#!/bin/bash -e # Script checks that venv exists. If it doesn't it will be created # It requires python2.7 and virtualenv packages installed BASEDIR=`dirname $0` VENV_PATH=$1 VENV_NAME="venv_cloudify" function venv_install() { if command -v virtualenv-2.7; then virtualenv-2.7 $1 elif command -v virtualenv2; then virtualenv2 $1 elif command -v virtualenv; then virtualenv $1 else echo Cannot find virtualenv command. return 1 fi } # exit when something goes wrong during venv install set -e if [ ! -d "$VENV_PATH/$VENV_NAME" ]; then venv_install $VENV_PATH/$VENV_NAME echo "Virtualenv" + $VENV_NAME + "created." fi if [ ! -f "$VENV_PATH/$VENV_NAME/updated" -o $BASEDIR/requirements.pip -nt $VENV_PATH/$VENV_NAME/updated ]; then source $VENV_PATH/$VENV_NAME/bin/activate pip install -r $BASEDIR/requirements.pip touch $VENV_PATH/$VENV_NAME/updated echo "Requirements installed." deactivate fi set +e