#!/usr/bin/env python # # jose.lausuch@ericsson.com # valentin.boucher@orange.com # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # import os import urllib2 import subprocess import sys from git import Repo # ############ CREDENTIALS OPENSTACK ############# def check_credentials(): """ Check if the OpenStack credentials (openrc) are sourced """ # TODO: there must be a short way to do this # doing if os.environ["something"] == "" throws an error try: os.environ['OS_AUTH_URL'] except KeyError: return False try: os.environ['OS_USERNAME'] except KeyError: return False try: os.environ['OS_PASSWORD'] except KeyError: return False try: os.environ['OS_TENANT_NAME'] except KeyError: return False return True def get_credentials(service): """Returns a creds dictionary filled with the following keys: * username * password/api_key (depending on the service) * tenant_name/project_id (depending on the service) * auth_url :param service: a string indicating the name of the service requesting the credentials. """ creds = {} # Unfortunately, each of the OpenStack client will request slightly # different entries in their credentials dict. if service.lower() in ("nova", "cinder"): password = "api_key" tenant = "project_id" else: password = "password" tenant = "tenant_name" # The most common way to pass these info to the script is to do it through # environment variables. creds.update({ "username": os.environ.get('OS_USERNAME', "admin"), password: os.environ.get("OS_PASSWORD", 'admin'), "auth_url": os.environ.get("OS_AUTH_URL", ""), tenant: os.environ.get("OS_TENANT_NAME", "admin"), }) return creds # ################ NOVA ################# def get_instance_status(nova_client, instance): try: instance = nova_client.servers.get(instance.id) return instance.status except: return None def get_instance_by_name(nova_client, instance_name): try: instance = nova_client.servers.find(name=instance_name) return instance except: return None def get_flavor_id(nova_client, flavor_name): flavors = nova_client.flavors.list(detailed=True) id = '' for f in flavors: if f.name == flavor_name: id = f.id break return id def get_flavor_id_by_ram_range(nova_client, min_ram, max_ram): flavors = nova_client.flavors.list(detailed=True) id = '' for f in flavors: if min_ram <= f.ram and f.ram <= max_ram: id = f.id break return id # ################ NEUTRON ################# def create_neutron_net(neutron_client, name): json_body = {'network': {'name': name, 'admin_state_up': True}} try: network = neutron_client.create_network(body=json_body) network_dict = network['network'] return network_dict['id'] except: print "Error:", sys.exc_info()[0] return False def delete_neutron_net(neutron_client, network_id): try: neutron_client.delete_network(network_id) return True except: print "Error:", sys.exc_info()[0] return False def create_neutron_subnet(neutron_client, name, cidr, net_id): json_body = {'subnets': [{'name': name, 'cidr': cidr, 'ip_version': 4, 'network_id': net_id}]} try: subnet = neutron_client.create_subnet(body=json_body) return subnet['subnets'][0]['id'] except: print "Error:", sys.exc_info()[0] return False def delete_neutron_subnet(neutron_client, subnet_id): try: neutron_client.delete_subnet(subnet_id) return True except: print "Error:", sys.exc_info()[0] return False def create_neutron_router(neutron_client, name): json_body = {'router': {'name': name, 'admin_state_up': True}} try: router = neutron_client.create_router(json_body) return router['router']['id'] except: print "Error:", sys.exc_info()[0] return False def delete_neutron_router(neutron_client, router_id): json_body = {'router': {'id': router_id}} try: neutron_client.delete_router(router=router_id) return True except: print "Error:", sys.exc_info()[0] return False def add_interface_router(neutron_client, router_id, subnet_id): json_body = {"subnet_id": subnet_id} try: neutron_client.add_interface_router(router=router_id, body=json_body) return True except: print "Error:", sys.exc_info()[0] return False def remove_interface_router(neutron_client, router_id, subnet_id): json_body = {"subnet_id": subnet_id} try: neutron_client.remove_interface_router(router=router_id, body=json_body) return True except: print "Error:", sys.exc_info()[0] return False def create_neutron_port(neutron_client, name, network_id, ip): json_body = {'port': { 'admin_state_up': True, 'name': name, 'network_id': network_id, 'fixed_ips': [{"ip_address": ip}] }} try: port = neutron_client.create_port(body=json_body) return port['port']['id'] except: print "Error:", sys.exc_info()[0] return