ##set variable info if [ ! -z "$static_ip_range" ]; then new_ip=$(echo $static_ip_range | cut -d , -f1) else new_ip=$(next_usable_ip $interface_ip) if [ ! "$new_ip" ]; then echo "${red} Cannot find next IP on interface ${this_default_gw_interface} new_ip: $new_ip ! Exiting ${reset}" exit 1 fi fi interface=$this_default_gw_interface public_interface=$interface interface_arr[$interface]=2 interface_ip_arr[2]=$new_ip subnet_mask=$(find_netmask $interface) public_subnet_mask=$subnet_mask public_short_subnet_mask=$(find_short_netmask $interface) if ! verify_subnet_size $public_subnet_mask 25; then echo "${red} Not enough IPs in public subnet: $interface_ip_arr[2] ${public_subnet_mask}. Need at least 25 IPs. Please resize subnet! Exiting ${reset}" exit 1 fi ##set that interface to be public sed -i 's/^.*eth_replace2.*$/ config.vm.network "public_network", ip: '\""$new_ip"\"', bridge: '\'"$interface"\'', netmask: '\""$subnet_mask"\"'/' Vagrantfile if_counter=1 else ##find number of interfaces with ip and substitute in VagrantFile if_counter=0 for interface in ${output}; do if [ "$if_counter" -ge 4 ]; then break fi interface_ip=$(find_ip $interface) if [ ! "$interface_ip" ]; then continue fi new_ip=$(next_usable_ip $interface_ip) if [ ! "$new_ip" ]; then continue fi interface_arr[$interface]=$if_counter interface_ip_arr[$if_counter]=$new_ip subnet_mask=$(find_netmask $interface) if [ "$if_counter" -eq 0 ]; then admin_subnet_mask=$subnet_mask if ! verify_subnet_size $admin_subnet_mask 5; then echo "${red} Not enough IPs in admin subnet: ${interface_ip_arr[$if_counter]} ${admin_subnet_mask}. Need at least 5 IPs. Please resize subnet! Exiting ${reset}" exit 1 fi elif [ "$if_counter" -eq 1 ]; then private_subnet_mask=$subnet_mask private_short_subnet_mask=$(find_short_netmask $interface) if ! verify_subnet_size $private_subnet_mask 15; then echo "${red} Not enough IPs in private subnet: ${interface_ip_arr[$if_counter]} ${private_subnet_mask}. Need at least 15 IPs. Please resize subnet! Exiting ${reset}" exit 1 fi elif [ "$if_counter" -eq 2 ]; then public_subnet_mask=$subnet_mask public_short_subnet_mask=$(find_short_netmask $interface) if ! verify_subnet_size $public_subnet_mask 25; then echo "${red} Not enough IPs in public subnet: ${interface_ip_arr[$if_counter]} ${public_subnet_mask}. Need at least 25 IPs. Please resize subnet! Exiting ${reset}" exit 1 fi elif [ "$if_counter" -eq 3 ]; then storage_subnet_mask=$subnet_mask if ! verify_subnet_size $storage_subnet_mask 10; then echo "${red} Not enough IPs in storage subnet: ${interface_ip_arr[$if_counter]} ${storage_subnet_mask}. Need at least 10 IPs. Please resize subnet! Exiting ${reset}" exit 1 fi else echo "${red}ERROR: interface counter outside valid range of 0 to 3: $if_counter ! ${reset}" exit 1 fi sed -i 's/^.*eth_replace'"$if_counter"'.*$/ config.vm.network "public_network", ip: '\""$new_ip"\"', bridge: '\'"$interface"\'', netmask: '\""$subnet_mask"\"'/' Vagrantfile ((if_counter++)) done fi ##now remove interface config in Vagrantfile for 1 node ##if 1, 3, or 4 interfaces set deployment type ##if 2 interfaces remove 2nd interface and set deployment type if [[ "$if_counter" == 1 || "$if_counter" == 2 ]]; then if [ $virtual ]; then deployment_type="single_network" echo "${blue}Single network detected for Virtual deployment...converting to three_network with internal networks! ${reset}" private_internal_ip= admin_internal_ip= private_subnet_mask= private_short_subnet_mask=/24 interface_ip_arr[1]=$private_internal_ip interface_ip_arr[0]=$admin_internal_ip admin_subnet_mask= admin_short_subnet_mask=/24 sed -i 's/^.*eth_replace1.*$/ config.vm.network "private_network", virtualbox__intnet: "my_private_network", ip: '\""$private_internal_ip"\"', netmask: '\""$private_subnet_mask"\"'/' Vagrantfile sed -i 's/^.