# Common This directory contains those files which belong to the "OPNFV-Installation and Maintenance" phase of the installation process. The OPNFV install process consists of two main phases: * **BASE-INSTALLATION:** Installation of plain-vanilla VM-manager (for BGS, OpenStack will be used as VM-Manager) * (repeatable) install of a plain vanilla VM-manager (for BGS this is OpenStack) that deploys to bare metal and supports a HA-setup of the VM-manager * the installation is performed with an installer ā€œiā€ that creates a system in state BASE(i). * Files which are specific to an installer process are found in the directory of the associated installer approach (e.g. "fuel", "foreman", "opensteak", etc.) * Once the installation of the plain vanilla environment is complete, the installer i is terminated. The system is left in state BASE(i) and handed over to the second phase. * **OPNFV-INSTALLATION and MAINTENANCE:** Installation of OPNFV specific modules, maintenance of the overall OPNFV installation * the system state for this second phase is called OPNFV(x) - where x is determined by a particular OPNFV release item. * install deltas to state BASE(i) to reach the desired state OPNFV(x). Deltas would be defined as a set of scripts/manifests. Given that the state BASE(i) differs by installer used, the scripts could also be different. That said, it is a clear objective to make these scripts as generic and independent from the installer used as possible. * maintain the system in state OPNFV(x) * decouple device configuration from orchestration; allow for different tool chains to be used for device configuration and orchestration. I.e. rather than couple device config and orchestration with a single tool such as puppet in master-agent mode, enable a single tool to be focused on config (e.g. puppet in master-less mode) and another one for orchestration (e.g. Ansible/Salt driving upgrade of components, download of particular manifests to the nodes etc.