#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (c) 2015 Ericsson # jose.lausuch@ericsson.com # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # import re, json, os, urllib2, argparse, logging, shutil, subprocess, yaml from git import Repo actions = ['start', 'check', 'clean'] parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("action", help="Possible actions are: '{d[0]}|{d[1]}|{d[2]}' ".format(d=actions)) parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", help="Debug mode", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() """ logging configuration """ logger = logging.getLogger('config_functest') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ch = logging.StreamHandler() if args.debug: ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: ch.setLevel(logging.INFO) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') ch.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) yaml_url = 'https://git.opnfv.org/cgit/functest/plain/testcases/functest.yaml' name = yaml_url.rsplit('/')[-1] dest = "./" + name if not os.path.exists(dest): logger.info("Downloading functest.yaml...") try: response = urllib2.urlopen(yaml_url) except (urllib2.HTTPError, urllib2.URLError): logger.error("Error in fetching %s" %yaml_url) exit(-1) with open(dest, 'wb') as f: f.write(response.read()) logger.info("functest.yaml stored in %s" % dest) else: logger.info("functest.yaml found in %s" % dest) with open('functest.yaml') as f: functest_yaml = yaml.safe_load(f) f.close() """ global variables """ HOME = os.environ['HOME']+"/" FUNCTEST_BASE_DIR = HOME + functest_yaml.get("general").get("directories").get("dir_functest") RALLY_REPO_DIR = HOME + functest_yaml.get("general").get("directories").get("dir_rally_repo") RALLY_TEST_DIR = HOME + functest_yaml.get("general").get("directories").get("dir_rally") RALLY_INSTALLATION_DIR = HOME + functest_yaml.get("general").get("directories").get("dir_rally_inst") BENCH_TESTS_DIR = HOME + functest_yaml.get("general").get("directories").get("dir_rally_scn") VPING_DIR = HOME + functest_yaml.get("general").get("directories").get("dir_vping") ODL_DIR = HOME + functest_yaml.get("general").get("directories").get("dir_odl") IMAGE_URL = functest_yaml.get("general").get("openstack").get("image_url") IMAGE_DISK_FORMAT = functest_yaml.get("general").get("openstack").get("image_disk_format") IMAGE_NAME = functest_yaml.get("general").get("openstack").get("image_name") IMAGE_FILE_NAME = IMAGE_URL.rsplit('/')[-1] IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_PATH = FUNCTEST_BASE_DIR + IMAGE_FILE_NAME def config_functest_start(): """ Start the functest environment installation """ if config_functest_check(): logger.info("Functest environment already installed in %s. Nothing to do." %FUNCTEST_BASE_DIR) exit(0) elif not check_internet_connectivity(): logger.error("There is no Internet connectivity. Please check the network configuration.") exit(-1) elif not check_credentials(): logger.error("Please source the openrc credentials and run the script again.") #TODO: source the credentials in this script exit(-1) else: config_functest_clean() logger.info("Starting installationg of functest environment in %s" %FUNCTEST_BASE_DIR) os.makedirs(FUNCTEST_BASE_DIR) if not os.path.exists(FUNCTEST_BASE_DIR): logger.error("There has been a problem while creating the environment directory.") exit(-1) logger.info("Donwloading test scripts and scenarios...") if not download_tests(): logger.error("There has been a problem while downloading the test scripts and scenarios.") config_functest_clean() exit(-1) logger.info("Installing Rally...") if not install_rally(): logger.error("There has been a problem while installing Rally.") config_functest_clean() exit(-1) logger.info("Installing ODL environment...") if not install_odl(): logger.error("There has been a problem while installing Robot.") config_functest_clean() exit(-1) logger.info("Donwloading image...") if not download_url_with_progress(IMAGE_URL, FUNCTEST_BASE_DIR): logger.error("There has been a problem while downloading the image.") config_functest_clean() exit(-1) logger.info("Creating Glance image: %s ..." %IMAGE_NAME) if not create_glance_image(IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_PATH,IMAGE_NAME,IMAGE_DISK_FORMAT): logger.error("There has been a problem while creating the Glance