*eth_replace0.*$/ config.vm.network "private_network", virtualbox__intnet: "my_admin_network", ip: '\""$admin_internal_ip"\"', netmask: '\""$private_subnet_mask"\"'/' Vagrantfile remove_vagrant_network eth_replace3 deployment_type=three_network else echo "${blue}Single network or 2 network detected for baremetal deployment. This is unsupported! Exiting. ${reset}" exit 1 fi elif [ "$if_counter" == 3 ]; then deployment_type="three_network" remove_vagrant_network eth_replace3 else deployment_type="multi_network" fi echo "${blue}Network detected: ${deployment_type}! ${reset}" if [ $virtual ]; then if [ -z "$enable_virtual_dhcp" ]; then sed -i 's/^.*disable_dhcp_flag =.*$/ disable_dhcp_flag = true/' Vagrantfile if [ $static_ip_range ]; then ##verify static range is at least 20 IPs static_ip_range_begin=$(echo $static_ip_range | cut -d , -f1) static_ip_range_end=$(echo $static_ip_range | cut -d , -f2) ##verify range is at least 20 ips ##assumes less than 255 range pool begin_octet=$(echo $static_ip_range_begin | cut -d . -f4) end_octet=$(echo $static_ip_range_end | cut -d . -f4) ip_count=$((end_octet-begin_octet+1)) if [ "$ip_count" -lt 20 ]; then echo "${red}Static range is less than 20 ips: ${ip_count}, exiting ${reset}" exit 1 else echo "${blue}Static IP range is size $ip_count ${reset}" fi fi fi fi if route | grep default; then echo "${blue}Default Gateway Detected ${reset}" host_default_gw=$(ip route | grep default | awk '{print $3}') echo "${blue}Default Gateway: $host_default_gw ${reset}" default_gw_interface=$(ip route get $host_default_gw | awk '{print $3}') case "${interface_arr[$default_gw_interface]}" in 0) echo "${blue}Default Gateway Detected on Admin Interface!${reset}" sed -i 's/^.*default_gw =.*$/ default_gw = '\""$host_default_gw"\"'/' Vagrantfile node_default_gw=$host_default_gw ;; 1) echo "${red}Default Gateway Detected on Private Interface!${reset}" echo "${red}Private subnet should be private and not have Internet access!${reset}" exit 1 ;; 2) echo "${blue}Default Gateway Detected on Public Interface!${reset}" sed -i 's/^.*default_gw =.*$/ default_gw = '\""$host_default_gw"\"'/' Vagrantfile echo "${blue}Will setup NAT from Admin -> Public Network on VM!${reset}" sed -i 's/^.*nat_flag =.*$/ nat_flag = true/' Vagrantfile echo "${blue}Setting node gateway to be VM Admin IP${reset}" node_default_gw=${interface_ip_arr[0]} public_gateway=$default_gw ;; 3) echo "${red}Default Gateway Detected on Storage Interface!${reset}" echo "${red}Storage subnet should be private and not have Internet access!${reset}" exit 1 ;; *) echo "${red}Unable to determine which interface default gateway is on..Exiting!${reset}" exit 1 ;; esac else #assumes 24 bit mask defaultgw=`echo ${interface_ip_arr[0]} | cut -d. -f1-3` firstip=.1 defaultgw=$defaultgw$firstip echo "${blue}Unable to find default gateway. Assuming it is $defaultgw ${reset}" sed -i 's/^.*default_gw =.*$/ default_gw = '\""$defaultgw"\"'/' Vagrantfile node_default_gw=$defaultgw fi if [ $base_config ]; then if ! cp -f $base_config opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml; then echo "{red}ERROR: Unable to copy $base_config to opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml${reset}" exit 1 fi fi nodes=`sed -nr '/nodes:/{:start /workaround/!{N;b start};//p}' opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml | sed -n '/^ [A-Za-z0-9]\+:$/p' | sed 's/\s*//g' | sed 's/://g'` controller_nodes=`echo $nodes | tr " " "\n" | grep controller | tr "\n" " "` echo "${blue}Controller nodes found in settings: ${controller_nodes}${reset}" my_controller_array=( $controller_nodes ) num_control_nodes=${#my_controller_array[@]} if [ "$num_control_nodes" -ne 3 ]; then if cat opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml | grep ha_flag | grep true; then echo "${red}Error: You must define exactly 3 control nodes when HA flag is true!