#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (c) 2015 All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # This script boots the VM1 and allocates IP address from Nova # Later, the VM2 boots then execute cloud-init to ping VM1. # After successful ping, both the VMs are deleted. # # Note: this is script works only with Ubuntu image, not with Cirros image # import os import pprint import subprocess import time import argparse import logging import novaclient.v2.client as novaclient #import novaclient.v1_1.client as novaclient import cinderclient.v1.client as cinderclient pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) EXIT_CODE = -1 #tODO: this parameters should be taken from a conf file PING_TIMEOUT = 200 NAME_VM_1 = "opnfv-vping-1" NAME_VM_2 = "opnfv-vping-2" GLANCE_IMAGE_NAME = "trusty-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img" NEUTRON_NET_NAME = "test" FLAVOR = "m1.small" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", help="Debug mode", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() """ logging configuration """ logger = logging.getLogger('vPing') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ch = logging.StreamHandler() if args.debug: ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: ch.setLevel(logging.INFO) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') ch.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) def pMsg(value): """pretty printing""" pp.pprint(value) def print_title(title): """Print titles""" print "\n"+"#"*40+"\n# "+title+"\n"+"#"*40+"\n" def get_credentials(service): """Returns a creds dictionary filled with the following keys: * username * password/api_key (depending on the service) * tenant_name/project_id (depending on the service) * auth_url :param service: a string indicating the name of the service requesting the credentials. """ #TODO: get credentials from the openrc file creds = {} # Unfortunately, each of the OpenStack client will request slightly # different entries in their credentials dict. if service.lower() in ("nova", "cinder"): password = "api_key" tenant = "project_id" else: password = "password" tenant = "tenant_name" # The most common way to pass these info to the script is to do it through # environment variables. creds.update({ "username": os.environ.get('OS_USERNAME', "admin"), # add your cloud username details password: os.environ.get("OS_PASSWORD", 'admin'), # add password "auth_url": os.environ.get("OS_AUTH_URL",""), # Auth URL tenant: os.environ.get("OS_TENANT_NAME", "admin"), }) return creds def get_server(creds, servername): nova = novaclient.Client(**creds) return nova.servers.find(name=servername) def waitVmActive(nova,vm): # sleep and wait for VM status change while get_status(nova,vm) != "ACTIVE": time.sleep(3) logger.debug("Status: %s" % vm.status) logger.debug("Status: %s" % vm.status) def get_status(nova,vm): vm = nova.servers.get(vm.id) return vm.status def main(): creds = get_credentials("nova") nova = novaclient.Client(**creds) cinder = cinderclient.Client(**creds) """ # print images and server resources # print nova_images print_title("images list") pMsg(nova.images.list()) print_title("servers list") pMsg(nova.servers.list()) """ images=nova.images.list() image_found = False for image in images: if image.name == GLANCE_IMAGE_NAME: logger.info("Glance image found '%s'" %image.name) image_found = True if not image_found: logger.error("ERROR: Glance image %s not found." % GLANCE_IMAGE_NAME) logger.info("Available images are: ") pMsg(nova.images.list()) exit(-1) servers=nova.servers.list() for server in servers: if server.name == NAME_VM_1 or server.name == NAME_VM_2: logger.info("Instance %s found. Deleting..." %server.name) server.delete() # boot VM 1 # basic boot # tune (e.g. flavor, images, network) to your specific openstack configuration here m = NAME_VM_1 f = nova.flavors.find(name = FLAVOR) i = nova.images.find(name = GLANCE_IMAGE_NAME) n = nova.networks.find(label = NEUTRON_NET_NAME) u = "#cloud-config\npassword: opnfv\nchpasswd: { expire: False }\nssh_pwauth: True" #k = "demo-key" # create VM logger.info("Creating instance '%s'..." %m) logger.debug("Configuration:\n name=%s \n flavor=%s \n image=%s \n network=%s \n userdata= \n%s" %(m,f,i,n,u)) vm1 = nova.servers.create( name = m, flavor = f, image = i, nics = [{"net-id": n.id}], #key_name = k, userdata = u, ) #pMsg(vm1) #wait until VM status is active waitVmActive(nova,vm1) #retrieve IP of first VM logger.debug("Fetching IP...") server = get_server(creds, m) #pMsg(server.networks) # theoretically there is only one IP address so we take the first element of the table # Dangerous! To be improved! test_ip = server.networks.get(NEUTRON_NET_NAME)[0] logger.debug("Instance '%s' got %s" %(m,test_ip)) test_cmd = '/tmp/vping.sh %s'%test_ip # boot VM 2 # we will boot then execute a ping script with cloud-init # the long chain corresponds to the ping procedure converted with base 64 # tune (e.g. flavor, images, network) to your specific openstack configuration here m = NAME_VM_2 f = nova.flavors.find(name = FLAVOR) i = nova.images.find(name = GLANCE_IMAGE_NAME) n = nova.networks.find(label = NEUTRON_NET_NAME) # use base 64 format becaus bad surprises with sh script with cloud-init but script is just pinging #k = "demo-key" u = "#cloud-config\npassword: opnfv\nchpasswd: { expire: False }\nssh_pwauth: True\nwrite_files:\n- encoding: b64\n path: /tmp/vping.sh\n permissions: '0777'\n owner: root:root\n content: IyEvYmluL2Jhc2gKCndoaWxlIHRydWU7IGRvCiBwaW5nIC1jIDEgJDEgMj4mMSA+L2Rldi9udWxsCiBSRVM9JD8KIGlmIFsgIlokUkVTIiA9ICJaMCIgXSA7IHRoZW4KICBlY2hvICJ2UGluZyBPSyIKICBzbGVlcCAxMAogIHN1ZG8gc2h1dGRvd24gLWggbm93CiAgYnJlYWsKIGVsc2UKICBlY2hvICJ2UGluZyBLTyIKIGZpCiBzbGVlcCAxCmRvbmUK\nruncmd:\n - [ sh, -c, %s]"%test_cmd # create VM logger.info("Creating instance '%s'..." %m) logger.debug("Configuration:\n name=%s \n flavor=%s \n image=%s \n network=%s \n userdata= \n%s" %(m,f,i,n,u)) vm2 = nova.servers.create( name = m, flavor = f, image = i, nics = [{"net-id": n.id}], #key_name = k, userdata = u, #security_groups = s, #config_drive = v.id ) # The injected script will shutdown the VM2 when the ping works # The console-log method is more consistent but doesn't work yet waitVmActive(nova,vm2) logger.info("Waiting for ping, timeout is %d sec..." % PING_TIMEOUT) sec = 0 while True: status = get_status(nova, vm2) #print status if status == "SHUTOFF" : EXIT_CODE = 0 logger.info("vPing SUCCESSFUL after %d sec" % sec) break if sec == PING_TIMEOUT: logger.info("Timeout. vPing UNSUCCESSFUL.") break time.sleep(1) sec+=1 """ # I leave this here until we fix the console-log output sec = 0 console_log = vm2.get_console_output() while not ("vPing" in console_log): time.sleep(1) console_log = vm2.get_console_output() print "--"+console_log # report if the test is failed if "vPing" in console_log: pMsg("vPing is OK") break else: pMsg("no vPing detected....") sec+=1 if sec == PING_TIMEOUT: break """ # delete both VMs logger.debug("Deleting Instances...") nova.servers.delete(vm1) logger.debug("Instance %s terminated." % NAME_VM_1) nova.servers.delete(vm2) logger.debug("Instance %s terminated." % NAME_VM_2) logger.debug("EXIT_CODE=%s" % EXIT_CODE) exit(EXIT_CODE) if __name__ == '__main__': main()