False def get_network_id(neutron_client, network_name): networks = neutron_client.list_networks()['networks'] id = '' for n in networks: if n['name'] == network_name: id = n['id'] break return id def check_neutron_net(neutron_client, net_name): for network in neutron_client.list_networks()['networks']: if network['name'] == net_name: for subnet in network['subnets']: return True return False def get_network_list(neutron_client): network_list = neutron_client.list_networks()['networks'] if len(network_list) == 0: return None else: return network_list def get_external_net(neutron_client): for network in neutron_client.list_networks()['networks']: if network['router:external']: return network['name'] return False def update_sg_quota(neutron_client, tenant_id, sg_quota, sg_rule_quota): json_body = {"quota": { "security_group": sg_quota, "security_group_rule": sg_rule_quota }} try: quota = neutron_client.update_quota(tenant_id=tenant_id, body=json_body) return True except: print "Error:", sys.exc_info()[0] return False # ################ GLANCE ################# def get_image_id(glance_client, image_name): images = glance_client.images.list() id = '' for i in images: if i.name == image_name: id = i.id break return id def create_glance_image(glance_client, image_name, file_path, is_public=True): try: with open(file_path) as fimage: image = glance_client.images.create(name=image_name, is_public=is_public, disk_format="qcow2", container_format="bare", data=fimage) return image.id except: return False # ################ KEYSTONE ################# def get_tenant_id(keystone_client, tenant_name): tenants = keystone_client.tenants.list() id = '' for t in tenants: if t.name == tenant_name: id = t.id break return id def get_role_id(keystone_client, role_name): roles = keystone_client.roles.list() id = '' for r in roles: if r.name == role_name: id = r.id break return id def get_user_id(keystone_client, user_name): users = keystone_client.users.list() id = '' for u in users: if u.name == user_name: id = u.id break return id def create_tenant(keystone_client, tenant_name, tenant_description): try: tenant = keystone_client.tenants.create(tenant_name, tenant_description, enabled=True) return tenant.id except: print "Error:", sys.exc_info()[0] return False def delete_tenant(keystone_client, tenant_id): try: tenant = keystone_client.tenants.delete(tenant_id) return True except: print "Error:", sys.exc_info()[0] return False def create_user(keystone_client, user_name, user_password, user_email, tenant_id): try: user = keystone_client.users.create(user_name, user_password, user_email, tenant_id, enabled=True) return user.id except: print "Error:", sys.exc_info()[0] return False def delete_user(keystone_client, user_id): try: tenant = keystone_client.users.delete(user_id) return True except: print "Error:", sys.exc_info()[0] return False def add_role_user(keystone_client, user_id, role_id, tenant_id): try: keystone_client.roles.add_user_role(user_id, role_id, tenant_id) return True except: print "Error:", sys.exc_info()[0] return False # ################ UTILS ################# def check_internet_connectivity(url='http://www.opnfv.org/'): """ Check if there is access to the internet """ try: urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=5) return True except urllib2.URLError: return False def download_url(url, dest_path): """ Download a file to a destination path given a URL """ name = url.rsplit('/')[-1] dest = dest_path + "/" + name try: response = urllib2.urlopen(url) except (urllib2.HTTPError, urllib2.URLError): return False with open(dest, 'wb') as f: f.write(response.read()) return True def execute_command(cmd, logger=None): """ Execute Linux command """ if logger: logger.debug('Executing command : {}'.format(cmd)) output_file = "output.txt" f = open(output_file, 'w+') p = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=f, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) f.close() f = open(output_file, 'r') result = f.read() if result != "" and logger: logger.debug(result) if p == 0: return True else: if logger: logger.error("Error when executing command %s" % cmd) exit(-1) def get_git_branch(repo_path): """ Get git branch name """ repo = Repo(repo_path) branch = repo.active_branch print branch.name return branch def get_installer_type(logger=None): """ Get installer type (fuel, foreman, apex, joid, compass) """ try: installer = os.environ['INSTALLER_TYPE'] except KeyError: if logger: logger.error("Impossible to retrieve the installer type") installer = "Unkown" return installer