${reset}" exit 1 fi else echo "${blue}Number of Controller nodes detected: ${num_control_nodes}${reset}" fi if [ $no_parse ]; then echo "${blue}Skipping parsing variables into settings file as no_parse flag is set${reset}" else echo "${blue}Gathering network parameters for Target System...this may take a few minutes${reset}" ##Edit the ksgen settings appropriately ##ksgen settings will be stored in /vagrant on the vagrant machine ##if single node deployment all the variables will have the same ip ##interface names will be enp0s3, enp0s8, enp0s9 in chef/centos7 sed -i 's/^.*default_gw:.*$/default_gw:'" $node_default_gw"'/' opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml ##replace private interface parameter ##private interface will be of hosts, so we need to know the provisioned host interface name ##we add biosdevname=0, net.ifnames=0 to the kickstart to use regular interface naming convention on hosts ##replace IP for parameters with next IP that will be given to controller if [ "$deployment_type" == "single_network" ]; then ##we also need to assign IP addresses to nodes ##for single node, foreman is managing the single network, so we can't reserve them ##not supporting single network anymore for now echo "{blue}Single Network type is unsupported right now. Please check your interface configuration. Exiting. ${reset}" exit 0 elif [[ "$deployment_type" == "multi_network" || "$deployment_type" == "three_network" ]]; then if [ "$deployment_type" == "three_network" ]; then sed -i 's/^.*network_type:.*$/network_type: three_network/' opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml fi sed -i 's/^.*deployment_type:.*$/ deployment_type: '"$deployment_type"'/' opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml ##get ip addresses for private network on controllers to make dhcp entries ##required for controllers_ip_array global param next_private_ip=${interface_ip_arr[1]} type=_private control_count=0 for node in controller1 controller2 controller3; do next_private_ip=$(next_usable_ip $next_private_ip) if [ ! "$next_private_ip" ]; then printf '%s\n' 'deploy.sh: Unable to find next ip for private network for control nodes' >&2 exit 1 fi sed -i 's/'"$node$type"'/'"$next_private_ip"'/g' opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml controller_ip_array=$controller_ip_array$next_private_ip, controllers_ip_arr[$control_count]=$next_private_ip ((control_count++)) done next_public_ip=${interface_ip_arr[2]} foreman_ip=$next_public_ip ##if no dhcp, find all the Admin IPs for nodes in advance if [ $virtual ]; then if [ -z "$enable_virtual_dhcp" ]; then sed -i 's/^.*no_dhcp:.*$/no_dhcp: true/' opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml nodes=`sed -nr '/nodes:/{:start /workaround/!{N;b start};//p}' opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml | sed -n '/^ [A-Za-z0-9]\+:$/p' | sed 's/\s*//g' | sed 's/://g'` compute_nodes=`echo $nodes | tr " " "\n" | grep -v controller | tr "\n" " "` controller_nodes=`echo $nodes | tr " " "\n" | grep controller | tr "\n" " "` nodes=${controller_nodes}${compute_nodes} next_admin_ip=${interface_ip_arr[0]} type=_admin for node in ${nodes}; do next_admin_ip=$(next_ip $next_admin_ip) if [ ! "$next_admin_ip" ]; then echo "${red} Unable to find an unused IP in admin_network for $node ! ${reset}" exit 1 else admin_ip_arr[$node]=$next_admin_ip sed -i 's/'"$node$type"'/'"$next_admin_ip"'/g' opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml fi done ##allocate node public IPs for node in ${nodes}; do next_public_ip=$(next_usable_ip $next_public_ip) if [ ! "$next_public_ip" ]; then echo "${red} Unable to find an unused IP in admin_network for $node ! ${reset}" exit 1 else public_ip_arr[$node]=$next_public_ip fi done fi fi ##replace global param for controllers_ip_array controller_ip_array=${controller_ip_array%?