image.") config_functest_clean() exit(-1) exit(0) def config_functest_check(): """ Check if the functest environment is properly installed """ logger.info("Checking current functest configuration...") logger.debug("Checking directories...") dirs = [FUNCTEST_BASE_DIR, RALLY_INSTALLATION_DIR, RALLY_REPO_DIR, RALLY_TEST_DIR, BENCH_TESTS_DIR, VPING_DIR, ODL_DIR] for dir in dirs: if not os.path.exists(dir): logger.debug("The directory %s does not exist." %dir) return False logger.debug(" %s found" % dir) logger.debug("...OK") logger.debug("Checking Rally deployment...") if not check_rally(): logger.debug("Rally deployment not found.") return False logger.debug("...OK") logger.debug("Checking Image...") if not os.path.isfile(IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_PATH): return False logger.debug(" Image file found in %s" %IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_PATH) cmd="glance image-list | grep " + IMAGE_NAME FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w'); logger.debug(' Executing command : {}'.format(cmd)) p=subprocess.Popen(cmd,shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=FNULL); #if the command does not exist or there is no glance image line = p.stdout.readline() if line == "": logger.debug(" Glance image not found") return False logger.debug(" Glance image found") logger.debug("...OK") #TODO: check OLD environment setup return True def config_functest_clean(): """ Clean the existing functest environment """ logger.info("Removing current functest environment...") if os.path.exists(RALLY_INSTALLATION_DIR): logger.debug("Removing rally installation directory %s" % RALLY_INSTALLATION_DIR) shutil.rmtree(RALLY_INSTALLATION_DIR,ignore_errors=True) if os.path.exists(FUNCTEST_BASE_DIR): logger.debug("Removing functest directory %s" % FUNCTEST_BASE_DIR) cmd = "sudo rm -rf " + FUNCTEST_BASE_DIR #need to be sudo, not possible with rmtree execute_command(cmd) logger.debug("Deleting glance images") cmd = "glance image-list | grep "+IMAGE_NAME+" | cut -c3-38" p = os.popen(cmd,"r") #while image_id = p.readline() for image_id in p.readlines(): cmd = "glance image-delete " + image_id execute_command(cmd) return True def install_rally(): if check_rally(): logger.info("Rally is already installed.") else: logger.debug("Cloning repository...") url = "https://git.openstack.org/openstack/rally" Repo.clone_from(url, RALLY_REPO_DIR) logger.debug("Executing %s./install_rally.sh..." %RALLY_REPO_DIR) install_script = RALLY_REPO_DIR + "install_rally.sh" cmd = 'sudo ' + install_script execute_command(cmd) #subprocess.call(['sudo', install_script]) logger.debug("Creating Rally environment...") cmd = "rally deployment create --fromenv --name=opnfv-arno-rally" execute_command(cmd) logger.debug("Installing tempest...") cmd = "rally-manage tempest install" execute_command(cmd) cmd = "rally deployment check" execute_command(cmd) #TODO: check that everything is 'Available' and warn if not cmd = "rally show images" execute_command(cmd) cmd = "rally show flavors" execute_command(cmd) return True def check_rally(): """ Check if Rally is installed and properly configured """ if os.path.exists(RALLY_INSTALLATION_DIR): logger.debug(" Rally installation directory found in %s" % RALLY_INSTALLATION_DIR) FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w'); cmd="rally deployment list | grep opnfv"; logger.debug(' Executing command : {}'.format(cmd)) p=subprocess.Popen(cmd,shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=FNULL); #if the command does not exist or there is no deployment line = p.stdout.readline() if line == "": logger.debug(" Rally deployment not found") return False logger.debug(" Rally deployment found") return True else: logger.debug(" Rally installation directory not found") return False def install_odl(): cmd = "chmod +x " + ODL_DIR + "create_venv.sh" execute_command(cmd) cmd = ODL_DIR + "create_venv.sh" execute_command(cmd) return True def check_credentials(): """ Check if the OpenStack credentials (openrc) are sourced """ #TODO: there must be a short way to do this, doing if os.environ["something"] == "" throws an error try: os.environ['OS_AUTH_URL'] except KeyError: return False try: os.environ['OS_USERNAME'] except KeyError: return False try: os.environ['OS_PASSWORD'] except KeyError: return False try: os.environ['OS_TENANT_NAME'] except KeyError: return False try: