#!/usr/bin/env bash #bootstrap script for installing/running Khaleesi in Foreman/QuickStack VM #author: Tim Rozet (trozet@redhat.com) # #Uses Vagrant and VirtualBox #VagrantFile uses bootsrap.sh which Installs Khaleesi #Khaleesi will install and configure Foreman/QuickStack # #Pre-requisties: #Target system should be Centos7 #Ensure the host's kernel is up to date (yum update) ##VARS reset=`tput sgr0` blue=`tput setaf 4` red=`tput setaf 1` green=`tput setaf 2` ##END VARS ##install EPEL if ! yum repolist | grep "epel/"; then if ! rpm -Uvh http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/7/x86_64/e/epel-release-7-5.noarch.rpm; then printf '%s\n' 'bootstrap.sh: Unable to configure EPEL repo' >&2 exit 1 fi else printf '%s\n' 'bootstrap.sh: Skipping EPEL repo as it is already configured.' fi ##install python,gcc,git if ! yum -y install python-pip python-virtualenv gcc git; then printf '%s\n' 'bootstrap.sh: Unable to install python,gcc,git packages' >&2 exit 1 fi ##Install sshpass if ! yum -y install sshpass; then printf '%s\n' 'bootstrap.sh: Unable to install sshpass' >&2 exit 1 fi cd /opt echo "Cloning khaleesi to /opt" if [ ! -d khaleesi ]; then if ! git clone -b opnfv https://github.com/trozet/khaleesi.git; then printf '%s\n' 'bootstrap.sh: Unable to git clone khaleesi' >&2 exit 1 fi fi if ! pip install ansible; then printf '%s\n' 'bootstrap.sh: Unable to install ansible' >&2 exit 1 fi if ! pip install requests; then printf '%s\n' 'bootstrap.sh: Unable to install requests python package' >&2 exit 1 fi cd khaleesi cp ansible.cfg.example ansible.cfg echo "Completed Installing Khaleesi" cd /opt/khaleesi/ ansible localhost -m setup -i local_hosts ./run.sh --no-logs --use /vagrant/opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml playbooks/opnfv.yml