} sed -i 's/^.*controllers_ip_array:.*$/ controllers_ip_array: '"$controller_ip_array"'/' opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml ##now replace all the VIP variables. admin//private can be the same IP ##we have to use IP's here that won't be allocated to hosts at provisioning time ##therefore we increment the ip by 10 to make sure we have a safe buffer next_private_ip=$(increment_ip $next_private_ip 10) private_output=$(grep -E '*private_vip|loadbalancer_vip|db_vip|amqp_vip|*admin_vip' opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml) if [ ! -z "$private_output" ]; then while read -r line; do sed -i 's/^.*'"$line"'.*$/ '"$line $next_private_ip"'/' opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml next_private_ip=$(next_usable_ip $next_private_ip) if [ ! "$next_private_ip" ]; then printf '%s\n' 'deploy.sh: Unable to find next ip for private network for vip replacement' >&2 exit 1 fi done <<< "$private_output" fi ##replace odl_control_ip (non-HA only) odl_control_ip=${controllers_ip_arr[0]} sed -i 's/^.*odl_control_ip:.*$/ odl_control_ip: '"$odl_control_ip"'/' opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml ##replace controller_ip (non-HA only) sed -i 's/^.*controller_ip:.*$/ controller_ip: '"$odl_control_ip"'/' opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml ##replace foreman site sed -i 's/^.*foreman_url:.*$/ foreman_url:'" https:\/\/$foreman_ip"'\/api\/v2\//' opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml ##replace public vips ##no need to do this if no dhcp if [[ -z "$enable_virtual_dhcp" && ! -z "$virtual" ]]; then next_public_ip=$(next_usable_ip $next_public_ip) else next_public_ip=$(increment_ip $next_public_ip 10) fi public_output=$(grep -E '*public_vip' opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml) if [ ! -z "$public_output" ]; then while read -r line; do if echo $line | grep horizon_public_vip; then horizon_public_vip=$next_public_ip fi sed -i 's/^.*'"$line"'.*$/ '"$line $next_public_ip"'/' opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml next_public_ip=$(next_usable_ip $next_public_ip) if [ ! "$next_public_ip" ]; then printf '%s\n' 'deploy.sh: Unable to find next ip for public network for vip replcement' >&2 exit 1 fi done <<< "$public_output" fi ##replace public_network param public_subnet=$(find_subnet $next_public_ip $public_subnet_mask) sed -i 's/^.*public_network:.*$/ public_network:'" $public_subnet"'/' opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml ##replace private_network param private_subnet=$(find_subnet $next_private_ip $private_subnet_mask) sed -i 's/^.*private_network:.*$/ private_network:'" $private_subnet"'/' opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml ##replace storage_network if [ "$deployment_type" == "three_network" ]; then sed -i 's/^.*storage_network:.*$/ storage_network:'" $private_subnet"'/' opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml else next_storage_ip=${interface_ip_arr[3]} storage_subnet=$(find_subnet $next_storage_ip $storage_subnet_mask) sed -i 's/^.*storage_network:.*$/ storage_network:'" $storage_subnet"'/' opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml fi ##replace public_subnet param public_subnet=$public_subnet'\'$public_short_subnet_mask sed -i 's/^.*public_subnet:.*$/ public_subnet:'" $public_subnet"'/' opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml ##replace private_subnet param private_subnet=$private_subnet'\'$private_short_subnet_mask sed -i 's/^.*private_subnet:.*$/ private_subnet:'" $private_subnet"'/' opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml ##replace public_dns param to be foreman server sed -i 's/^.*public_dns:.