os.environ['OS_REGION_NAME'] except KeyError: return False return True def download_tests(): os.makedirs(VPING_DIR) os.makedirs(ODL_DIR) os.makedirs(BENCH_TESTS_DIR) logger.info("Downloading functest.yaml...") yaml_url = 'https://git.opnfv.org/cgit/functest/plain/testcases/functest.yaml' if not download_url(yaml_url,FUNCTEST_BASE_DIR): logger.error("Unable to download the configuration file functest.yaml") return False logger.info("Downloading vPing test...") vPing_url = 'https://git.opnfv.org/cgit/functest/plain/testcases/vPing/CI/libraries/vPing.py' if not download_url(vPing_url,VPING_DIR): return False logger.info("Downloading Rally bench tests...") run_rally_url = 'https://git.opnfv.org/cgit/functest/plain/testcases/VIM/OpenStack/CI/libraries/run_rally.py' if not download_url(run_rally_url,RALLY_TEST_DIR): return False rally_bench_base_url = 'https://git.opnfv.org/cgit/functest/plain/testcases/VIM/OpenStack/CI/suites/' bench_tests = ['authenticate', 'cinder', 'glance', 'heat', 'keystone', 'neutron', 'nova', 'quotas', 'requests', 'tempest', 'vm'] for i in bench_tests: rally_bench_url = rally_bench_base_url + "opnfv-" + i + ".json" logger.debug("Downloading %s" %rally_bench_url) if not download_url(rally_bench_url,BENCH_TESTS_DIR): return False logger.info("Downloading OLD tests...") odl_base_url = 'https://git.opnfv.org/cgit/functest/plain/testcases/Controllers/ODL/CI/' odl_tests = ['create_venv.sh', 'requirements.pip', 'start_tests.sh', 'test_list.txt'] for i in odl_tests: odl_url = odl_base_url + i logger.debug("Downloading %s" %odl_url) if not download_url(odl_url,ODL_DIR): return False return True def create_glance_image(path,name,disk_format): """ Create a glance image given the absolute path of the image, its name and the disk format """ cmd = "glance image-create --name "+name+" --is-public true --disk-format "+disk_format+" --container-format bare --file "+path execute_command(cmd) return True def download_url(url, dest_path): """ Download a file to a destination path given a URL """ name = url.rsplit('/')[-1] dest = dest_path + name try: response = urllib2.urlopen(url) except (urllib2.HTTPError, urllib2.URLError): logger.error("Error in fetching %s" %url) return False with open(dest, 'wb') as f: f.write(response.read()) return True def download_url_with_progress(url, dest_path): """ Download a file to a destination path given a URL showing the progress """ name = url.rsplit('/')[-1] dest = dest_path + name try: response = urllib2.urlopen(url) except (urllib2.HTTPError, urllib2.URLError): logger.error("Error in fetching %s" %url) return False f = open(dest, 'wb') meta = response.info() file_size = int(meta.getheaders("Content-Length")[0]) logger.info("Downloading: %s Bytes: %s" %(dest, file_size)) file_size_dl = 0 block_sz = 8192 while True: buffer = response.read(block_sz) if not buffer: break file_size_dl += len(buffer) f.write(buffer) status = r"%10d [%3.2f%%]" % (file_size_dl, file_size_dl * 100. / file_size) status = status + chr(8)*(len(status)+1) print status, f.close() print("\n") return True def check_internet_connectivity(url='http://www.google.com/'): """ Check if there is access to the internet """ try: urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=5) return True except urllib.request.URLError: return False def execute_command(cmd): """ Execute Linux command """ logger.debug('Executing command : {}'.format(cmd)) #p = os.popen(cmd,"r") #logger.debug(p.read()) output_file = "/tmp/output.txt" f = open(output_file, 'w+') p = subprocess.call(cmd,shell=True, stdout=f, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) f.close() f = open(output_file, 'r') logger.debug(f.read()) #p = subprocess.call(cmd,shell=True); if p == 0 : return True else: logger.error("Error when executing command %s" %cmd) exit(-1) def main(): if not (args.action in actions): logger.error('argument not valid') exit(-1) if args.action == "start": config_functest_start() if args.action == "check": if config_functest_check(): logger.info("Functest environment correctly installed") else: logger.info("Functest environment not found or faulty") if args.action == "clean": while True: print("Are you sure? [y|n]") answer = raw_input("") if answer == "y": config_functest_clean() break elif answer == "n": break else: print("Invalid option.") exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': main()