#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (c) 2016 Red Hat # Luke Hinds (lhinds@redhat.com) # This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # 0.1: This script installs OpenSCAP on the remote host, and scans the # nominated node. Post scan a report is downloaded and if '--clean' is passed # all trace of the scan is removed from the remote system. import argparse import connect import datetime import os import sys from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser from functest.utils.functest_utils import FUNCTEST_REPO as FUNCTEST_REPO from keystoneclient import session from keystoneclient.auth.identity import v2 from novaclient import client __version__ = 0.1 __author__ = 'Luke Hinds (lhinds@redhat.com)' __url__ = 'https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/functest/Functest+Security' # Global vars INSTALLER_IP = os.getenv('INSTALLER_IP') oscapbin = 'sudo /bin/oscap' functest_dir = '%s/testcases/security_scan/' % FUNCTEST_REPO # Apex Spefic var needed to query Undercloud if os.getenv('OS_AUTH_URL') is None: connect.logger.error(" Enviroment variable OS_AUTH_URL is not set") sys.exit(0) else: OS_AUTH_URL = os.getenv('OS_AUTH_URL') # args parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='OPNFV OpenSCAP Scanner') parser.add_argument('--config', action='store', dest='cfgfile', help='Config file', required=True) args = parser.parse_args() # Config Parser cfgparse = SafeConfigParser() cfgparse.read(args.cfgfile) # Grab Undercloud key remotekey = cfgparse.get('undercloud', 'remotekey') localkey = cfgparse.get('undercloud', 'localkey') setup = connect.SetUp(remotekey, localkey) setup.getockey() # Configure Nova Credentials com = 'sudo /usr/bin/hiera admin_password' setup = connect.SetUp(com) keypass = setup.keystonepass() auth = v2.Password(auth_url=OS_AUTH_URL, username='admin', password=str(keypass).rstrip(), tenant_name='admin') sess = session.Session(auth=auth) nova = client.Client(2, session=sess) def run_tests(host, nodetype): user = cfgparse.get(nodetype, 'user') port = cfgparse.get(nodetype, 'port') connect.logger.info("Host: {0} Selected Profile: {1}".format(host, nodetype)) connect.logger.info("Checking internet for package installation...") if internet_check(host, nodetype): connect.logger.info("Internet Connection OK.") connect.logger.info("Creating temp file structure..") createfiles(host, port, user, localkey) connect.logger.debug("Installing OpenSCAP...") install_pkg(host, port, user, localkey) connect.logger.debug("Running scan...") run_scanner(host, port, user, localkey, nodetype) clean = cfgparse.get(nodetype, 'clean') connect.logger.info("Post installation tasks....") post_tasks(host, port, user, localkey, nodetype) if clean: connect.logger.info("Cleaning down environment....") connect.logger.debug("Removing OpenSCAP....") removepkg(host, port, user, localkey, nodetype) connect.logger.info("Deleting tmp file and reports (remote)...") cleandir(host, port, user, localkey, nodetype) else: connect.logger.error("Internet timeout. Moving on to next node..") pass def nova_iterate(): # Find compute nodes, active with network on ctlplane for server in nova.servers.list(): if server.status == 'ACTIVE' and 'compute' in server.name: networks = server.networks nodetype = 'compute' for host in networks['ctlplane']: run_tests(host, nodetype) # Find controller nodes, active with network on ctlplane elif server.status == 'ACTIVE' and 'controller' in server.name: networks = server.networks nodetype = 'controller' for host in networks['ctlplane']: run_tests(host, nodetype) def internet_check(host, nodetype): import connect user = cfgparse.get(nodetype, 'user') port = cfgparse.get(nodetype, 'port') localpath = functest_dir + 'scripts/internet_check.py' remotepath = '/tmp/internet_check.py' com = 'python /tmp/internet_check.py' testconnect = connect.ConnectionManager(host, port, user, localkey, localpath, remotepath, com) connectionresult = testconnect.remotescript() if connectionresult.rstrip() == 'True': return True else: return False def createfiles(host, port, user, localkey): import connect global tmpdir localpath = functest_dir + 'scripts/createfiles.py' remotepath = '/tmp/createfiles.py' com = 'python /tmp/createfiles.py' connect = connect.ConnectionManager(host, port, user, localkey, localpath, remotepath, com) tmpdir = connect.remotescript() def install_pkg(host, port, user, localkey): import connect com = 'sudo yum -y install openscap-scanner scap-security-guide' connect = connect.ConnectionManager(host, port, user, localkey, com) connect.remotecmd() def run_scanner(host, port, user, localkey, nodetype): import connect scantype = cfgparse.get(nodetype, 'scantype') profile = cfgparse.get(nodetype, 'profile') results = cfgparse.get(nodetype, 'results') report = cfgparse.get(nodetype, 'report') secpolicy = cfgparse.get(nodetype, 'secpolicy') # Here is where we contruct the actual scan command if scantype == 'xccdf': cpe = cfgparse.get(nodetype, 'cpe') com = '{0} xccdf eval --profile {1} --results {2}/{3}' \ ' --report {2}/{4} --cpe {5} {6}'.format(oscapbin, profile, tmpdir.rstrip(), results, report, cpe, secpolicy) connect = connect.ConnectionManager(host, port, user, localkey, com) connect.remotecmd() elif scantype == 'oval': com = '{0} oval eval --results {1}/{2} ' '--report {1}/{3} {4}'.format(oscapbin, tmpdir.rstrip(), results, report, secpolicy) connect = connect.ConnectionManager(host, port, user, localkey, com) connect.remotecmd() else: com = '{0} oval-collect '.format(oscapbin) connect = connect.ConnectionManager(host, port, user, localkey, com) connect.remotecmd() def post_tasks(host, port, user, localkey, nodetype): import connect # Create the download folder for functest dashboard and download reports reports_dir = cfgparse.get(nodetype, 'reports_dir') dl_folder = os.path.join(reports_dir, host + "_" + datetime.datetime. now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')) os.makedirs(dl_folder, 0755) report = cfgparse.get(nodetype, 'report') results = cfgparse.get(nodetype, 'results') reportfile = '{0}/{1}'.format(tmpdir.rstrip(), report) connect = connect.ConnectionManager(host, port, user, localkey, dl_folder, reportfile, report, results) connect.download_reports() def removepkg(host, port, user, localkey, nodetype): import connect com = 'sudo yum -y remove openscap-scanner scap-security-guide' connect = connect.ConnectionManager(host, port, user, localkey, com) connect.remotecmd() def cleandir(host, port, user, localkey, nodetype): import connect com = 'sudo rm -r {0}'.format(tmpdir.rstrip()) connect = connect.ConnectionManager(host, port, user, localkey, com) connect.remotecmd() if __name__ == '__main__': nova_iterate()