*$/ public_dns: '${interface_ip_arr[2]}'/' opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml ##replace public_gateway if [ -z "$public_gateway" ]; then ##if unset then we assume its the first IP in the public subnet public_subnet=$(find_subnet $next_public_ip $public_subnet_mask) public_gateway=$(increment_subnet $public_subnet 1) fi sed -i 's/^.*public_gateway:.*$/ public_gateway:'" $public_gateway"'/' opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml ##we have to define an allocation range of the public subnet to give ##to neutron to use as floating IPs ##if static ip range, then we take the difference of the end range and current ip ## to be the allocation pool ##if not static ip, we will use the last 20 IP from the subnet ## note that this is not a really good idea because the subnet must be at least a /27 for this to work... public_subnet=$(find_subnet $next_public_ip $public_subnet_mask) if [ ! -z "$static_ip_range" ]; then begin_octet=$(echo $next_public_ip | cut -d . -f4) end_octet=$(echo $static_ip_range_end | cut -d . -f4) ip_diff=$((end_octet-begin_octet)) if [ $ip_diff -le 0 ]; then echo "${red}ip range left for floating range is less than or equal to 0! $ipdiff ${reset}" exit 1 else public_allocation_start=$(next_ip $next_public_ip) public_allocation_end=$static_ip_range_end fi else last_ip_subnet=$(find_last_ip_subnet $next_public_ip $public_subnet_mask) public_allocation_start=$(subtract_ip $last_ip_subnet $floating_ip_count ) public_allocation_end=${last_ip_subnet} fi echo "${blue}Neutron Floating IP range: $public_allocation_start to $public_allocation_end ${reset}" sed -i 's/^.*public_allocation_start:.*$/ public_allocation_start:'" $public_allocation_start"'/' opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml sed -i 's/^.*public_allocation_end:.*$/ public_allocation_end:'" $public_allocation_end"'/' opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml else printf '%s\n' 'deploy.sh: Unknown network type: $deployment_type' >&2 exit 1 fi echo "${blue}Parameters Complete. Settings have been set for Foreman. ${reset}" fi } ##Configure bootstrap.sh to use the virtual Khaleesi playbook ##params: none ##usage: configure_virtual() configure_virtual() { if [ $virtual ]; then echo "${blue} Virtual flag detected, setting Khaleesi playbook to be opnfv-vm.yml ${reset}" sed -i 's/opnfv.yml/opnfv-vm.yml/' bootstrap.sh fi } ##Starts Foreman VM with Vagrant ##params: none ##usage: start_vagrant() start_foreman() { echo "${blue}Starting Vagrant! ${reset}" ##stand up vagrant if ! vagrant up; then printf '%s\n' 'deploy.sh: Unable to complete Foreman VM install' >&2 exit 1 else echo "${blue}Foreman VM is up! ${reset}" fi } ##start the VM if this is a virtual installation ##this function does nothing if baremetal servers are being used ##params: none ##usage: start_virtual_nodes() start_virtual_nodes() { if [ $virtual ]; then ##Bring up VM nodes echo "${blue}Setting VMs up... ${reset}" nodes=`sed -nr '/nodes:/{:start /workaround/!{N;b start};//p}' opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml | sed -n '/^ [A-Za-z0-9]\+:$/p' | sed 's/\s*//g' | sed 's/://g'` ##due to ODL Helium bug of OVS connecting to ODL too early, we need controllers to install first ##this is fix kind of assumes more than I would like to, but for now it should be OK as we always have ##3 static controllers compute_nodes=`echo $nodes | tr " " "\n" | grep -v controller | tr "\n" " "` controller_nodes=`echo $nodes | tr " " "\n" | grep controller | tr "\n" " "` nodes=${controller_nodes}${compute_nodes} controller_count=0 compute_wait_completed=false for node in ${nodes}; do ##remove VM nodes incase it wasn't cleaned up rm -rf $vm_dir/$node rm -rf /tmp/genesis/ ##clone genesis and move into node folder clone_bgs $vm_dir/$node cd $vm_dir/$node if [ $base_config ]; then if ! cp -f $base_config opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml; then echo "${red}ERROR: Unable to copy $base_config to opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml${reset}" exit 1 fi fi ##parse yaml into variables eval $(parse_yaml opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml "config_") ##find node type node_type=config_nodes_${node}_type node_type=$(eval echo \$$node_type) ##trozet test make compute nodes wait 20 minutes if [ "$compute_wait_completed" = false ] && [ "$node_type" != "controller" ]; then echo "${blue}Waiting 20 minutes for Control nodes to install before continuing with Compute nodes..." compute_wait_completed=true sleep 1400 fi ## Add Admin interface mac_string=config_nodes_${node}_mac_address mac_addr=$(eval echo \$$mac_string) mac_addr=$(echo $mac_addr | sed 's/:\|-//g') if [ $mac_addr == "" ]; then echo "${red} Unable to find mac_address for $node! ${reset}" exit 1 fi this_admin_ip=${admin_ip_arr[$node]} sed -i 's/^.*eth_replace0.*$/ config.vm.network "private_network", virtualbox__intnet: "my_admin_network", ip: '\""$this_admin_ip"\"', netmask: '\""$admin_subnet_mask"\"', :mac => '\""$mac_addr"\"'/' Vagrantfile ## Add private interface if [ "$node_type" == "controller" ]; then mac_string=config_nodes_${node}_private_mac mac_addr=$(eval echo \$$mac_string) if [ $mac_addr == "" ]; then echo "${red} Unable to find private_mac for $node! ${reset}" exit 1 fi else ##generate random mac mac_addr=$(echo -n 00-60-2F; dd bs=1 count=3 if=/dev/random 2>/dev/null |hexdump -v -e '/1 "-%02X"') fi mac_addr=$(echo $mac_addr | sed 's/:\|-//g') if [ "$node_type" == "controller" ]; then new_node_ip=${controllers_ip_arr[$controller_count]} if [ ! "$new_node_ip" ]; then echo "{red}ERROR: Empty node ip for controller $controller_count ${reset}" exit 1 fi ((controller_count++)) else next_private_ip=$(next_ip $next_private_ip) if [ ! "$next_private_ip" ]; then echo "{red}ERROR: Could not find private ip for $node ${reset}" exit 1 fi new_node_ip=$next_private_ip fi sed -i 's/^.*eth_replace1.*$/ config.vm.network "private_network", virtualbox__intnet: "my_private_network", :mac => '\""$mac_addr"\"', ip: '\""$new_node_ip"\"', netmask: '\""$private_subnet_mask"\"'/' Vagrantfile ##replace host_ip in vm_nodes_provision with private ip sed -i 's/^host_ip=REPLACE/host_ip='$new_node_ip'/' vm_nodes_provision.sh ##replace ping site if [ ! -z "$ping_site" ]; then sed -i 's/www.google.com/'$ping_site'/' vm_nodes_provision.sh fi ##find public ip info and add public interface mac_addr=$(echo -n 00-60-2F; dd bs=1 count=3 if=/dev/random 2>/dev/null |hexdump -v -e '/1 "-%02X"') mac_addr=$(echo $mac_addr | sed 's/:\|-//g') this_public_ip=${public_ip_arr[$node]} if [ -z "$enable_virtual_dhcp" ]; then sed -i 's/^.*eth_replace2.*$/ config.vm.network "public_network", bridge: '\'"$public_interface"\'', :mac => '\""$mac_addr"\"', ip: '\""$this_public_ip"\"', netmask: '\""$public_subnet_mask"\"'/' Vagrantfile else sed -i 's/^.*eth_replace2.*$/ config.vm.network "public_network", bridge: '\'"$public_interface"\'', :mac => '\""$mac_addr"\"'/' Vagrantfile fi remove_vagrant_network eth_replace3 ##modify provisioning to do puppet install, config, and foreman check-in ##substitute host_name and dns_server in the provisioning script host_string=config_nodes_${node}_hostname host_name=$(eval echo \$$host_string) sed -i 's/^host_name=REPLACE/host_name='$host_name'/' vm_nodes_provision.sh ##dns server should be the foreman server sed -i 's/^dns_server=REPLACE/dns_server='${interface_ip_arr[0]}'/' vm_nodes_provision.sh ## remove bootstrap and NAT provisioning sed -i '/nat_setup.sh/d' Vagrantfile sed -i 's/bootstrap.sh/vm_nodes_provision.sh/' Vagrantfile ## modify default_gw to be node_default_gw sed -i 's/^.*default_gw =.*$/ default_gw = '\""$node_default_gw"\"'/' Vagrantfile ## modify VM memory to be 4gig ##if node type is controller if [ "$node_type" == "controller" ]; then sed -i 's/^.*vb.memory =.*$/ vb.memory = 4096/' Vagrantfile fi echo "${blue}Starting Vagrant Node $node! ${reset}" ##stand up vagrant if ! vagrant up; then echo "${red} Unable to start $node ${reset}" exit 1 else echo "${blue} $node VM is up! ${reset}" fi done echo "${blue} All VMs are UP! ${reset}" echo "${blue} Waiting for puppet to complete on the nodes... ${reset}" ##check puppet is complete ##ssh into foreman server, run check to verify puppet is complete pushd $vm_dir/foreman_vm if ! vagrant ssh -c "/opt/khaleesi/run.sh --no-logs --use /vagrant/opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml /opt/khaleesi/playbooks/validate_opnfv-vm.yml"; then echo "${red} Failed to validate puppet completion on nodes ${reset}" exit 1 else echo "{$blue} Puppet complete on all nodes! ${reset}" fi popd ##add routes back to nodes for node in ${nodes}; do pushd $vm_dir/$node if ! vagrant ssh -c "route | grep default | grep $this_default_gw"; then echo "${blue} Adding public route back to $node! ${reset}" vagrant ssh -c "route add default gw $this_default_gw" fi popd done if [ ! -z "$horizon_public_vip" ]; then echo "${blue} Virtual deployment SUCCESS!! Foreman URL: http://${foreman_ip}, Horizon URL: http://${horizon_public_vip} ${reset}" else echo "${blue} Virtual deployment SUCCESS!! Foreman URL: http://${foreman_ip}, Horizon URL: http://${odl_control_ip} ${reset}" fi fi } ##check to make sure nodes are powered off ##this function does nothing if virtual ##params: none ##usage: check_baremetal_nodes() check_baremetal_nodes() { if [ $virtual ]; then echo "${blue}Skipping Baremetal node power status check as deployment is virtual ${reset}" else echo "${blue}Checking Baremetal nodes power state... ${reset}" if [ ! -z "$base_config" ]; then # Install ipmitool # Major version is pinned to force some consistency for Arno if ! yum list installed | grep -i ipmitool; then echo "${blue}Installing ipmitool...${reset}" if ! yum -y install ipmitool-1*; then echo "${red}Failed to install ipmitool!${reset}" exit 1 fi fi ###find all the bmc IPs and number of nodes node_counter=0 output=`grep bmc_ip $base_config | grep -Eo '[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+'` for line in ${output} ; do bmc_ip[$node_counter]=$line ((node_counter++)) done max_nodes=$((node_counter-1)) ###find bmc_users per node node_counter=0 output=`grep bmc_user $base_config | sed 's/\s*bmc_user:\s*//'` for line in ${output} ; do bmc_user[$node_counter]=$line ((node_counter++)) done ###find bmc_pass per node node_counter=0 output=`grep bmc_pass $base_config | sed 's/\s*bmc_pass:\s*//'` for line in ${output} ; do bmc_pass[$node_counter]=$line ((node_counter++)) done for mynode in `seq 0 $max_nodes`; do echo "${blue}Node: ${bmc_ip[$mynode]} ${bmc_user[$mynode]} ${bmc_pass[$mynode]} ${reset}" ipmi_output=`ipmitool -I lanplus -P ${bmc_pass[$mynode]} -U ${bmc_user[$mynode]} -H ${bmc_ip[$mynode]} chassis status \ | grep "System Power" | cut -d ':' -f2 | tr -d [:blank:]` if [ "$ipmi_output" == "on" ]; then echo "${red}Error: Node is powered on: ${bmc_ip[$mynode]} ${reset}" echo "${red}Please run clean.sh before running deploy! ${reset}" exit 1 elif [ "$ipmi_output" == "off" ]; then echo "${blue}Node: ${bmc_ip[$mynode]} is powered off${reset}" else echo "${red}Warning: Unable to detect node power state: ${bmc_ip[$mynode]} ${reset}" fi done else echo "${red}base_config was not provided for a baremetal install! Exiting${reset}" exit 1 fi fi } ##END FUNCTIONS main() { parse_cmdline "$@" disable_selinux check_baremetal_nodes install_EPEL install_vbox install_ansible install_vagrant clean_tmp verify_vm_dir clone_bgs $vm_dir/foreman_vm configure_network configure_virtual start_foreman start_virtual_nodes } main "$@"